Taking time out of my busy Monster Hunter schedule to keep you happy with this shit
I truly am a benevolent, Christ-like figure.
Alright, life has been a little crazy over here and I try and get used to working as many hours as I have. And I have been falling behind in some things like my TV shows and such, let alone trying to get some of the games I own done. So far I have been able to finish Prince of Persia, Prototype 2 and have started Mass Effect.lol Mass Effect
fucking don't even bother.
First Mass Effect was pretty fun, though. Before it turned into a series about pandering to women and gays.
The new job is alright and I am getting the hours that I need to pay off my bills at the moment. Sure working at a convernt store wasn't what I planned when I got out of college but then again nether was working as a dish washer. Thankfully they started me out at $8.50 an hour and it only takes me ten mins to drive to work compaired to the main job where I have to drive 45 mintues.Sucks m8
don't let them get you down.
Well as of yeasterday my summer brake has started and so far this summer has been quite productive. Right now it is 10:30 and I have almost finished repainting my room so it is no long a teal/ocean blue color but instead a cream color. Now to wait the four hours needed before I put the last coat into it.I AM READING A POST
Sorry I don't have anything really smart to say but damn, work this week has just been a pain between the two jobs I am doing.Yep.
My days are about 12 hours long and most of the time I am dealing with people that don''t want to do any work or am doing a job that should be a two persons job but only I am doing it.
Sounds like work.
Even when I like my job it's not what I want to be doing.
Like today.
Like yeah hanging out with 11th graders is tons of fun (eh) but I could be killing Great Wroggi.
Speaking of Monster Hunter 4 has me a bit concerned.
They want to focus on platforming.
Like what in the fuck are you doing Capcom?
Everything you want in Monster Hunter is in the fucking title:
I don't want to jump on shit
I don't want to do a bunch of faggot platforming
I want to kill monsters.
Although they way they sell it is you can grab hold of monsters and climb them to do more damage
which sounds fucking rad but I guarantee it'll either be incredibly stupid or you'll do it a grand total of like three times and two of those times are just because you wanted to do it because you never get to.
They also mentioned a grander story (no what stop Capcom what are you doing) and adventuring.
I'm okay with the more adventuring part because frankly the areas aren't as large as they look on paper and running right to the conveniently labeled "area 10" because I know that's where Royal Ludroth will be is kind of anticlimactic.
That is if it isn't stupid.
Games lately have a nasty habit of copy pasting the same boring corridors and there's your adventure, asshole.
Sorry but I am just getting sick and tried of being hold that I need to slow down with the vacuuming all the time (so that the job takes 45 mins instead of the half an hour) and then being told that I need to do all the the dishes that take about an hour if done perfectly in a slow night in the next hour.Oh right.
Yeah that sounds like you're working at cunting Harris Teeter but what can you do eh.
What do you want done with your body after you die?Set adrift on a burning ship.
After I die my organs will be given to those that are in need of them first, after that I guess what ever really conferts my family and other alive the most.Fag.
After all, I will be dead and its not like I am going to need my body for anything so let the spair parts go to those that could use them (and maybe make 7 peoples lives better and longer) and let my family greave.
And if god has a problem with this, well that is not a god I want to be spending the rest of my afterlife with.
Also I'd like to take a timeout to comment on how awesome your spelling is.
I've ever seen someone fuck up grieve (as in to be in mourning) like that.
as in the singular of a fucking armor legging.
A word so obscure and old fashioned Firefox doesn't even recognize it as a word.
Then again spend as much time playing the vidya as I do and you'll learn words for clothing and parts of clothing you didn't know existed.
Anyone know what a vamp is?
I do.
Just got Inglourious Basterds for netflix today.Kinda like how Django Unchained went.
And really, not sure what to make of the movie, its dark but not gory, witty but not all the fun.
Only it wasn't dark but really gory.
It's weird. A guy gets his eyes gouged out and then he's beaten to death with a ball-peen hammer and yet I wouldn't classify it as "dark".
Edgy as fuck but not dark.
I think Quentin Tarantino needs to give it a bit of a rest personally.
There might be a problem with the way it's shot.
I wasn't too squirmy watching a guy go digging for another man's eyeballs.
That should probably make me feel a little uncomfortable.
If you could have any vehicle (a helicopter, sports car, space ship, yacht, etc.) and a free place to park it, what would you choose, and why?Gundam RX-78 GP02A.
Any other answer not that or strongly similar is fucking wrong and also gay.
It's the one on the left of this exchange.
Have you ever seen anything this awesome?
Two giant robots fighting with laser swords in space with earth in the background.
Gundam 0083 is objectively the greatest anime ever made and probably the only one worth watching if you hate anime.
It's 80s
manly as fuck
has the best sound production of any cartoon ever made
badass soundtrack
I think everyone forgot how to draw 3 seconds after it finished its run
It's only 13 episodes because 14 would melt your faggot eyes right out of their sockets
Also unlike modern TV shows and cartoons and movies the ending isn't happy or sad.
It's ambiguous.
Also if you ask a Gundam fan about it their reaction is this: "ew you mean that one that had way too much fighting and not enough gay boys whining about girls"?
If you could summarize Gundam 0083 in one word it would be "hotblooded".
Even the theme song (if you can understand it) basically says love and war are fucking bullshit because the only way to win is to be fucking insane.
Pretty much the thesis of Gundam 0083.
And Gundam.
Gundam, the series where the primary protagonist and near-Christ figure dies in a failed atmospheric reentry.
The next hero is reduced to a vegetative state.
The next one is sent to military prison.
Also according to a comment last post I need professional help for being "so obsessed" by Victor Greywolf.
Because 4 posts in 3.5 years is clearly obsessive.
That's probably him making that comment.
You can do better than that, m8.
Anyway I'm off.
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