Precognition, etc.
Have you ever had a secret admirer? What happened?
In middle school I sure did but she was a bit too zealous and I figured it out within a day.
Good work, girl.
But that was like 6th grade and neither of us knew what we were doing because durrr hurrrr middle school so we just wound up friends.
Then she moved.
Why am I talking about this like anyone cares?
Very odd. Anyway:
I was so painfully shy around girls that I didn't even have an admirer, let alone a secret admirer, for the first twenty years of my life.
Also because you're, you know, ugly.
So many people used this shy thing as an excuse but I still managed to have a secret admirer at one point in my life. Are you sure you people just aren't devoid of personality?
There is a very real difference between shy and no personality.
I'm not sure I'm shy, though, so much as withdrawn and indifferent.
But in middle school I was probably shy.
What do you like most about LiveJournal?
Things I like about Liveournal:
10. It is still the only place where I place my private writings via my flist.
9. It is where I have been able to keep in touch of online friends that I have first connected with on various list serve groups which are no longer active.
Maybe I don't understand what private means but if you're showing your entire friend list of 72 people, most of whom you don't actually know, then I'm not sure that counts as private.
8. It is the place that introduced me to friendships that have morphed into real life meetings of seriously awesome people.
7. It is a primary source of inspiration, hope and compassion.
If that's true then you're pretty fucked.
I mean Livejournal, a source of hope in your life?
What about these mutants dredges up any emotion besides revulsion?
6. It is my number one location for connecting with other INFPs.
Oh, yeah, this shit again.
So there are these dudes. Meyers (maybe it's Myers I forget) and Briggs made this psychological profiling test that gauges you along 4 different axis. You can be either Introverted or Extroverted, iNtuitive (not how acronyms work) or Sensing, Thinking or Feeling, then Judging or Perceiving.
So our boy is Introverted, has iNtuition (still now how acronyms work), Feeling and Perceiving.
I'd wager a good 99% of all Livejournal users have the introverted part down.
5. My flist is the fertile ground for contemplation and mediation of ideas relating to my own spiritual path.
Oh God.
Literally, oh God.
You're getting spiritual enlightenment through Livejournal?
Are you fucking kidding me?
2. It is where I can express my passion for visual art, myth and symbolism
Your passion for myth.
My passion for mythology is one of the chief reasons I hate Livejournal.
Oh, where did you go so radically wrong?
Oh, this guy is a lawyer. The hits keep rolling.
Because it is cliché but true - the best things in life are free.
Yeah, and so are some of the worst things and I don't hear someone throwing a party when they get cancer.
The incredible miracle of nature, the sky above and the earth below are all breathtakingly amazing if you slow down long enough to listen to is.
Did I use my brain spore story yet?
Miracle of nature.
Or my tongue eating louse story?
How about the parasite in the Amazon river that jumps up your dick?
Or the parasite in the Nile that eats your eyelids from the inside out?
Someone once said: “That, which you cannot give away, possesses you.” That's true. We cultivate fear because we become afraid of losing that which we have acquired over the span of our life.
There's a critical difference between can't and won't. I could give my PS3 away but I won't be doing that because I have things to kill on it.
But, we become deadened to joy as a result and, ironically, are no longer capable of feeling passion and joy in the possessions that we have. If I can simplify things in my life, appreciate the daily blessings, and focus on what is before me, then that is truly the secret to happiness.
I keep telling you chucklefucks this. Your zeal doesn't come from simplifying or any of that crap. It comes from adversity.
Listen to 5 Nickelback songs in a row and see if your favorite song doesn't suddenly sound better. You're trying to do all this Zen shit on me but the Buddha himself said we only understand joy through suffering. The deeper the suffering, the greater the joy.
That's why the Buddha starved himself until he realized he had to lay down his burden?
Christ you people are thick.
Now here's a post celebrating "national vegetarian awareness month" and I feel like there are a lot of awareness months.
Vegetarian awareness, seriously? What, do I have to be aware of vegetarians now? How can I tell them apart?
What is your favorite word, and why?
My current favorite word is avail.
I prefer to use it in this exact sentence: "it will not avail you."
it says it all.
Having fantabulous as your favorite word will not avail you.
Estimated to be 100 times heftier than our Sun, Eta Carinae is one of the most massive stars in our galaxy.
Most massive.
... Adverbs can't really modify adjectives--
What is one thing that needs to be changed in your country?
All the protesting. Jesus Christ you people look fucking stupid and pathetic whining about the government while you type on your Macbooks in a Starbucks. Self-entitled manbabies is what all of you look like.
If you want to stage a goddamn protest you do what Egypt or Libya did.
Holier than thou judging. The next time you find yourself being critical of the action of yourself or another, recite these words: "Everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." - Plato
Yeah thanks a lot for that Plato but meanwhile Macbooks in Starbucks. If that's a hard battle I'd to see an easy one.
On July 10, 1040, according to one tradition, Lady Godiva made her famous ride, naked on horseback, through the streets of Coventry, England. Thus, today is Lady Godiva Day in that city.
Why'd she do that, anyway? I can't say I'm too familiar with this legend.
Godiva (Old English: Godgifu, "god gift"), often referred to as Lady Godiva (fl. 1040–1070), was an Anglo-Saxon noblewoman who, according to legend, rode naked through the streets of Coventry in order to gain a remission of the oppressive taxation imposed by her husband on his tenants. The name "Peeping Tom" for a voyeur originates from later versions of this legend in which a man named Tom had watched her ride and was struck blind or dead.
Thanks, Wikipedia.
I learned something today.
The past is an illusion. There is only the present.
As I grow older, too often do I find my thoughts dwelling on past events. Often reliving past mistakes or moments that I regret.
The past is an illusion except the woman who died almost a thousand years ago I'm posting about.
You know someone with a clear passion for mythology and history probably shouldn't say shit like "the past is an illusion."
I mean I've said that many times because it's a Warhammer quote but I don't really believe it.
So it is important for me to remember that the past is an illusion and I should spend my moments enjoying the bountiful moments of the here and now.
No you fucking pussy you have to remember the past because it's what got you to where you are now.
Nothing makes sense but by what preceded it.
Also Livejournal appears to be down suddenly.
Can't say this is a disappointment.
That website is so down I can't even begin to tell you.
Well I could end it here but instead CHECK THIS FUCKING SHIT OUT:

Sorry about the image quality. In the sheer excitement of killing Ifrit I kind of forgot to pay attention.
And here's the chest:

Not pictured: the Ifrit's Blade I got from it.
Mostly because Edie can't equip it.
Guess I could have taken a picture of it in my inventory but it's just the words "Ifrit's Blade" written in blue.
So imagine that for yourself if you want.
Of course the question now is do I level gladiator to use this weapon? It is probably the coolest looking Ifrit weapon but unfortunately gladiator is also complete shit.
But it wasn't before and it probably won't be in the future so maybe it'd be smart to level it up-- I dunno. I just feel like I could get another weapon for a job that isn't shit.
Also leveled conjurer to 44 (ever closer to 50) and Edie learned some Biblical spells, including flood, flare, quake and tornado.

I'd trust this face with power over the weather.
I mean why the fuck not? She can already cause plagues and Force choke people like Darth Vader so what's the power to conjure Biblical-style floods?
oh look Livejournal is back.
I am so glad I missed it--
Let me seek, then, the gift of silence, and poverty, and solitude, where everything I touch is turned into prayer: where the sky is my prayer, the birds are my prayer, the wind in the trees are my prayer, for God is all in all.
There's a quote to prove I wasn't making the Christfag thing up.
Or "spiritual" I guess he is. Whatever.
This sure doesn't seem like a guy.
Anyway I'm off~
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