Wednesday, May 25, 2011


This blog is taking the INTERNET BY STORM with its nonsense so I've decided now is as good a time as any (namely while I still remember it) to review it so let's rumble.
I actually did some research before to figure this out because we're wading straight into a well of nonsense so I figured I should at least kind of know what's going on.
The blogger in question is a radical feminist. For a long time I reckoned this was a self-created title but this is actually a thing.
Wikipedia even has a page.

I wouldn't read the article because it's really long and pretty much says what you'd expect an article about something entitled "radical feminism" to say.
Anyway enough waffle, let's begin with an article entitled "Life, the Universe, and Everything" which will be good because at last, answers to life's burning questions.
No more answers. I’ve gotten enough attempts to send me nasty viruses and figure out my IP address over the past few days, that I’m not answering any more questions. Everything in the posts that have people upset should be relatively self-evident, especially if you read the comments below the posts. If you haven’t figured it out, you aren’t trying hard enough, or you don’t want to figure it out.

Maybe I'm just really stupid but I still don't get what everyone's butthurt about. It's a crazy woman ranting. What's there to be upset about?
Remember a really long time ago when I reviewed that blog where the woman thought aliens were talking to her? It's like being angry at her. These people need pills, not long, ranting counter-rants.

I don’t think that radical feminism is terribly complex at all. It’s quite simple, and here it is:

I have long learned that when someone asks "oh well what's racism?" or "what's feminism?" to keep my yap shut because I always offer a perfectly rational definition ("racism is hatred or perceived inferiority direct towards a specific ethnic group or race." "feminism is the belief that women are the equals of men.") and I always get shit on.
So no, it probably isn't simple.
I'd also like to pause and say that the word "complex" contains a link to another blog that's supposed to explain it to us mush-heads but that blog itself contained three links to other blogs which themselves contained more links so no, no it isn't simple. There are (as far as I was willing to follow) three stages of reading.

“Man and wife”

Now, stop thinking. Seriously.

Because those of you who didn’t get the “a man is a rape supporter if” post are probably not going to get this, either.

Oh I got the "a man is a rape supporter" post.
We'll be getting to that.
Do you speak another language – one that has a fundamentally different place of reference than English?

I am passable in German and Japanese as well as Latin.

You need to access the part of your brain that lets you do that, that way of listening.

Oh that's a good idea. I wouldn't understand a word of this, then.
You need to stop trying to translate into the language you’re most comfortable speaking. Just put whatever you’re carrying in your mind right down, drop it, listen.


I am not circling anything.

This is a lot better.

Man is the “I”, the eye and the center through which everything else is seen.

What the fuck am I reading? I'm seriously having flashbacks to American Romanticism where we were discussing Ralph Waldo Emerson with the "I and eye" bullshit.
That makes an anthropologist write, “The men pushed their boats into the river and left, living the women and children behind in the empty village.”

You do know the word "man" comes from Old Sanskrit "manu", right? It means "human" which itself is an abstract concept rooted in either the earth itself or a being capable of creating knowledge?
There is actually a very serious linguistic reason to choose the word "man" over "human". "Man" typically evokes an image of a discreet group of people versus just generic people.
It's why politicians use "folks" instead of "HEY YOU ASSHOLES."
A man, and the man’s wife. The man is in two places.

Hey have you guys ever seen that movie, Lost Highway?
I don't know why I was suddenly reminded of it.

To be a man, is to be. To be anything else, is to be naught.

We've met before, haven't we?
No, I don't think so.

Anything not-man, we call woman. Anything not-man is empty, and has to be filled.

Where is it you think we've met?
At your house, don't you remember?
As a matter of fact, I'm there right now.
You're where, right now?
At your house.
That's fucking crazy, man.
Call me.

Dandelion fluff, or clouds, or dark craziness from being empty. It has no fixed point, no place, no clear observation, because the eye is a man’s “I”.

Oddly enough me just typing shit from memory with no clear indication of who or what is speaking is somehow way more comprehensible than this.
So women have two eyes. Their own eye is clouded, covered over, because to walk through a man’s world you need to borrow man’s eye.

All I know is the guys in my college classes were the must pussified wusses you've ever met in your entire life.
Simple, right? Fractal it.

Race, class, heterosexism, the concept of nation-states, military hierarchies, television, map-making, the reasonable person standard, and airplane seats.

Holy shit, men made nation-states, the military, televisions, maps and airplanes?
We kick fucking ass, holy shit. Maybe everything should listen to us because we clearly have it going on.

A person from the Cherokee nation tries to talk cosmology to an Anglo Christian, and hears, “Oh, yes, I see how that’s similar to my own beliefs on God”; he can dress in a suit and run a plantation and go to Washington, D.C., and it’s still not enough to avoid Cherokee Nation v. Georgia, because a “fair” fight is on their terms, their rules, their boundaries, their booby-and-booty traps, and that’s losing before the game started.

I see.
No I don't.
I am seriously flashing back to half my college classes right now. How on earth am I graduating with honors if this is the drivel I've had to navigate?
Not to be too prideful or an egomaniac or whatever but if this is seriously what I had to do to graduate with honors I'd like an additional recognition, please.

There you go. I’ve explained patriarchal society. You’re welcome.

Learned a lot.
This is a handy guide for women who involve themselves with men. I’ve recently received a bunch of comments from men who say that they aren’t rape supporters because they (1) have never “raped” a woman and/or (2) are gay.

I have never raped a woman nor do I believe any woman should be raped.
I'm very interested to hear how I endorse rape.
This is like the time in pussy sensitivity class #37 where I was asked if I was racist and I said "no" and he asked "well how do you know?" and I didn't really have a response to that because I knew no matter what I said I'm already a racist so just lay it on me, sister.
He discusses the “types” of women he finds sexually appealing and/or attempts to demean women by telling them he does not find them sexually appealing.

Guess I'm a rapist, then.
I'm still interested to hear how my preference for DBGs somehow makes me a rapist.
So, let’s see how many women reading this know at least one male over the age of 18 who does not fit this list. Anybody?

No human can avoid this list because it also includes, somehow, "men who have viewed pornography". And I'm guessing something like 98% of all humanity has viewed some form of pornography at this point in time.
I’ve posited in other contexts that the idea of ownership over female reproduction probably originated in the domestication of “livestock.” Historically, there has been very little difference in how we’ve been treated in most patriarchal societies and how society conceived of non-human female mammals.

Are you seriously implying you're being treated like breeding stock?
You're typing this bullshit on the WORLD'S GREATEST INVENTION (invented almost exclusively by men, incidentally) and you can seriously believe this?
If you were being treated like cattle there's no way you'd be allowed access to the internet let alone know how to read or write.

(Spartan and Western Puebloan societies come to mind as societies which downplay females as sex objects, though I’m not an anthropologist and my reading in this area is pretty limited).

The Spartans were pretty badass but they did a lot of things I'm sure you'd find objectionable.
They kept slaves, they killed babies that had birth defects, they fought numerous, numerous wars for little to no reason other than they could-- man the Spartans were hardcore.
In a sense, if you believe that humans can direct other animals’ reproduction for our convenience, then it’s not a far leap of logic to suggest human female reproduction can also be “managed.”

Before you engage in another rant I'm just going to link you to a Wikipedia article.
Reproduction, managed? TRULY THIS IS INSANITY.
I had a dream the other night, which made me remember something I think I had almost forgotten.

There's an epic poem that starts out kind of like this.
I dreamt that I was working in a house with many people (female and male). At one point I went down into the basement, and heard two co-workers having an argument. One was a middle-aged woman who I knew to have many children, and the other was a man who was dismissing each point that she had brought up; she told him that he would never completely understand what it is to feel because he has never known a woman’s grief. She pointed at me and said, “You know, right? We all cry. It’s okay. Just cry.”

Except while that poem had grand adventure and battles and the gods meddling in the affairs of mortals this is-- bleh.

And I started bawling. Not about anything in particular. I just dropped to the floor and sobbed.

On command.

When I was done, she rubbed my back, and looked at him and said, “Every woman contains in her an ocean of grief.” He left then, and I turned to her in surprise and said, “That’s similar to something Germaine Greer said. You’ve read The Whole Woman?”

Did this dream really happen? I'm having a time believing this really happened.
“Who’s that?” she asked, and left the room.

We began walking together through the house, with her making comments about women’s experiences and me asking if she’d read the author who had written something similar. She had never heard of them. “Dis-memberment, yes! You’ve read Daly!” “Who? No, what I’m saying is….”

Dis-memberment. That's when someone cuts your arm off.
Finally I asked her, “So you’re a feminist?”

And she said, “What’s that?”

Radical feminism is by and for women. Because it arises out of our experiences, to a large extent it is self-evident. It is simple. It is easily understood. QED.
This is a great dream.

We need consciousness raising groups again. I wonder if one of the worst things that ever happened to feminism was that it became rooted in academia; that is not where it belongs, and this is not an academic discipline.

Not an academic discipline, you heard it here first, folks.
I guess my main problem with things like this is you are, by your own admission a disenfranchised group and yet you do everything in your power to make yourself nebulous and a hard sell to the supposedly empowered group. If men are the ones with all the power then they don't really need you, do they? So instead of trying to work with the supposedly powerful group you've done literally everything you can to make yourself unlikeable (accusing the other group of ridiculous things, falling back on strawman rhetoric, preaching to the choir, etc) and yet you somehow expect gains for this?
Actually, no, let me simplify this: what is your goal in all this?
Usually you have a point you try to make when you post shit.
I think.
Maybe you don't, I dunno.
Anyway before I go LOOK AT THIS.

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