Friday, December 2, 2011

Praaaaaaaaaise Zeus

Sometimes it takes me a long time to find a good blog to review. I'm sure I've been over the criteria before but in case you forgot it has to be douchey and stupid but also has to have enough to it to comment on. Endless "LOL I HAD A SANDWICH xP" posts don't really leave much to the imagination.
And I get really bored. Sometimes I'm half an hour in with nothing at all and I start to wonder what will give first: Livejournal or my attention.
So imagine my surprise when this was gifted to me.
What is your biggest fear?

Today's writer's block is entitled "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" and I immediately ran to Wikipedia to see if they were remaking that show.
No dice, unfortunately.
Nickelodeon, man. The new ThunderCats reboot? Great.
Do they show DBZ? Yes they do, even if it is the pared down DBZ: Kai.
By my reckoning, Nicktoons shows 2 shows that are worth watching, which is 2 more than any other channel.
Also I believe Warhammer said it best: "there is nothing to fear but failure."
Or, alternatively, "I know no fear for I am fear incarnate."

My biggest fear is that I'll do all I can for Jesus and God from this time forth in my life (or nearly so) and end up simply cut asunder in Jesus' presence when I go into the next life.. then delivered to Hell, followed by the Lake of Fire.. to reside in continuous suffering forevermore.. without anyone ever remembering me again.. and without any chance of doing anything worthwhile again.. especially anything which could get me Heaven.

Which runs contrary to the message in the Bible, which is that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
Through faith alone are you saved.
But Christians getting their own religion right, eh.

I've really been struggling to have enough faith to both obtain *and* keep some healings I could really use for my body.. It's been tough.. I end up praying for the healing, then looking to see if it's happening rather than trusting in God's provision.. And as a result, losing the healing. :(

I wonder how many faith points you need to heal yourself. I know Sister Repentia have a rule that lets them survive mortal wounds to make one last attack before croaking but I don't think that counts.

I don't know where I'd be if I were in a world that couldn't have glasses.. I'm struggling to get a healing from God for my eyes, rather than leaning on eye docs to provide me with the glasses that could help my vision.

Edie Hart can cure the blind and the sick but I question the source of her miracles.
The thing is, I've gotten healings from God for my eyes a number of times, but I end up doubting them and losing out. :(

Seriously what the fuck is this? If God literally healed your eyes how are you doubting this?
Gee I couldn't see before, but miraculously I can now--
Surely if a supernatural being healed you you'd be aware of what just happened.
I just had a pseudo dinner at Cicchitti's.. a pizza joint in town where you can get pizza by the slice, as well as whole pizzas, strombolis, calzones, and a few other items.. including one of my favorite drinks.. a vanilla egg cream.

Holy shit do you know how many types of gluttony Thomas Aquinas documented?
Five fucking ways you can be a slob.
Laute - eating food that is too luxurious, exotic, or costly
Nimis - eating food that is excessive in quantity
Studiose - eating food that is too daintily or elaborately prepared
Praepropere - eating too soon, or at an inappropriate time
Ardenter - eating too eagerly.
That's some serious shit.

To all of you out there who seek to kill off or imprison the evildoers of this world.. what's better.. The extinguishment of an individual's life by a sword..? Or the alteration of a person's incidence of destruction to the world via their becoming a new and positive loving creation by God's power, as led into by the power of God's love, shown unto such an individual by a willing Christian.. most specifically, one that does not demand rights but who pours love upon such an individual even when the Christian experiences the individual's incidence of destruction first hand?

Wow that's some crazy bullshit.
Also, shit, why didn't the judicial system think of that?
Instead of punishing and executing people, let's just make them better people!
Oh that's right, I remember now. People are assholes.
The Bible even preaches this. The Bible tells you people are evil by nature.
The one message me and the Bible can agree on.

I wish Brad didn't have so much in the way of unChristian movies and music.. I hate when he decides to watch a movie with stuff in it that is unhealthy to watch or hear.. or even listen to his secular music.. especially when the group he's listening either swears in their music, or worse, speaks even overtly against true Christianity.

Name one Christian song with a guitar riff as hardcore as Hells Bells and I'll be willing to listen to it.
One band which really irks me is Metallica.. which, although I have yet to listen to their stuff directly, I find rather objectionable,

I don't really know what they're about
Typical Christian hypocrisy right here.

Maybe many of the bands in this world simply have yet to encounter a real Christian.. someone who lives out what the Bible really says, and who doesn't hold onto false pictures of God and His Son, Jesus, or make inordinate excuses for his own sins.

Do what the Bible really says.
Burn witches, stone women, beat children.
Jesus is hardcore.

I haven't read it much for myself, but seemingly when satan was banished to the earth, he took with him a large supply of musical instruments. I seem to remember this was made a case by the video "Hell's Bells".. a seemingly Christian attempt to inform people of the dangers in much of today's rock music.

Hells Bells, you're speaking my language now.
The rest of the post is bullshit but thanks for the AC/DC reference anyway.

Truth be told.. just because a woman has beauty or charm doesn't mean much.. especially in today's world's being filled with people who are living for their own purposes rather than God's.

Someone's mad jelly.
Just because you're pretty and charming doesn't mean you're filled with the spirit of God which is what's important ACCORDING TO MY OWN CRITERIA.
The only reason I post this is because I'm an ugly troglodyte with the personality of wood.
Even the people who claim to be on the actual right path are filled with lies they have taken from the pages of the Bible..

So there you have it from a Christian, I guess. The Bible is filled with lies.
words without their appropriate meanings.. creating doctrine that God and Jesus never meant to preach. I've had a number of very good looking female humans in my life.. and yet none of the truly good looking ones have ended up in a relationship with me.

Truth.. I haven't ever had a true relationship with a woman in the way God meant them to be.. especially in this world of submission to His Gospel. In the times of the Old Covenant between God and man,

This is a dude?
surely this is a woman.
You're fucking shitting me.
I call them girls.. though most would call them women I guess. Though I don't see myself as a man.. especially because I don't know how to take care of even myself very well.. much less a spousal counterpart.

Step #1: stop being a goddamn pussy.
Step #2: we really need to talk about how you present yourself
Step #3: time to venture outside mom's basement
Step #4: let's stay out of mom's basement for a little while
Step #5: let's stop worrying what bronze age superstition has us doing
Step #6: now we're ready to start maybe looking for a brown girl
But all women of the world, listen to me: if you approach this guy you run the risk of ending up a girl suit for this creep. It's a very real possibility I want you all to understand.

Daddie.. I need help. I had no clue that I wasn't saved, and that that was the reason I couldn't repent of sin completely. I struggled so much to leave it behind.. but always ended up back committing it some more.

By "daddie" he means God.
If you're over the age of 3 knock the daddy shit the fuck off.
This is doubly shameful that you're an adult man and triply shameful you're referring to a deity to whom you're supposedly subservient.
Can you believe this shit?
I sure can.
If you can't believe this clearly you haven't been following along these past three years.
I hate being so alone... and so undirected. I keep thinking that maybe I should've told someone at some church I was attending about my struggles with sin.. but I was so embarrassed by it that I just didn't consider it. I've been struggling with sin so much for so long.. mostly since I was 11, when I got into my mom's clothing.

Ha, ha, ha oh wow.
The hits keep rolling.
I had no clue how wrong it was to dress in clothing of the opposite sex.. nor how difficult it would be to kick the habit once I tried it. I do know now how horribly controlled I was by the longing to be dressing up in women's clothing.. even at 11.. I just wish my parents hadn't ganged up on me and turned me over to a psych doc.. Neither one of them ever even began to teach me God's ways..

I'm seriously getting flashbacks to The Silence of the Lambs now.
I'm so scared. It's so hard to believe that I'm 42 and that I only got saved a few days ago, even though I've been a believer in Jesus all my life.

42, man.
42 years old.
As in nearly double my age.
Makes you stop and think--
You know when some people get serious about Christianity they become King Richard the Lionhearted. This guy became Whinebaby Pusscakes.
This is the dilemma the scientist has. He is unfaithfully succumbing to a call from satan to only accept what he can prove with either mathematical, physical, or chemical 'empiric' proof.. and not to rely, instead, upon God's truth apart from its being proved to the point that faith is no longer required.

Better turn off that computer then, buddy, because faith didn't make it and faith doesn't power it.
All right I wandered away for what might be a record six hours so I think I'm going to call it quits here.

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