Today is a spotlight community that is Women Gamers.
Many posts seem to be based more or less around the notion that GIRLS ARE TOO GAMERS AND WE CAN DO ANYTHING BOYS CAN DO IN VIDEO GAMES which I'd fucking hope so because it's not like it actually requires physical prowess to do something in a video game.
You're not actually decapitating people, women.
One thing guy gamers can do that women can't do, though, is shut up about their gender in relation to their hobbies.
I was wondering if anyone has any good resources for building your own gaming rig at home?
I'm at NewEgg right now watching their tutorial videos, and was thinking it might be good practice to watch a few different tutorials, if only to get a good idea of how everything goes together in general.
Seriously it's round peg goes into round hole level logic assembling a computer.
It's not that difficult I promise.
The only way you can possibly fuck up is if you buy the wrong type of processor but even that's made trivial when Newegg lists exactly the types of processors a socket will take.
Also before you ask the stupid question (that all newbies seem to consider for a moment): no, Intel processors don't fit in AMD motherboards.
I also wanted to gauge which parts I should be investing in and what the differences are, as flat-out reviews have a lot of technical speak that is just getting me all confused.
What are you trying to play? Just copy someone's build that plays the game on max.
We've had a series of PC crashes around the house this week and so are in the market for some new PCs. I don't paticularly want to shell out another $1000 for a laptop with mediocre performance and would much rather use that money to invest in a rig that I could upgrade/wouldn't have a bunch of prepackaged software/might live longer than 3-4 years. But I've never built a computer myself, and the only person who I know who has is 3 hours away (sister's husband).
We can do anything boys can do in video games except, you know, when it gets really tricky we have to rely on men.
You're involved in a community that is dominated by white men who are almost fully anonymous and feel they have something to prove in fantasy land because many of them are not successful in real life.
This is the one realm in their life where they feel fully competent and to them, you're a threat.
Here's a review of Star Wars: The Old Republic.
That "new" "MMO" by Bioware. Its major claim to fame is it is the most expensive video game ever developed in the history of man and also it's fully voice acted.
The implication there being the voice acting cost lots (in which case they got ripped off, because I've heard the voice acting and me, a non-actor, could do about a million times better without trying) or it's the first fully voice acted video game in history.
I don't actually know what the first fully voice acted video game is but I know for a fact Assassin's Creed 1 was fully voice acted and it definitely came out before 2011.
Character: Jedi Knight named, you guess it, Jakia.
- Character creation: sadly lacking CC options. I have a feeling that, playing the main game, I'll probably run into more than one twin of my character.
But those pre-generated face assets were over budget.
I've never run into a clone of Edie, incidentally.
You can't go in and fix the face exactly the way you want to like in Dragon Age or Mass Effect--you pick a preset and edit their hair/makeup/skin color and go from there. Which is fine, I guess, but I'm used to having more control over my appearance.
Your first MMO, clearly, because I can count on one hand the number of MMOs I've encountered that let you control facial details to that degree.
Phantasy Star Universe (first and last time you'll hear me say something positive about PSU)
aaaaaaand Age of Conan.
Both games were shit, but they did have fairly in-depth character creators.
There's your character--
she's definitely more masculine than I am.
Maybe you wanted the tough chick look with a clitoris she has to tape back, I don't know, but either way she's hideous.
You start out choosing between the Sith or the Jedi, which disappointed me at first because, well, what's the point of RPing then?
Who roleplays in these games outside of mutants, honestly?
Ten minutes into the game, though, proved that choosing the Jedi didn't mean I couldn't be the biggest asshole/dark side leaning Jedi ever, which is so lulzy. I love it.
I like to roleplay but my main goal is to violate the rules to the entire underpinning of the Star Wars franchise.
I'm just going to say it: I love voiced protagonists. This game has a voiced protagonist. This pleases me. ^_^
I'm at bullet point five and I have yet to hear mention of gameplay. I suppose I could cut some slack because it is a first impression so maybe she's tackling these subjects as they come up but really, come on.
The game does suffer from the same problem Dragon Age/Mass Effect suffered from, though, in that the dialogue you click on is only a summary of what your character will say.
Bullet point six. Maybe you spend the opening of the game talking a lot?
Far be it for Bioware to open their game with heart pounding action and intense combat.
For example, one mission I was on I needed to talk the villagers into helping me. One option (the bottom one, which previous knowledge of Bioware games tells me is the evil/"bad" choice) had me ask "what do I do if they say no?" which I thought was a legit concern.
I remember in Mass Effect when I was trying to get in that blue bitch's pants and I was playing it cool so I picked the "maybe we can talk about this later WINKINGEMOTICON" option and it translated into "I AM VERY BUSY RIGHT NOW PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE."
Thanks a fuck ton, Bioware.
Turns out she hates the cool approach anyway and the clumsier and creepier my advances became the progressively more turned on she got.
Apparently I don't understand women or video games.
It's not that the dialogue tree just summarizes the actual dialogue (which wouldn't be a problem) it's that often what's written differs drastically in tone from what's actually spoken.
But I shouldn't be surprised considering the lead writer at Bioware was hired based of the strength of her fanfiction (no shitting).
Clicking on that, however, had my character pounded her fist into her palm and went "so how many skulls do I get to crush if they say no?" Which, no, THAT'S NOT WHAT I WANTED TO SAY! Misleading dialogue is misleading at times.
Sounds like what I meant anyway so okay.
I love conversing with NPCs and hearing them talk. It's so BIOWARE. If you don't love Bioware, chances are you aren't going to love this game, because so many Bioware tropes are in this game.
There you go. Review in one sentence.
Avoid this shit.
First piece of usable loot I picked up? Booty shorts. Apparently this only happened to me, because no one else is running around in booty shorts, but I am. "The Force is strong in this one!"
Does this game have gameplay or is it really just a gossip and dress up simulator?
I legitimately wouldn't be surprised either way with Bioware.
Graphics aren't the world's best, but they aren't bad, either.
I'm sure one might argue that doesn't matter as much for an MMO because you know what to expect but I've heard some frankly shocking things about TOR in the gameplay department considering it's the most EXPENSIVE VIDEO GAME EVER MADE.
That said, there are some things that I have a problem with, and they are big enough that it may keep me from actually buying the game until said things are resolved:
- Combat. Combat is AWFUL.
I have problems with some things.
"You know, this restaurant was really good. The ambiance was nice and the wait staff was very kind if you can excuse the fact they served me a cat turd on a plate."
There is no auto-attack button, and clicking on someone does absolutely nothing. I click on them and then I have to MOVE and manually attack them. It feels like 10 steps back from KOTOR, and it's annoying because I get slaughtered before I can hit anyone. I've played for maybe two hours, and I keep getting killed because it won't let me auto-attack. VERY frustrating.
No auto-attack isn't instantly a bad thing, you know. There's such a thing as skill in video games and manual attack can facilitate that because it becomes a balance between dodging and striking, you know.
Except I've seen the combat in TOR and there is an auto-attack button so I'm afraid she's mistaken.
The camera! The camera is terrible! It's very difficult to manipulate, and it's almost too sensitive at times, causing it to zoom in/zoom out and zoom around the character while I'm trying to do something. It's terribly distracting.
How in the fuck do you have a bad camera in an MMO?
These games don't require precise camera control so when a bad camera in an MMO becomes noticeable it's something of a problem.
Especially considering it's the MOST EXPENSIVE VIDEO GAME EVER DEVELOPED.
I cannot overemphasize that enough.
the Bioware "female characters have sashaying hips" is in effect full-force. Which was never a problem for me in other games, but it is in this one.
Well you did make a tits and hips monster of a character, to be fair.
I imagine in real life she'd have a very sashaying walk.
The game is very, very laggy. I went into an almost empty server and the game was still laggy as all get out. And I know it's not my computer--based on the system requirements, With the game lagging, no auto-attack, and my character's swaying hips, basic movement from place to place is terrible. I run into walls, I run into other players, I run directly into enemies and then it takes me ten minutes to attack them and by then, they've killed me.
We spent hundreds of millions of dollars developing this game but we decided against buying good servers.
The shocking thing I heard was there's no combat log.
You know, the thing that tells you details of your fight?
The thing that has been a staple of every graphical MMO ever and was included in the very first MMOs, like Nexus, Meridian 59 and Ultima Online?
This game cost as much as some Hollywood movies and you don't have simple, simple basic shit like that?
What'd you spend all that cash on?
Overall, I think it has the makings of an EXCELLENT mmorpg one day, and it sucks you in in a way WoW or Galaxies never did for me. I just don't think it's ready to be released yet.
"Makings of an EXCELLENT (her emphasis) MMORPG"
"I spent a vast majority of the time crashing into walls and getting killed."
World of Warcraft really has ruined the MMORPG genre.
So I bought Skyrim today and have loved the experience so far. I only have one not so tiny problem: I am in the process of completing the golden claw quest (yes I am in the beginning). I have made it all the way to the snake, snake, whale puzzle. I have used every combination of them to try to get the metal gate to open. I even looked in the strategy guide that came with the game (it was a gift).
Dipshit: click on the claw. The solution is literally stamped on the claw.
You're using the wrong claw's code.
Or is it that other puzzle where you have to rotate the pillars?
Either way I have never had problems with this.
It tells me that when standing in the doorway facing the gate the pillars should read : snake, snake, whale. I thought maybe it was a game glitch and reloaded my last save only to have the same issue. This is one of the main plot quests and I have to get this gate open. Help!
Oh, that one.
It goes the other way, I'm pretty sure.
I don't remember, honestly. I just kind of fucked around with it for a minute and the door popped open.
Hello everyone. I'm currently looking into buying a Playstation 3, and I wanted to pick your brains about PS exclusives.
Generally what I'm into are non-turn based action/adventure games, but I'm fairly particular in what I like. I'm not into "realistic" war games that draw from historical events (such a WWII), and generally steer clear of shooters (third person included). However, I make exceptions for games with amazing stories and unique gameplay. I just prefer sword fighting and hand-to-hand combat, or magic, to killing with a gun.
Final Fantasy XIII sounds right up your alley since I'm guessing you hate fun.
I know that isn't exclusive but who gives a shit.
Series I enjoy:
Zelda -- I like the simplicity of the stories, the puzzles and the boss fights.
To keep this simple gameplay is mentioned exactly twice and "simplicity and starting a family" is mentioned more than twice, as well as colorful graphics and lots of different environments.
What games does she think she'll like?
Demon's Souls/Dark Souls (I know Dark Souls isn't an exclusive, but I kind of want to play Demon's Souls before Dark Souls)
What does Wikipedia have to say about Demon's Souls?
Praised for its dark fantasy art design, variation in combat choice and integrated online multiplayer, the game is particularly notable for its high difficulty level with many critics noting it as a genuine challenge.
Dark fantasy art design (AKA dark and gritty) and high difficulty level.
Sounds like a good match for someone who enjoys simplicity and colorful graphics.
And starting an in-game family.
So I just found out something from my partner today and I thought I would share.
So my partner and I have been together almost 2 years now and we are engaged to be married next year. When we met he knew I was a gamer-girl ( I grew up playing video games on consoles like the sega megadrive, nintendo 64 and the original playstation) and he appreciated that as he too was a gamer.
Well if we're laying out our gaming credentials I'm exactly one generation older than you in terms of gaming so I'm not impressed.
So he went to work not long after this and told one of his fellow male workmates that I was a gamer and his reply?
"Chicks dont game."
They don't, generally. If they did they wouldn't need special communities.
When my partner told mr this I latterly threw a tantrum. I was told the guy (only 17 years to my 23) thought himself to be pretty cool with gaming since he started playing and could beat any girl, so he reckons.
I'd like to take a time out to remind everyone that she's offended by the comments of a 17 year old.
Also I'm older than both of you so shut up and listen to me.
I have more gaming experience.
But that was not what annoyed me. The fact that he said that girls don't game an ultimately suck or are lousy absolutely annoyed me!!!!
Yeah, I got a few comments.
1. Who gives a shit?
2. What's up with your boyfriend? Surely he told you this knowing it would bother you.
A large launch party and LAN for Battlefield 3 is being held in Texas, and women are disallowed from attending in order to protect them from misogynistic insults.
Ha, ha wow. Only in Texas.
That's like some I, Robot thinking.
Nothing ruins a good LAN party like uncomfortable guests or lots of tension, both of which can result from mixing immature, misogynistic male-gamers with female counterparts. Though we’ve done our best to avoid these situations in years past, we’ve certainly had our share of problems. As a result, we no longer allow women to attend this event.”
This is the high technology, adult version of a "no cooties" sign on your club house.
Could there be a more perfect example of privilege? I'm not exactly a social justice warrior but it is nothing short of disgusting that males who cannot prevent themselves from making sexist comments or behaving in a misogynistic manner are being catered to. This behaviour is akin to victim blaming, and I for one will not be purchasing this product.
No, they're saving you from the mean comments.
Because if they let you attend I'm sure I'd be reading MEN ARE SO MISOGYNISTIC comments.
Either way they can't win.
Ohhhh, man.
I so don't care about this Texas LAN event thing, incidentally. Normally I could dredge up enough interest to take a side but I really don't care.
So what have we learned from this blog?
I learned games with bright, colorful graphics, cheery atmosphere and good dialogue are winning combos with the woman demographic.
If you can slap a marriage and child-rearing segment on your game then you have it fucking made.
Also they don't understand why male gamers are threatened by female gamers-- ignoring for the moment most people who would self-identify as a "gamer" have little practical experience with women-- when the three colors in an average male-oriented video game are gray, brown and khaki, the story most likely revolves around war, death and depression and the first question when the phrase "children are in this game" is "can I kill them?"
My ultimate conclusion is gamers really are a juvenile bunch of twats, irrespective of age, gender or other affiliations.
This is the 21st century equivalent to playing house and playing war, respectively.
Only my understanding of gaming is superior.
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