First her profile picture changes to this without my say so:

and then her armor looks like this:

I guess I cut her a lot of slack because she can shoot fire out of her hands.
Listen up, cunts of Livejournal: when you can do that I will stop making fun of you.
So today's writer's ('s's's's's's's's) block is this gem:
What song reminds you of the happiest times in your life, and why?
I was anticipating (word you hear more often in education than any other. WHAT ARE YOU ANTICIPATING? ARE YOU ANTICIPATING... NO FUCK OFF) three varieties of answer:
1. kawaii animu song 3 people have heard
3. Shit recorded last week with the token "I LOOOOVE KESHA XD"
I will leave it as an exercise to the reader to guess which two responses never really materialized like I expected.
Oh, before I forget my funny (massive sarcasm quotes around funny) thought involving anticipation:
anticipation is a skill you don't want because in Pokemon it is like the shittiest ability there is.
I can only think of one Pokemon off the top of my head that even gets anticipation (Toxicroak) and his other ability, dry skin, is 50x better. I think he also gets poison heal now so who in their right fucking mind would pick anticipation?
(psychic moves would be 4x super effective for those of you woefully ignorant of Pokemon)
Oh right, blogs:
Ain't No Holla Back Girl - Gwen Stefani. because that is probably the last time me and my closest girls were all together in a group having fun before we were separated by fights or because they are now married or with kids.
The fact you are allowed to like Holla Back Girl and reproduce shows there is no justice.
Do you think video games will still be popular in 15 years? How do you think they'll change?
That shit isn't lasting. Were they popular 15 years ago?
I think not.
Oh wait yes they were.
Everyone excited for L.A. Noire speaking of? So far everything I've read suggests this game is going to be fucking rad.
Yes definitely. Maybe you will be able to walk inside your tv in a virtual world,I guess that already exists,but I mean at home with your own consoles. They have already started to change. For example, a few years back when the nintendo ds was released,it was only grey,and I bought it. Then I got jealous because the different colored ones were released after I had already bought mine.
This is like 18 levels of retarded.
Walk inside your TV? Are you fucking dense?
And yes, the color of your DS is the important part. Not, you know, the specifications and technology powering it.
Not that the DS now, the 3DS, is 3D without the need of 3D glasses. The fact it comes in "kawaii pinku ^_____^" is the important thing to note.
Now,today,I am EXTREMELY JEALOUS because now they are making them,not only in different colors,but capable of 3d images! I guess I should have waited to buy mine lol but how did I know what the future held? grr.
Jesus Christ.
I went out to the Wally World saw someone I gradumacated with,lol scared that one away with the tootsie roll LOL!
Whoa just gagged a little reading this.
He's engaged now I think. Aww good for him! yay! I was there buying my healthy stuff,bananas,juice,and stuff for my friend who is having a little girl because I decided she needed one more thing and an actual card not just a printed out one.
AWWWWW YAY I hate people.
Alright so I am getting ready to go to sleep and out of nowhere yeah guess who,so I looked at it half the night but what else do you say,and why does it always have to be me who says something,and then I had a dream guess who was away again,and this morning yep waldo was gone again. I wonder if it's because I blocked that,but I don't want to see their conversations to each other if they are still together because it hurts.
Last night I had the jitters and stress and had this burning feeling and so today I still felt it,and when I woke up I had some pink in my eye. My back and neck were red and still burning so I called one of my close friends mothers,and she thought my eye looked fine but saw the red on my neck even after I stopped picking at it.
I hope it's fatal, whatever it is.
What name would you give to your car or bicycle, and why?
I already told you people. Brain Wounder.
I'm thinking now "Bane of Kings" would be a better name just in case the royal family decides to stop by.
If your best friend picked dare over truth, what would you dare them to do, and why?
I dare you to stop being a cunt by playing truth or dare, son.
Something lame like I dare you to go talk to that guy you think is cute or something like that lol
Ha, my grade was just posted for this student teaching thing.
Quality Points: 128/48
After the bullshit I put up with I should be getting more weight than humanly possible to that A.
Does this mean I graduate with high honor because by my calculations that means that A counts for about 12 classes?
It's my understanding that "quality points" are to prevent you from padding your grade with underwater basket weaving 101 and shit but 12 should be the theoretical max for a class and because student teaching is 12 credit hours it equals 48 so how did I end up with 128 points?
Ah, according to my calculations (which I'm sure are real authoritative) I'll be graduating with honors.
Well hoo-ray for me.
So I decide I will leave a little early and thank God I did because there was a detour. I never thought I would make it there on time,but I was actually ten minutes early lol.
Yes, back on topic.
Although I might argue I was on topic before. Dumb boring bullshit to dumb boring bullshit.
What was the first video or computer game you ever played? Did you love it or hate it, and why?
Oh, something interesting.
Mario World for the SNES. I thought beating Donut Plains 1 was the greatest human achievement ever.
Then came Donut Plains 2.
Then much later I beat half the game in a sitting and marveled at how I became Alexander the Great. No more worlds to conquer.
First video game would have been the nintendo cartridge that came with both Super Mario Bros & Duck Hunt . I loved both. Good times sitting on my uncle's floor and he would laugh at me because I would just fly right through the level to get to the flag on the one and wouldn't bother stopping for coins,to go down tubes,or to stomp any goombas lol.
lol great story
So did you know there's a combined Mario All-Stars/Mario World cart?
Supposedly it's pretty rare now.
Also, Math Crunchers I think it was called,and had frogs or something,that was all way back in the day, first or second grade,apple computer,long before the pcs I operate today existed.
>before PCs existed
>Apple II
>before PCs
>Apple II
Oh right I forgot Apple separated themselves from PCs even though a Mac is by definition a PC.
Oh God well my FFXIV game just heated up as an Arcanist just walked by me and cast some sparkly butthole spell and started spewing shit about the end of the world.
SE is really going overboard hyping this patch.
GMs controlling NPCs that are jobs you can't even pick yet to interact with players. That is some emergent story telling.
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