Also from Square Enix: APOCALYPSE NIGH!
I might say, SE, when you're trying to set up a world event with real people as actors (which they've done) it might behoove you to keep the friendly reminders and shit under your hat until afterwards. I get news report whiplash going from "don't tell people your password or they'll steal your delicious brown character ^.^" to "THERE ARE FUCKING MONSTERS IN THOSE DUNGEONS AND THEY'RE GOING TO GET OUT AND SUMMON THE ELEMENTAL GOD OF LIGHTNING AND MURDER YOU."
I dunno. Anyway we have some shit to contend with today-- let's enjoy this merriment.
I made a very interesting discovery today.
Since we've been watching Tenipuri Festa 2009 and 100 Song Marathon, it made me want to go watch the backstage for Maria Magdelena 2. Why you ask. Because of Hiro-kun that's why.

Yup. Lexxie's neko was one of the support cast I suppose you could say for Maria Magdelena 2.
Well while watching the backstage I made a very very interesting discovery. Also note that while I was watching the backstage with Hiro-kun in it, I thought to myself "watch there be more than just Hiro-kun of the seiyuu in this".
What the fuck is happening?
I even know all these words (both the English and Japanese words) and rest assured: this shit doesn't make sense.
Well there was one other seiyuu. And it makes me laugh just thinking about it. After I made this discovery, I was flipping back through my Tenipuri Festa caps and now all I think about when I see him is him in a dress with a blonde wig on. To be honest I used to not like Grace. Now I find her immensely funny.
Why did I pick this blog? I can't make this funny because I have no clue what I'm reading. I guess I can just call you a cunt and move on?
I know you are wondering who the heck I'm talking about so I shall tell you.
Yes, please. Christ.
It was Kenjiro. Yup Perky your Inui is one of the now funniest characters in the musicals where a bunch of tenimyu guys dress like girls
Great so that's cleared that one right up.
Oh it's just a bunch of Japanese faggots singing.
Got it.
Although quite why you'd describe a singer as a "seiyuu" which is, as I understand it, a voice actor I don't know but let us not dwell on details.
Japan, how did you go from this:

to this:

Actually I know how. Same way the US went from this:

to this:

Also notice how in both sets of images (selected completely at random and are not comparing two disparate things, honest) the before image is a guy smoking and not giving a single fuck while after it's some prancing ninny?
That's not how you spell that.
I just said "that's not how you spell that."
It's "ni", idiot. As in it's a particle, as in "not part of the word and is just there to demonstrate a relationship between two concepts"
本当に is how you spell it.
As in 本当 + に
Like it can function without the ni?
The way you're applying it creates a meaning of "oh really?" but in reality "hontou" by itself just means "the truth" or "reality".
For instance:
"The bad news is only too true"?
Suddenly I'm reminded of my silent rage in Japanese 101 at the very start as WEEABOOS ABOUND.
Then I felt quite vindicated when they dropped like flies because they realized Japanese is a real language and not "kawaii moe" all day. Also "words in a language totally unrelated to English might not function as you expect."
That's a lesson I tried to explain to my idiot compatriots over and over and only like 5% understood it.
Just wanted to share some ex-tenimyu boy cuteness
I'm talking about my brother. He's just not getting it. He needs a good Sanada slap of doom is what he needs.
I knew my happy, bouncy attitude that I've had all day was too good to last. And it definitely hasn't.
Fuck your bouncy attitude.
I was in the kitchen washing the dishes when my mom called for me to come here (she had just gotten home) and when I went to where I thought she was and saw that she was outside. Therefore I figured she needed me to help carry something in from the car.
Hopefully it's your casket.
That she did. However, it wasn't her car that I was bringing stuff in from. It was my brother's soon to be ex-wife's parent's car. What we were bringing in was all of his clothes and crap.
Mom said this wasn't what brought it on but apparently he was making out with his ex, Hannah, that he has been spending way too much time with lately, where Heather(his wife) could see it. From what I understood from what mom told me, Heather called into Barnes and Noble(where my brother works and was supposed to be at the time) and then his boss called him and told him to get into work and he told Heather "thank's Heather you probably just cost me my job".
So know I don't know if he's still got a job or what the hell is going on.
Wow this whole family sounds like it's filled with winners.
All I know is he came home today long enough to grab some clothes for work and leave. While he was here he made the comment about "Its nice coming home to get clothes and leave again. This sucks. I had a final all morning yesterday morning" I told him that he wasn't only at school or work, he was at Hannah's.
Which reminds me of something else. He told my mom and Heather that he had been staying at either one of his friends' house or the other. Apparently Heather called them both and they both said that my brother hadn't been there at all.
Your brother sounds like an adult. I'm sure he doesn't need his annoying little sister to tell him he's a fuck up.
There's lots more to the story but I'm so annoyed I can't even think of how to put the crap into words. I don't even think I'll be able to think clearly to work on the new fic I started barely an hour ago.
Especially one who writes fanfiction.
Or fails to grasp elementary concepts in the language she supposedly adores.
I mean I always enjoyed Japanese because its relatively simple grammatical structure belies an amazingly subtle system of relationships but then again you'd actually have to know something about it to understand that.
Then again I've enjoyed every language (except French) that I've studied for one reason or another. I liked German because it was basically bizarro English.
Aside from sleeping and being awake, what is the longest consecutive amount of time you've spent doing one thing? What was it?
Last time you asked this question, Livejournal, the answer was probably "FFXI" but unfortunately now the answer is probably "teaching at a shitty school."
Maybe I'll have to play FFXIV for 13 straight hours or something this summer.
That would be playing Sims. I used to sit at the computer from the time my mom left for work until she got home playing the Sims2 the entire time. It was a nine hour day too. I would usually go make lunch at some point but other than that I just sat in front of the computer screen.
8 until 7 teaching asshole kids and then when I wasn't teaching asshole kids I was making lesson plans and moving furniture and rearranging it and FUCK.
Also there was a meeting. I think.
I don't know let's not talk about that.
Wee! I'm so very happy now. I officially have the internet back on the laptop. As I type this, I am sitting on my bed watching tv, something that I haven't been able to do since last Nov. when I screwed up my wireless card.
Screwed up how?
There is a reset switch somewhere on it, I promise.
Ready for the smut?
I was about to say yes but you probably have all kinds of creepy fetishes I don't want to know about.
Actually yes.
Oh God it's fanfiction.
It's fanfiction and porn.
This is like the Liber Chaotica that causes MADNESS if you even look at it.
Let's read!
Pairings: too many for me to want to name them
Rating:Obviously since I already told you it was smut, NC-17 yet I consider it rather tame NC-17
Tame NC-17.
Oh lots of gay sex ensues.
Well, can't say I'm surprised.
Anyway this entry has dragged on far too long so I think it's time to find something more constructive to do with my time.
Like anything.
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