Let me tell you guys about that fucking patch first though, okay.
It's pretty good.
I dunno, patch 1.19 was better I think but this isn't too bad. I like the achievements a lot but I still need to gain 1.5 levels for my fancy crown. Haven't tried the Moogle fight and I probably won't until someone else figures out how to do it because frankly fuck figuring it out with spergs.
If you could solve one problem in the world, what would it be?
I'd make pugilist a good job for the first time in FFXIV history.
In fact, no, let's aim big: I'd make unarmed fighting a consistently viable option in all video games.
Where's my unarmed skill in Skyrim, Bethesda? That shitty "your gauntlets' armor rating is additional damage too" trait sure isn't fucking cutting it.
I'm not asking for it to be the best option in the game. Just as competitive as swords or spears or whatever else.
Hate. I think if there were a lot less hate, there would be a lot more working together to solve problems like hungry, bad economy, unemployment and poverty.
The fuck are you talking about?
I think in the core of a lot of these problems, a lot of it stems from hate. You don't believe the same things I do... thus I hate you. I think if everyone could just agree to disagree, without all the hate, life would be better. You could practice your religion, I could practice mine. You could vote for your candidate, and I can vote for mine.
And we'd all cancel each other out and get nothing accomplished.
No, hate is pretty much the sole reason we've gotten this far as a species.
I don't even need to get into how Orwellian the concept of obliterating an emotion to make the world a better place is.
Why stop at hate? Why not get rid of anger? Or sadness? Why not get rid of happiness too, because surely the desire to be happy drives people to be ambitious and might therefore make someone else sad?
Just get rid of all emotions so everyone can be your automatons.
I was such an emo girl before the celexa... How did anyone manage to be my friend? Then... I've gotten so boring... how does anyone manage now?
I used to feel things before the pills made me comfortably numb.
How in the fuck can you write a phrase like "I used to have emotions before Celexa" and not immediately think "Jesus Christ I really need to stop taking Celexa"?
I guess Celexa makes you compliant and indifferent so you won't initiate the behavior of not being on Celexa.
Sometimes I miss the over emotional Lauren. I miss those intense feelings. I was more passionate, about everything.
How horrifying must that be to be fully aware that this has happened and yet totally indifferent to do anything about it?
Well "horrifying" in a relative sense because I'm guessing that's a vestigial word for an emotion she can no longer feel.
I'm feeling stuck. Not with Matt. Matt's fine. Just with me. I need something I'm not giving myself. I don't know what it is, or how I find it.
Get off pills, learn a little willpower to keep your emotions in check.
There, found it.
Good news first! I got a job! It's part part time. I'll be filing at my husbands work when they need me. No more than 10 hours a week... but it's extra money! I always thought that if I got ANY work, they'd just deduct it from my social security, and I'd just receive less each month.
Yeah she's on social security. She has, errr, CF.
I didn't know what that stood for but I Googled it and it stands for cystic fibrosis.
There's an entire novel on the front page of the CF Foundation about what it is but if I had to summarize it it's basically your organs don't work quite right.
But evidently she's well enough to work so why isn't she?
I didn't realize I could work a little bit and still collect. Which is good, because on top of being "as needed" this job is seasonal.
Oh yeah, it's so good to double dip.
You know they're voting on a bill in congress to censor the internet and we're sinking further in debt as the Republican parasites agree with the Democrat leeches to further suck this country dry and the Chinese are starting to undo the final checks to complete military domination but as long as we live in a great welfare police state where everyone is on pills to keep them from feeling those pesky emotions or thinking those scary thoughts then I guess it'll all work out for the best, eh?
I feel very frustrated with my family right now. I know it must irritate them that I do less chores and don't work. I get it. But I can't explain to them how I PHYSICALLY feel without someone jumping down my throat. I better call the doctor if I'm unable to do x, y or z because I should be able to do more. So it's either call the doctor, or I must be exaggerating, and I get an eye roll when I state that I can't do something.
See even the family that loves you so much (there was a really long and sappy post I skipped [you're welcome] on the subject) knows you're full of shit.
How do I explain to them that sometimes, being up and about is TIRING for me.
It's tiring for you?
It's tiring for everyone.
Suffering is a big part of the human condition.
And I don't mean that in some emo WOE IS MEEEEE kind of way. People do shit they don't want to do all the time. It's just what you have to do.
So I'm throwing a 4th of July party. I want to go ALL OUT. I'm considering getting a package deal with the bouncy house people and getting a cotton candy maker and helium balloons for an extra $30. I've been looking up party decorations, games and ideas all day. I want this to be a HUGE big deal.
Not too sick to have a party that is "a HUGE (your emphasis)" deal, eh?
If you were a cross-breed between two animals, what animals would they be, and why?
wait no, machines aren't animals.
I'm finding today emotionally trying. It's hard to see half your list on facebook posting about mother's day with beautiful pictures of newborns. It's something I want so bad, and today seems to be a day that it's rubbed in my face that I can't have it.
For the best, I say. You'd neglect that thing.
So, the white coats said no. Apparently, double organ transplants are not done.
Because our medical science is barbaric and primitive.
Okay so I wandered off for like 8 hours to do other things but check this fucking shit out:

And the crown:

I want that other blue crown now. Have to do all sorts of materia melding and shit for that, though.
Anyway the entire point of this post is pretty much to show off this crown. I've done that so now I'm going
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