Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I got Tropico 4 on sale today for ten whole dollars so let's see if I can be a communist dictator of a small Caribbean nation while reading shitty blogs.
I got this off the pope story.
Because there's a new pope you know.
ONTD_P is surprisingly insensitive about religion and the guy's age.
I've been awake since 6:30 am and going since 8:00 am.

RA training ran from 8:30 to 5:00 just now.
What's RA?
Is that an army thing?
Can't imagine one of these ONTD_P snowflakes joining the army.
I'll ask my bro on Steam.
He's too busy being el presidente too.
well I'm going to assume no it isn't an army thing.
Well I've consulted my team of scholars and we've determined it's resident advisor. It says so in the comments.
Which ordinarily I'd read but you know.
El Presidente.
Last week or so I wanted some new jeans that fit nice because my hips are too big for the old ones, and Old Navy was having a buy 2 get 1 free sale on everything in the store.
Her hips are too big.
She has swinging hips, guys.
Sexy lady.
Definitely not a fat ass, okay.
Because I am now weirdly-sized and pear-shaped I went into the fitting room to try on jeans.
But not fat. She just has huge tits and hips.
Tiny waist. 
I guessed that I was a size 4 because that seems to be what I'm getting in most other stores (except for American Eagle - this was the precipitate for this trip, as I have a pair of American Eagle's skinny jeans that I could not get comfortably over my hips anymore. They are a size 6.)
Check your fucking cis privilege.
Old Navy has four rises for women - the Diva (sits on hips), the Flirt (sits below waist), the Sweetheart (sits at waist) and the Dreamer (sits at waist with a control panel at the tummy).
What the fuck is wrong with Old Navy now?
Can you please not encourage these cunts?
I know you're out to make money but me, el presidente, needs you guys to cool it.
My first-authored paper got a revise and resubmit!!

For my non-academic peeps, this is good because papers are almost never accepted on the first time, but that means that it wasn't so shitty they decided to just reject it outright (which also happens). Hooray! 
Submitting it to a scholarly journal.
Bet it's not a medical or scientific one.
Bet it's like feminist theory or something.
So I'm into Glee. I watch it on Hulu, sometimes. There was an episode focused around Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" song, where the glee teacher, Mr. Schuester, teaches the kids to accept themselves for who they are despite whatever personal issue they have that makes them feel less than awesome.
Sounds quali-t.
For those of you who don't watch Glee here's a major character rundown/summary the way the show depicts the kids:

Mr. Schuester: the glee teacher (a white guy)
Ms. Emma Pillsbury: the guidance counselor, who has OCD

Rachel: the Jewish girl
Quinn: The skinny pretty blonde girl
Finn: the white Everyman
Kurt: the stereotypical gay boy
Puck: the Jewish bad boy
Artie: the disabled geek (he uses a wheelchair)
Santana: the bitchy Latina
Brittany: The dumb blonde
Lauren: the fat girl
Tina: the Asian chick
Mercedes: the sassy black girl
All character development reduced to a character's race.
And social justice warriors love this show.
That'd be like me reducing Edmond Dantes from the Count of Monte Cristo to:
Edmond Dantes: Frenchman
You see how that doesn't work with good writing?
1. Rachel and her insecurity about her large nose because she is Jewish
Wow bet they had to reach for that character motivation.
Jesus Christ.
Let me talk about Mercedes for a moment. She's the only major black character in the show. She's heavyset, and has a sassy, neck-snapping personality that she personally describes as being a diva. Sounds familiar? In a show that's all about tearing down stereotypes about certain types of people (and they have succeeded and failed a lot), Mercedes is a stereotype.  
Sounds like the entire fucking show is a stereotype but it's not like your typical TV watcher can handle any serious complexity in a character.
I like the show but this makes me really upset, especially that in an episode that lightly touched on racial and ethnic issues they completely ignored the issue of Mercedes' race.
The issue of her race.
Issue implies problem.
So it's a problem she's not white?
Check your FUCKING privilege, Melissa.
Her name is Melissa by the way.
You know who else was black?
Alexandre Dumas.
And he's like the third greatest writer of all time.
Fucking racist.
Also I like how this blog has a trigger warning thing about language and the only time she's said a bad word was in the title.
Which wasn't hidden from my virgin eyes.
Good work.
I have been reading this book Sick about the history of the health insurance industry in the past few weeks and it solidified my decision to do some kind of advocating work within the healthcare field to make sure the disadvantaged get care.
Healthcare is free under el presidente.
Also I just brought electricity to the people.
Also free.
Of course the highest paid person makes 180 dollars a year but since everything is free 180 dollars is a KING'S RANSOM.
Well, I should say the highest paid person on the island is me but after me it's this guy.
I've been really interested in issues of healthcare and how low-income folks, people of color, and LGBT people access care and interact with physicians and other health care providers. I still think I might like to be a hospital/healthcare administrator in some capacity.
This is my state's theme, I've decided.
Long story short I thought having a PhD in public health would certainly help in that endeavor. Even if I did go back and get a master's in public administration after getting the PhD and working in the field for a few years. 
Comrades: the reason your healthcare costs you so much.
This woman and leeches like her.
1. If you were going to learn a critical language for serious study (3+ formal years of coursework), which would you pick and why? Critical languages as defined by the government are Arabic, Azerbaijani, Bangla/Bengali, Mandarin Chinese, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Farsi/Persian, Punjabi, Russian, Turkish, and Urdu.
>Critical language
>Spanish not on the list
I don't even know what the fuck this government does anymore.
The fact Spanish isn't on that list but Russian is proves the intense breakdown of the intelligence community in America.
Dipshits: weak Spanish speaking governments next to the big, scary imperial power that is America
Well don't pick Japanese.
As much as we all love fucking anime and video games that's a saturated market.
Korean culture is on the rise.
Learn that.
The army will love you and so will private industry.
2. If you had to choose between Korean (very good for intelligence, security, and government type work) and Japanese (good for business), which would you choose and why?
Wow I didn't even read that before I said that shit.
Black ships come for me I'm ready to join the inquisition.
So why Korean?'s practical. It's on the critical languages list as well, but it's one of the top three critical languages right now (along with Arabic and Mandarin Chinese). Obviously it's because of the inevitably of Korean reunification as well as the threat of North Korea with nuclear arms, 
Can one describe anything as inevitable?
Anyway I'm going to go be el presidente for a bit then go to bed fuck blogs.

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