Friday, November 11, 2011

From Fire Born

You know what game turned out to be a lot better than expected?
I can't believe I've stopped playing it to do this bullshit, even.
Here we have "Fahr Mal Wieder U-Bahn tu dir mal was gutes an".
I don't know either.
Records indicate I've clicked on this blog before. Have I reviewed it? Not to my recollection.
Who are your heroes?

Today's writer's block. Because it's Veterans Day, don't you know.

don't have any.

also, still fuck you, US-centric questions. the only noteworthy thing that happens on november 11th is st. martin's day. also, the beginning of carnival season.

And Armistice Day in Europe.
And Remembrance Day in the Commonwealth.
And Independence Day in Poland.
In fact, today is a pretty national day for a lot of people.
And even if it weren't, it's still an American website so, you know, you can fuck right off if that offends you.
what is it with your obsession with the whole "zomg gotta be grateful towards our troops" deal, anyway. they're the ones who chose to make that kind of thing their job. it's their own goddamn fault.

Not that I'd expect a filthy German to understand because you were on the losing end of the most significant event to occur in the last 500 years but the continued success of the armed forces is pretty much synonymous with continued prosperity at home.

and i don't exactly see them accomplishing anything positive, either. just war war more war look we're the US and we're the greatest. except nobody else actually believes that anymore. we're just over here shaking our heads in disbelief. it kind of stopped being at all believable the moment you didn't have a red menace to protect everyone else from anymore.

Yeah and you're welcome for saving your ass from Communism.
Ungrateful bastards.
I'll agree the US has been involved in some unfortunate wars since WWII but Germany is as tied up in Iraq as we are so I don't really see how she's getting so high and mighty.
Europeans really have a problem with that, too. Isn't the entire continent in flames due to unrest?
And you somehow presume over my country?

a bit more on the whole "zomg demisexuality = evil slut shaming!!" bullcrap:

Demisexuality. I was rereading my blog last night and came across the entry when that term first (and last) came up, by sheer coincidence. Demisexuality is being attracted to people you're romantically attracted to.
A fairly pointless term but not entirely pointless because you can lust after someone you're not romantically interested in.
as established, demisexuality is a matter of simply never experiencing the urge to have sex with anyone you're not emotionally close to, not of consciously choosing to never have sex with anyone you're not emotionally close to. it's exactly the same thing as the difference between asexuality and celibacy - can't give up something you didn't even want in the first place. however, even if someone someone did consciously decide not to have sex with anyone they weren't emotional close to, that would still not be slut shaming.

Slut shaming, from my limited understandings of the issue, has to do with women who dress promiscuously and march for the rights of women.
Because apparently the rights of women are now tied up with being completely loose in your sexual habits. And if you disagree you're somehow prudish and hate women and want women's rights to go back 200 years.
I don't understand.

even if their reason for doing so was that they thought it was cheap and meaningless to them. it would be a little thing called personal preference. it would become a problem if, and only if, if they expected everyone else to act the same way and looked down on anyone who didn't.

Yeah I do expect people to act with a base level of decency and that includes not acting like a slut.
I mean you can do that. I'm not going to stop you, but don't expect my undying respect for acting like a tramp.
and simply stating your preference does not constitute looking down on all others. i mean, what, does saying that i'm not romantically or sexually interested in women now equal homophobia, too? (ignoring that i actually identify as agender because clearly that's just another thing people do to feel like special little snowflakes when they should just shut up and smush themselves into the established categories so everyone else can have an easier time that doesn't involve having to think too hard?) please.

What the fuck is happening?
Am I dying?

why do you keep logging me out every time i close a window, livejournal. even though i checked "remember me" and even when i check it twice. you fucking retard.

Sounds like it's not properly storing cookies, possibly because you set your browser to not store temporary files.
One thing I've learned in my life is that when it comes to computer errors, 95% of the time it's actually user error.
oh god, tea tree oil. no wonder it's effective against bacteria. the stench alone is probably enough to drive them away. D:

Tea tree oil smells great, what are you on about?
dude why do people think it's okay to put pages online that don't display equally well in all browsers? didn't we get over this way back when the two possible browsers were still netscape and internet explorer?

The two possible browsers.
Because there was a period in time where the only two browsers on earth were Netscape and IE.
I'm actually becoming increasingly disillusioned with Firefox but the alternates are Chrome, Opera and Safari so I'll take the good with the bad, thanks.

i'm having a moment of serious trouble dealing with the concept that air is indeed a substance, here. you wouldn't believe just how bloody weird a state of mind this is. i'm actually flailing around trying to grasp the concept that i'm touching it right now even though i can't feel it. D:

seriously, brain? this after twenty-five years of being just fine with it?

Yes, air is a thing. If it wasn't something that existed you wouldn't be breathing it.
Pretty obvious, that.

hey fandom activism types of the internet. there's actually a far larger problem than the fact that there supposedly aren't enough strong female characters for girls to identify with. know what that problem is? the underlying implication that it's not possible or acceptable for them to identify with strong male characters.

The fuck am I reading?

honestly, how does anyone still think that whole thing is a good idea and totally going to work and help change the world? i mean, here you are, entering a fandom's communities and essentially telling its members what horrible unenlightened bastards they are for loving and cherishing the story in question exactly the way it is? and expecting it to come across in any way that isn't "hey guys stop having fun"? really?

god really what the hell is this i don't even. *helpless verbal flailing*


yes 24°C is clearly an appropiate temperature for october 4th in berlin

yes global climate change is clearly a totally made-up thing


Sample size of one CLEARLY THIS IS A PATTERN.
Also I don't think any sane person is arguing the climate isn't changing. There is mountains of evidence to support the fact it is changing. The question is and as far as I know has always been are humans the primary cause of this change?

also, fired after one week, no reason given. w/e. i honestly can't make myself care. probably because nobody will ever convince me that hard work is an intrinsically positive thing. working hard for something you don't actually want to do, that even if you do enjoy it still boils down to the need to earn a living and thus isn't truly voluntary in the end, can never be a good thing as far as i'm concerned, and fuck all the religions etc. that claim otherwise.

I'm going to have to check my book here--
Yeah, this is heresy.
Prepare to be cleansed, etc.

i don't actually eat vegetarian meals very often?

Yeah, I'll bet you don't.
Wow this entry is coming off as incredibly anti-German.
I have no problems with Germany it's just every German I've met has been a raging asshole except one.
Who coincidentally fought in WWII as part of the Wehrmacht.
Goooo figure.
I still wouldn't trust him. He just wasn't an asshole.
I'm not letting this paint my perception of Germany, though. I'm sure there are many great Germans out there.
I'm just not dealing with one currently.
And by "many great Germans" I mean about as much as any other group of people.
So practically none.
also OH HEY LOOK IT'S SEPTEMBER 11TH I JUST WONDER WHAT KIND OF STUPID AMERICA-CENTRIC QUESTION OF THE DAY WE'RE GOING TO GET TODAY. because face it the US are the only ones who still keep going on and on and on about this day as though it were actually going to make any difference at this point.

American website. I have to hear about the Holocaust you created all the time and you don't hear me complaining.
God this is boring. I'm going to play Skyrim.
The game opens with you going to your own execution and just as your head is about to roll a dragon jumps in and kills everyone.
And then you shoot lightning out of your hands like the Emperor from Star Wars.

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