Anyway, welcome... TO OBLIVION.
Which U.S. President has made the most positive impact?
If you don't say FDR you are provably wrong.
Interesting that quite a few people find the mere asking of this question "US-centric", are "annoyed", or think even asking the question is "ignorant"
I'm interested in hearing what people from other countries or cultures think on a variety of subjects, including this one. Had the question been about British Prime Ministers, I wouldn't have immediately gotten up in arms and thought it "Anglo-centric" or biased or ignorant. I would have either stated my opinion, or ignored it, and gone on about my day.Other people are annoying. Look, if the US-centric questions on the US website upset you stop going to it. Or stop looking at it. Or, go found a British Livejournal that only asks UK questions.
I'm also cheered to see so few "JFK" responses to this.
Remember remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason why gunpowder, treason
Should ever be forgot...
I always find it ironic that Americans want to celebrate Guy Fawkes day, a day that:
1. has nothing to do with them
2. celebrates the endurance of monarchism and the defeat of a man who would have found a lot in common with the founding fathers.
But I guess V FOR VENDETTA MADE IT TRENDY TO TALK ABOUT LOL God I hate people so much.
As I explained to a coworker today; YES, I have a Facebook page, but the entire raison d'etre of my Facebook page as it relates to co-workers is to tell them that I shan't be adding them as friends to my Facebook page.
Did you just use a pretentious French term for a simple English term (reason) and the term "shan't" in one sentence?
Aaaaaand the only reason for this page is to purposefully exclude people?
Oh my God, dude.
People have asked me how I can be such a bitter enemy of my fellow man.
I ask them instead how can you not be filled with revulsion at them?
I then likened my page to that room in British gentlemens' clubs wherein members must be silent at all times.
I'm likening my right hook to the bane of witches right now and you're about to be judged.
From now on, I'm referring to supervisors/bosses as "harangue-utans".
Say it with me "HARANGUE-utans"
That is all
HAAAA-- all right, look, buddy. We were joking around before but you're seriously starting to try my patience.
Yes folks, you heard right, I've been spewing drivel from this here soap box for TEN YEARS! In that time I've had literally ("literally" in this case does not means "literally") DOZENS (meaning "one or two" not "twelve", fuck convention) of fascinating and original posts
Did you just use the term "fascinating" to describe your blog?
You know in the Roman Empire the most extreme punishment a man could face was called Damnatio Memoriae, where not only would they kill you they'd also destroy anything that indicated you ever existed.
I'm not sure that's a sufficient punishment for your douchebaggery.
You have made a fate called "damnation of memory" seem like a light sentence compared to your douchebaggery.
Soooooo...I was wondering; how does a character in "Moby Dick" (the new Encore version) quote the poem "Invictus"?
Not how a semicolon works you pretentious fucker.
Are you fucking serious?
After all this posturing and feigning at being smart about cultural matters you seriously fucked a semicolon up that bad?
Here's a question for you to ponder, cocksucker: can a semicolon replace a comma?
Is "so I was wondering" a full thought?
If you said yes you're a jackass.
Why is that you may ask?
Because even though it has all of the parts of speech required to make a sentence, repeat with me now fucker:
a sentence must have a subject, a verb and it must express a complete thought.
Is that a complete thought?
"So I was wondering."
If you cut me in the leg you would be hit in the face with boiling blood.
Time travel is the obvious answer as the book takes place 25 or so years before the poem was written.
So smart about literary matters but DOESN'T KNOW HOW A SEMICOLON WORKS FUUUCK YOUUU.
Which movie or book character are you most like, and why?
I've always felt a deep kinship with:

Humbert Humbert
Oh it's the guy from Lolita.
Get it? I guess he's a pedophile.
No I like mine better.
What is your favorite foreign film? Do you think there should be an American remake?
If your favorite foreign movie isn't Yojimbo you either haven't seen it or are objectively wrong.
And yes, we've been over this. Yojimbo was so great it required two remakes. One starred Clint Eastwood and the other starred Bruce Willis.
1) "The Grand Illusion" by Jean Renoir
2) GOD no
Yojimbo is such a timeless classic you can safely remake it in any culture in any time period and it works.
Of course neither remake were as good as the original but they were both watchable.
Fistful of Dollars definitely pales into insignificance compared to the other two entries in the trilogy.
Everyone talks about The Good, the Bad and the Ugly as the best entry in the trilogy but really For a Few Dollars More is by far the greatest movie ever made, let alone the best of the trilogy.
If I gave you all ten quesses, I'll bet you'd NEVER guess what kind of sandwich I had today.
Give up?
If there's any justice in the world it's a knuckle sandwich.
Sauteed venison pastrami and jarlsberg, with a home-made curry guacamole on a warm baguette
It were exceedingly delicious, especially paired with a bowl of shrimp bisque, and a glass of Louis Jadot Beaujolais-Villages.
What would Grimaldus do?
"I have dug my grave in this place and I will either triumph or I will die."
No that's not quite what I'm looking for--
"We are judged in life by the evil we destroy."
That's close enough, sure.
If God exists, He wants us to have faith in Him. The "Rapture" would be concrete proof of His existence. Concrete proof negates faith.
Therefore, if the IS a God, there cannot ever be a "Rapture", and if there is NOT a God, there cannot ever be a "Rapture".
The "Rapture" cannot happen.
That's not really how that works--
all right, whatever.
Not worth arguing about, honestly.
Whilst reading the local newspaper I came across a curious fact; If a man is paying child support, and consequently through a DNA test is proven to not be the father of the child in question, a judge can order him to continue paying child support if it is "in the best interest of the child".
Here's a curious fact for you: subordinating clauses not linked through a conjunction need a colon and not a semicolon.
Surely this can't be right. A personal can be held financially responsible for a child that is not theirs? How is this legal? How is this JUSTICE?
Oh you really don't want to talk about justice, friend.
I can hear people winding up the "think of the child" argument, but that doesn't cut it.
Theoretically, a woman can pick the wealthiest person in any given community and slap him with a paternity suit and even IF it's disproven scientifically, since that person is wealthy, a judge could order him to pay support for the child since it would be "in the best interest of the child".
That seems like a bit of a stretch.
I'll admit I'm no expert on law but I doubt very much that could happen.
You realize the man is question can then be jailed, or have other sanctions used against him if he refuses to pay? Jailed for something he did not do? How is THAT ever just?
And yet you walk free despite being guilty in extremis of douchebaggery.
Count your blessings.
Pardon my ignorance, but is not "one-fifth" preferable to "five times fewer", as in "one-fifth the calories" rather than "five times fewer calories"?? Those ARE analagous terms, are they not?
Well without breaking out the calculator let's logic this one through.
1/5th is the same as 20%.
five times fewer is the same as dividing by 5, which is 20%.
So yes. They are the same.
Other things you apparently don't know:
Asking a friend.
You know, I've never found Ms Perry attractive.
Me neither.
But I am honor bound to disagree with you on every point, so she's the hottest chick in the history of the world.
This bothers me a tiny bit as most guys I know are foaming at the mouth about her. It finally occured to me what it is about her I don't like; she has nice parts, but somehow, taken as a whole, she doesn't gel.
What, is she a Frankenstein monster? All of her parts clearly belong on her because they're on her.
She's like a woman designed by committee; all the constituent parts are what's supposed to be "sexy" but somehow the whole effect lacks harmony.
Hold on it's taking me more time than expected to take this crusade.
Hit me with the next line and I should have something.
Plus, in interviews and appearances, she comes across as not-terribly-bright.
I dunno she seems about as bright as any other pop star.
Not that it matters anyway. You don't listen to pop music for the deep intellectual discussions it creates.
You know what bugs me? When you order a pizza that's let's say, $12.00, and when the delivery guy gets there, you hand him a $20 and he asks "You need some change back?" That's just rude, and not only rude, who tips $8 on a $12 order?
I always pay in scorpions.
As will suprise no-one, I've dubbed my Nook "The Nookronomicon"
You know what I call my Nook?
My eReader.
My mom is in ICU with a gastric infection. It doesn't look good.
Oh what, did she read your blog?
Fuck you I can be that callous. This guy has put me through a lot both emotionally and morally.
What has been the most surprising cultural event of 2010?
Wow I'm getting far back.
I'll tell you the most surprising cultural event of 2011:
This fucking game, man. It went from early contender to game of the year when I first heard about it to "holy shit that looks so bad" back to game of the year contender.
That there IS no culture in 2010; just wretched excess and pretense
Don't talk about pretense. Were I to start a crusade against pretense you'd rank high on my list of things to go.
But don't worry I'm sure it's just because you're fresh in my mind. Give it some time and you will slip back into obscurity, worm.
So, someone on my flist posted something that I found rather offensive, wherein she made a sweeping negative gender-based statement about men.
You're a man.
You are begging for annihilation.
THEREFORE-- I dunno, I'm feeling her on this one. I'm starting to hate my own gender based solely on you.
I gently chided her for doing so by posting a clearly marked (subject heading was "a gentle parody, if I may be allowed") parody of what she'd written which was a sweeping negative gender-based statement about women to show how just plain wrong and hurtful such statements are.
Call her a cunt to her face and tell her to return to cleaning.
Don't even dress it up like a parody. Leave it to her imagination to determine whether or not you're serious.
Her reaction? NOT - as I might have assumed from her earlier posts - a thoughtful, reasoned, intelligent discussion of the issue, but instant un-friending.
Listen, buddy. The woman is clearly a saint for even entertaining the notion of being your friend.
I've known you for all of an hour and already I'm sure I don't want to live on the same planet as you.
Frankly, I have had all I am going to take from women saying stupid fucking things about how dumb or obnoxious or insensitive or just plain useless men are and I WILL call them on it, just as I would if they were making a racist or xenophobic comment. To make my self VERY clear, I would ALSO call out a man who was making sexist staements.
Who are you, the arbiter of all sexism?
You are in a poor position to be talking about obnoxious men, I might add.
"We've had to put up with it for years" IS NOT AN EXCUSE, in many ways, it make the offense worse.
-EDIT- Apparently, if a man has the temerity to have a disagreement with a woman, that, in itself, is enough to prove that he is sexist.
What's your title?
Chief arbiter of douchebaggery?
Disagreeing with the saint of patience?
I think not.
What is your ultimate dream job? Do you think you'll ever live the dream?
Space Marine--
No, unfortunately, I was born too soon.
"DREAM JOB" what an utterly middle-class question. Anyone with ANY taste at all would wish to be a gentleman (or lady) of leisure
My leisure is lighting witches on fire.
Don't judge me you cockeyed sack of shit.
What cheers you up the most when life gets you down?
Reading my own blog. It is delightful. Pretentious French.
To crush my enemies, drive them before me, and hear the lamentations of their women, natch.
I think our cards got mixed up.
Oh right, here we go:
Whew, sorry forgot where I was for a second.
What say you, Internets Friends, about the film "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors" by Sergei Paradjanov? I just ran across the DVD and it looks interesting.
Yea or nay?
Nay and kill yourself.
Anyway I'm going to go do something more productive with my time.
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