Monday, March 30, 2009


How does one write successfully? There are many roads to success, but I, personally, think a lot of knowledge about what you're writing helps immensely. For example, I myself had been an internet troll for several years before embarking on this quest.
John Milton studied the classics and epic poetry for ten whole years before sitting down to write Paradise Lost. But years of practice is, well, a lot of work! You want to write now, goddamn it.
That's okay as long as Livejournal is around. Livejournal, proving that just because you can write it does not mean you are a writer.
This thought directly contradicts this woman's (Kate Hickle, I love being on a first name basis with my target) tag line: "If you wish to be a writer, write" which sounds great, in theory. There's one glaring flaw to this thinking, though: I bought stamps. Does that make me a stamp collector? I can make a TV dinner, am I a chef? If simply doing something (regardless of skill, training, talent et cetera) makes a person something then everyone who has ever put a bandaid on someone is a surgeon.
Of course no one would claim something so ludicrous, and this just goes to show most people don't actually understand what being a writer means.

For once I'm enjoying the revising stage. Wait, did I just say that? Lol.

I think it's safe to say if you're enjoying any part of writing it's shit.
Of course I think it's safe to assume that if you're writing, it's shit.
We are all our own worst critics.

Keep this sentence in mind as we continue our journey through this travesty.
I've been sitting here trying to figure out how to rewrite a key scene in my WIP when it's like a light bulb went off. I just started writing and cant seem to stop. I'm on a roll now. I can't believe that I didn't think of starting the novel this way before, it's genius!

>it's genius
>we are all our own worst critics
Wow, even the greatest pieces of literature ever written have sustained harsher critiques than that.
Now she posts her scene, which if she thinks I'm reading all of that dreck she's mentally ill.
So it's about high school graduation (the ceremony bit). You remember that, don't you? The most interesting part of high school ever. Where everyone sits around and pretends like they're losing something they're going to miss. Then it ends and everyone fucks off to the rest of their lives.

Now, let me explain a few things. In high school, you have your cliques;

Maybe you've never experienced mundane, everyday life before. Let me explain it for you:
the cheerleaders, the popular crowd, the football players, drama geeks and the nerds. My friends and I don’t fit into any of those categories.

Oh great, you picked a main character who has no personality or defining characteristics. YOU KNOW ALL THOSE NOTABLE HIGH SCHOOL CHARACTERS? YEAH, WELL I'M NONE OF THOSE. I'M THE TEEMING, UNWASHED MASSES.
Let's see, now-- dialog, dialog, dialog, dialog-- you know you can advance a plot through something else, don't you? I know, I know, unlikely, but it has happened before.
I couldn’t even form words. Ryan was breaking up with me. After five years together, it was over. It couldn’t be.

Oh wow that's really-- oh shit, fuck me I had a huge yawn that made my temples throb for a second.

Was he looking for Elizabeth?

Weren't you spelling it "Elisabeth" not... Six paragraphs ago? Maybe this is two different characters?
“Nothing.” He clenched the wheel tighter. ‘Bullshit’ I mumbled under my breath. “What did you say?” He asked angrily.

You know when you fail to space shit out it just feels like a list, so your audience is going to read this like it's a boring conversation that no one gives a shit about (which it is).
Let's fix this, shall we?
"Nothing." He clenched the wheel tighter.

'Bullshit' I mumbled under my breath.

"What did you say?" he asked angrily.

That's already better. But it's still drab and lifeless, so I think we could further enhance this by not being a shitty writer banging out every thought that comes into our head onto a keyboard.
Let's try together.
"Nothing," he said, gripping the wheel tighter.

There was an uncomfortable silence. I shifted my weight, trying to fill the void. After that feeble attempt, I grew angry, or perhaps it was disappointment. "Bullshit," I uttered to myself.

"What did you say?" he said, turning to me. I could see the blind, fleeting anger in his eyes.

"Focus on the road you shit," spake I.

See, that wasn't so hard, was it? The guy is creeping on this bitch, so he should probably be angry and guilty both at himself and the situation, so I tried to reflect that in his actions. See how his anger was blind and fleeting? That's because he channeled it, temporarily, at her, but it'd quickly pass and he'd realize he was actually the jerk.
You could do any number of things. I was setting this character up as more sympathetic than a complete villain, but you might find that works better for you.

“I just think that we need to take some time to ourselves, he shifted his body towards me,

Shouldn't he be shifting away? "We need time to ourselves, here let me get closer," is what that says.
What do you think?

I think you're a subpar writer with no real talent or knack for characterization, pacing or dialog. You write everything in that dialog-heavy, meandering postmodern style that no one is going to remember fifty years from now.
In other words, keep at it and you'll have a best seller.
I heard back from my critique partner and the advice she gave me about my edits wasn't really as bad as I first thought it would be.

Oh, well, if you're looking for ass kissing then you better not read my advice. Edits should only be as brutal as they need to be. If you don't want people to be mean to you, you should try harder to not be shit at whatever it is you do.
Take for example what I'm listening to right now. Crazy Train by Ozzie. What can I say about this besides "it's fucking awesome"?
That's because he's not a hack. That's the way it works.
"Overall, really great ideas and a quick read. Great characterization and I think your writing is improving, you are becoming more comfortable with who you are as a writer. It shows, and i can't wait to read the edits" <--- this makes me smile :)

Great characterization? Fuck.
It seems that every day I sit and stare at an empty computer screen, the cursor just blinking at me. With nothing to write. Its intimidating.
I started reading Pagan Stone by Nora Roberts the other day. Right now, I have 4 books in my TBR pile and I noticed yesterday that they are all continuing series. Pagan Stone is the end of "The Hollow" series, Breaking Dawn is the end of Twilight and White Witch Black Curse is the next novel, possibly last, of Kim Harrison's vampire series.

Good grief so that's where you get all your notions from.
Even though, I just bought another book I wanted, I've been wanting to finish the Twilight series for a few months now and it's the cheapest I've seen the book, so in a way I actually saved money.

Spending money is saving money. This is only logic to women.
I'm hoping last night's dream doesn't come true.

Well good thing it was just in your head and not reality, then. You know just because you think something doesn't make it true, right?
Now, that I sit and think about it, its probably due to the fact that my husband and I are trying to get pregnant, but it still seems weird to me.

Gross. More than I wanted to know.
Incidentally, it's just you getting pregnant. Your husband, by definition, cannot get pregnant. He is a man.
It's Friday the 13th. I'm not one to be superstitious but I thought that it was a little weird that the same day that my Writers Digest magazine shows up in the mail with an article on revising/editing your novel, I begin to wonder if writing is really for me?

You are superstitious.

Jealousy rears it's ugly head

its* ugly head. Basic grammar, come on.
Well I think that's it. I kind of lost interest and started doing other shit.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Spelling & Grammar

All right.
Retarded spelling and grammatical spellings and so many spoonerisms I begin to wonder if perhaps this person doesn't speak English as a first language, but all evidence point to an American birth. Just further proof of the failings of the American education system.
I had a dream I failed a SAT like test I was talking.

She-- he-- I don't fucking know-- means taking. Whoever this is does that more than once. Also you can't fail the SAT. You can do poorly, or worse than you expected, but there's no score where you objectively have failed. There is no grade for the SAT, it's just a number.
it kinda sucked because there was long written essays In it I really had no interest in reading >.<

This is taking me back to my Middle English class, where I'd be reading Piers Plowman and wondering why "Love" or "Honor" was capitalized but "fear" (an equally abstract noun) wasn't. The difference here is that Piers Plowman had redeeming features, but this is garbage.
I complained to my teacher Mr missile, (who was in the dream) that I could probably draw, juggle, run better than anyone who passed the test.

"That's very nice, but this the SAT" would be my response.
I never understood this logic, except when I'm using it.

Mr Missile also pointed out that invisible witches still leave shadows.. *wink*

But-- how-- no, no this doesn't make any sense at all!
got home, got to relax for a bit and then worked on my work ;) it's getting to the point where I can feel a body from a flame, or just a impression from moment.

Wow. That was almost poetic.

That and i've been smelling the dead.. figure that one out.

My car got broken in to yesterday.
Bastards stole, my stereo, my Burned CDs and case, a USB drive, a handful of pennies and the napkins that where in there. o.o

Punishment for being very naughty when it comes to spelling. Also grammar.
this morning as I was waking, I was learning.. as I do sometimes.. I realized the Symbol for Sol is the Seed in the Egg. and that the Egg was body of Imagination where the see can grow.

Uh-huh-- what? Sol, by which you mean the sun and not... Sol the god, right? Apollo? Well, whatever.
much like the Idea of the Point, then the 2d aspect of the bubble. I learned last night that some philosophy that the 4th dimension is imagination!

I've read this like 15 times now and I still don't fucking get it. This is like Final Fantasy Tactics where I'd run into some shitty, half-ass translated line and it would make literally no sense but I'd try to force it to make sense--
no. Stop, me. It's not going to make sense. Ever.
anyway, In this world and the dream world the, all instances/perceivable information are made up a line.. A Point A to point B.

The dream world all instances are strait line, from point A to point B.

This world however, is the same lines, only the line is crossed.

this cross creates an Extra length that one has to travel from point a to point b. this not only creates an offset vibration, but creates dualism as well.\

Uh-huh-- WHAT?
Woohoo! I got my first natural white hairs in just recently!
granted they are on my beard but still very cool ^___^

Oh that's a really weird thing to be excited-- BEARD? THIS IS A MAN?
Had a dream last night, that I saw 2 unicorns. they where purple and red. kinda small to, almost like donkey unicorns ^_^; still seeing unicorns in a dream, must mean something.. interesting..

You know the earliest report of a unicorn, from a guy named Ctesias, calls it a "horned ass" instead of a horse.
What is the sexiest Letter in the Alphabet? Doesn't necessarily have to be the English alphabet.

Seriously? Well most languages have very abstract writing forms so no letter is particularly sexy, at least to me, a sane person. I guess when it comes to pronunciation-- 'λ' sounds luxurious. Even though it's obsolete, 'ゑ' looks neat.
WAIT WHY AM I ANSWERING THIS? Well there you go, readers. My favorite letters. You came here expecting entertainment and-- well you got some letters.
Now there's a lot of posts about dreams, which frankly I don't give a shit about my own dreams let alone the dreams of others.

feeling slightly better today, I'm at work atlest. doing yet another boring day of testing. yay!

fucking Christ.

I had a dream that I was trying to rent the new ratchet and clank game for the PS3
>gameWell I grow weary of this foolishness.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Drinkin' Some Listerine

All right fgts I want to play some FFXI tonight so let's keep this short and sweet.
Some furry or something, I don't know.
First of all, all hints of depression are poof, gone! I'm joyful, bouncy, and generally chipper; although my stress levels are fairly high. I've papers to right of me, programs to left, websites in front of me -- into the mouth of Hell, coded yon squirrel; April is a month of deadlines.

Wow that's really--

15:43 Have a level 9 Barbarian in Diablo II now. Mm...I love revisiting old games.

Wow that took, I don't know, 15 minutes?
Hey I have a level 5 monk in FFXI. Just saying.
15:13 Started keeping a chronological index of my written journal in a separate comp book. Can now look up key times/events very easily.

I crossed that out for you, friend. Just some editing.
Also I can't imagine having a life so interesting and full of content that I'd need a separate book from the one I'm keeping on it just to index shit. The history book I needed last semester, which covered a period of time from 4000 BC to last year managed to keep its index in the same book. (Admittedly the class was some dumb shit like art history but whatever, required courses).
Saw Watchmen. I approve wholeheartedly, enough that I picked up the graphic novel. Very good piece of literature, and a very faithful rendition on the screen.

>comic book (not graphic novel, don't be a cunt)
Oh a vlog. Based off your avatar I was guessing you were some kind of 6 foot tall muscular squirrel man, but now that I see your person-- let's watch, shall we?
Huh cool receding hairline, brosef.
"I really have no idea what to say" followed by fifteen seconds of silence. All right, shut the fuck up you deviant.
Jesus Christ all mighty. So you're going to start a vlog (dumbass) and you get in front of the camera, then you remember OH SHIT I FORGOT CONTENT. Here's a protip for you: A SCRIPT YOU DUMB CUNT.
Man, I've been wondering WHAT I could do for aerobic exercise in the confines of my bedroom ever since I started exercising. Since I'm not particularly popular with the ladies right now, the obvious answer is right out.

... Oh ha, ha, I see why you aren't popular with the ladies.
Let's see...ooh! Started playing Dwarf Fortress again.

Yeah tell the girls that. Your dick will be raw.
Oh yes. Tomorrow shall be FILLED with awesome. Doctor Who, XBox 360, movies, board games, and all sorts of other misc.

Dang son, if that party gets any wilder a chess game will break out.
Now he claims a pocketwatch is badass, which it might be, but somehow I doubt anything on him is badass.
Due to the nature of a public (or even semi-public) online journal, I can't REALLY spill my heart out here.

Oh don't be such a fucking baby. You can say whatever the fuck you want on the internet. It's not like anyone knows you personally. It's like writing bad words on a bathroom stall-- no one knows you did it.

A more mature, enlightened, and less wussy squirrel,

But you still are an immature, unenlightened PUSSY. Just by comparison you're less sniveling.
Also for someone so depressed five out of... Thirteen entries start with "today started amazing." Are you sure you're actually depressed? I know I'm not and 90% of all my days start with "WELL I KNOW WHAT TODAY WON'T BE: AMAZING!"
Now he has a post entitled "Thoughts for the Day" which is a regular feature on my blog, in fact (it's in the tags). Usually mine include such gems as "I'LL DRINK THE BLOOD FROM THEIR HEARTS!" and "zeal and fury are rewarded with victory" but I'm sure he's capable of posting some winners, too (ha, ha)
Starfleet Battles is a pretty fun wargame, but takes FOREVER.

Doctor Who is still freaking amazing.

Well you tried, and as they say you only lose when you stop trying (!!)
Of course I'd argue you can lose long before that, but whatever.

Taking a vitamin every morning, making sure I space it far away from my thyroid stuff,

Ha, ha do you know what calcium does to--

so the calcium in the vitamin doesn't nuke the effectiveness of the hormone.

Well fuck you, too.
All right you bore me.
Rare is the day I genuinely dislike one of these fuckers, but this fuck managed. I really don't like him. I mean as an individual, not just because his blog is offending my senses.
He doesn't offer much about his personal life but I get the impression he's a real cunt.

Monday, March 23, 2009


this is one of THOSE blogs where I start thinking about what I could be doing instead of READING THIS GARBAGE. Let's keep this brief, okay.
Skipping the first post because quite frankly I don't give a shit if you ever play DDR again and I'm greeted with this travesty:



asdjkajdkajsd and now I understand why people said she was a godforsaken tank.

So. 'Effing. True.

All right, I guess welcome to your first RPG. Some characters take hits better than other characters so you typically want them to take hits for the people who would otherwise be taking them like bitches.
I know this is incredibly complex so if you need me to go back over this I'll be here.
Fuckadoodle. D: I misscalculated. Instead of getting payed 220$ per person, I'm only getting 80$, because it's a half session...

Good. You needed a good disappointment to knock you down a peg.
So lately I've been considering Otakon because silly [info]kimmy_16 is going again, lucky girl, still don't know where that money comes from. And don't say work, I think you lie. D8< *sticks tongue out* And it's supposedly her last time going for a while, so I figure hey, this is my last chance.

>D8 *sticks tongue out*
I wish whoever you did that to could uppercut you through the internet right as your tongue is out. WATA.

But I got a job, thanks to my wonderful aunt, teaching how to draw anime and manga.

Wow you must be really talented because I know of people who have published comics who give lessons for free so you must be totally awesome. I bet your DA account would be really hard to find-- just kidding it's right here.
She's, ah, not bad I guess. Better than me but that's not saying very much at all~
Frig it's bothering me. We're down to freakin' 0.75 compared to the US and it's really, really not cool right now.

Yeah fuck you Canada go back to where you belong-- err.
Also you can say "fuck" on the internet. I don't think your mom is going to wash your mouth out with soap.
Life's not being nice to me right now. D<>
You know what that's saying, though, don't you? An hour of labor from an American is worth more than an hour of labor from a Canadian shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

Three months to Anime North. Five months to Otakuthon. Four costumes to make. D8

Would you stop it with the D8 and the D: and that shit? It took me a double take to realize D8 was supposed to be an emoticon and not some sort of bizarro Canadian V8 drink.
I know you have no real means to express yourself so you have to rely entirely on grunts and hand gestures but you're clearly a big girl now, with a job and school and shit so please try to express yourself accordingly.
Now there's a long post in shit English (on purpose, it's supposed to be "lol funny") about how much she hates (or "haets" as she spells it) Trauma Center on the DS, but I'm not going to quote that here because it can easily be summarized in just a few short words: girls playing video games.
EDIT: Don't have enough interfacing to start on Sheena's bow. D,: Nor do I have any white to do her armlets. Nor do I have the elastics for her bodysuit. Nor do I--oh wait, I can work on her boot covers.

On a topic unrelated from "subjects that I don't really understand nor do I give a shit" I've heard of this interfacing before, and it sounds like something that belongs on Space Marine armor.
Unfortunately it doesn't look anything at all like I'd expect.
Watched Fringe episode 13, lulz. It made me happy.

Oh it made you happy that's really--
I'm also going >:( because Time Hollow semi disappointed me. No, I enjoyed it. I thought it was really, really neat. It has a nice concept that was sometimes super mind fuckery for my head (which is a good thing). XD

Funny you should mention the >:c face because that's what I'm making at your stupid fucking blog.

And then I kicked his level 62 ass with my Yuri as level 58 so HA. Take that bitch.

Holy shit guys she beat someone four levels under her own! That... That's never happened before, I don't think.

I bought it and realized that it wasn't compatible with my computer anymore.

>not compatible with my computer
Let me guess, you bought a computer with Vista, don't actually know anything about computers and now let Vista run every aspect of your life?
One thing I'm noticing from her drawings (besides the obnoxiously bright colors, Jesus Christ you can tone some colors down. It won't kill you) is that all of the characters she has drawn, and I do mean all of them, have the exact same head shape. Male, female, young, adult, old-- same head shape.
So I watched Resident Evil Degeneration; you know, that cg RE movie that's actually about the game series? Not the spin-off crap?

Jesus fuck who cares? Resident Evil has arguably the dumbest plot to anything ever. Here's zombies, here's a gun with no bullets, go to this place. There it is. That's all it should be.
I've actually only played a little of RE4. D: Mainly because I'm a darn scaredy cat who goes frantic when I run out of ammunition.

Oh, so that's you, huh? You're kind of masculine. You know, like a ladybro.
Just saying.

XD Our anime club is kickass.

>anime club

I have pwned ur rocksorx and nao you r working again.

Oh holy shit. No. No. Entry over.

Friday, March 20, 2009

You're a what?

A shaman? Isn't that a class in World of Warcraft?
Well, whatever. Keep it away from me and we'll get along just fine.
Oh, you won't shut up about this. We have a problem, then, friend.
So one quick look at the paradoxical imagery here (we have Egyptian, Meso-American, Zoroastrian, and what I perceive to be Mithras, but that might be Bast since the picture is bullshit tiny) on the same page, so OH GOOD, SOMEONE WHO KNOWS WHAT THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT.
While I am not an advocate of recreational drug use, I believe that the use of plants considered sacred for religious purposes is a whole different thing.

Uhh, how would you enforce that? How could you make certain people were only doing drugs for religious purposes? Also which religions? Can I make up a religion? If not, isn't that discrimination?
Shamans know (or are supposed to know) the proper amounts to use, the possible side effects, and what measures must be taken should anything go awry. They also have a purpose for its use, other than just to get high or buzzed.

I see. So as long as the drug has a purpose outside of getting high (again, how can you tell?) it's okay? What if, take for example, I get really blitzed and only whilst blitzed can I write? Does that condone drug use?
I'm more than halfway through Harner's book, The Way of the Shaman, and it's actually a lot different than I expected. Some things make total sense, while others infuriate me.


I HATE all the references to "primitive" cultures.

Stone age is primitive compared to our modern society. I don't give a shit about your logic or "how long it took them to progress that far" beating out tools from stones is fucking primitive.
In one place he used the term "low-technology culture"... that's GREAT, he should have used that throughout the book instead of the other one. It's more specific and more accurate anyway, and makes sense to most people without making them feel superior.

I don't feel superior for living in a society that's more advanced than the stone age, because I know in 2000 years I'll look like the primitive. It's how time moves, fagit.
In the chapter on retrieving power animals, he makes a big point of telling you to stay away from insects.

Power animals... Like the Thunder Cats?
Now, most people tend to think of spiders as insects, so if I had done that, I would have run away from Tarantula instead of developing a wonderful relationship with her.

Her? Uh-oh. Also, arachnids aren't insects. Insects have six legs, arachnids have eight.
One of my coven sisters called me to tell me she had fallen again this morning.

>Coven sisters

She has fibromyalgia and a few other physical challenges, and walks with a cane.

Oh so the follower of a fictional deity has a fictional malady as well? (BURN).
As she was talking, I suddenly got this vision of her hand on the cane handle -- just a closeup of that, nothing else. It was very strong, and stayed in front of me as she talked.

A vision sounds so mystical and supernatural. I call those "sudden images in my head" thoughts. Might want to look into having one sometime. Then maybe you wouldn't be such a gullible twat who buys wholesale into any religion as practiced by stone age primitives who had no other means of explaining natural phenomena. Seriously, call it what you will, it's all superstitious conjecture. Not only is it conjecture, it's conjecture you can never prove, so you might as well be arguing about Thunder Cats or World of Warcraft. It all serves about the same purpose.
I told her she needed to tell the doctor to test her hands. She was totally amazed, and honestly, so was I.

Great. Modern medicine and science can pack it up and call it a day, we have a shaman on the field.
I believe that my spirit guides were telling me where the problem is. Of course, I won't know for sure until she gets test results, but I will stake my (non-existent) reputation as a shaman that I'm right. Now, I have no idea WHAT the problem is, but considering I've only just begun on this path as a serious student, I'm not real worried about that.

Ha, ha, wait, let me see if I understand this. You ask someone how their hands are, and they respond that they're having problems gripping large objects, they shake too much, and they hurt, and you'll stake your reputation there's something wrong there? Wow, what a risk taker!
Also thanks for that medical diagnosis. Your spirit guides are a great help. WHEN YOUR HANDS HURT THERE MUST BE SOMETHING WRONG BUT I CAN'T IDENTIFY WHAT THAT IS!
I think I see why the average life expectancy 3000 years ago was 35.
However, when we know more about it, I will offer to do a healing journey if she wants, which I think she will.

So you use your super shaman powers to identify that there is a problem, then you allow modern medicine to identify the problem (something you couldn't hope to guess) and then when they give you the answer, you'll attempt to heal her? With what? Sorcery? Shaman powers?
She's asked me to come up tonight (we both live in the same complex) and help her do a healing spell. I think I'll bring up my spirit bag and ask if I can invite my animal spirits to join us. That should be some powerful spell!

I was just kidding about the sorcery thing, really. I didn't know she was actually fucking serious.
Now she posts a really long topic about what Inuit people believe, and apparently they believe in the Warp from Warhammer (awesome).
Over the past year or so, I've been collecting tools and 'things' for my ritual room that are very different from the Wiccan and Goddess-based tools and decorations I've been using for years.

oh THE Goddess. Which goddess is that? Face it, kid, you've been following the debased practices of the Greeks, decided that wasn't edgy enough anymore, so now you're following a debased version of Native American religions.
Also I'd bet a million dollars the goddess she's referring to is Hecate, a footnote in Greek mythology.
"Hecate, light the path before me.
Odin, send your ravens to show me the Way I must travel.

Hecate is Greek, Odin is Norse-- I'm guessing there'd be a language barrier.
I've come to the conclusion that no one actually knows what happens after we die... and THAT'S OK.
Probably nothing. The end.

~Work on Crete-Egypt connection research (includes Linear A research)

Ha, ha, yeah, you'll decode that Linear A, something people with actual knowledge and education have failed to do for 70 years. You should get right on that.
Linear A, if you didn't know, is an ancient writing form that is essentially early Greek, and no scholar knows what any of it really means.
So now she has an extended dialog with Odin, and she's serious. This isn't a story or anything, she, through some sort of hallucination, thinks she spoke with Odin. It's a real casual conversation where he helps her with her problems and shit.
I don't know if she's familiar with the mythology of Odin, but I'd be shitting my pants.
Odin is kind of a dick, let's be honest. I don't think he'd be interested in your stupid problems, woman.
Now there's a long post that implies she has a child who is now 17. I cannot believe she is that old. A child who is 17. This is seriously surprising. I would have guessed, for sure, I was ganging up on a 15 year old.
This is fine, since I'm mainly doing it for the money and for experience to put on my resume (or vita, as we academics call it).

"We" academics. Tell me, what is your expertise?

Tarot for the Day - Aloneness (Osho Zen Tarot)

So what does Egyptian mythology, American mythology, Tarot, Zen, Greek mythology AND Norse mythology have in common?
Absolutely nothing. You're fucking insane.
Well that's it. This is mad fucking boring.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


How long would you stand in line for tickets to see Brobama? I know personally I'd spend no time waiting. In fact, if you handed me tickets I probably wouldn't go. Maybe if you paid me I'd consider it.
I just don't see the allure in seeing a no-charisma douche blabber on about promises he'll never deliver on. If I wanted to sit around and think "you know what would be great?" I'd just do it in my own house. Apparently, though, some (stupid) people think differently than I do.
So, Obama is going to be here in Orange County for a town hall meeting, and the administration was giving away 2,000 free tickets at 10am yesterday. Awesome, right?

Obviously your definition of "awesome" is somewhat skewed. To make a long bullshit post about waiting in line (ohhh I can feel the excitement) she comes to this conclusion:
So what I've learned from all of if you really want something, don't worry about right and wrong. Don't worry about who you're screwing over, whether they deserve it more than you or not. Worry about your OWN self and screw everyone else over with no reservations.

No shit? There definitely haven't been volumes on this subject attesting to this same fact.
In fact I think there's even a Latin phrase that summarizes this paragraph in a few words:
Exitus acta probat
"the results justify the deed."
While certainly not words to live by while you're trying to be civil and about your business, definitely something to consider when there's a limited number of something to be had and you want one.
I should mention before she has this butthurt stuff:
Right before we walk away from the line, a group of high school students are taunting their friends in front of us with their free tickets they had been able to get. What really gets me is that the majority of the people who got tickets were those who hadn't made the effort to get there and reserve their spot early...people who hadn't been sitting outside all night and losing feeling in their toes, fingers, noses, etc. People who hadn't slept on the sidewalk to save their well-earned spot. These are people who put forth the effort because they NEEDED to see someone they really admire, that some of them idolize.

NEED to see him? No, he's not a fucking brain surgeon. You don't need to see him. Your survival does not depend on meeting him.
Also who's the idiot here? "I stood out in line for a day and have nothing to show for my efforts because I was too meek to assert myself" or "I showed up late and got what I wanted because I didn't stand in some bullshit line filled with fags who haven't bathed in a day." I think the intelligent agents here are clear.
Speaking of my job...they made me take this online class about how to communicate better with our customers who don't speak English, saying how we should learn phrases in Spanish to better communicate. You know, I'm all for helping people out, but I'm not going to go out of my way to try and speak with someone who isn't bothering to learn English.

You know they aren't making an effort to learn English? How do you know that? Maybe they are. Also bulletproof logic "WELL THEY AREN'T GOING TO MAKE AN EFFORT SO I'M GOING TO DO EXACTLY WHAT I CRITICIZE THEM FOR DOING." And, shit, free Spanish class. If you stick with it you could make a career out of that making way more than you ever would working at fucking Home Depot.
Even if you're completely uninitiated (clearly you are) and never find a use for Spanish again at least you can make sense out of what's on Univision, because God knows I've been watching that channel since I was 6 years old and I still can't figure anything out.

I keep thinking about everything, and it's just that: crazy/beautiful.

Goddamn I hate it when people go on about this shit. CRAZY/BEAUTIFUL DURR

The clock keeps ticking away the minutes until my life changes drastically.

>ticking away the minutes
Bet she didn't know she almost quoted Pink Floyd because there's no way she'd know any of their songs because cunts aren't allowed to listen to Pink Floyd (it's a law).
but I'm not going to take relationship advice from someone who's cheated on her boyfriends, moved in with them WAY too fucking soon, and made mistakes that lead to the relationships' demise. Maybe once she decides to have a mature relationship with someone and she knows what love REALLY is, then I'll take her opinion seriously. But until then (if it ever happens), fat chance.

I wonder why she doesn't want to talk to you anymore?
Let me teach you a life's lesson for free, and this is arguably one of the most important things you can ever learn. Someone gives you advice (doesn't matter what it is, or how ill advised it is) here's what you say: "hey thanks. I'll think about it." There you go. The end. Then change the subject. That's what politicians call a "tactical redirection" I think. It's not lying, you're redirecting. Tactically.
Honestly, I could care less because I was getting sick of the dramatics and I don't need a fair-weather friend like that in my life.

Well if you don't care, what's the fucking problem? You went on for three long paragraphs about it.
It's just the fact that she said she was gone so "certain people" would stop contacting her (meaning me), instead of standing up and not being such a coward.

Huh, you telling someone to stand up, mrs. "I-let-high-school-punks-butt-in-front-of-me-in-line"?

He's so intelligent and confident and I'm just really lucky to have someone like him in my life.

What's he doing with you, then? (ha, ha burn)
My voice is--
Wait no I have another one: "I guess opposites really do attract!" (BURN)
Sorry, you were saying something I didn't give a shit about?
My voice is too soft & pretty. :-\

Yes, I'm sure that is true.
but you need money for that. He and I share SO many of the same desires in life. I hear wedding bells.... ;) LOL kidding...


Grr...where could I find a longer one???

That's what she-- no, no, too easy.
Now she's quoting a lot of people way smarter than she is, which I suppose is a good way to learn but somehow I doubt she fathoms even half of what this shit means, so whatever.
I suspect she's trying to be "lol edgy" about religion (such a CONTROVERSIAL TOPIC) but in reality no one gives a shit that some bimbo with a lip ring doesn't believe in anything.
I have decided I would like to be important. In every way, shape, and form, to everyone and everything.

So I guess that's it. That's all I have.

Friday, March 13, 2009


Today's finest is entitled "tossed into the deep oblivion". No caps. This title is appropriate, in fact, because that's precisely where it belongs. A deep, bottomless expanse of darkness where no one can find it. Obviously that isn't where it is because I fucking found it.
Hmm, I just realized it's friday the 13th. Interesting. In Febuary is was all the "fab" to talk about the "Bad Luck Day." Anywho...

I like how people use "interesting" to perforate any silence now. It doesn't matter if it's actually interesting or not.
Also you're on notice for "anywho". Don't think that escaped me.
Mom woke me up at 730 this morning because I'm stupid and can't hear a blasting alarm clock that's right by my ear. Yes, I'm dead when I sleep. People say I could pass off as a vampire or a zombie.

Wow that's--

Pretty funny, ne?


So anywho, I got ready and we left by 8. ((Doesn't take me too long to get ready...))

We drive an hour to our destination: GoodWill. Yup, ya read right. I rarely have the luxury of shopping at WalMart.

>shopping at Wal-Mart
Does living have any purpose when someone close to you passes away?

Nope, better kill yourself.
Throw yourself on his or her funeral pyre. Do it.

Defeated in two world wars, but due to a few mistakes.

Yeah Hitler only made a couple mistakes in World War II. Otherwise he was strategically flawless.
Brotip from the future: when fighting a two front war, don't repeat the same mistake (almost to the detail) Napoleon and Alexander the Great did.
Germany kicks ass with its badass guns.

Yeah they sure did kick ass in both World Wars-- oh wait.

Yup, ya read right. I'm going to be posting 20 of my favorite techno/ trance/ electronica/ etc. songs here.

Wow that sounds really-- next post.

No this isn't something about the most amazingest mangaka of the manga Air Gear.

Holy shit I'm raging.
I like how when she posts her top 20 trance songs or whatever the fuck she says "YOU HEARD RIGHT MOTHERFUCK" like she's doing a favor for me. Bitch, by your own admission you have 1000 techno songs on your iPod, so clearly the concept of quality control is beyond you.
This is about a comment I was told a while ago.

All right I'm going to post the comment she received but I'm omitting a ton of ellipsis from her post for the sake of my own sanity, but just imagine this comment a thousand times more obnoxious than it already is.

Ends up I have anime boobs. Lovely.
Which is typically very large and perky, but I bet you just have fat girl boobs.
Enjoy your sag.
So now I have an anime shaped face, anime boobs, anime haircut....And I kept saying that anime/ manga would remain my addiction as long as it doesn't become me. Well I didn't intend for the facial structure, the figure, or the resemblance of the just happened.

Yeah you look just like fucking Sailor Moon you freak.
Now she's posting a picture she took of a game she's playing on an emulator but she didn't bother cropping out her desktop in the background so I didn't bother looking at it (hint: there's a program that comes with Windows that can do this).
5.would you rather live on the moon or mars ?
The Mooooooooooooooooooon!

Good, you'd fucking die there.
Well you'd die on Mars, too, so either way I win.

6.if they could send one man to the moon, why can't they send them all ?

I'm going to assume this is supposed to be "lol randum xD" humor and not literal. you burp like a man ?
HAHAHAHA The house rattles when I burp!

Further proof she's fat.
I know that doesn't really make any rational sense but just roll with it.
9. What is your favorite literature genre?
historical fiction or fiction.

You do know fiction is a rhetorical mode and not an actual genre, right?
A genre is a loose sorting, so like comedy/tragedy, then the comedic category has its own genres, like comedy of manners, burlesque, slapstick, lolrandumxD, etc.
14. Which languages do you wish you spoke?
I speak mostly English- duh- and Japanese (not fluent), but I'm learning French, Spanish, Sign Language, Korean, etc...

No, stupid, the question was "which languages do you wish you spoke?" not "which languages do you know words from?"
Although admittedly the question is set up rather awkwardly, implying you wish you could have spoken them at one time but can no longer, but whatever.
1) I'm very shy around people, until I get to know them. That's when things go downhill cause most people find me annoying.

No! You, annoying?
Also how many times does this make it that these... These... ASSHOLES admit they're so lolrandumbxD to the point of being annoying? It has to be at least the fifth time I've seen it. People, if you know you're annoying, take steps to correct it.
I know it's not as much fun as going on about the cake being a lie or whatever it is you people say these days, but I'd wager once you got over it you'd realize you're being a cliche, unfunny, obnoxious cunt.
I had no idea how right I was when I said this blog belonged in a bottomless pit where no one could find it.
Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Okay we need to talk

If you keep a blog out of a sense of catharsis, I think you need to rethink your prime directive in life. Being boring and purging your stupid head of every thought is good, okay, but posting it is a bad idea. A very bad idea. What do you do after you take a shit? You... FLUSH THE FUCKING TOILET.
rdxdave has violated this golden rule of staying interesting no matter the cost so hard I don't think there's a term violent enough for what he has done to interest. Believe me, I know a lot of synonyms for violence.

First read this article.

Stop. Okay. Listen, this is a blog, not a homework assignment. Admittedly I link the blog I'm reviewing before I begin assuming people will read it, but I always quote the bits in reference so you don't actually have to do this to get the point of my meaning. I try to make my blog as painless as possible to keep it interesting.
So apparently this article tackles that fantastic list of sins, the seven deadly sins.
Personally I think it's a fair list but it just didn't go far enough. Seriously, only seven things are deadly? I can think of at least twenty or thirty emotions to be minimized.
Despite that, this whole list looks like it was compiled after an all night drinking session by standup comedians, "did you ever notice that women tend to be overly proud..." or "do you know how men are horny..."

Probably because it was.
Seriously don't think too hard about the seven deadly sins or you'll realize a lot of them don't make a lot of sense. Pride? Pride is a sin? It's only natural to take pride in things you do well. That's because whoever originally translated the Bible into English is a genius and realized the word closer to spirit of the original, "hubris", would be totally lost on the illiterate peasant population.
One of these days I'm just going to say "fuck it" and start pasting my lectures into these posts. Not because they're inherently interesting,

Stop. "Not inherently interesting"? Why? Why would you do this? Also I have trouble believing a philosophical dead weight such as you teaches anything.
Actually no I don't. Just kidding.
There is a line in the Tao Teh Ching wherein Lao Tzu remarks about how the wisest person sits and smiles like a newborn baby. This is because in the Taoist interpretation babies are the closest to the Tao and through our education we actually venture away from it.

Holy shit not content with misunderstanding simple precepts in the Bible he continues to the Tao Te Ching.
No, I'm not doing this again. Fuck you.

The one thing that I love about the current political atmosphere is

Nothing. Next post.
I find myself interested in trend setters lately, the first of something that sets a new genre. With that in mind I took out the book Neuromancer from the library.

Oh, that's a classic that started one of my all time favorite genres of fiction: Cyberpunk. Let's see how you make this boring as fuck.
Cyberpunk itself has a unique relation to Philosophy. It dealt with concepts that we study mostly in Mental Philosophy classes but made an attempt to mass market the concepts. This had a double effect: on the one hand it gave us concrete pop-culture examples to use in argumentation whereas before the best we could rely on was Searle's Chinese Box. Arguing over the status of personhood/identity could be focused on examples of AI taking them a tad out of the abstract.

Jesus fuck. Yes all of this is true, and I actually read Searle's Chinese Box, but you're still a pretentious prick.
On the other hand, it had a downside that I call the "instant expertise defective" or IED for short (yes I chose that on purpose). Here's how IED works: when everyone saw the movie "Gladiator" some of those people acted like instant experts on Roman history.

If Cyberpunk makes those plebs desire to make themselves less plebeian, I fail to see the issue.
The cyberpunk genre had IED when the incredibly popular "Matrix" came out. At the time I was taking Philosophy of Mind at SUNY Fredonia.

Oh well look at you, Captain Philosophy 102 is suddenly an expert in the field of philosophy!
When I was teaching, I was often told of many many books that I should read from my students. Most of the recommendations were drivel,

Stands to reason since most books in general are drivel, I suppose.
Holy shit this guy is so fucking boring I can't bring myself to read any more. I keep trying and trying, but I keep finding excuses not to. Oh my God I'm still fucking here how did this even happen? I haven't been on this screen for fifty minutes.
All right this is going nowhere, I'm ending this bullshit now.
"rdxdave" you are bad and you should feel ashamed.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Oh Boy.

So apparently today was class change for a lot of high schools, so there's a ton of entries about WELL NEW CLASSES SUCK AND EVERYONE HATES ME WOE BETIDES ME. Which is just great and makes for interesting reading, too. If, for some insane reason, you ever miss high school, just read one of these fuckers and I guarantee your first thought will be "goddamn high school sucked." Not only for the actual content (or lack thereof) but for the dumbasses that went there with you. Oh sure you might end up with maybe five or ten people you stay in contact with after you graduate, but likely several hundred to a few thousand went to the same school you did, so that should tell you something about the ratio of people worth knowing in the real world.
Oh but I digress, today's high school know-it-all.
today was not bad school wise. :)

Oh fuck me different style font. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW HARD THIS IS TO FIX?
first hour I have history with smith :) woohoo. I sit at the same table with shelby, so that'll be fun.

What? Oh, sorry, I already forgot about this. I was looking out the window.
the way my schedule worked this tri was kinda funny.
Ha, ha your school has trimesters you suck.

hours 2 and 5 are my worst/most hated subject, chemistry and history.

Give up on college then, because if there is a universal subject outside of English, history or chemistry would be it.
math itself is still my favorite. the one thing I can count on to be at least kind of good at.

Motherfuck what kind of bizarro earth do you live on? You like math, you have a free hour in school?
This must be what Europe is like.
Oh shit it's time for shitty poetry. For someone who hates English I'M SURPRISED YOU DO THIS TO ME.

I don't even know
I've never felt this way before
but with someone like you, it makes sense.

Wow that's really-- next post.
I put commas and periods sometimes at random spots just because that's how it would sound if I were saying it out loud...even though i know that it probably looks dumb. whatever.

Writing is not like speaking. Also that's a poor excuse "WELL THAT'S HOW I'D TALK" well fuck you, you don't spell everything like you talk so you're a fucking two faced whore. You can't have this both ways.
I'm always staring at the clock. always, always, always. at school, AT WORK, with friends, with boyfriend. anywhere I am I'm looking at the time. I'm waiting for time to pass, I'm wishing it would slow down. wanting something other than what is... I need to quit it.

Hmm. I always hated dopey high school philosophers like you. Here's what you need to do, kid: listen to a song. It's called "Time" and it's by Pink Floyd. I think that'll offer some perspective on your conundrum.
I would love to sit here and talk about myself and my weekend, but I should probably open my backpack.. :) hahaha.

No, stop! You, talking about yourself!?

I looked over my wrong ansers and what the right ones were.

Answers*. Silent 'w', brosef. Also an easier way to express this exact idea would be "I corrected my exam."
the first time I got too ancy and thought about other things and just waiting for it to be over with.

Antsy*. Also what's this business about focusing and staying on task, but earlier you said you can't care too much? Which is it? Forcing yourself to focus doesn't sound like not giving a shit to me.

I suck. haha.

Holy shit for once I can agree with something written in a blog not my own.
sometimes I wonder why they need me at all..
Oh, well, scary thought, 17 year old high school senior: they don't. If you died tomorrow, the world would move on without you. You would become a distant memory to your friends, and your family would recover.
Even if they never did, ultimately they, too, would die, and there would be no one to carry on your memory.
Face it, in the ever present now, you (and everyone, for that matter) wouldn't measure as even a blip on the radar. So just do whatever you want and stop worrying about time and shit so much. Go, take your ACT, do well and be happy. Stop posting on Livejournal too, for Christ's sake.
eek. I don't like dreams when they make me nervous. when they're about time crunch.

Derp I don't like dreams when they're scary derp.
I am tired. and lame. haha. my mother really shouldn't let me just stay home from school... I should have gone today but I didn't just because I feel a little crappy and have a lot of homework I didn't want to do last night... haha.

I hate the way you type, goddamn.
Or, no, wait, let me express this in terms you'd understand: I... Hate the way... You type... haha.
it's about positivity, focus, time management, and remembering what's important. I just need to stay above water.. do as well as I can, and be okay with that.

Yes, the real world is going to reward you for doing your best, even if your best is not adequate. You are in for a rude, rude awakening.
nobody is alone. sometimes we can't completely relate, but that still doesn't mean anybody is alone. ever.

I'm telling you, Pink Flyod's Time. That was the shit.
don’t tell your secrets to anyone
because ideas are vulnerable

Well you were right about not telling secrets to anyone, but dead wrong about the reason. The simple reason is a secret told is a secret no longer.
I got my F up to a C in chemistry, but that's just mostly because barton takes forever to put things in the grade book... oh well. otherwise I have all B's.

And that is satisfactory, and that is passing.
I mean, I have an F in forsberg but that's because I have a 60 point test he put in as missing even though I was there for it...

I don't know how school works where you go, but by the end of the semester in any class I've ever taken a 60 point test wouldn't even swing you a letter grade.
hopefully he'll fix that soon. it's sad that last year I could get A honor roll and this year I can barely scrape by with B... but, that's not the most important thing in life.

Okay I think you missed the point of my earlier lecture on time and not giving a shit: this is the kind of thing you should give a shit about, because in the grand scheme of your life, passing high school would be important.
SO. something to think about... next time you're having a bad day just think "oh, today kind of sucks, but at least I have opposable thumbs!" hahah.

I still don't get this logic.
Well this is getting boring so I'm going to stop here I think~

Friday, March 6, 2009

Political Blogs

Political blogs are gross. The thing is you might have the greatest idea known to politics but you're just typing it into a journal and acting like you did something about it. If your idea was so scary brilliant you'd probably be ruling over my sorry ass and I'd be calling you emperor, now wouldn't I?
But nope, here I am, and there you are. Our boy today is an affirmed world traveler, as if I gave a shit. His blog is entitled "A search for Eldorado" which hint: it's two words (El Dorado). It means "the golden one" you pleb.
Here our boy waxes philosophical about manners and the glorious English language, while committing several logical fallacies and in poor grammar. Pure class.
On the other hand I am reminded of people from the 'Third world' epically the people born in France who identify as Algerian. They have a way of saying 'your government is an enemy to my people but you and I are friends' were as the English seem to have a way of saying 'you are a periah to the world.' before they even know your name or weather or not you are Canadian.
Easy there, boss.

Pariah*. Also, is this all English? What basis do you have to say "English"?
I will never hate my country and I despise all people who turn their back on the soil that gave them existence.

Turn their back in what way? You left America for France. I don't know if that's "turning your back" but you certainly aren't producing anything for America. If you mean "left and now hate America" then you're really arguing feelings of nostalgia, so either way you're a cunt.
did not make it through teacher training, two law suits to follow.

"I personally failed so I'm suing others." Goddamn what a whiny bitch. Also the reason you failed, if I may, is because you want to teach English but CANNOT SPELL WORTH A FUCK.
The best thing about moving to France is.... ok not the best thing but I can finally speak American again.

Speak "American"? Do you mean English, bro?
Kids are sitting around the campfire to teach them to read. Not being taught to read around a camp site, but sitting around a fire is supposed to modivate them to find out how to read through sheer will power and lust for life.

"Modivate", huh? If this is American I am thoroughly unimpressed.
I have found out that instead of paying me nine grand my university wants me to pay nine grand.

What fucking bizarro Earth do you live on where universities pay you? That's a dumb assumption even by your standards. You are always, always paying.
So here we have a comfortable, white, bourgeois liberal compares their life of comfortable safety to the millions who suffer, many due to the ‘Great Satan’, you can think of the US or Israel, and you want to do something about it.

It's fucking great being white, bourgeois and liberal, isn't it? Sucks about all those starving people but meanwhile in metown I have no inventory space in FFXI. I never understood this line of logic, actually. YOU CAN'T BITCH BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE SUFFERING AND HAVE IT WAY WORSE THAN YOU! Well, yeah, but that doesn't make sorting my inventory any less of a drag.
Also shut up. If everything is so peachy and great here in 1st world living standards land you come sort my inventory and we'll see how you like it.
I guess I don't actually need 20 stacks of earth crystals, though. I guess my original logic was I'll keep them and craft shit out of them, but they're so cheap who gives a shit? There, inventory solved.
Anti-american sentiment can not be fully explained in this way but the similarities between European anti-semitism and anti-american psudorascism can be.

Did you just call American a race?
Finally I got my feedback from the school where I did my work experience and some of the students were talking about me for weeks after I left.

That is the me I want to be.
Probably comments like "holy fuck do you remember that total douchecunt?" "Yeah, what a fagort." Ha, ha, yeah.

Valerie keeps proving how strong intelligent and sensitive she is. I only hope I am worthy.

If she's all those things, you aren't.
And the rascism inherent in the goth sceene is one reason why I wanted to leave (punks are cool though) and now I have even more reason to stay away. Sorry goths, but you tolorate or particapate in rascism far too much.

"Well I like the music and the aesthetics of it, but they're just too racist, so I won't have anything to do with it." Some fan of music you are. There are Michael Jackson songs I like. Do I not listen to them because he's a pedophile? Hell no, that doesn't make Beat It any less of a good song.
Now the Italians with their fascist tatoos stole the game. It is a shame that Zadine lost his temper and ended his careere on such a note. I would not be surprised if it wasn't a rascist comment taht made him do such a foolish thing. Not because they werer italian, but because many of the team hav fascist tatoos and therefore have made a commitment to fascism.

I'd like to point out that Italian and French aren't races. Any racist comment would apply equally to both since they are both white.
They say that the french are arrogant, but I have never seen it. Very few of the french people I have met have been rascist or arrogant.

Well the main reason you might not see it is because you are the biggest toolbag I have ever witnessed.

When the americans and the french work together, there is nothing they can not do.

Except kill Hitler, am I right guys? Huh? Huh?
I heard that some english people at the pub were making racist remarks at the pub during the game vers France, who are not playing england. Also some people were supporting the Chezks, I assume because they were playing against the US. Good thing about having a french girl friend..... one of the many good things about having a french girlfriend is that she understands how irritatingly racist the english can be.

Yes, French women are renowned for their deep insight into British racism.
I saw The Omen and found it pathetic. I think it is because I have belived that evil exists only in our hearts for a long time.

Goddamn you're a close-minded cunt.
Well this goes on and on forever but I'm tired of reading poorly-worded, poorly-thought out posts so I'm going to go do something more worthwhile, like drilling screws into my skull.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Barf Alpha III: A New Age of Vomit

Japanese, like all languages, requires years of diligent study and practice to become even scantly fluent. Japanese, unlike most languages, has many weekend practitioners who fancy themselves masters by stringing together as many awkward phrases together (all learned from anime) together as humanly possible. Behold, Mada Boku Niwa Sukui Arisou? Which, to save the grammar lesson, rest assured: it is about as awkward as he could have made it.
As yet I (dimuntive form of I) probably have received help? Why the question mark? Why "ni wa" instead of a standard predicate? WHO KNOWS?
On a further note, I just heard that my grandfather was diagnosed with lung cancer. I'm not really surprised to realize I don't even give a flying fuck about it.

So you were close, I take it.
He's a heavy smoker and refused to give that up even after the doctor warned him over 10 times that this was what was going to happen.

Yes that often happens to heavy smokers.
I've always said that smoking is a choice someone makes, in my opinion everyone is free to make said choice - even kids if they feel the need to 'impress' their peers - but I'm not about to pity the consequences smoking brings.

Watch out folks, internet badass.

Not even in the slightest. Again that was the choice HE made, not mine.

You can still feel human emotions you emo fuck.
I mean I don't give a shit that he's dying but then again he's not my grandfather.
So yeah, I just got accused of being 'cold and calm' about the situation while my 'poor grandfather is dying'.

Nothing wrong with that. Going apeshit will not bring the dead back to life.
As for the dying part, we don't really know anything about the severity of the situation - we'll supposedly hear tomorrow - so why say he's dying already?

Because he has lung cancer? I'm not a doctor but I suspect that's reasonably severe.
Lung cancer is a horrible but treatable disease.

I don't think so but then again you probably played Trauma Center on the DS way more than I have, so you're clearly the expert here.

But apparently this (now dubbed so by many) personal soap-serie hasn't ended yet.

Series. Personal soap series. The singular version of series is still series.
My grandfather ended up sending a christmass card specifically to my mother and as you can guess my name wasn't on it. At all.

Christmas only has one 's', heathen.
One less seat to reserve at my graduation and again a whole shitload of stress I don't need dissapears.

also that's really cold, to cut your dying grandfather out of your graduation ceremony because he forgot to send you a "Christmass" (sic) card.

Oooooooooooh! And guess what! I'm spending Christmass over at my girlfriends place ^_^

By which you mean "in my room, downloading porn" because let's face it, any girlfriend you have has a name that ends in ".jpg", do ho ho ho.
But whatever, if she doesn't even believe in my capabilities when it comes to my education, she can go fuck herself.

I think she might be reasonable to assume that. You do seem to have trouble with elementary grammar.
She's most defenitely not welcome at graduation and neither is the rest of my family (except maybe my grandpa).

Well the next entry makes a liar out of you, doesn't it? Also like going to your graduation is such a reward for putting you through school, you miserable shit. I mean it'd be one thing if you were fucking awesome and it was like your parents could feel a sense of accomplishment at watching their child grow but you were clearly a miserable fuck to be around so they're probably just relieved to be rid of you.
I did meet a really nice girl like I more or less said in my previous post. She's a bit younger than me, but it's ok.

>bit younger than me
Did you know child porn is illegal in all 50 states and Canada?
I'm really comfortable with her and I like her family (as far as I'm familiar with them that is). I plan on spending my christmas over at my new inlaws just to get away from my family.

They're not your in laws unless you are married. Also I'm amazed you have a girlfriend. I would have guessed you were gay for sure.
Funny how I absolutely adore my new girlfriend and inlaws and I can't even share that with my own mother?

Maybe if you weren't such a miserable twat you could, but nope.
She seems to believe that gay (and lesbian) people are somehow disfigured or ill and that they date people from their own sex because of it. Yet somehow bisexual (or pansexual in my case) people are sick and twisted andthey apparently completely disgust her.

Pansexual-- What does that mean? I mean obviously pan- means "all" but what does that entail, precisely? Let's check that regular fountain o' knowledge, Wikipedia:
Pansexuality, or omnisexuality[1] is a sexual orientation characterized by the potential for aesthetic attraction, romantic love, or sexual desire for people, regardless of their gender identity or biological sex.

Too many fucking links, thanks Wikipedia.
So she (?) is a bisexual?
Oh, the article continues:
Bisexuality is a sexual orientation characterized by attraction to both men and women. Unlike pansexuality, it does not specifically include people who fall outside the gender binary.

Oh Jesus Christ, who cares? Fuck girls, fuck men, I don't give a shit. Just shut up.
Oooooooooooooooh me nearly forgot!
I got Photoshop CS2 recently!

I'm very VERY happy with it.
My coloring/shading days have never seen brighter days XD

Coloring days have never seen brighter days. Great.
Yeah, me bitching yet AGAIN...

( getting sick of me yet? X3 )

Yeah I am, actually. Fuck off, you stupid twat.