You people are seriously fucking retarded.
So What my little social justice warriors are up in arms about today is a suicidal man threatened his family and they (understandably) called the cops.
He then threatened the police and brandished a knife.
So they shot him in the center mass like you do.
Fuck the police.
Yes, fuck the police for shooting a guy charging you with a knife in the chest.
BUT THEY COULD HAVE TASED HIM! My little warriors argue.
Yeah fuck you that's a bullshit argument and you know it. Guy comes running at you with a fucking short sword and you do what comes instinctually.
Argues one warrior.
Yeah I'm sure we can just talk the psycho running at us with a knife down.
I'd like to see you go in armed with nice thoughts.
Personally I wouldn't have gone in there without a pump action but that's just me.
"Look shit starts going down and I got your back. There won't be anything but a spray of red gore."
And it turns out none of the warriors on that story have a blog that I can review.
They just have accounts to stay apprised of the social justice situation.
Well sorry for the whinging then and let's move on to SHOULD FAT PEOPLE PAY MORE FOR AIRLINE TICKETS?
And the answer is yes.
The last time I was on a plane I had half a seat thanks to the fat ass next to me.
As I was sitting there waiting for the engineer to minister to the machine's spirit (it was having radio trouble) getting progressively angrier not at the airline or the engineer or the pilots but at the people around me several thoughts occurred to me:
1. what if I was as fat as this asshole? One of us would have to move seats.
2. this man is taking 50% of my seat. What if, say, instead of a fat ass it had been a bitchy woman who just put her purse in 50% of my seat? I could have had her thrown off the flight (midway through the flight even) for refusing to move it. Why does this dick get preferential treatment?
3. why is everyone so angry at the people just doing their job? The radio doesn't work. This has been stated at least 5 times that I'm aware of. Are you retards comfortable taking off without a functioning radio? Because I'm fucking not.
4. We're going from Atlanta to Greensboro on a Sunday. None of you on this flight are doing anything that pressing that you can whine about being late.
You're practically a midget and you'd still have problems next to the lard ass I was sitting next to.
I'm not a large man myself (although infinitely attractive) and I still encountered problems in 50% of every flight I've ever been on.
I imagine you're no different, Lily.
Her name is Lily incidentally.
Also don't think my auspices escaped your wording on your weight. "under 100 pounds" if you're significantly under 5 feet you might still be overweight.
Don't think I'm not paying attention.
This proposal can't promote health when health has a tenuous correlation
at best with weight/height and even less of one with 'raw' weight, and
how would the logistics even work?
I don't give a shit if you lose weight. You've just monopolized 50% of something I paid for and I can't respond with force. You should swallow the cost difference.
It's not like you have trouble swallowing large quantities (HEH).
I just finished reading Michael Pollan's In Defense Of Food, and I'm finding myself a bit torn.
defines nutritionism as the idea that food is about providing
nutrients, and that getting that right is a complex enough thing to
require the involvement of scientists and other such experts.
Over 10,000 years we've existed without knowing diddly dick about nutrition.
Granted the average life expectancy for most of recorded history was under 60 but I question your definition of "right".
Christ the Roman diet consisted mainly of chicken and honey and they conquered the entire fucking planet and gave birth to some of the greatest thinkers in history.
Their diet, by all accounts, would have appalled even Colonel Sanders.
I'm largely with him on this... I think it is overly reductive to say
the health benefits of a particular food come from Vitamin X or mineral Y
so we can just add it to highly processed foods and be fine, and I
agree with his indictment of the 'eat less fat - no, wait, eat less
carbs! - oh, no it's the ____!' craziness of nutrition guidelines.
Just eat real food.
The Greeks used to add eyes to the bottom of cops and the center of plates.
So when you finished eating there was just an eye staring at you.
But then again this is a society where they still understood shame and would even personify their vices and shit so I dunno what I'm talking about.
Imagine adding an eye to the bottom of a cup with 0 explanation of its symbolic meaning.
What I can't seem to 'get' is his talk about the pleasures of savoring
food, from the time you pick it out of your garden if you're lucky
enough. For me, food is fuel and while I certainly enjoy a
tasty meal when I get it I still balk at the lengthy, uniformly tedious
(to me) process of cooking the way he'd like. Is that just how it
is with me, I'm food-numb, or do I still need an attitude shift?
Do you need an attitude shift?
Only you can answer that.
You do realize his opinion is in no danger of monopolizing your own and you're free to make your own decisions about shit?
I also wish he'd have done more than just acknowledge that not everyone
can afford to eat the way he suggests, but that's an issue for another
And undermine his own thesis. Great.
"But there are poor people so just do whatever you want I guess."
I just read an article on CNN about some people criticizing the movie Avatar as anti-military, and really have to disagree.
Avatar was a bunch of schlock anyway. Who cares what its actual message was?
It could have been pro Nazi for all I care and it wouldn't have angered me one bit because it was fucking stupid.
My central reason can be elaborated on without significant spoilers.
The 'military' characters in the movie don't seem (from what I saw) to
be part of a nation's military or some international force along the
lines of the UN peacekeepers or some coalition force, but mercenaries.
They have military skills and use military tactics, but their explicit
mission is defending a financial interest rather than defending their
country and/or allies.
Speaking of: I need DUST people to protect my space interest in EVE Online.
Only you can help me make nanite paste.
I'll send you guns and drugs or whatever you peasants need to die for me.
All I know is I could buy 500 of every item in DUST and still have 99% of my wealth in EVE.
You guys sure are poor, holy fuck.
I like to think the super high tech immortal mercenaries of DUST 514 displace some poor native people barely eking out an existence on some shitty backwater.
Mostly because I then like to imagine the year 25,000 version of me is laughing at the social justice warriors of his day.
Actually I'm not going to make nanite paste because I think every newbie is pushing to make nanite paste.
It's going to crash the market pretty hard.
I'm going to buy up all their assets when it does, wait 6 months when CCP changes something stupid driving the price right back up and then unloading my stock.
You know, like an evil space bastard would do.
That is significantly less defensible, and prone to attracting
personalities that don't adhere to the moral code expected of
conventional soldiers.
Yeah. Really makes you think.
Makes me think why I can do this so easily in a game but can't do it at all in real life.
Maybe I could.
Maybe I'd be as awesome at gun running as Nicholas Cage was in that shitty movie.
What was it?
Lord of War or something?
But do I really want to find out?
I'd prefer not to get into details,. but it's been something of a
tumultuous time at work. I might wind up staying in the job I'm in,
transferring to a brand-new company, or searching for another job in
research. Have I mentioned I really don't like this sort of tumult?
Not that anyone does, of course.
Teaching Latin tomorrow.
Taught Hebrew yesterday.
I don't know anything about Hebrew and I can at least pretend I know a little of Latin.
I like taking unusual jobs like that though because science gets boring.
Anyway, I'm just praying I make the right choice.
It's up to you to make the right choice, though.
Hoping and praying gets you nowhere.
There probably isn't even a right choice. Just focus on making good choice you dumb cunt.
Our president reminded me why I have a bit of a geek-crush on him again today.
was speaking at the National Academy of Sciences about his efforts to
support science and math, and pointing out how far we've slipped in that
regard since the post-WWII years. I'm still fairly young, of course,
but I'd say he's the most unabashedly intellectual president of my life
All right fellow intellectual.
It shows that, barring the year of 2009, spending on science has been consistent since Obama took office.
Since Obama took office in late 2009 most of that spending and I'm guessing 100% of the policy that created that spending was under Bush's office.
I'd expect such a deep intellectual as yourself to not be bamboozled by the shallow promises and lies of politicians but then again I am talking about someone who posts on ONTD_P.
Imagine a country run 100% by economists, scientists and researchers.
He's not a fellow scientist, but he knows enough to value us (and say so publicly) and I appreciate that.
Bush is the ultimate example of poor charisma.
I don't think he's different enough from Obama to warrant the insane difference in approval numbers they post.
I know that the direct impact is minimal; it's one hour out of one day
out of the year. Last year though I participated and found it
beneficial. It reminded me of ways to entertain myself that don't
involve electronics, and made me more aware of my energy use.
Caesar didn't get stabbed 43 times for us to live in the stone age again.
I've had a smile on my face all day.
The election's over,
certainly, but now it's actually happening... Barack Obama is being
sworn in as our president. It's not a particularly vivid dream. I
pray he and his wife and daughters have a safe four to eight years in
the White House, and that he goes down in history as one of the best to
hold the office.
This was 2009 so I'm going to cut her a little slack.
It's still douchey as fuck because being seduced by any snake is ridiculous but whatever.
I guess optimism is a luxury afforded the weak minded and the peasantry.
The Argument Against 'Conscience' Clauses
pick one.
So, do you approve or disapprove of them?
I strongly disapprove of them; health care professionals have a duty to give their patients the best care possible. Were I a doctor already it would be highly unethical for me, for example, to refuse to treat someone with delirium tremens because I think he/she brought it on themselves by being alcoholic.
I'm sure that's the common problem with conscience arguments.
No one wants to treat alcoholics.
One issue that didn't get a lot of attention in the mainstream press
is science and science funding. Our new President-Elect Obama is
significantly more supportive, and that's wonderful news when the NIH
budget has been basically flat through the Bush administration.
And the Obama administration, too, as my chart demonstrates.
We've been dealing with a bit of a heat wave the last couple of days,
and I haaate it. It should not be 80 degrees (80!) in my apartment
before the sun even comes up.
Air conditioning.
I had a minor unpleasant experience a day or two ago,.
I was at my local library and, when I was passing by one of the public
terminals, saw that the man using it was viewing some rather *ahem*
explicit stuff.
Seriously it was two fucking days ago. Get over it.
I've had genuinely bad things happen to me that I got over faster than that.
Where in the world is that acceptable behavior? If you're going to view that crap, do so in private and without putting someone else's computer network at risk of viruses, etc.
And, if you want extra credit points, try not being the kind of skeevy bastard that would look at porn in public in the first place.
Yeah you go girl he should check his privilege
Maybe he doesn't have internet at home because he's too poor to afford it?
Ever think of that you fucking bitch?
How's a guy going to get his rocks off if he doesn't have the cash, huh?
You need to check your privilege.
Anyway made it to the start of her blog I'm the best
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