This is fairly typical fare, I think. Twat fancies herself a real writer/actress/whatever.
Have you ever met anyone famous?
When I saw this writer's block I said "ha, ha, no," and wondered what Victorgreywolf had to say about this because as we all know he hates famous people.
But judging by what most people posted I have met famous people because "not famous" somehow counts as famous on Livejournal.
I met C.P. Gause.
No he's not famous. I'm just kidding.
Well, unless you're an educator in which case you've had to kneel at the altar of pussy sensitivity in which case you'll be passingly to very familiar with the work he has wrought.
I have met some famous people, but technically most of them are voice actors and the list is long, so here are the entries in full detail:
I was about to make fun of you but I'd much rather say I've met Brain Dobson, voice of all Space Marines in the juego than C.P. Gause. That's a story I might have posted here of my own volition, even.
Oh no, holy shit. I did meet a famous person, once. He was some comedian whose name I've forgotten who is now on Saturday Night Live. He was doing a show at my college and I dropped by to heckle him. This was before he was famous.
Ah, memories~
Also today was very fulfilling school-wise - it was the last day of classes for my Expository Writing and Psychology classes, so it was both very relieving a swell as bittersweet, as these classes were pretty cool as much as they were challenging, and I got my Psychopathology paper on Black Swan and my latest test back and it turns out that I aced them both, passing with flying colors :D
Also, I have a meme to accomplish, so let's get right to it -
A meme to accomplish.
More like more of my time to waste.
I wanted to be:
A writer, a journalist, or an actress -
That's what everyone wants to be. Pick something really cool like a space marine or a vampire hunter.
I even managed to write more drabbles and poetry, so I'll post those later when I have the time - right now, I have work on the mind, with managing a balancing act with classes and studying to the bone until I escape the college and will be free for the holidays.
Drabbles and poetry.
Know what I'm glad I'm not reading right now?
That crap she just wrote.
Speaking of escaping for the holidays I've been filling out a ton of job applications. Know what the secret is? The same secret as everything: don't give a single fuck. The two places I gave the least fuck about on the application are the two to call back. Isn't that the way?
Our novel Stranger has five viewpoint characters; one, Yuki Nakamura, is
gay and has a boyfriend. Yuki's romance, like the heterosexual ones in
the novel, involves nothing more explicit than kissing.
Yuki Nakamura, serious?
Yuki is a girl's name anyway.
I know it's technically unisex but it's unisex in the same way Ashley is.
It means snow.
No man is named after snow.
An agent from a major agency, one which represents a bestselling YA novel in the same genre as ours, called us.
The agent offered to sign us on the condition that we make the gay
character straight, or else remove his viewpoint and all references to
his sexual orientation.
He's in the business of selling books.
Conservative parents won't let their children read a book that has the gayness in it.
Personally I wouldn't let you sell it until you changed the named Yuki Nakamura to something 100% less weeaboo but that's just me.
This isn't about that specific agent; we'd gotten other rewrite requests before this one. Previous agents had also offered to take a second look if we did rewrites… including cutting the viewpoint of Yuki, the gay character.
It's time to stand up and demand change. Spread the word everywhere if you are just as angry and outraged by this.
I'm not outraged. This book sounds like garbage and this is a great way to ensure it will never see print.
Both last night and earlier have been both very emotionally taxing and very vent-worthy enough to even begin to go through today with a neutral disposition. I had to write something that involved a peak emotion, something recalling when I was the saddest in my life, and I typed all that I could about my mother's life, her vivacious personality, how she met Dad, her sophistication, going into her descent into the illness, Dad's passing, moving to another state, starting college, and Mom's passing.
I always hated assignments like that.
I mean goddamn. I know what I'm doing, just let me write shit that isn't shit and you sit the fuck back and let me do it. If you were so good at this you wouldn't be teaching in a high school.
I felt like I had to write it out and it was both cathartic and difficult to write and type out; I even felt a lump in my throat as I described Mom's angry self and how she hated me at times, and when she was her old self, she loved me and Maddie very much. When I finished the paper, I showed it to Maddie, and within minutes, she started tearing up, and I felt really awful. She told me that she needed that, because of all the stress that had piled up with school, and I guess it helped me too.
Getting emotional while writing is generally a really bad idea. You should be detached and impartial. Which is why this entire assignment is bullshit. Also did your assignment read like your blog? That is, like you're typing too many fucking words?
The real thing that had me almost in tears today was this - there was some sad news regarding one of my absolute favorite voice actors Dan Green (the voice of Yugi Moto/Yami Yugi from Yu-Gi-Oh!) and his spouse. His wife Michal Friedman passed away from an emergency c-section after delivering giving birth to two beautiful twins just this past Friday.
So we went from a (in theory) heart wrenching story about the death of both of your parents to the a guy's wife who you've never met dying.
Also good Christ, women still die in childbirth? What year is this?
I mean I know it happens but I feel this is a good time to say we are entirely primitive when it comes to medicine still. I am very disappointed in all of you right now.
We can at least be compassionate in this difficult time, not judgmental, insensitive, or spiteful, and at least reach out to help them out.
Here is a website to help the Snyder Twins to provide what they need in their lives here on Earth:
Compassionate and not judgmental, insensitive or spiteful.
A state of mind utterly alien to me.
In college, and especially during the month of finals, everything comes piling up and leaving you with little time to space and plan things out, and sleepless nights are indeed returning, with deadlines coming and crashing about on such short notice.
Yes, I remember that feeling.
"Oh hey, I have a final tomorrow. Maybe I should study-- nah, I'll just give my notes the ol' once over right before the test."
And I graduated with honors.
The end~
On top of that, having a chronic pain in my lower abdomen because of that stress does not make things any better or any less stressful. It has been going on and off all day today and it's only when I sleep is when it leaves me alone.
That happened to me once during a final. GONNA SHIT MYSELF IN THE MIDDLE OF A FINAL TIME TO IMPROVISE and so I did. Answers have to be half the length I was aiming for. Minimalism comes into play and pack as many buzz words into a sentence as possible. It doesn't make grammatical sense? Whatever, as long as those buzz words are loud and proud.
Here's a post on how to avoid getting raped.
1] If someone is following behind you on a street or in a garage or with you in an elevator or stairwell, look them in the face and ask them a question, like what time is it,
Time for you to get a watch.
I understand women have a lot to worry about from this but when you're doing this shit to me when I'm clearly just walking to my car and you're a solid 100 feet away and we're walking away from each other and I'm glaring at my iPod you might be a little paranoid.
Not that I blame you, though. A suspicious mind is a healthy mind.
or make general small talk: can’t believe it is so cold out here, we’re in for a bad winter. Now that you’ve seen their faces and could identify them in a line- up, you lose appeal as a target.
You'll forgive me for not talking to you because I don't want to know you and putting your nonexistent (in this case) fears of rape to bed aren't really my concern.
2] If someone is coming toward you, hold out your hands in front of you and yell Stop or Stay back! Most of the rapists this man talked to said they’d leave a woman alone if she yelled or showed that she would not be afraid to fight back. Again, they are looking for an EASY target.
Lady, you're standing in front of my car. Move.
I swear to Christ that happened. She stopped dead in her tracks in front of my car and just stared at me. Who are you?
I even pointed behind her and said "that's my car."
She sure looked embarrassed.
That university was completely ridiculous with that shit, though.
4] If someone grabs you, you can’t beat them with strength but you can do it by outsmarting them. If you are grabbed around the waist from behind, pinch the attacker either under the arm between the elbow and armpit or in the upper inner thigh - HARD.
Bad idea. If someone grabs you, just stop thinking. Your instincts will generally direct you to the most brutal thing you can manage at the time and in your given situation.
And if you're a complete bleeding heart with the survival instincts of a Care Bear when in doubt go for the eyes and the groin.
One woman in a class this guy taught told him she used the underarm pinch on a guy who was trying to date rape her and was so upset she broke through the skin and tore out muscle strands the guy needed stitches. Try pinching yourself in those places as hard as you can stand it; it really hurts.
I appreciate your female self defense classes but meanwhile your panties are down around your ankles. Keep it simple. Go for the face.
5] After the initial hit, always go for the groin.
Yes, finally. Sense. Actually, no. After the initial hit you should be free of him, in which case you run away. This isn't Street Fighter, honey. You're not here to score a double perfect 10k bonus.
Let your first attack be so brutal you need fear no reprisal.
6] When the guy puts his hands up to you, grab his first two fingers and bend them back as far as possible with as much pressure pushing down on them as possible.
Bad idea. The natural instinct is to pull the hand towards you, and you're so scared you'll ragdoll into his grasp. If he holds his hand up to you, claw his eyes out.
The instructor did it to me without using much pressure, and I ended up on my knees and both knuckles cracked audibly.
You just said this instructor was a man. He's probably a meathead with real combat experience. He is not in any danger of being raped so the techniques he's developed won't work.
My techniques are simple and most importantly you can remember them in a panic situation.
And they require 0 training.
I should make a DVD.
Not that I'm in any real danger of being raped either but I'm a Space Marine so I know all about senseless brutality.
7] Of course the things we always hear still apply. Always be aware of your surroundings, take someone with you if you can and if you see any odd behavior, don’t dismiss it, go with your instincts. You may feel little silly at the time, but you’d feel much worse if the guy really was trouble.
You'll be in trouble if you're behind my car still when I start to pull out.
I have 15 minutes to get out of this parking garage and I will not broker you sperging out on me.
I know you are smart enough to know these pointers but there will be some, where you will go hmm I must remember that. After reading, forward it to someone you care about, never hurts to be careful in this crazy world we live in.
1. Tip from Tae Kwon Do: The elbow is the strongest point on your body. If you are close enough to use it, do it.
Define "strongest" because I can tell you learning how to elbow someone takes loads of time and the problem with most rapists is they're not there to fight fair so they'll likely jump you or get you in an enclosed area.
I cannot overemphasize how important it is that your first attack is also your last attack. You probably have less than a second to do whatever it is you're going to do so you better go for some Space Marine finishing move shit on him.
You know, where you grab him and step on his head so hard it explodes.
But you're a little woman and most men are larger than you so that's not really an option. So you claw his eyes out.
Seriously, a rapist won't be guarding his face.
7. If the predator has a gun and you are not under his control, ALWAYS RUN! The predator will only hit you (a running target) 4 in 100 times; And even then, it most likely WILL NOT be a vital organ. RUN!
Oh good, so I only have a 25% chance of fucking dying.
This is why every human should be armed. We're all equal now.
Also did you make this statistic up? Because I've never even heard anything like this before.
8. As women, we are always trying to be sympathetic: STOP IT! It may get you raped, or killed.
This is seriously the most awesome thing I've ever read in a blog.
Don't be sympathetic. It'll get you raped or killed.
I agree 100%. Sympathy is for victims.
If you have a heart or compassion, please share this post.
But you just said my sympathy will get me raped. Or killed.
So the safest thing to do is to never share this with anyone.
Also she missed the most obvious advice with is most rape is date rape so if you were out in a public situation you shouldn't leave your drink unattended.
I feel like we've discussed women's issues a lot this entry. We discussed dying in childbirth and rape. Come to think of it, I skipped over a blog that was talking about periods and tampons.
Does anything good ever happen to women?
Here's another entry on rape.
Are you serious?
Here's a post entitled "you're better off this way" and I'm guessing it's about rape too--
No it's not, okay. Good.
Man, this ended on a somber note.
Let's keep this cheery:

Just because she victimized the elemental god of hellfire doesn't mean she can't be domestic.
There's someone who can't be a victim, speaking of. Too busy making victims to be one herself.
Really, an example to which we should all aspire.
I'm very excited for the new job system patch after next, speaking of. Not because it ruins the feel of thaumaturge (I'm very angry about this) but because the ultimate monk ability is a punch so hard it lights people on fire.
That's what you ladies need. Instead of getting dicks caught in your vaginas you need to learn how to punch people so hard they light on fire.
In fact, if one of you figures that out there will never be another rape because holy shit, what if that's the one who can punch people so hard they combust?
Well, now that I've solved all women's issues there are I'm going to bed.
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