Hmm, I just realized it's friday the 13th. Interesting. In Febuary is was all the "fab" to talk about the "Bad Luck Day." Anywho...
I like how people use "interesting" to perforate any silence now. It doesn't matter if it's actually interesting or not.
Also you're on notice for "anywho". Don't think that escaped me.
Mom woke me up at 730 this morning because I'm stupid and can't hear a blasting alarm clock that's right by my ear. Yes, I'm dead when I sleep. People say I could pass off as a vampire or a zombie.
Wow that's--
Pretty funny, ne?

So anywho, I got ready and we left by 8. ((Doesn't take me too long to get ready...))
We drive an hour to our destination: GoodWill. Yup, ya read right. I rarely have the luxury of shopping at WalMart.
>shopping at Wal-Mart

Does living have any purpose when someone close to you passes away?
Nope, better kill yourself.
Throw yourself on his or her funeral pyre. Do it.
Defeated in two world wars, but due to a few mistakes.
Yeah Hitler only made a couple mistakes in World War II. Otherwise he was strategically flawless.
Brotip from the future: when fighting a two front war, don't repeat the same mistake (almost to the detail) Napoleon and Alexander the Great did.
Germany kicks ass with its badass guns.
Yeah they sure did kick ass in both World Wars-- oh wait.
Yup, ya read right. I'm going to be posting 20 of my favorite techno/ trance/ electronica/ etc. songs here.
Wow that sounds really-- next post.
No this isn't something about the most amazingest mangaka of the manga Air Gear.
Holy shit I'm raging.
I like how when she posts her top 20 trance songs or whatever the fuck she says "YOU HEARD RIGHT MOTHERFUCK" like she's doing a favor for me. Bitch, by your own admission you have 1000 techno songs on your iPod, so clearly the concept of quality control is beyond you.
This is about a comment I was told a while ago.
All right I'm going to post the comment she received but I'm omitting a ton of ellipsis from her post for the sake of my own sanity, but just imagine this comment a thousand times more obnoxious than it already is.
Which is typically very large and perky, but I bet you just have fat girl boobs.
Ends up I have anime boobs. Lovely.
Enjoy your sag.
So now I have an anime shaped face, anime boobs, anime haircut....And I kept saying that anime/ manga would remain my addiction as long as it doesn't become me. Well I didn't intend for the facial structure, the figure, or the resemblance of the just happened.
Yeah you look just like fucking Sailor Moon you freak.
Now she's posting a picture she took of a game she's playing on an emulator but she didn't bother cropping out her desktop in the background so I didn't bother looking at it (hint: there's a program that comes with Windows that can do this).
5.would you rather live on the moon or mars ?
The Mooooooooooooooooooon!
Good, you'd fucking die there.
Well you'd die on Mars, too, so either way I win.
6.if they could send one man to the moon, why can't they send them all ?
I'm going to assume this is supposed to be "lol randum xD" humor and not literal. you burp like a man ?
HAHAHAHA The house rattles when I burp!
Further proof she's fat.
I know that doesn't really make any rational sense but just roll with it.
9. What is your favorite literature genre?
historical fiction or fiction.
You do know fiction is a rhetorical mode and not an actual genre, right?
A genre is a loose sorting, so like comedy/tragedy, then the comedic category has its own genres, like comedy of manners, burlesque, slapstick, lolrandumxD, etc.
14. Which languages do you wish you spoke?
I speak mostly English- duh- and Japanese (not fluent), but I'm learning French, Spanish, Sign Language, Korean, etc...
No, stupid, the question was "which languages do you wish you spoke?" not "which languages do you know words from?"
Although admittedly the question is set up rather awkwardly, implying you wish you could have spoken them at one time but can no longer, but whatever.
1) I'm very shy around people, until I get to know them. That's when things go downhill cause most people find me annoying.
No! You, annoying?
Also how many times does this make it that these... These... ASSHOLES admit they're so lolrandumbxD to the point of being annoying? It has to be at least the fifth time I've seen it. People, if you know you're annoying, take steps to correct it.
I know it's not as much fun as going on about the cake being a lie or whatever it is you people say these days, but I'd wager once you got over it you'd realize you're being a cliche, unfunny, obnoxious cunt.
I had no idea how right I was when I said this blog belonged in a bottomless pit where no one could find it.
Jesus Christ.
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