Wednesday, March 27, 2013


You people are seriously fucking retarded.
So What my little social justice warriors are up in arms about today is a suicidal man threatened his family and they (understandably) called the cops.
He then threatened the police and brandished a knife.
So they shot him in the center mass like you do.
ONTD_P's reaction?
Fuck the police.
Yes, fuck the police for shooting a guy charging you with a knife in the chest.
BUT THEY COULD HAVE TASED HIM! My little warriors argue.
Yeah fuck you that's a bullshit argument and you know it. Guy comes running at you with a fucking short sword and you do what comes instinctually.
These incidents are very common, because police are rarely given any training (or adequate training) for dealing with people who are severely mentally ill or suicidal.
Argues one warrior.
Yeah I'm sure we can just talk the psycho running at us with a knife down.
I'd like to see you go in armed with nice thoughts.
Personally I wouldn't have gone in there without a pump action but that's just me.
"Look shit starts going down and I got your back. There won't be anything but a spray of red gore."
And it turns out none of the warriors on that story have a blog that I can review.
They just have accounts to stay apprised of the social justice situation.
Well sorry for the whinging then and let's move on to SHOULD FAT PEOPLE PAY MORE FOR AIRLINE TICKETS?
And the answer is yes.
The last time I was on a plane I had half a seat thanks to the fat ass next to me.
As I was sitting there waiting for the engineer to minister to the machine's spirit (it was having radio trouble) getting progressively angrier not at the airline or the engineer or the pilots but at the people around me several thoughts occurred to me:
1. what if I was as fat as this asshole? One of us would have to move seats.
2. this man is taking 50% of my seat. What if, say, instead of a fat ass it had been a bitchy woman who just put her purse in 50% of my seat? I could have had her thrown off the flight (midway through the flight even) for refusing to move it. Why does this dick get preferential treatment?
3. why is everyone so angry at the people just doing their job? The radio doesn't work. This has been stated at least 5 times that I'm aware of. Are you retards comfortable taking off without a functioning radio? Because I'm fucking not.
4. We're going from Atlanta to Greensboro on a Sunday. None of you on this flight are doing anything that pressing that you can whine about being late.
Oh right, blogs.
Sorry for all that.
Oh, for... ::facepalm::

I'm one of the people who'd benefit from this proposal, as I'm under 5 feet and 100 lbs, but NO.
You're practically a midget and you'd still have problems next to the lard ass I was sitting next to.
I'm not a large man myself (although infinitely attractive) and I still encountered problems in 50% of every flight I've ever been on.
I imagine you're no different, Lily.
Her name is Lily incidentally.
Also don't think my auspices escaped your wording on your weight. "under 100 pounds" if you're significantly under 5 feet you might still be overweight.
Don't think I'm not paying attention.
This proposal can't promote health when health has a tenuous correlation at best with weight/height and even less of one with 'raw' weight, and how would the logistics even work?
I don't give a shit if you lose weight. You've just monopolized 50% of something I paid for and I can't respond with force. You should swallow the cost difference.
It's not like you have trouble swallowing large quantities (HEH).
I just finished reading Michael Pollan's In Defense Of Food, and I'm finding myself a bit torn. 

He defines nutritionism as the idea that food is about providing nutrients, and that getting that right is a complex enough thing to require the involvement of scientists and other such experts. 
Over 10,000 years we've existed without knowing diddly dick about nutrition.
Granted the average life expectancy for most of recorded history was under 60 but I question your definition of "right".
Christ the Roman diet consisted mainly of chicken and honey and they conquered the entire fucking planet and gave birth to some of the greatest thinkers in history.
Their diet, by all accounts, would have appalled even Colonel Sanders.
I'm largely with him on this... I think it is overly reductive to say the health benefits of a particular food come from Vitamin X or mineral Y so we can just add it to highly processed foods and be fine, and I agree with his indictment of the 'eat less fat - no, wait, eat less carbs! - oh, no it's the ____!' craziness of nutrition guidelines.   Just eat real food.
The Greeks used to add eyes to the bottom of cops and the center of plates.
So when you finished eating there was just an eye staring at you.
But then again this is a society where they still understood shame and would even personify their vices and shit so I dunno what I'm talking about.
Imagine adding an eye to the bottom of a cup with 0 explanation of its symbolic meaning.
What I can't seem to 'get' is his talk about the pleasures of savoring food, from the time you pick it out of your garden if you're lucky enough.  For me, food is fuel and while I certainly enjoy a tasty meal when I get it I still balk at the lengthy, uniformly tedious (to me) process of cooking the way he'd like.  Is that just how it is with me, I'm food-numb, or do I still need an attitude shift?
Do you need an attitude shift?
Only you can answer that.
You do realize his opinion is in no danger of monopolizing your own and you're free to make your own decisions about shit?
I also wish he'd have done more than just acknowledge that not everyone can afford to eat the way he suggests, but that's an issue for another time. 
And undermine his own thesis. Great.
"But there are poor people so just do whatever you want I guess."
I just read an article on CNN about some people criticizing the movie Avatar as anti-military, and really have to disagree.
Avatar was a bunch of schlock anyway. Who cares what its actual message was?
It could have been pro Nazi for all I care and it wouldn't have angered me one bit because it was fucking stupid.
My central reason can be elaborated on without significant spoilers.  The 'military' characters in the movie don't seem (from what I saw) to be part of a nation's military or some international force along the lines of the UN peacekeepers or some coalition force, but mercenaries.  They have military skills and use military tactics, but their explicit mission is defending a financial interest rather than defending their country and/or allies.  
Speaking of: I need DUST people to protect my space interest in EVE Online.
Only you can help me make nanite paste.
I'll send you guns and drugs or whatever you peasants need to die for me.
All I know is I could buy 500 of every item in DUST and still have 99% of my wealth in EVE.
You guys sure are poor, holy fuck.
I like to think the super high tech immortal mercenaries of DUST 514 displace some poor native people barely eking out an existence on some shitty backwater.
Mostly because I then like to imagine the year 25,000 version of me is laughing at the social justice warriors of his day.
Actually I'm not going to make nanite paste because I think every newbie is pushing to make nanite paste.
It's going to crash the market pretty hard.
I'm going to buy up all their assets when it does, wait 6 months when CCP changes something stupid driving the price right back up and then unloading my stock.
You know, like an evil space bastard would do.
That is significantly less defensible, and prone to attracting personalities that don't adhere to the moral code expected of conventional soldiers.
 Yeah. Really makes you think.
Makes me think why I can do this so easily in a game but can't do it at all in real life.
Maybe I could.
Maybe I'd be as awesome at gun running as Nicholas Cage was in that shitty movie.
What was it?
Lord of War or something?
But do I really want to find out?
I'd prefer not to get into details,. but it's been something of a tumultuous time at work.  I might wind up staying in the job I'm in, transferring to a brand-new company, or searching for another job in research.   Have I mentioned I really don't like this sort of tumult?  Not that anyone does, of course.
Teaching Latin tomorrow.
Taught Hebrew yesterday.
I don't know anything about Hebrew and I can at least pretend I know a little of Latin.
I like taking unusual jobs like that though because science gets boring.
Anyway, I'm just praying I make the right choice.
It's up to you to make the right choice, though.
Hoping and praying gets you nowhere.
There probably isn't even a right choice. Just focus on making  good choice you dumb cunt.
Our president reminded me why I have a bit of a geek-crush on him again today. 

He  was speaking at the National Academy of Sciences about his efforts to support science and math, and pointing out how far we've slipped in that regard since the post-WWII years.  I'm still fairly young, of course, but I'd say he's the most unabashedly intellectual president of my life time.
All right fellow intellectual.
It shows that, barring the year of 2009, spending on science has been consistent since Obama took office.
Since Obama took office in late 2009 most of that spending and I'm guessing 100% of the policy that created that spending was under Bush's office.
I'd expect such a deep intellectual as yourself to not be bamboozled by the shallow promises and lies of politicians but then again I am talking about someone who posts on ONTD_P.
Imagine a country run 100% by economists, scientists and researchers.
He's not a fellow scientist, but he knows enough to value us (and say so publicly) and I appreciate that. 
Bush is the ultimate example of poor charisma.
I don't think he's different enough from Obama to warrant the insane difference in approval numbers they post. 
I know that the direct impact is minimal; it's one hour out of one day out of the year.  Last year though I participated and found it beneficial.  It reminded me of ways to entertain myself that don't involve electronics, and made me more aware of my energy use.
Caesar didn't get stabbed 43 times for us to live in the stone age again.  
I've had a smile on my face all day.

The election's over, certainly, but now it's actually happening... Barack Obama is being sworn in as our president.   It's not a particularly vivid dream.  I pray he and his wife and daughters have a safe four to eight years in the White House, and that he goes down in history as one of the best to hold the office.
This was 2009 so I'm going to cut her a little slack.
It's still douchey as fuck because being seduced by any snake is ridiculous but whatever.
I guess optimism is a luxury afforded the weak minded and the peasantry.
The Argument Against 'Conscience' Clauses
pick one.
So, do you approve or disapprove of them?
I strongly disapprove of them; health care professionals have a duty to give their patients the best care possible. Were I a doctor already it would be highly unethical for me, for example, to refuse to treat someone with delirium tremens because I think he/she brought it on themselves by being alcoholic.
I'm sure that's the common problem with conscience arguments.
No one wants to treat alcoholics.
One issue that didn't get a lot of attention in the mainstream press is science and science funding.  Our new President-Elect Obama is significantly more supportive, and that's wonderful news when the NIH budget has been basically flat through the Bush administration.  
And the Obama administration, too, as my chart demonstrates.
We've been dealing with a bit of a heat wave the last couple of days, and I haaate it. It should not be 80 degrees (80!) in my apartment before the sun even comes up.
Air conditioning.
I had a minor unpleasant experience a day or two ago,.
I was at my local library and, when I was passing by one of the public terminals, saw that the man using it was viewing some rather *ahem* explicit stuff.  
Seriously it was two fucking days ago. Get over it.
I've had genuinely bad things happen to me that I got over faster than that.
Where in the world is that acceptable behavior?  If you're going to view that crap, do so in private and without putting someone else's computer network at risk of viruses, etc.

And, if you want extra credit points, try not being the kind of skeevy bastard that would look at porn in public in the first place.

Yeah you go girl he should check his privilege
Maybe he doesn't have internet at home because he's too poor to afford it?
Ever think of that you fucking bitch?
How's a guy going to get his rocks off if he doesn't have the cash, huh?
You need to check your privilege.
Anyway made it to the start of her blog I'm the best

Monday, March 25, 2013


Apparently some Republican group says Repubs would do better in polls with women if they used softer voices and focused less on facts.
I haven't thought for a while about the ethics of taking, but it's on my mind today.
The ethics of taking:
exitus acta probat, aquilae non capiunt muscas and other Latin phrases.
I'm teaching Hebrew tomorrow, incidentally
plz help
 Zerlina Maxwell, a feminist writer, made the comment to Sean Hannity that maybe we should put more energy into telling men not to rape. Hannity retorts that such an approach is useless because "criminals won't listen." Since appearing on the show, Maxwell has faced a wave of death threats and other violent, angry responses.
Honestly my sweet justice warriors on ONTD_P seem to subscribe to the decidedly right winged and brutal policy of "some men rape therefore it's okay to treat all men as potential rapists" which really seems like logic I'd use to offend people.
There's this idea that has been injected into the cultural narrative that "job creation" happens something like this: a person comes up with an idea, but they need money to make the idea happen, so they go to a bank or a rich investor to borrow the money. Having borrowed the money, they are now able to start a profitable new business that will employ people.
Remember when "cultural narrative" involved the Odyssey instead of fucking whining?
I miss that.
I consider my cultural narrative epic poems and scifi, personally.
These whining cunts aren't part of my culture.
The problem with this narrative is that money does not start its life in the pockets of rich people. 
The only currency that matters to Zeus is honor.
Nor do jobs come from the minds of entrepreneurs. The reality is something more like this: what creates a "job" is economic demand for goods and services. Part of what creates that demand is money in everyone's pocket. But only part; actual physical needs or wants supply most of what constitutes demand, but economically speaking, 'demand' exists when someone is willing and able to pay for something.
Holy shit economics 101
I'm so proud of my little warrior.
What causes there to be less money in people's pockets? A huge factor in this is exploitation. The technical definition of exploitation is paying someone a wage that is less than the marginal revenue product of their labor - the additional value created by working one more hour. The less precise way of saying that is that exploitation is when you pay someone less than you make off their labor.
Until you can no longer quantify the value of something, that is.
What exactly is the value of the police?
On one hand they don't, in a strict market definition, produce anything.
They (in theory) keep you safe, though.
So their value is either a null (0, not quantifiable by definition) or infinite.
How do you pay them?
Where do they rank up?
Guns, like drugs and money, are fleurs du mal of the archons.
like drugs and money
because those are three alike things, see
are the bad seeds (French phrasing) of the archons.
Archon being a classic Greek word meaning ruler.
guns and drugs and money are the products of the rulers--
except drugs can't be assigned a good or bad status because even though heroin addiction is bad opium itself is used as an analgesic.
Ever had surgery you retarded cunt?
Glad you didn't fucking die of shock?
You're fucking welcome says drugs.
Also I don't know how money is categorically a bad thing.
The alternate is a barter economy.
I guarantee you're some sort of feminist scholar and good luck trading your latest feminist paper for fish at the market.
The funny thing about people like this, to me, is that they cry out for the end of exploitation and yet they're exploiting the very system they seek to protect by not actually producing anything.
As a producer myself (education of an actual practical variety) I'm allowed to say this shit.
I'm on the inside.
They yield the opposite of what they promise.
Money does not cause harm.
Money must exist because the alternate is a direct barter economy or we go back to hunting and gathering.
Is this the fourth blog to indirectly propose rolling shit back to the neolithic era as a solution to our problems?
I guarantee neolithic culture wouldn't be the end to your dreaded rape culture.
In fact I'm certain rape would go up.
Not because man is inherently an animal (even though they are) but because you've created an even more unequal society where the strong can do literally whatever they want.
Also drugs have probably prevented a lot of diseases from killing you.
Even in your life.
I guarantee you had some sort of infection.
But the moment you become aware of this, it reveals a fundamental aspect of human nature we don't much like to talk about -- because this awareness in itself doesn't make you want or need them any less.
I mean I don't like not having tons of money but I don't blame the money for not jumping into my wallet.
Among the texts of the Nag Hammadi Library there is this one - the Paraphrase of Shem - that I've been looking at since last night. And TBH it kind of freaks me out.
Some Gnostic garbage undoubtedly.
Yeah it is.
I hope your assessment of religion is as sweeping and ignorant as your analysis of economics.
First issue: where does this text come from? It seems to have been written entirely out of the blue. It is a Gnostic text but is not Jewish, Egyptian, Christian, Zoroastrian, Manichaean, Mandaean, Buddhist, Hindu, Platonist, Roman, or anything.
Not Roman, Buddhist or Greek?
Not fucking valuable.

It does not bear any characteristics that identify it as being a product of any particular sect or school of Gnosticism. There are no markers that identify when or where it was written, except that it must have been before 350 CE. It might have been long before then.
It's the fucking Necronomicon and if you read it too much an elder god bites your face off.
I work for a university, and have a wonderful perk in that I can take two classes per semester for almost no tuition and fees. 
Feminist scholar.
Telling you.
I didn't, however, count on the hidden costs of going to school while continuing to work full-time. I've been working essentially 60 hours a week since the summer of 2009. Doing so has had a deep impact on my health - just since last fall for example I've developed a repetitive strain injury and pinched a nerve in my shoulder (requiring drugs and physical therapy)
I've not really explicitly spelled out what this term means to me. I've allowed it to sit in my mind and percolate as a sort of conceptual-perceptual template-filter.
No, really, what?
meta- because I do not believe in subscribing to beliefs or thought systems or paradigms. Buying into a philosophy always seems to be a Faustian deal.
I know what every single word in those two sentences means but I have no fucking idea what she meant putting them together like that.
All I do know is meta 4 weapons are not a substitute for T2 weapons in EVE Online, unlike what most people say.
I'm  not even especially clear what "meta 4" means in EVE Online.
It's better than meta 3 I guess?
But in what way?
A lot of EVE Online is just repeating the weird phrases to other people without fully understanding what they mean.
Much like 1984.
Any God who has ordained rape as part of His 'divine plan' for people is a God I oppose and defy to the last atom of my being.
As mortals we are not fit to judge the actions of gods.
Not that rape is right we are just not in a place to judge Zeus.
I think Christers would agree with me.
Here's the one thing we can agree on: burn her.
A while back I commented on the connection between Empire and starvation: the Empire keeps us all starving because we are more pliant that way and less likely to look up from our struggles to apprehend the bigger picture.
Except Empires frequently expanded for the sole purpose of feeding their populations.
Sooooooo there's that.
This is the first thing I thought of when a friend on FB linked to this story:

With nearly 14 million unemployed workers in America, man
America isn't an empire.
"An empire is a state with politico-military dominion of populations who are culturally and ethnically distinct from the imperial (ruling) ethnic group and its culture" says Oxford.
I deleted the link to the "you write like"
I Write Like is completely ridiculous. I just copied William Gibson's "Hinterlands" into it (Gibson is one of the 40 writers it will compare you to and it said he wrote like Margaret Atwood.
I'm pretty sure he doesn't and also it should say William Gibson writes like WILLIAM GIBSON JESUS FUCK.
  • ETA: I deleted the link to the meme and the code block it produces. Why? Margaret Atwood, one of the forty writers listed, was told by it she writes like P. G. Wodehouse. Forty writers, virtually all of them male, and all of them white.
No one cares about that.
The only thing that's important is it says you don't write like yourself.
And I don't mean that in a special snowflake kind of way I mean if you're actually on this website and it can't tell if you write like you then it's clearly a poor judge of who you do write like.
Anyway fuck the police I'm going.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Fuck you I won't do what you tell me

All right plebeians
Taking time out of my busy Monster Hunter schedule to keep you happy with this shit
I truly am a benevolent, Christ-like figure.
 Alright, life has been a little crazy over here and I try and get used to working as many hours as I have. And I have been falling behind in some things like my TV shows and such, let alone trying to get some of the games I own done. So far I have been able to finish Prince of Persia, Prototype 2 and have started Mass Effect.
lol Mass Effect
fucking don't even bother.
First Mass Effect was pretty fun, though. Before it turned into a series about pandering to women and gays.
The new job is alright and I am getting the hours that I need to pay off my bills at the moment. Sure working at a convernt store wasn't what I planned when I got out of college but then again nether was working as a dish washer. Thankfully they started me out at $8.50 an hour and it only takes me ten mins to drive to work compaired to the main job where I have to drive 45 mintues. 
Sucks m8
don't let them get you down.
Well as of yeasterday my summer brake has started and so far this summer has been quite productive. Right now it is 10:30 and I have almost finished repainting my room so it is no long a teal/ocean blue color but instead a cream color. Now to wait the four hours needed before I put the last coat into it.
 Sorry I don't have anything really smart to say but damn, work this week has just been a pain between the two jobs I am doing.

My days are about 12 hours long and most of the time I am dealing with people that don''t want to do any work or am doing a job that should be a two persons job but only I am doing it.
Sounds like work.
Even when I like my job it's not what I want to be doing.
Like today.
Like yeah hanging out with 11th graders is tons of fun (eh) but I could be killing Great Wroggi.
Speaking of Monster Hunter 4 has me a bit concerned.
They want to focus on platforming.
Like what in the fuck are you doing Capcom?
Everything you want in Monster Hunter is in the fucking title:
I don't want to jump on shit
I don't want to do a bunch of faggot platforming
I want to kill monsters.
Although they way they sell it is you can grab hold of monsters and climb them to do more damage
which sounds fucking rad but I guarantee it'll either be incredibly stupid or you'll do it a grand total of like three times and two of those times are just because you wanted to do it because you never get to.
They also mentioned a grander story (no what stop Capcom what are you doing) and adventuring.
I'm okay with the more adventuring part because frankly the areas aren't as large as they look on paper and running right to the conveniently labeled "area 10" because I know that's where Royal Ludroth will be is kind of anticlimactic.
That is if it isn't stupid.
Games lately have a nasty habit of copy pasting the same boring corridors and there's your adventure, asshole.
Sorry but I am just getting sick and tried of being hold that I need to slow down with the vacuuming all the time (so that the job takes 45 mins instead of the half an hour) and then being told that I need to do all the the dishes that take about an hour if done perfectly in a slow night in the next hour.
Oh right.
Yeah that sounds like you're working at cunting Harris Teeter but what can you do eh.
What do you want done with your body after you die?
Set adrift on a burning ship.
After I die my organs will be given to those that are in need of them first, after that I guess what ever really conferts my family and other alive the most.

After all, I will be dead and its not like I am going to need my body for anything so let the spair parts go to those that could use them  (and maybe make 7 peoples lives better and longer) and let my family greave.

And if god has a problem with this, well that is not a god I want to be spending the rest of my afterlife with.
Also I'd like to take a timeout to comment on how awesome your spelling is.
I've ever seen someone fuck up grieve (as in to be in mourning) like that.
as in the singular of a fucking armor legging.
A word so obscure and old fashioned Firefox doesn't even recognize it as a word.
Then again spend as much time playing the vidya as I do and you'll learn words for clothing and parts of clothing you didn't know existed.
Anyone know what a vamp is?
I do.
Just got Inglourious Basterds for netflix today.

And really, not sure what to make of the movie, its dark but not gory, witty but not all the fun.
Kinda like how Django Unchained went.
Only it wasn't dark but really gory.
It's weird. A guy gets his eyes gouged out and then he's beaten to death with a ball-peen hammer and yet I wouldn't classify it as "dark".
Edgy as fuck but not dark.
I think Quentin Tarantino needs to give it a bit of a rest personally.
There might be a problem with the way it's shot.
I wasn't too squirmy watching a guy go digging for another man's eyeballs.
That should probably make me feel a little uncomfortable.
If you could have any vehicle (a helicopter, sports car, space ship, yacht, etc.) and a free place to park it, what would you choose, and why?
Gundam RX-78 GP02A.
Any other answer not that or strongly similar is fucking wrong and also gay.
 It's the one on the left of this exchange.
Have you ever seen anything this awesome?
Two giant robots fighting with laser swords in space with earth in the background.
Gundam 0083 is objectively the greatest anime ever made and probably the only one worth watching if you hate anime.
It's 80s
manly as fuck
has the best sound production of any cartoon ever made
badass soundtrack
I think everyone forgot how to draw 3 seconds after it finished its run
It's only 13 episodes because 14 would melt your faggot eyes right out of their sockets
Also unlike modern TV shows and cartoons and movies the ending isn't happy or sad.
It's ambiguous.
Also if you ask a Gundam fan about it their reaction is this: "ew you mean that one that had way too much fighting and not enough gay boys whining about girls"?
If you could summarize Gundam 0083 in one word it would be "hotblooded".
Even the theme song (if you can understand it) basically says love and war are fucking bullshit because the only way to win is to be fucking insane.
Pretty much the thesis of Gundam 0083.
And Gundam.
Gundam, the series where the primary protagonist and near-Christ figure dies in a failed atmospheric reentry.
The next hero is reduced to a vegetative state.
The next one is sent to military prison.
Also according to a comment last post I need professional help for being "so obsessed" by Victor Greywolf.
Because 4 posts in 3.5 years is clearly obsessive.
That's probably him making that comment.
You can do better than that, m8.
Anyway I'm off.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Let's see what this creepy fuck is up to.
Apparently he released a "comedy" CD.
That he's plugging.
By posting it in 50 different entries.
But that's the entries contain--
a link to his unfunny comedy--
and it becomes clear he doesn't know how advertising works.
All right, people. How are you? It is that time again, since it is the end of the month, and that means the Victor Greywolf newsletter for February 28, 2013. How about that, right? Alot of things have happened, some awesome, others disappointing, just like people who don't like me. 
What the fuck are you on about? 
Incidentally I listened to his comedy once.
The entire CD.
You don't even want to know
what I had to do to avoid paying for it and the entire CD was exactly like this blog reads.
I found the story on me on is temporarily gone, but I emailed them, and they told me that it will be up shortly, and the magazine will be in print. Isn't that great? Now, the Greywolf will be on print. Can't believe it. I hope it happens. Yeah, I know, not a big deal, right? Well, how many people can say they have an article about them on print? Not many. So there, DEAL WITH IT!!!! :P
Tons of people.
Literally hundreds of thousands of people.
I found out my CD is being sent to other paying places, so there is a chance I can make some money, but I don't know when it will be up. So sad, but such is life, right?
Getting my comic book finished, and I feel pretty good about it.
Well it's not a comic book so much as it is a bunch of etchings of me strangling hookers. 
Okay, as promised, I wanted to write about an article I saw about China with rent a boyfriend. Man, what has this world come to, right?
Excuse me
I mean, men can rent a girl to be their girlfriends, but now, rent a boyfriend? Might be a positive experience, unless you get one of those angry feminist activists who couldn't be able to trap a man in a relationship, or is so lousy at sex that if you had to pay her, you'd demand a refund. Maybe that is why women in China are doing that,
China the land of the butch feminists.
China, the land of feminism in general.
What the fuck are you talking about you psycho?
but it is cool in alot of ways, such as no strings attached. I wouldn't mind being rented out to someone as a boyfriend for an hour. I wonder if I can choose the rate and what it would cover.
I think she might mind being dismembered and buried under your porch, though.
I know, alot of moralists and conservative shitheads would say no to it, but guess who will most likely go to that service, right?
Probably gay men, actually.
So, it is something for them, who can't get a boyfriend any other way, mainly because of their attitude and their mentality.

I don't know really, what to say about that, other than if someone wanted to hire me for their boyfriend, if it's a woman, I am okay with it.
Ladies, please.
If you want to pay me to sex you
you know where to send your info.
On what fucking planet do you have to live to seriously state that, Victor Greywolf?
I hope I don't wind up with the anti sex feminsts, or man haters who are so bad that if they saw themselves on the videos, we would swear off women forever.
I'm guessing you'll end up alone so I don't think this is a concern you need to have.
Man, I remember so many of them, and I have to wonder what the hell the anti sex feminists, and moralists who we KNOW go to pimps and those girls, or in some cases, guys, more than the pros, but they don't want to admit it. Two reasons come, or if you prefer "cum" to mind as far as this goes:
Is that English?
Someone parse this sentence for me.
Post in the comments if you can translate this.
I guarantee it doesn't make sense.
Contacted a college in Chicago for a possible art modeling job. I hope I get it. I will be submitting pics to them next week. Whew, it is awesome. I can't wait to hear from them.
Now there are like 50 polls no one has responded to.
I'm really happy about that, actually.
No one cares about your shitty blog.
I am literally your biggest fan in that I've read more than 0 entries.
Still trying to find the female model that I need for the album.
Spoilers: the album cover ended up being his stupid, fat face.
O'tay, so I was watching a movie with the late great legend of porn Marilyn Chambers. (Hey women are hating on her and jealous of her because they can't compare to her.)
 A porno review.
It's not even a review of the actual prono.
It's a review of the plot.
Maybe Victor isn't aware of other types of movies?
Okay, just read an article entitled cheat with your husband. One relationship expert said it is all about renewing the spark in a relationship. Isn't that what swinging is for?
lol dating white women.
I guess you would need a player's guide if you were doing that.
I was about to make a joke about Victor Greywolf doing something like that but I don't really want to think about the end result for that poor woman so let's not even discuss that.
Now I just remembered a documentary about Liberia I saw where people would cut other peoples' genitals off and make a charm you could put in your wallet.
Victor Greywolf.
Just wanted to tell everyone that I do have an amazon wish list. You can find it on my facebook. Maybe you can buy me something on there.
Ha, yeah.
Not fucking likely.
So let's see:
"pay me to fuck you"
"give me crap on Amazon"
I got rejected from Nevada, Colorado, Rhode Island, California, and all.
States with some goddamn sense.
Yesterday, June 25, 2012 was the death of a monster, Michael Joseph Jackass. *echoing* (pedophile)and yet alot of people are making him into a martyr.

Fact of the matter is, he or it's not. I mean, would you make a man who dangled a baby over a four story balcony a martyr?
I mean he may have chopped up a few hookers but at least he hasn't dangled any infants from balconies.
Okay, so it seems a christianese pastor in North Carolina is having a plan to get rid of the LGBT, and he said quote: "Put all the gays and lesbians in a metal fence, and since they can't reporduce, they will die out, and that would eradicate them."
So how'd they get there in the first place?
Also "Christianese" come on, man.
At least Christer sounds angrier.
Well, this person is a douche bag, but then again, so is any pastor or their higher power.
Except Zeus.
Tacit approval of homosexuality.
Oh but please, social justice warriors, this religion of one doesn't need to be flooded with retarded followers.
So many other religions seem to have not discriminated properly when they first started.
A Greywolf writers block question
If you could pick one person to be president, be it a celebrity, regular person, or a criminal, who would you pick and why? 
I'd pick Victor Greywolf.
Okay, it seems that a controvercial ruling took place in New York Court of Appeals, where they said, get this:

The purposeful viewing of child porn is legal in New York, said Chief Justice Carmen Beauchamp Ciparick wrote in a majority decision for the court. On Yahoo news I read this. I was like WTF?!
Yeah ONTD_P was up in arms about this too.
Browse 4chan long enough and you will accidentally see some.
This viewing and ruling, according to the Yahoo news article took place after Marist College professor James D. Kent was sentenced for possessing 100 image of child pornography were found on his computer's cache.
Although quite how you accidentally view it 100 times I don't know.
One might be able to build a strong case that if it happens 100 times it might not be such an accident anymore.
The ruling was to attempt to distinguish the difference between those who see an image of child pornography online vs those who actively download and store such images, MSNBC reports, and in this case, it was ruled that a computer image cache is not the same as to download and save an image.
So that means viewing it isn't against the law and therefore not probable cause for a search warrant--
meanwhile there are other ways to save an imagine besides right click > save as--
Merely viewing web images of child pornography, absent other proof, constitute either poseession or procurement of our penal law."

Okay things like this are often intriguing, because this doesn't make much sense, especially since laws like this can be open to abuse and misinterpretation, but this one just blew me away, but I knwo one thing:
I'd hope the judge's summary of the case didn't contain such grievous spelling errors but who can say anymore?
They said it is up to the legislation, not the courts to determine the response to viewing images of child pornography without actually storing them. Currently, New York's legislature that it has no laws deeming such action criminal, and blah, blah, blah.

Well, I am not pro on this, but if they did that, what can we do, right?
Eh, yeah.
Once you've made a law it's SET IN STONE.
Also let's face it. The number of people who legitimately "accidentally" view child porno probably numbers less than 100 people. They probably could have sent a letter to those addresses.
I mean I found Victor Greywolf's stand up comedy through some channels.
I can't even imagine what kind of people you'd have to know to procure that kinda porno.
... Maybe it's really easy.
Let's not find out.
As thankful as I am that Whitney Elizabeth Houston is no longer amongst us, I have to say, people like her disgust me.
All right.
I'm not the biggest Whitney Houston fan but I can't imagine having that sentiment towards her.
What'd she do to you?
I mean I'm basically the most hateful person ever and even I'm saying you're being unreasonable with this.
Why? Because of the fact they waste and destroy their lives with drugs.
Weren't you just preaching not five minutes ago about unlimited personal freedom?
Which is it?
Do I have the moral authority to ruin my life with drugs or not?
This reminds me a lot of every single moral choice in SMT.
society has unlimited freedom where the strong will abuse the weak for eternity
ooooor you lose all freewill and submit to an asshole higher authority.
Unless you count unending chaos as a middle ground.
Well, if you're 95% of people that played that game the option you picked was "quit after I can't figure out how to beat Matador".
Of course I run into the problem where the boss that stops everyone doesn't stop me even for a second then the very next boss I'll be unable to beat for weeks.
And no one else has that problem so I'm stuck on my own trying to figure this bullshit out.
Fuck you Thor ;_;
I know, alot of morons defend her, and that's okay, but I don't feel sympathy for he, especially since she was self loathing on the inside. I mean, a person who love themselves never go on drugs. I mean, I'll give you an example:
So if you're self loathing get fucked, huh?
That's an interesting stance for a stand up "comedian" to take considering they are basically the most self loathing group of people on earth.
A less known celebrity, Freddie Prinze Sr. (Chico and the man) he was a self loathing individual who hated himself.
As opposed to all the self loathing people who love themselves.
Really, because of him taking cocaine and quaaludes (I don't know what they are called now.) and destroying himself by playing with a gun. No person who is content with who they are would do either of those things.
Downers. Roofies.
I don't know. I don't think people do Quaaludes in 2013.
If celebrities were truly content with themselves why do drugs, or play with a loaded gun, right?

So, I say about them, that they aren't worth even remembering, because of their self loathing. Why do you people remember them, or even talk about them. They chose their demise, and that is something that everyone should know.
If I were truly content why would I spend my Wednesday afternoon reading Victory Greywolf's blog?
Okay, they are still talking about Trayvon Martin. Man, I am so sick of hearing about him. As far as this goes, they are making a hoodlum into a martyr.

Chances are that he pulled a knife on the neighborhood watch leader, and the watch leader acted in self defense. What is the big deal?!
Great police work there, chief.
The kid was probably in a gang, or wanting to join, and someone prevented it by killing that punk.
Personally I was all for the Arnaud Armalric stance on this issue.
That is, kill what's-his-face who shot Trayvon.
Just in case.
Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius
Kill them all, for God knoweth them that are his own.

As far as this story goes, the kid wasn't a Greywolf follower or fan, so I don't care about that shit one way or the other.

So, to the activists, find something better to do with your life.
Victor Greywolf has used that argument a lot before.
"Find something better to do with your life".
One I'd tell him that too but two if I were to get into an argument with this guy about how creepy he is (after I overcame the fear of him stabbing me or something) I'd be worried that would be his response.
What could I say to that?
"Yeah you're right I shouldn't waste time on this bullshit" is pretty the only acceptable response.
Also cool stance for someone anti-celebrity and anti-popularity as you: HE DIDN'T LIKE ME SO FUCK HIM.
I was so right last time I talked about this guy: "you're only jealous because you're a weird serial killer."
God I'm fucking right.

Monday, March 18, 2013


Might as well get an AOL disk and cram it up your ass because that's all the faster the internet will be when Google is done with it.
Blogger and Youtube are owned by fucking Google.
2/3rds of the tools used in the creation of this blog are currently unmanageable.
I received a beautiful present from an elderly lady I visit sometimes! I'm a little staggered by it. It's a German language Bible - with 40 prints by an artistic fascination of mine: Salvador Dalí, among other things.
Oh good a book no one bothers to read in a dead language with art by Helen Keller.
An anecdote to begin the post: The love of my life, T., arrived in Montreal from Iran on a fake Portuguese* passport in '84 - running from the draft, running from war, running from poison gas. He'd never met an Iraqi teenager, and he was independent-minded enough to know he had zero intention of heading off to kill any. Perhaps he already understood something deep in his soul about that war: that by the end, foreign powers would be funding both sides, and he wanted nothing of it.
I already so don't care about this.
T. is violently atheist ("Dear," he tells me as I read him that last line. "I am a secular humanist you know." Well, perhaps.) a position I never argue with because he has suffered in his life in ways I haven't and I can put up with jokes about going to mass, but he shares my deep love of Nuns. Nuns are very "dear and darling" as he often says (it's a phrase unique to T.). That they are women helps with this perception. T. loves women with a certain sweet sentimentality ("I am not sentimental!" - but you are, my darling - you really are). Ask him in a weak moment when you sense he is in a confessional mood and he'll tell you that Quebecois women are nearly as lovely as German ones. T. is generally, to his credit, rather delicate on this matter.
I can't think of the last time I hated a paragraph this fucking much.
I'm currently using my whole body to hate this paragraph.
Fucking goddamn it.
I'm a migraine sufferer who can't bear the sun most days. It blinds me. As such, I look for clouds behind silver-linings. Scents, sounds and sensations can be wonderfully enhanced, and completely unbearable at the same time.
Can't wait to read this.
I've become convinced that migraines affect mood depending on where the pain is coming from. There is no scientific basis for this thought because supposedly, your brain can't feel pain.
Objectively it cannot feel pain.
Your brain has no pain receptors.
It has no nerves, in fact.
The blood vessels around it do, however, and that's the source of the migraine.
I clearly remember my migraines almost from infancy. 
Considering your brain isn't developed enough to retain memories at infancy I'm going to assume by "almost" you mean "when I was four almost five".
Also: my mother's upbringing. In the late 1950s my mother was hit by a car. The woman who hit her cried for 2 hours from shock in the living room of my mother's grandfather's house. My mother was tucked up on the sofa and given pepper-mint tea: my great-grandmother's cure-all remedy.
Take her to the hospital?
They had those in the 1950s.
I think.
Sprinkle some chicken blood on her--
whatever people did in the 1950s do that.
For all the woman's pleading, there was no question of taking my mother to the hospital. Concussion? Well - as her devoutly Catholic grandmother (who had survived the depression, 10 live-births, life in a factory, rationing and the flattening of Nurnberg during the war) comfortingly told the woman: "Never mind, my dear. It's God's will."
I know people call voodoo priests primitive but at least they're making a fucking effort.
It might be backwards and barbaric but at least they try.
"God's will" is the ultimate cop out, lazy excuse for bullshit I've ever heard.
How do you know God's will isn't take your fucking cunt daughter to the fucking hospital?
If I were a god I'd probably tell you not to take her so she'd fucking bleed out from internal injuries but then again I wouldn't be the god of mercy.
On a day when an homage to fromage competes in the Eurovision competition I've realized that not only am I addicted to cheese but really: I think about food far too much! Also: I've kicked the sugar habit (possibly for good) but am now addicted to salt.
Oh good.
Migraines are connected to water intake.
Make sure to dehydrate yourself as much as possible.
Also hasn't cheese been linked to migraines?
This morning an e-mail was waiting for me from my sister. "Terrible news about Jack Layton," it read. I'm so sorry."
No not Jack Layton!
Who the fuck is Jack Layton?
I logged into the Globe and Mail to find out what she was talking about - and then I saw the news. Jack Layton Dies At Age 61 of Cancer.
Well that's a shame.
He was a good man.
I guess.
What a rotten way to die, though.
Seriously who the fuck is that?
We all knew he was ill because of the press conference he gave when he temporarily (or so we thought) handed over the leadership of the NDP to Nycole Turmel of the Quebec Caucus, but he'd promised he would return.
Canadian politician.
Wow, I care even less than usual about this political post.
Jack was born in Montreal. His dad was a cabinet minister in the Mulroney government - or, as Jack put it: "He fell in with a bad crowd!" Jack studied at McGill and York Universities and later taught at Ryerson. He was a Toronto City Counsellor and deputy mayor of Toronto. His wife, current NDP parliamentarian Olivia Chow, also served on that council They met at a hospital fundraiser.
A wiseman.
Anyone with his personal affairs that in order must at least be a consideration for office.
So few people can get their personal affairs together let alone a nation's.
Anyway that's the start of this blog.
Unless you count soccer as an entry.
I don't.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I got Tropico 4 on sale today for ten whole dollars so let's see if I can be a communist dictator of a small Caribbean nation while reading shitty blogs.
I got this off the pope story.
Because there's a new pope you know.
ONTD_P is surprisingly insensitive about religion and the guy's age.
I've been awake since 6:30 am and going since 8:00 am.

RA training ran from 8:30 to 5:00 just now.
What's RA?
Is that an army thing?
Can't imagine one of these ONTD_P snowflakes joining the army.
I'll ask my bro on Steam.
He's too busy being el presidente too.
well I'm going to assume no it isn't an army thing.
Well I've consulted my team of scholars and we've determined it's resident advisor. It says so in the comments.
Which ordinarily I'd read but you know.
El Presidente.
Last week or so I wanted some new jeans that fit nice because my hips are too big for the old ones, and Old Navy was having a buy 2 get 1 free sale on everything in the store.
Her hips are too big.
She has swinging hips, guys.
Sexy lady.
Definitely not a fat ass, okay.
Because I am now weirdly-sized and pear-shaped I went into the fitting room to try on jeans.
But not fat. She just has huge tits and hips.
Tiny waist. 
I guessed that I was a size 4 because that seems to be what I'm getting in most other stores (except for American Eagle - this was the precipitate for this trip, as I have a pair of American Eagle's skinny jeans that I could not get comfortably over my hips anymore. They are a size 6.)
Check your fucking cis privilege.
Old Navy has four rises for women - the Diva (sits on hips), the Flirt (sits below waist), the Sweetheart (sits at waist) and the Dreamer (sits at waist with a control panel at the tummy).
What the fuck is wrong with Old Navy now?
Can you please not encourage these cunts?
I know you're out to make money but me, el presidente, needs you guys to cool it.
My first-authored paper got a revise and resubmit!!

For my non-academic peeps, this is good because papers are almost never accepted on the first time, but that means that it wasn't so shitty they decided to just reject it outright (which also happens). Hooray! 
Submitting it to a scholarly journal.
Bet it's not a medical or scientific one.
Bet it's like feminist theory or something.
So I'm into Glee. I watch it on Hulu, sometimes. There was an episode focused around Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" song, where the glee teacher, Mr. Schuester, teaches the kids to accept themselves for who they are despite whatever personal issue they have that makes them feel less than awesome.
Sounds quali-t.
For those of you who don't watch Glee here's a major character rundown/summary the way the show depicts the kids:

Mr. Schuester: the glee teacher (a white guy)
Ms. Emma Pillsbury: the guidance counselor, who has OCD

Rachel: the Jewish girl
Quinn: The skinny pretty blonde girl
Finn: the white Everyman
Kurt: the stereotypical gay boy
Puck: the Jewish bad boy
Artie: the disabled geek (he uses a wheelchair)
Santana: the bitchy Latina
Brittany: The dumb blonde
Lauren: the fat girl
Tina: the Asian chick
Mercedes: the sassy black girl
All character development reduced to a character's race.
And social justice warriors love this show.
That'd be like me reducing Edmond Dantes from the Count of Monte Cristo to:
Edmond Dantes: Frenchman
You see how that doesn't work with good writing?
1. Rachel and her insecurity about her large nose because she is Jewish
Wow bet they had to reach for that character motivation.
Jesus Christ.
Let me talk about Mercedes for a moment. She's the only major black character in the show. She's heavyset, and has a sassy, neck-snapping personality that she personally describes as being a diva. Sounds familiar? In a show that's all about tearing down stereotypes about certain types of people (and they have succeeded and failed a lot), Mercedes is a stereotype.  
Sounds like the entire fucking show is a stereotype but it's not like your typical TV watcher can handle any serious complexity in a character.
I like the show but this makes me really upset, especially that in an episode that lightly touched on racial and ethnic issues they completely ignored the issue of Mercedes' race.
The issue of her race.
Issue implies problem.
So it's a problem she's not white?
Check your FUCKING privilege, Melissa.
Her name is Melissa by the way.
You know who else was black?
Alexandre Dumas.
And he's like the third greatest writer of all time.
Fucking racist.
Also I like how this blog has a trigger warning thing about language and the only time she's said a bad word was in the title.
Which wasn't hidden from my virgin eyes.
Good work.
I have been reading this book Sick about the history of the health insurance industry in the past few weeks and it solidified my decision to do some kind of advocating work within the healthcare field to make sure the disadvantaged get care.
Healthcare is free under el presidente.
Also I just brought electricity to the people.
Also free.
Of course the highest paid person makes 180 dollars a year but since everything is free 180 dollars is a KING'S RANSOM.
Well, I should say the highest paid person on the island is me but after me it's this guy.
I've been really interested in issues of healthcare and how low-income folks, people of color, and LGBT people access care and interact with physicians and other health care providers. I still think I might like to be a hospital/healthcare administrator in some capacity.
This is my state's theme, I've decided.
Long story short I thought having a PhD in public health would certainly help in that endeavor. Even if I did go back and get a master's in public administration after getting the PhD and working in the field for a few years. 
Comrades: the reason your healthcare costs you so much.
This woman and leeches like her.
1. If you were going to learn a critical language for serious study (3+ formal years of coursework), which would you pick and why? Critical languages as defined by the government are Arabic, Azerbaijani, Bangla/Bengali, Mandarin Chinese, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Farsi/Persian, Punjabi, Russian, Turkish, and Urdu.
>Critical language
>Spanish not on the list
I don't even know what the fuck this government does anymore.
The fact Spanish isn't on that list but Russian is proves the intense breakdown of the intelligence community in America.
Dipshits: weak Spanish speaking governments next to the big, scary imperial power that is America
Well don't pick Japanese.
As much as we all love fucking anime and video games that's a saturated market.
Korean culture is on the rise.
Learn that.
The army will love you and so will private industry.
2. If you had to choose between Korean (very good for intelligence, security, and government type work) and Japanese (good for business), which would you choose and why?
Wow I didn't even read that before I said that shit.
Black ships come for me I'm ready to join the inquisition.
So why Korean?'s practical. It's on the critical languages list as well, but it's one of the top three critical languages right now (along with Arabic and Mandarin Chinese). Obviously it's because of the inevitably of Korean reunification as well as the threat of North Korea with nuclear arms, 
Can one describe anything as inevitable?
Anyway I'm going to go be el presidente for a bit then go to bed fuck blogs.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Sometimes when I'm looking for a blog I find one that isn't overtly offensive but I can tell by the way the cunt writes or some of the little things she puts in there that all I have to do is go back far enough and I'll hit the mother lode.
Also this blog starts with a master fic list so there's that.
ETA: Now with summaries! Gods help us. Don't let them put you off!
I hate it when people say "gods help us" like I doubt you're seriously that invested in some form of paganism so knock it off.
Hello, hello.

This is me, blinking up out of hibernation like a very grumpy bear. I feel a bit...weird, having so few things to post lately. It's unsettling. 
So I can skip this entry because you just admitted you have nothing to say--
why would I read this?
Hello! Just thought i'd pop in, wave a bit.

There is currently *so much* going on in fandom!
Has there ever been a start to a piece of writing that made you want to read it less?
I'm sure there's some intro to a pussy sensitivity paper I had to read that equals this but nothing immediately springs to mind.
That was more about long term abuse than the sucker punch.
I have so many tabs open and bookmarks and am subscribing to people left and right on AO3. Too much fic, not enough time!!
Again, is that a sentiment you can have?
Let me see.
I'm going to try fanfiction right now.
Surely there's a suitably manly category like Warhammer--
The powersword buzzed like a caged wasp as Kruger swung it desperately at the ork. He felt the blade shudder as it chopped into the greenskin's torso. It let out a scream of pain as it died. The immediate danger over, Kruger quickly looked to see how his squad was faring. One man was down, but the others had finished off their opponents. A group of orks lay where they had been cut down in hand to hand combat.
'Drake, see to the wounded,' Kruger barked over the comlink.
Almost immediately, the corporal's voice came back: 'He's dead, sergeant.'
Because space marines have corporals.
And a corporal would tend to the wounded.
Maybe the shitty chapter you invented for the sake of this awful fanfiction has corporals.
I'm willing to roll with that.
But I'm not willing to roll with this story through all 1,500 words of it.
I can't even begin to tell you how shitty the opening line is.
Christ, it's hot. Hot and humid and *horrible*. I have our ac set at eighty and it hasn't stopped running for *weeks*. Jayzus. How i loathe summer.

Anyway - lj is being weird for me still, not loading, half-loading, and making commenting a real chore, so my apologies to all and sundry, I have not been commenting like i'd like to. 
I challenge all of you to find a more appropriate reaction to this blog than this video.
School here starts the 18th of August and the whole mechanism is slowly gearing up to full speed. The Bebe needs clothes, and omg, she likes expensive clothes and/or stuff that ships from the UK. Jayzus. Let's go shop at the Hong Kong import site where most everything is three bucks, okay?
*clutches wallet*
You're old enough to have children in school?
What's happened?
I know this happens like every other blog  but it never ceases to give me pause for thought.
More than "oh that chick turned out to be a dude" or whatever.
It's when these cunts have nearly grown children.
When do you stop acting like this?
I guess never.
Just so people know - i am high on Show!Love, and have nothing but praise for Show. That being said, there are spoilers here for the very newest episode.
The show she's such a twat over she just calls Show.
So if you're curious for some reason good luck figuring that out.
Oh let's be basic here. What could it possibly be?
Dr. Who
Sherlock Holmes of some persuasion
What's that other shitty show?
Yeah it's Supernatural, upon further research.
Fuck this gay earth.
I just realized something. I am a total asshat. Someone out there, some delightful person, made lovely pdf files of Wolfpack. And linked them to me, and worked very hard to make them pretty and *i*, in Senior Citizen moment of epic proportions, totally forgot to pimp them here, *or* to bookmark where the links are. Jayzus. God.
You didn't really need to explain why you were an asshat.
In fact if you had just posted that I would have taken it as a personal apology, to me, four years before this happened and I wouldn't have posted this.
But no, you had to go on.
There's a picture of you.
You're clearly in your late 30s-early 40s.
What the fuck is the matter with you?
Jesus *Christ*.

I hate LJ tonight, i really fucking do.
How do you not always hate Livejournal?
Sometimes I'll pause in my day and just think about how much I hate Livejournal.
I did it today in fact.
A kid asked me what day it was.
I said Wednesday.
I immediately thought of my own blog
then how much I hated Livejournal.
Then I gave a silent prayer to Ares for my ability to hate.
I'm not actually, by inclination or practice, xian.
A what?
Oh of course it's Christian.
Kill yourself I'm dead fucking serious.
Waste my fucking time with that nonsense?
Write it out for fuck's sake.
Okay, so - here's the story. Cat wanted a PC game, so i got it for him for his b-day. One thing - it won't run on his system. It takes a video card that is uber, so...

I'm offering it here. It's called Gears of War. You need Windows Vista or XP, 2.4GHz Intel or 2.0GHz AMD, 1GB RAM, 12GB free hd space and an NVIDIA GeForce 6600 or ATI x700 vid card.
>Geforce 6600
oh this is 2007.
All right.
What did I have in 2007?
Like a 6500 I think.
GTX 670 now yeah baby.
It can run EVE Online on ultra max.
Then again so can a toaster but whatever.
Speaking of EVE Online my EVE Online character is currently hated by an unknown faction.
Is that cause for concern?
"An unknown faction wants you dead."
Anyway fuck blogs
fuck the internet
fuck the police

Monday, March 4, 2013


I was supposed to hear about my current job / position being reviewed no later than December. In the "BIG CHANGES" note it was noted that there would be a Supplies department supervisor (fulltime) "soon".
Oh guess what don't care.
I completely understand wanting to get the console out before Black Friday.

But Nintendo.

This shouldn't need a System Update right out of the box!!
Seriously system updates take like 20 minutes just cool your shit.
I am extremely happy that the people brought into the Senate are not all rich old white dudes.
Oh to be this stupid.
Holy hell y'all.

A group from the UN might come to "monitor" voting.

I'm about 90% certain at this moment that Mitt Romney will not win this election.

He will, however, steal it and get away with it
Seriously stop.
Also: America is apparently a third world country.
Also: this didn't even happen. Shut up with the conspiracy theory garbage.
I am only saying this to amuse you all but...

Wearing pants after wearing shorts since March is kind of weird

I mean

Democracy is dead guys.

Long live our Corporate Overlords.
see, I can't support NASCAR or funny cars any NASCAR-related activities

I mean - price of gas going up, price of oil affecting many things, so on and so on

how the hell much gas and oil is being wasted per race when there's a souped-up vehicle going 200 mph/for over 200 laps?
... Not that much?
I mean comparatively.
Also they use like 100 octane leaded gas so it's not the same crap you buy so don't even worry about it.
It's throwing me off when they call link a "human" in this game. I'm all, "wtf no he is a Hylian see his pointed ears you silly folks?"
Wouldn't that be like saying "he's not human he's American"?
So randomly - my ringtone for notifications on my phone is currently the clock noise from Majora's Mask. I actually have the sound on tonight and something set it off -
scared the ever-loving crap out of me
>not setting your ringtone as the Codec noise from Metal Gear
For the record, my (retired) mother is making $30 per day substituting for school.

Virginia minimum wage is 7.80.

She works about seven hours.

You do the math.
Okay so I realize they probably did it so that newbie characters were ~guaranteed~ to catch at least one legendary...

but most Pokeplayers are old and wise enough to know the tricks to catch 'em all, so to speak.

So why the arsebucket is it such a pain and a half to:
A) have a setup to actually CATCH said title legedary
B) set up said legendary to possibly catch a shiny version

given that B requires you to catch a minimum of 740 Pokemon... and it's not like there isn't something like a 1/80K chance or something. Or is it 18K? Either way.

Way to discourage shininess Gamefreak
>not RNG abusing for shininess, perfect nature and IVs
What's weird is explaining how Pokemon has changed and the (post-G2) mechanics of it to your brother-in-law while in Outback.
Physical/special split in Gen 3 was the most important meta change in Pokemon.
- first gym is a Maid Cafe, you guys.
... No it's not?
It's a cafe.
Just a regular cafe.
Ended up scrolling through like 3 years of entries about soccer and My Little Pony.
The levels of fucks I don't give.
Anyway I guess it's time for bed.
What a fucking waste of an evening.
I can't believe how much time I spent on this and this is all I have to show for it.
If I were Livejournal I'd delete her journal and send her a message saying "no. None of this counts."