Cartoon characters: not real.
Strange, I know.
Oh don't worry, gentle reader, if you don't know what I'm talking about. You're about to be educated.
What would be your last meal?
Oddly morbid line of questioning from Livejournal today.
Probably something obnoxiously fat that'd give me a heart attack three minutes 45 seconds into the meal, thus it being my last. :3
So typical American ha, ha-- except he's Dutch.
She is pretty. And halfway done. And I like vectors. And Shampoo. And fancelling.
I do not like shaky hands though. More good news to follow at a later point.
The entire post.
So a vector, in modern day nerd parlance, is a specific animation technique that renders an image larger than it was previously. The only other definition I know of is in epidemiology where a vector is something through which something (disease, parasite, whatever) spreads (mosquitos, water, Nickelback CDs, etc.).
I think it's also a shape. A specific kind of shape but I don't know geometry.
I know this does relatively little to translate this post from crazy but that's what I have to work with currently.
Here we have a cut for, in his words, "too many words" which is always a good sign.
Anime has taken up quite a bit of my life. Without it, I wouldn't be here anymore - more on that later. I love quirky humor, perky characters (be they male OR female, although one will usually find them to be female in anime) and silly physics (Goku's instant-fallovers in DBZ come to mind).
Oh yes, the zany physical comedy of Dragon Ball Z.
What's the most memorable scene from DBZ? Most people would think of Gohan's victory over Cell or maybe when Goku goes Super Saiyan (1 or 3) for the first time, or maybe Goku's victory over Freeza-- somehow I doubt many people would pull the "zany xP" comedy segments that are (mercifully) few in number.
Anime usually has at least two of these characteristics, and sometimes they are just plain old interesting. Aside from comedy, I also like ecchi anime. The fact that some artists just blatantly draw (physically inaccurate, lulz) breasts, as opposed to prude western cartoons, is a sign of respect for the human body.
TLDR: It is my anti-drug. Along with Doctor Who (Thank you, Hel), Scrubs and The Big Bang Theory.
Why would you admit to any of this shit?
Ecchi, for those of you blissfully ignorant, is basically softcore cartoon porno.
The muse of my continued existence, bane of relationships. Many a person is repulsed by the fact that my life has been saved by an animated female, but sadly (for them) this is the fact. Late 2003, by depression had reached a stage when I had attempted suicide (twice).
Why would you admit to any of this shit?
And on another side note, I still won't start on the cel or resume either statue. I've slept for two hours last night and my hand ain't steady. All the paint, jars and resin is here though, so tomorrow is probably go-time. :3
My hands smell like brimstone, speaking of Warhams.
Why, Ork Kommandos? Somehow the Warhammer staple, Orks, has eluded me for 10+ years.
Not so today.
I think I bought the last set of pewter models in the world, too. Thank you for not getting with the times, NC.
Basically I got them as an excuse to try some new things including painting green (which I seldom do) and this new buffing thing I learned about.
Oh but we're not talking about Warhams. We're talking about some anime sculpture.
My mistake.
Of course, as I finally resume work on my statues, I am both out of hi-gloss white, meaning I can't work on the eyes of the statue I was working on half a year ago, I lack sample jars to mix paint for the fancel.
I've been painting statues (as you call them) for more than ten years and I've never heard of a fancel in my fucking life.
>painting eyes
>using high gloss paint
I'd be powerfully against using titanium white period for eyes (your eyes aren't that pure white) but if you have to do that at least use oil paints.
I guess you could argue it's an anime sculpture so realistic or muted colors aren't what you're going for anyway so maybe you could justify titanium white but for the love of Christ don't use high gloss.
Things glossy paints are good for:
Here's a post on why CSI is bullshit and my response to this is if the science on CSI were completely realistic no one would watch it because real life is boring.
The artificer (new class in DDO) sucks, but is extremely fun to play. Making a whole of four classes completely obsolete and still being self-sufficient, it is a one-man party, making the whole principle of an MMO equally obsolete.
>makes four entire classes obsolete it's so awesome
we clearly are working under different definitions of "suck".
I have been raging at work a couple of times these past couple of week. Nothing compared to today. I'm still quaking. I can't help it anymore. Litte things now piss me off beyond repute. Pathetic little ignorant people (although ignorant people have been pissing me off ever since I started this journal). But there are now very few people who can still balance out this gross insult on my intelligence.
Sounds like you need to man the fuck up, friend.
This, by the way, counts for both my LJ and offline, and my MSN, and pretty much everything.
This must be some insult. You are butthurt at least five different ways across unrelated means of communication.
While I still may have a couple of intelligent lurkers, the blatant stupidity everywhere is starting to really get to me. LJ is still a relative safe haven though, where I can still spew my gall without too much... stupidity.
Excuse me?
Are we reading the same Livejournal or have I just been plugged into the stupid one this entire time?
But it just seems that more and more people have nothing to say and just skip to insults or empty sentences without any meaning whatsoever.
"Insults and empty sentences without any meaning whatsoever" was working title for this blog, actually.
I made a list of things I wanted this blog to contain and the phrase "anger and insults" appeared no less than five times.
I am depressed. I am horribly depressed and want to escape into games for the rest of my life.
Escape into an MMO. Smart place to escape stupidity and no, wait I remember now. Those games are breeding grounds for morons.
I saw a picture today where someone had 938,000,000 gil, incidentally. I thought I was rich in that game but that's just obscene.
Or just end it. I am so sick and tired of all this shit that's happening around me. During this morning I went into such a fucking blood rage that I wanted to kill people, indiscriminately.
That's how I felt when I saw a stream of Skyrim yesterday.
I like how it's 2011 and animation involves literally capturing movement from real people and Bethesda still cannot animate a human walking like they're not being controlled by an invisible hand up their rectum.
That shit flew in 2002 when Morrowind came out but come on, we're almost a decade into the future. Time to animate shit like we're big boys.
Also I heard rumors to the effect that there's a quest where you help a bullied kid by killing the bully (who is a girl [who really just likes the kid]). If that's true then that is Bioware-level writing and Bethesda really needs to go bankrupt.
I'm all for violence as a solution to problems, especially in video games, but in that specific case I think the situation could be readily handled through diplomacy.
This scared the living daylight out of me.
Why would Bethesda even write a quest like that? You are the chosen one-- go help bullied nerdlings!
Maybe I should just end myself for the safety of the masses, or maybe I should end a couple of people on the other end of the intelligence scale. I'm guessing I'll be heading home early today.
Go help bullied nerdlings by murdering those mean girls who bullied them in high school!
It's a vicarious revenge fantasy. That's the only thing I can think of.
No, there's no way that shit's real.
Here's a post entitled "bored and gaming ramble" and there's no way you're as bored as I am reading this or as rambling as I am.
I started playing ADOM again last week and I finished a run already. Yeah, I'm a save-scummer (I've recently learned this term), but I am pro-optional iron-man mode. Forced Iron-man = very uncool.
I could explain all this but I shouldn't.
I shouldn't dignify this with a translation to normal speak.
I lost the PayPal claim, and I won't be refunded my 5 bucks for not receiving my DLC from EA, which effectively ruined my savegame. I am not terribly grief-stricken about either the cash OR the savegame, as the cash is very little (even though I'm near-broke right now), and the save-game is of the 30-somethingeth playthrough, but the end result is still the same: If you pay for DLC, don't automatically assume you'll get it, and if you don't, you won't get a refund as you paid for virtual shit.
>EA outright stealing your money
>not getting angry over this
this is why EA is the video game monster it is today, people.
Another good reason not to pay for virtual shit. I'm not sure I'll pay for Mass Effect 3, either. EA and Bioware hit me where it hurt, and that is a very bad thing to do in an area where I am knowledgable.
Bioware hit me where it hurt.
The storytelling department.
Seriously, what 12 year old have you loosed into the writing meetings, Bioware?
Oh boy, here's him cosplaying Tseng from Final Fantasy VII, though he looks less like the elite Shinra operative and more like some sort of horrific Nazi Men in Black character.
Further proof cosplaying is a bad idea.
For reference, this is what he's cosplaying.
I don't understand people, man.
It probably also isn't a secret Microsoft has been dropping in my polls, over the last couple of years. They finally molded that whole Windows-95 look-a-like set of re-releases into something decent when they brought out XP, and yet they managed to ruin that in twofold: Once by releasing XP-SP2, which was an insult to every gamer and wannabe gamer out there,
>insult to gamers
>SP2 being the de facto standard until Win7
Didn't SP2 add support for Direct X11? How exactly is that an affront to gamers?
Just revolutionized how graphical libraries are packaged, harumph!
Then they state that as computers get better, Windows should be able to gobble up more system resources to look pretty (as in, polish a turd, it's still a turd). Yet another insult to people who want to get the most out of their PC's, and I can relate why many people switched to Linux there.
You do realize Windows Aero is the thing hogging most of your resources and you can turn it off, right?
Not that you'd need to because I can still run FFXIV on max with Windows Aero, iTunes, Firefox and MSN open with 0 lag on anything and my computer isn't that high end, all told.
soon other browsers adapted this principle into tabbed browsing, a nightmare from which there obviously is no return. Quite the contrary, obviously, as IE7 followed suit.Tabs are nightmares?
What kind of bizarro world are you living in, friend? Oh yes, I loved having 50 windows open during the IE days.
Ohhh man, I don't know anymore.
Anyway, Monday.
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