So you know how sometimes people post to their blogs about all this stupid bullshit no one cares about and they treat everything like the world is ending?
One of those today.
She also makes list of "stressors" in her life and it all sounds like a ton of bullshit to me.
What do you like to collect?
Today's writer's ('s's's) block. I like to collect anger, so I keep this blog.
I like to collect memories.
XOXO Leyna
Yeah thanks for that, Leyna.
Collect memories, awwww.
You should write that on a greeting card and then promptly shove it up your own ass.
News: I hate life.
New News: My “friends” hate me.
Old News: I’m tired of all the bs drama.
So in case you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m in a crappy mood.
No, couldn't quite figure that one out.
Boyfriend troubles mixed with friend troubles mixed with school troubles mixed with 3rd degree burns all come together to give me one massive headache.
I have to assume she doesn't literally mean 3rd degree burns because I'm pretty sure that would vault to #1 if they were literal burns.
I'm horrifically burned over 80% of my body but let me tell you about my fucking friend troubles, what a headache!
First off, I was perfectly fine with hobbling on crutches around school so that I didn’t have to miss classes and get zeros. But no. I was too hurt to go to school and I missed a week and a half of school.
Maybe these are literal burns?
Professors tend to be sticklers about attending class but I think if you show them a note from the doctor stating you have broken limbs and third degree burns they might be willing to float you an extension.
Now I’m scared I’m failing my classes because of the zeros I’m getting and I’m panicing…..this is stressor #1.
Probably should have written your professors after the accident, though.
I only missed one class in the history of my college career so I dunno.
Let that sink in for a minute: I didn't miss a day of pussy sensitivity class 1 through 5, but I missed a day of this class.
Imagine how shit that class must have been.
I wasn't sick or anything, either. I just said "nah, not happening today" and I leveled warrior on FFXI.
Then as if the school thing wasn’t enough to get to me, I’m having trouble with the boyfriend. I love him to tears but I sincerely can’t take him sometimes.
I love him but he really throws me right the fuck off, too.
That's a sentiment I look for in a significant other.
It’s an emotional rollercoaster with us; we constantly fight, I barely ever see him, and I don’t know how much longer I can go on like this.
Yes, the perfect girlfriend. I barely see her and when I do we fight.
It's almost like I should break up with her or something.
Plus the fact that just a few days ago we had a fight so bad that we broke up…and then twenty seconds after I got 50+ texts and calls saying “Please don’t do this Leyna….I’m sorry…” then came the 100+ “Please respond…I love you….” Then the 20+ “Please…Don’t…I need you…” By the way, our anniversary is/was in 6 days……this is stressor #2.
No, friend, when you break up with the bitch you stop talking to her. You go your way and she goes her way.
Also, my grandfather past away recently. His house is a major mess. My family is a major pain….these are stressors #3, 4, 5, 6, and possibly 7.
Finally, my latest blunder: the friend that was. First time I talked to him he told me he was from my old school and that he remembered me. (NOTE: I’m two years younger than him and there’s no possible way that he remembered me because I was virtually invisible at that school…) After that, we talked a few times, something happened, and I started to really like him. Next thing I knew, I find out that he’s not who I thought he was. Now I don’t even have him as a friend……this is stressor #7 or 8 and 9 and 10.
Yeah that really sucks but do you want to hear about the stresses in my life?
So I got this Savage Might IV Materia and it just won't fucking sell!
I'm just undercutting the market a ton now. It's not like I care about the potential market collapse my antics will cause because when I unload it I'm done with it.
I can't believe these idiots who 1. buy the items I make and then 2. buy materia to put on them. You are going to feel so stupid wasting literally millions to have an item explode in your stupid face only to have all that shit outdated next fucking month.
What you do is make your own shit or, failing that, level a craft so you can make your own items. Then buy the tier III materia because it's about 10% of the cost for 50% of the effect that you don't really need that much of, all things told. I know they said the Ifrit fight was balanced for materia but it isn't really that optimized for it. You can get away with Savage Might III.
So just to tie everything together: I’m really stressed out. I just wish things would calm down and I didn’t have to deal with any of this. I’m extremely upset about my boyfriend and friend and really upset about school and the death of my grandfather (please don’t comment on the fact that the boyfriend & friend situations took precedence over the death of my grandfather).
Oh don't worry. I'm not even talking about you anymore.
So after the burns on my legs were up-graded to 3rd degree burns by my regular doctor on Wednesday, we've been trying to find a burn center that will take our medical insurance card. And guess what? There is absolutely no one.
Oh shit these are literal burns.
I was thinking more along the lines of "oh shit, sick burn" type stuff.
She was butthurt, is what I'm getting at.
But no, these are literal third degree burns that can get infected.
Also correct me if I'm wrong but insurance companies hate covering preexisting conditions but there's no way a burn is a preexisting condition.
Fucking insurance companies, I tell you. They're part of my 500 step action plan to fix the economy.
I got to thinking how the Romans, whose example I consult on all things, would handle this current crisis and I determined they'd probably start cutting out the cancer as they saw fit. The problem is it's difficult to know where cancer ends and healthy cells begin so I figure we'll start at the chancres and work our way out.
Of course their economy collapsed under suspiciously similar circumstances so maybe they aren't as clever and noble as I give them credit for.
So I've been stuck in immense pain, waiting for the doctors to call and say "we found you a burn specialist!" The worst part of this is the fact I'm missing over a week of classes and letting down the drama club that I started.
Look I joke a lot on here about being Billy Badass but even I wouldn't be so craven as to suggest your 3rd degree burns should come after fucking drama club.
Speaking of drama club, there's way too much drama there (I know sounds redundant) and I don't think I can take it much longer. The people in the group have voted my (slightly abusive and horrible) xbf to be my 3rd in command. So I have to deal with him...daily...which is horrible. Any suggestions on how to handle this??
I'd have already manipulated the vote in my favor but I guess you can always consolidate your position by making sure 1st and 2nd in command like you-- I dunno, you have a lot of options.
Oh, and I am officially 18years old! It kinda happened two weeks ago but I figured I might as well tell everyone now about it.
Man, 18.
I seriously hope I wasn't this stupid when I was 18.
Don't you just hate when something happens and you watch your dreams fall into millions of tiny little pieces? That's exactly what happened when at 9:15am as we pulled out of the wawa (while I was holding 3 big cups of piping hot coffee) we got into an accident that then caused me to gain 2nd degree burns all over my legs and inner thighs.
Ha, ha, ha oh Christ--
didn't some woman sue McDonald's over a similar situation?
Something to think about.
After rushing to the worst yet closest hospital, waiting in the ER for half an hour (as I was crying and in major pain), and being seen (finally) by the doctor the diagnosis was 2nd degree burns on my thighs, inner thighs, and a few other places. The result: no princess auditions for me =C.
Crispy cunt.
... Didn't I just say I wasn't so craven as to be doing this?
I guess I am that mean-spirited.
Huh, well, I guess after doing it for three years your persona kind of becomes you.
So guess what happened...can't guess...? That's ok I'll tell you! I might be for-filling a life long dream of mine: being a Disney princess!!! Since I was 12 years old and dancing in Disney with my dance studio I've dreamed of being a princess; walking around taking pictures and signing autographs sounds awesome right?
When you're that full of yourself the boiling water to the snatch is really just life's way of bringing you down a peg.
The Romans personified this exact kind of shit as Fortuna, and we're all strapped to her wheel of fortune. While someone's fortune is rising, someone's is invariably sinking.
Meanwhile, I have auditions for being either snow white or a fairy (because I'm funsized and not over 5'6") tomorrow in Philly!!!
Funsized-- are you fucking kidding me?
So some late breaking news...drum role please...PB is getting married! Or at least the letter she left us says she is. The latest breaking news is that she "met a man"! Now please, please tell me something: what type of illiterate disillusioned 19 year old uses the phrase "I met a man" when telling one's parents that she found a guy (that can put up with the fact she's a psycho)?
Calling someone illiterate when you just confused role for roll isn't quite the thing you want to be doing if you don't want to look like a complete cunt.
Also I'm going to need your definition of "disillusioned" because I'm guessing by the context it doesn't mean what you think it means.
Further, I'm guessing by the fact she left a letter means she isn't illiterate. Perhaps she isn't as poised and graceful with words as you are (unlikely) but she's clearly literate if she can write.
Since, by definition, literacy is the ability to read and write.
Especially in this day and age! To me it sounds like one of the girls off of Golden Girls (don't even pretend that you don't know what I'm talking about).
Well I can honestly say I'm not pretending.
I have no fucking clue what you're on about.
But maybe little miss good-time-girl has changed her ways, turned in her devil horns for a halo & wings, and maybe..just maybe here...I'll be a billionaire and will never have to pay taxes. You never know. It could TOTALLY happen. (I truly hope that all reading this gets the sarcasm.)
I'm not sure I understand anything anymore.
This one entry has completely ruined my ability to comprehend human emotions.
Have you ever been sure of something to such a degree that there's no doubt in your mind about it...and then it comes out that you were wrong all along?
I mean yeah. When I was a little kid.
The older I get, I find, the less sure you are of things.
I can honestly say I haven't been doubtless in about twelve years.
That seems to be happening to me a lot. I was 100% sure that I was right and that what I saw was what I thought. But it wasn't.
The good news, at least in my case, was with doubt came the wisdom to keep my yap shut so I never look like a jabbering twat.
When I was in elementary school, I was bereft of having a true friend. Most of the people that went to school with me were insidious, reiterating harmful gibes yet never getting caught.
Is that a proper usage of the term?
I'd lean towards "no" but if they're picking on you over the same thing they would literally be reiterating their point--
It's nonstandard at least, since "reiterating" is usually for clarity or emphasis.
Also a gibe by definition is a remark.
People can't really be remarks.
Jesus Christ, this bullshit bullying story continues for sixteen more paragraphs.
Have you ever felt like you’re entire world collapsed around you? Like you’re drowning in something hot and boiling and you’re chest starts burning and you lose all control of your emotions?
And yeah I felt like that when I heard Sara Bareilles covered Sittin' On The Dock of the Bay.
What has to be running through your head to do that?
The only thing I was drowning in was my own burning piss, though.
Oh you're not familiar?
Well prepare, because your suffering shall be legendary.
That's not the soul classic I know.
I’ve felt like that, like my world fell out from under my feet and I was just falling waiting to hit rock bottom…
Nah nothing that melodramatic happened to me, though. I just sat there in utter disbelief for about a minute then I moved on with my life.
I was going to go into this whole rant about something as stupid as boys being boys (I guess that still applies here) but I realized that it’s not even worth it.
Come to think of it I don't think I've listened to that gr8 cover long enough to hear the part where there's supposed to be whistling. I bet she just whines through it instead.
Jesus Christ can I call it or what?
Also I don't know what's wrong with your watch, Sara whatever your stupid face is, but your version is 3:23 but mine is only 2:45. What, the ruination wasn't complete in 2:45 so you just had to stretch my fury for another minute?
So yea, I’ve felt like my world collapsed out from under me and I was left drowning but right after that, I felt nothing. Numb. Pissed. Indifferent.
You know what's worse than a bad cover of a great song?
A bad cover that's also way fucking longer.
... How the hell am I still talking about this?
And I know that I said before that being indifferent on things was horrible and that’s what made the world Oliver created so drastically different from ours (because let’s face it, we’re all really biased about things that we have opinions on).
We're all really biased about things we have opinions on.
As opposed to opinions that are 100% objective.
Are you really that fucking dumb or are you just fucking with me?
Well I'm up to the first entry and I can't even be assed to read it.
We need to have a talk about you, Leyna. You really need to step your game up.
This is just completely unacceptable. If you were my employee I'd tell you to get the fuck out of my office.
You are fucking fired.
Buuuuuuuh fuck.
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