Meanwhile in Murikuh we have another 57 years to wait.
How are the plebeians handling this news?
With aplomb because I'm pretty sure it doesn't qualify as "their kind of game" in that there's no gay romance.
That's not strictly true, though. Persona 4 had one character who was gay but it was handled with taste and tact so needless to say Dreamwidth missed the memo.
Literally none of this matters, though, because we have more important business to attend to:
I'm covering this entry then I'm moving promptly on to a different blog because I can't handle the Wolf today.
It is amazing to me how many idiots there are online who stalk someone, right? I mean, do people not realize that if someone doesn't want a person that the person isn't worth their time? I think I have a stalker online, but I guess it is easier for them to copy my blogs and put them on their blog, which is on blogspot, because they would be too cowardly to face me, since they obsess and masturbate to my pictures, and thoughts of me, otherwise why obsess on me, right?You got me, Victor.
Hundreds of updates and you come up four (now five) times and clearly I'm obsessed.
You are a cunning debater, asshole.
Incidentally how I found this was I was looking at the number of hits my site got this month and breathlessly rubbing myself through my pants pocket when I noticed that entry was found specifically through a search for Victor Greywolf.
Googling your own name, eh?
Don't you have better things to do like bury women in your backyard?
I mean, I found one moron who is obsessed on me, since they dedicated a blog to bathouthing me, edie finds a corpse on blogspot.IT'S ME.
You do not know how long I've been waiting for this moment.
Actually you probably do.
Just look at the first entry's post date and that's how long I've been waiting.
I mean, what a moron they are to badmouth someone who they wouldn't even face in real life, right? I bet since they obsess on me, they dream of sucking me off. Don't they have anything else better to do with their lives? This person might be a stalker. I mean, I read their blog, and the obsession on me is far beyond a normal hater. I might suggest therapy for the person. They wouldn't even show their picture. Must have a napoleon complex, or like to hide, because they are so ugly, they would make Freddy Kruger puke. They are that both inside and out. No wonder they obsess on me, since they have nothing better to do. Must be a hit with the sex dolls, or masturbator toys, right? Either that, or live in their parents basement, with only mold as their friends. Go figure, right? Better than stalking a child...oh, wait. They probably do that already.Oh shit?
Good one, I guess?
I'm far beyond the normal hater.
Victor, with your zippity comments I'm guessing I'm the only person reading this.
But I'm too much of a coward to confront you?
You commented anonymously on my blog once.
It was only later I pieced this riddle together.
How am I coward?
You're doing the exact same shit I am.
I guess the argument is "well he doesn't show his face" and you're right.
I don't.
That's because I actually have a job I could lose if this shit were traced back to me.
Unlike you who flips burgers for a living.
I'm not even going to comment on the other shit you said because frankly you're just saying what I already said about you so it's just a longer version of "no, you" which come on, man.
I expect better.
Well, it is sad when someone has a stalker, actually for both the victim and the one who is doing it. For the victim, because it scars them for life, and makes it difficult for them to trust, and have a relationship, and in some cases, lose their life. The stalker, because it is embarassing, especially since they are chasing someone who doesn't want them, but they deny themselves an opportunity to find someone who WILL want them.You put this on the internet for people to read, idiot.
If you're that scarred maybe you shouldn't put it in plain sight.
You know back in the day people used to keep paper journals.
As in a journal in a book.
And no one could read it unless that person showed another person.
Maybe look into that sometime, dipshit.
Rejection is perfectly normal, but some people can't accept it, and maybe that is why they refuse to take it, because it doesn't enable their life script. Could also be the case with delusional religious fanatics. (Glad I am NOT one of them.)... What?
Anyway, as far as that goes, I never understood why would anyone stalk a person in the first place, unless they have a poor self image complex, right? Which is the worst, male or female stalkers, right? I don't know. All I can say is if I did have a stalker, at least I'll have a fan club, right?As I said before I am the only person reading your blog, true.
Why did you waste time posting this? You're just recycling exactly what I already said about you only you're either saying it about me or spinning it into a positive.
Also to show you how much of a coward I am I'm going to comment on your post about me.
Oh but what's this?
Anonymous comments are disabled in this journal
I may be a coward but at least I have anonymous commenting.
A coward but not a pussy, it seems.
Jesus Christ.
Incidentally I average 10 hits a day from unique sources.
That's not much I know but that is 10 more a day than you get.
And you actually work at being popular.
Know how much time I've spent on advertising?
0 minutes.
Anyway let's put this to bed and move on to today's merriment: brigantine.
Beer and lots of chocolate for dinner last night. Either of which are lovely in and of themselves, but I am not supposed to indulge like that, but we were having FUN, and... NOt so much fun right now. Ugh.
Let this be a lesson to you youngsters.
Man I hate blogs.
*reaches for moooooorrre coffee*
*hates the world*
Nothing grinds my shit more than the *verbs* thing.
So I was riding the bus, and I tuned out the giggling high school girls at the back...
Yeah good luck tuning that shit out.
...and I thought a lot of thinky thoughts about Jackson Whittemore. For some reason.
And I thought, well of course he leaves Beacon Hills after the whole Kanima thing, and the big showdown at the warehouse. Of course he does.
I don't know how many Teen Wolf fanfics I've read - let's just say a lot - where Jackson has buggered off to the East Coast, or wherever, and in each story he's been villified for leaving. He's ungrateful, he's unfaithful, he's selfish, yadda yadda. But today on the bus on the way to work I'm thinking, what Jackson Whittemore is is a sixteen-year-old kid who set a werewolf on fire, got bitten by another werewolf, ended up turned into a giant lizard, was exploited by not one but two homicidal lunatics, and slaughtered seven people.
Ha, ha putting critical thought into fanfiction.
Teen Wolf is another one of those shows that everyone just fucking loves to write fanfiction about but I know literally nothing at all about.
If you start a letter with that you might as well delete it because nothing you can possibly say after it will matter.
People writing Teen Wolf fanfictions are not properly capitalizing the name of vehicles.
She is not a grammar freak but she does know when and where to take a last stand and this is one of those situations.
Trigger warning: rape
trigger warning: drug use
trigger warning: nonconsent
trigger warning: trigger warning
I'm booting up DUST 514 at last.
This shit is commercial now.
Let's shoot some peeble.
Don't analyze your writing too much or else you'll find out you're shit at it.
>having endings at all
Everyone knows the best stories come to a natural conclusion point and stop
implying the tale continues without you watching.
You just have the minimum stuff you need to be understood then you go back later and fix it.
Anyway it's happening
DUST 514
I must go, friends
and kill the Gallente
Guys, it's Jeep, not jeep. Same way as it's Chevy, not chevy, and Land Rover, not land rover.
If you start a letter with that you might as well delete it because nothing you can possibly say after it will matter.
Anybody who's read any of my fic knows I am not a grammar freak. I tend to make it up as I go, so I am one of the least likely people to slam down the grammar hammer on anyone. Or the writing style hammer, whatever.This a matter of import.
But. This is a matter of common sense. Jeep is a brand name, not the description of a type of vehicle, same as Chevy and Land Rover are brand names, not descriptions.
People writing Teen Wolf fanfictions are not properly capitalizing the name of vehicles.
She is not a grammar freak but she does know when and where to take a last stand and this is one of those situations.
Optimism is a double-edged somethingorother. Just read a Peter/Stiles fic that warned for dubious consent, which is fine, fair warning, but because of the summary, which was funny, I went ahead and clicked.CAN I GET A FUCKING TRIGGER WARNING YOU ASSHOLES?
So. We have drug-enforced non-consent, which I do not care for, but I'm thinking, okay, might be considered sort of consent in that Stiles is getting sort of turned on, and I thought, okay, maybe he's got a secret crush and we'll explore that? But no, it's made clear that this is mostly 'cause he's an eighteen-year-old kid and is always kind of turned on, but clearly he didn't really want this particular scenario, so yeah, this is pretty much drug-enforced rape, and then afterward he gets humiliated, which was presented by the author as being funny, but which I absolutely hate (and do not find funny in the least), and wasn't warned for.
Trigger warning: rape
trigger warning: drug use
trigger warning: nonconsent
trigger warning: trigger warning
Aaugh, please quit calling it a "wife beater!" I know it's a common term, and I'm probably being a big drama-baby, but it throws me right out of the story every single time I see it.Trigger warning: spouse abuse
I'm booting up DUST 514 at last.
This shit is commercial now.
Let's shoot some peeble.
I’m not one for a lot of heavy introspection. Generally, I like the shiny object because it is a shiny object, and that’s enough for me. I tend to avoid analyzing how I write, or why I write, for fear of somehow screwing up whatever method I’ve got going by looking too hard at it, as though I might accidentally break it by trying to take it apart to study it. There is power in a name, and I don’t want to Rumpelstiltskin myself.Yeah, good.
Don't analyze your writing too much or else you'll find out you're shit at it.
But I’ve been giving some thought lately to my stubborn dedication to happy endings. Why, I ask myself, have I never even attempted to write the sort of story that ends Hamletesque? Why did I fail entirely both times I tried - just to see if I could do it - to write stories where one of the lead characters was a sadistic sonofabitch, and instead ended up writing two fantasy romances?>having happy endings
>having endings at all
Everyone knows the best stories come to a natural conclusion point and stop
implying the tale continues without you watching.
Gah. Am I the only one who hates with a fiery hatred the bizarre line and paragraph spacing defaults in Word 2010? Is it just me who has wasted precious time and watched a train of thought disappear over the horizon while angrily figuring out how to shut all that crap off? *sobs*Who formats while they write?
You just have the minimum stuff you need to be understood then you go back later and fix it.
Anyway it's happening
DUST 514
I must go, friends
and kill the Gallente
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