Overall, yesterday was an interesting day:Wow.
First, I got a free lunch! One of the teachers has been making friends at the food carts across the street, and arranged for the toddler classes to take a field trip over there for lunch yesterday. It was raining a bit, but there's a big covered area, and everyone had fun and a chance to try something different for lunch and there were leftovers, which they brought back for me. \o/
This warranted you writing about it.
A friend called later than usual the other night after receiving bad news, needing to talk and wanting some distraction. So, she reminisced and we talked about inconsequentials for a while until her brother called. After I went to bed I figured I should text and say it was cool to call me at any time (even 2:00 am) if she wanted/needed to talk more. Her one-word response of "tux" confused me a bit - I thought *probably* she meant thx - but I answered with "ballgown?" to hopefully provoke a smile. It was a damn you, autocorrect moment, of course - she did laugh a little (and didn't call me at 2:00 am, which I appreciated).HAHAHAHA AUTOCORRECT AM I RIGHT
Zoning out while stopped at a light this morning, my attention was caught by the sticker on the back of the SUV in front of me - a large-ish (4-5" diameter) Captain America's shield; the car was the exact navy of the center circle of the shield. I grinned like a lunatic for several minutes, until they were no longer in front of me.Fucking goddamn it.
The Bloggess posted about a new, revamped Merida (of Disney's Brave) who's been prettified and sexified into something far from the rather admirable original. People are justifiably upset and raising objections, and signatures for a petition - on which Disney commented, but missed the point entirely
What do women want from fiction? I have an image that summarizes this issue.
Let's see if I can find it.
Yep here it is:
The gay.
In her post, The Bloggess mentioned some *real* strong women, and asked people for their favourite female heroes (lots of good ones in comments), which made me remember my collection of heroes. Back in the mid80s, A Woman's Place Bookstore sold a line of b/w headshot photo postcards of women -
I don't even know how to properly respond to this.
Who gives a shit?
Friday afternoon was apparently present time! One of the family advocates brought me a thank you card and some flowers (this was Teacher Appreciation Week, and she thought I deserved some too) and not ten minutes later The Big Cheese came by to give me the Sports section of The Washington Post from a week ago, with a big picture of the Capitals' bench celebrating a goal and a review of Game 1. He'd been in DC for a Head Start conference and some politicking, saw it and thought of me. *g*I have 12 capital cargo bays and 8 capital armor plates in my item hangar in EVE. Plus this shit in the hopper:
*feels loved*
you know, it's probably really wrong of me to feel so betrayed when a story with a promising premise turns out to be crappy; after all, the writer having a cool idea but not being able to follow through on execution (probably) isn't done maliciously just to bug me. and while I'm moaning about stupidities - I also really resent it when the mediocre idficcy story I'm subscribed to is updated, but the chapters are always short. how hard is it to combine a couple of those chapters so it takes me more than a minute to catch up on the latest?Has there ever been a less important use of words than this post?
/feelings of entitlement
Are you fucking joking? Oh wow DUST 514 has support for the Playstation move.
Can't imagine how awkward throwing a grenade is with that magic dildo.
My character already throws like a bitch.
Don't need me throwing like a bitch to compound the issue.
I mean seriously you have super clone suits that augment your strength and heart rate and breathing but AUGMENT SOMEONE'S THROWING ARM ARE YOU CRAZY?
I think I could throw a grenade further in real life.
I'm not even joking.
It's to the point where I just unequip them and add more armor plating.
Might as well.
I think I've killed a grand total of 2 people with them.
They don't even flush people out of cover properly because you can't throw them far enough and if by some miracle you do the fuse is set for 86 minutes and he just fucks off backwards a bit to totally avoid the explosion.
The Bloggess recently posted some valuable Rules for Life which are pretty damn awesome, and I think I need to internalize more than a few of them:THE BLOGGESS.
There are like a million of these and I'm not talking about all of them but I will go over a few that stuck out to me.
6. Support the under-dog.So when the war started to swing against Germany I should have switched sides?
Tacit approval of being a Nazi.
10. Don’t use the word “literally” when you really mean “figuratively”. It literally makes me want to stab you a little but I don’t do it because that’s illegal and also because I have a very limited amount of knives.Just keep that one in mind.
15. Become a pirate. Or a monster truck. Or a space toddler. Or a jacket. That’s my favorite one. I just jump on someone’s back and say “Sorry. You looked cold. Zip me up.” It’s awesome.I would literally kill anyone who did that to me.
Anyway I forgot about this for 12 hours and now I've forgotten my train of thought, so--
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