I'm also mining ice in EVE despite it being worse profits than ore just because I have to pay attention less. Like once every 30 minutes less.
And what am I doing with all this bureaucracy from my day cleared?
I just spent about 15 minutes staring blankly into the middle distance.
I have decided I want to run a vegetarian/vegan Quest Tavern with community notice board for people to advertise volunteer services and ask for volunteers, and also put up more fun things like if they're going to Stonehenge and have room for one more. There would be games and books and somewhere to relax after 5pm without alcohol.I can't help but notice your avatar is the 8 pointed star of Chaos.
Clearly snowflakes are followers of Chaos.
But I keep reading the news and thinking that also, I want to just feed people. Because there's not enough food. Half a million people in the UK using food banks. Some of the food banks running out of food, or people having more than the allowed number of vouchers, so they send them on to food kitchens. Government via Job Centres responding to this by sending more people to food banks, rather than going 'OMG WTF no food how come British people are starving what has gone wrong', which seems the more reasonable response.We're rapidly running out of protein to support our bloated population.
Thing #10000 only I seem to find concerning.
I realise role play games and free food doesn't immediately evoke the traditional community outreach response to food poverty. But it's more interesting than making people listen to a religion book. They can listen to a Terry Pratchett book instead, or a Doctor Who, there's audios of those.Or you could just make them play Atlus games.
Everyone knows those make you fat.
You know what I said earlier about trigger warnings, and how if films had them I'd watch far less of them?TRIGGER WARNING: SNOWFLAKE
... yeah.
So: warnings for discussion of suicide
also: dear writers: death is not a solution, okay? death is the problem. FFS.
you know, I am a big fan of smoke alarms. truly, big fan. little bleepy things that warn us of imminent flamey death: awesome.Yeah.
little bleepy things that warn us it is somewhere between five ish and seven ish and someone is making dinner? not awesome.
my neighbours...
there's this buddhist meditation where you practice feeling kindness to yourself, your friends, some random people, and your enemies. may they be happy, may they be well.
I had a guy try to extort money out of me in EVE today.
He should have checked himself before he Shrek'd himself.
Amazon are trying to licence certain specific kinds of fanfic, so the fic writers get a little money and Amazon and the rights holders get a lot.Amazon is*
People who have some knowing of tie-in or comics work-for-hire contracts say the terms look pretty familiar from there (which, given how much noise there is about the terms being sincerely crappy, is worrying).
Amazon is saying stuff like No Porn, though, which, er, somewhat severely restricts the utility of their plan.
also: lol fanfiction.
Can you imagine paying for that garbage?
It's pretty genius really. Tons of these dumb bitches would in a second.
I was thinking though, fanfic happens from a mix of two motives, more-of and more-from. Canon shippers and case file writers are the classic more-of crowd, slashers and... well, really the vast majority of the sprawling edifice that is fanfic, they're more about more-from. Because what we want from fanfic is all the moments we'll never see on TV. The missing scenes and episode tags are part of that, but the epic A/B/O or D/s 'verse about space colonisation and alternate universes are the things we really need the fic for. Mainstream is just not going there.So there you have it. Fanfic is mostly porno.
And women say they don't look at porno all the time.
That's kind of like they've glimpsed the coast of the land of Fanfiction and thought it looks pretty much like home so hey, let's invite them over! Or, for a less charitable interpretation, invite themselves over.What the fuck are you trying to say you nutjob?
... the vast and tangled deeps of the continent only resemble the canon land in ways alchemical and strange.
It seems like one big thread of worry over this venture is if they take a look at the more transformative works and react in ways best expressed in gifs and WTFs and possibly lawyers.
If they want to invite our more-from into the sprawling mess of near-canon that is tie-in land, well that'll be interesting.
If they just want to kind of soak in the more-of... that'll remind me of Doctor Who, actually, where the borders have been porous for some time now, but only to certain subsets of work.Yes.
mostly though I'm not thinking much about it. people will keep telling stories. if people have to go back to invitation only mailing lists with paper copies, history suggests they'll keep telling stories.
only problem is potential exploitation of creative workers, and it seems that is already established practice
We wouldn't want people exploiting the brain trust that is the fanfic community.
The most successful work out of the fanfic community, incidentally, is 50 Shades of Grey.
So give that a moment's pause.
On the subject of parity I just poked all my alt-Avengers ideas and found serious surfeit of men.Tackling the important issues, I see.
Writing slash is no excuse. There's more than two characters in the story, there should be more women.
Of course given familiarity with the wider Marvel universe you can just bring in more awesome women until parity is achieved. That's fun too. But a lot of comics characters accrete around a core of stories that were structurally ... really not great to women. A lot of female characters get invented as in relation to male characters. Flipping a male character gives them an origin story and place in the universe that just starts with them.But women don't do anything.
aka makes them protagonists?
And that's a big problem when you're telling a story.
The story is superheroes. Not women whining about tampons and gender equality.
The Iron Man and War Machine armours seem to translate real easy to historical AU, being visually reminiscent of traditional plate armour, so fitting in with the 13th through 16th century.Yeah you know how all those knights had anti-gravity technology?
And guns, more to the point?
You know plate armor started to vanish around the time guns were invented because you can punch right through a steel plate with a gun.
Fuck blogs I'm tired.
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