Or no, my mistake, I must:
Aiot katsella sisältöä, joka ei ehkä ole alaikäisille soveltuvaa.
Which if you are good at identifying languages you will know that's Finnish.
I'm not sure why the cutaway is in Finnish because the blog is in English-- whatever.
If you could meet your true inner self, what would s/he look like, and what would s/he tell you?
I like this question because I get the impression the person asking it just finished Persona 3. You know, the game where you can summon your inner persona by shooting yourself in the head.
I think Livejournal users should practice this skill in real life.
Anyway here's my inner self:

On a totally unrelated note: I love the Siege of Vraks books because they are drawn and written like those real historical books you can buy and I think it's really funny how they treat a totally fictional event with dead seriousness like it's real history.
Rather than actually answer the question, I'm just going to say that you know you spend way too much time on TvTropes when the first thing you fill into the blank is "tomato."
Why bother answering the actual question?
Not that your answer would be any better if you had but I appreciate it when bloggers can stay on task.
I live in Minnesota, so it's funny to hear people in places like California complaining about the cold. What temperature is too cold for you?
If I lived in Finland (hell on earth) I'd just say "oh I think it's funny when people in MINNESOTA bitch about the cold."
I actually PREFER cold temperatures, but I'd still find 0 degrees Fahrenheit rather cold for me (though still solvable with proper clothing). Where I'm weird is that I think the high 60s/low 70s are way too warm. If I can't comfortably wear a hoodie or a jacket, then it's too warm for me. Nobody else seems to agree...
There is no temperature too hot or too cold for an Emperor's Space Marine.
No but seriously the class I taught last semester was variably an inferno or the COLDEST PLACE ON EARTH.
Fuck that school.
Day 06: Something that excites you and fills you with joy.
An outside performance opportunity.
Oh a voyeur.
Always. I don't even care what it is so long as I'm being asked to play oboe or bassoon or the related doubles. I just love performing...sure, it can be nerve-wracking and scary, but that's what makes it exciting. It's thrilling, and it's always lovely to see people enjoying a performance.
I was just, for once, hoping she'd say something to earn that "14 years or older to watch"
not that the phrase "getting fucked in public" wouldn't earn you an instant 18+ rating but you get what I mean.
I had a surreal moment when I was practicing tonight in which I mentally became one with my oboe. It was pretty cool, actually, because it lent me a strong sense of empowerment, like I could do just about anything I wanted to.
According to a kung fu movie I saw once that's only the first step to true mastery.
True mastery is when you don't have to play the oboe anymore.
Have you ever seen that series of Zen paintings about the man and the ox?
I think it's like that.
My times at the Campus Christian Center, especially our Wednesday night "Dinner and BS" sessions.
Dinner and bullshit.
("BS" = "Bible Study," just FYI.)
So dinner and bullshit, HOOOOOO.
I've been thinking a lot about abstinence lately. I've kinda been questioning it, along with everything else with regards to LGBT matters and Christianity.
I really care about whatever the fuck it is I'm about to read.
LGBT matters and Christianity.
Two subjects near and dear to my heart.
For starters, abstinence-only education. I'm definitely for people abstaining (at the very least, until they're in a secure and stable relationship), but I strongly disagree with non-discussion of contraception and safer sex. Why? If you really think about it, no matter how much you tout abstinence as the only way to go, someone's still going to have sex.
There you have it. Even people with no sense have enough sense to know people get TEEN PREGNANT.
Moving away from that, I've been pondering my own situation too. I really don't like the idea of one-night stands, cruising for sex, anonymous sex, or anything like that for obvious reasons (disease and personal safetly, for starters). But I've been thinking beyond that, too. Waiting until marriage is so widely encouraged in Christianity.
Actually as secondary solution to never having sex ever, which is what's actually advocated in the Bible. GIVE YOUR LIFE TO GOD.
Not that our species has to continue, or anything.
But what about those of us who can't get married (at least, not for a few years at best)?
Guess you have to wait.
The Bible isn't clear on much but on this it's actually pretty crystal.
If I am in a relationship with someone and it's strong, should I hold off on going "all the way" simply because I'm waiting for a legal change that may be a long way in the distance? Should I have to pack up all my things and move just so I can be married and have sex with my husband?
I mean I say do whatever the fuck you want but if you're looking for the good Christian answer then I guess you better wait.
What does this have to do with gays, exactly?
In the end, I can say I definitely haven't got this all figured out. I probably won't for a long time coming. I should admit that I haven't been completely abstinent; I'm not sure that any time I've done something with someone has been entirely the right decision, but I do know that the world has not come crashing down around me yet.
So if you haven't been entirely abstinent you've been partially abstinent?
Can I get a definition of "partially abstinent"?
Sunday night, Phi Mu Alpha (my fraternity) put on our American Music Recital (apparently, for just about the first time in chapter history!).
For Emperor and Chapter.
Also I can't help but be drawn to the word "fraternity" as opposed to a sorority implying this is, in fact, a man.
So I guess I know why LGBT issues are relevant, huh.
As my title says, yesterday was Black Friday.
The title being "Eilen oli mustaperjantai..."
So thanks for clearing that one up, I guess.
EDIT: I almost forgot: Hyvää kiitospäivä!/感恩节快乐!
Am I on drugs?
I'm looking forward to studying in Finland now even more than ever. I have to admit, I really want to experience the Finnish way of taking a sauna: completely in the nude, perhaps being lightly beaten with soft birch branches (vihta), swimming in the lake or rolling in the snow after it's too hot to stand, going back again after taking some time to dry off, and then maybe a beer afterwards.
I'll take a pass on the reeds and the snow, actually.
Who's going to talk about getting hit with reeds like this is a good thing? What the fuck is wrong with people?
Ah yes, I was placed in a burlap sack and beaten with reeds.
And I guarantee at least one person reading this is going to say "well actually it says branches, not reeds" like that's the actual problem here.
"Oh, well, branches-- that is highly sensuous and makes all the difference--"
Holy God I just forgot about this entry for a record 11 hours.
Anyway, where was I?
Oh, right.
Fuck it, I'm done.
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