Monday, May 30, 2011

Reef Blastbody

It took me a long time today to find a blog even worth reviewing. I had quite a few false starts, though, where I'd read an entry and say "oh this'll be good" but then that's the only entry.
Never fear, though, because I found this.
Is there any song that reminds you so much of an ex-partner that you can't stand to hear it? Details, please.

This is the politest Writer's Block ever. Details, PLEASE. Well that really helped people be as vague and opaque as they always are.

I Can't Be With You by the Cranberries.
Also, Pretty Eyes by the Cranberries
Also, Linger by the Cranberries
Also, When You're Gone by the Cranberries.


Basically, listening to the Cranberries= memories to make me start missing my ex.

But it's also hard to listen to Street Spirit, by Radiohead.

Oh, Radiohead.
Anyone remember that really shitty band-- oh man, what was it?
They had the worst video about this girl being misunderstood and then she's standing in the bathroom and her WRISTS ARE BLEEDING BLACK OH NO--
oh I'm thinking of Linkin Park.
Ha, ha wow. I don't know why I thought this was the work of someone else.
Today and tonight, I ate too much! D:

I mean, in the morning I had a piece of toast and an egg and for lunch, I had a salad with romaine and a black bean burger, but then for dinner I had a burger with a white bun, some mac and cheese with white pasta, and some potato salad. We also got honey roasted peanuts and animal cookies and granola bars. So I ended up having a granola bar with milk, about a 1/4 cup of peanuts, and like 8 or 9 animal cookies!

Sounds like food for three days to me.
This is so immature. But I need someplace where I can just have some alone time.
And cry.

Mood: apathetic.
Isn't the internet so much better with Livejournal?
Defeatist attitude. My father told me that I had one and gave me no ideas of how to fix it.
Which makes me want to give up.

Oh God I hate people my age so fucking much.
Holy shit I hope you fucking die in abject poverty.
Thus, the attitude is exemplified.
How strange.

Yeah, here's how you do it: you stop acting like a goddamn pussy.
I'm done with this constant fear, discomfort and disgust with myself.

But I've said that before.
What got me through?

Oh good it's one of these. Where we sit in introspect at what a tortured soul you are and meanwhile no one but you has any clue what the fuck you're droning on about.
I've also conclusively proved in these past 3 years that you cannot wish someone dead because if you could I'd be in prison.
Probably fear. Probably cowardice. I wouldn't know what would happen to me after I died. I wouldn't know how to go about offing myself.

I know a few painless ways if you'll just promise to do it.

Look at me, using big words. Haha, I must be smart. I must think I am.

Big words?
What, cowardice?
Wow your 6th grade English teacher must be very proud.

But no, I'm not.
If I were, wouldn't I have more to contribute?

That's a great point.
Wait, no it isn't.

Someone other than myself could contribute so much more to the world. To their trade. To their university. To their society. To their family and their circle of friends.

I bet your friends hate you.
There's this one guy in my FFXIV Linkshell who reminds me a lot of you and I always think whenever I see him on "oh God please let him just be quiet today."
In conversation. In innovation. In invention. In intuition and wit.

Confidence is key. That's a true cliche that is awakening in my mind. My mind is awakening to the idea.
Confidence is what makes the individual thrive. Confidence is what the individuals that make up groups thrive off of, making the group thrive.
Confidence is life.

Confidence, for me, is always in flux.
More big words.

What, flux? Intuition?
These are concepts I'd expect any 9th grader to know.
Yes, even the kids at my horrible high school could probably define flux.
... Actually no let me recant that.
So I'd expect any... 11th grader with a reasonable educational background to define that word.
Do I really know what they mean or am I just doing it like the parrots do? That wouldn't say much. That wouldn't help my confidence levels. Already dangerously low.

Why is it that I can't just find a glowing exit sign and stroll out of here? The idea of being trapped, in a physical state, deeply affects me in an emotional sense.
It creates a kind of prison in an emotional state. I'll be locked inside of this dark place, escape from some radical earthquake, like Peter or Paul or Simon or whomever in the Bible,

Job is the name you're looking for.
Peter and Simon might work-- Paul not so much.
and I won't have any clue of why the bars have been broken and I'm suddenly free. So, when I am thrust back into that emotional prison, I don't know how to escape by my own devices.
What's happening?

Does anyone seriously have any clue what's going on here? I haven't cut any of this out, I promise.
Today, I started getting a handle on my eating, exercise and meditation habits. It helped lots.
I felt sort of bad in the morning. The night before, I ended up drinking some. I was kind of upset about a couple of pictures that I saw on a friend's facebook, because I get upset way too easily. So, I just sort of had that in the back of my mind whilst drinking.
I didn't really feel it until the morning. It wasn't a bad hangover, but long story short, I ate carbs to help.

Carbs and water are the best hangover aid.

Something I discovered today is that my senses are very much heightened directly after meditating. I meditated on the back porch for thirty minutes. It was a great feeling.
Fat loser here finds she becomes Daredevil after meditating.
I came back inside, did dishes, which was also therapeutic, and then worked out for thirty to fourty-five minutes. I ran on the elliptical for twenty minutes and did floor thigh, hip, and butt exercises.

WORK THEM KEGEL MUSCLES (had to look up how to spell that for the first time in Edie Finds a Corpse history) ALL THE BOYS WILL LOOOOOOVE YOU NOW.

I made sure to keep up on my water intake.

When I craved something sweet, I made myself the SB vanilla coffee milk and was satisfied.

Mmmm I love being skinny. Big bag of Swedish Fish right here I can eat whenever the fuck I feel like.
Four in the morning and it's Swedish Fish time?
We bought yogurt, whole wheat bread, romaine lettuce and carrots today, so there are lots of healthy options in the fridge again! I was strong today, considering that most of what we had was carbs.

My strong girl.
Temperance is a virtue, you know.
And by "temperance" I mean more as a synonym for "fortitude" than what it came to mean to mean later.
I'm talking to a really cute girl on OKCupid and I'm excited about eventually meeting her! Using that site has made me feel a bit better about myself, though it also adds a little bit of pressure. But at least it is the summer, when I will have time for self-improvement!

Oh so you're a lesbian.

So, I'm not //exactly// seeing this as a failure, because I'm becoming motivated to get on track for healthy eating again.
Part of my motivation is to keep the ability to fit into the cute clothes that I brought with me to Maryland. Cute light-colored short-shorts and skinny jeans, and the like.

This has to be a girl, right? Cute clothes, I mean really?
Another part of my motivation is the online dating site that I've just joined. I created an account on, looking for a girl to go out with short-term while I am in Jacksonville, or maybe even someone to show me around Maryland, while I'm here. We'll see, but either way, I would like to look my best and feel my best while exploring new romance.

Hooo-boy, Maryland. Well we have the-- well, there's the Target, and then there's the grocery store, and then we have a BIG EMPTY FIELD-- and that's about it.
Anyways, I leave for Maryland on Tuesday. I can't wait to see my sister again. I'm nervous, because I feel like, for some reason, parts of me are always fluctuating- my weight, my ability to sing and speak loudly, my anxiety-levels, my confidence- and I'm hoping for some stability in that area when I meet Nicki's friends.

They will be who I will be seeing for the next couple of months, so I hope to make a decent impression and get along with them well. I really don't want to give off the hurt-puppy-needing-pity-and-friendliness vibe.

Just listen to this song in its entirety. It's only 2 minutes and it'll steel you towards pretty much any emotion you can possibly feel.

I want him back so badly.
Looking back at old pictures. Like the one from homecoming last year... We look so happy.
I was getting there.

I want so much to give it another try.

It hurts so bad. I'm not PMSing. It's not too late to be getting overemotional.

Sorry I just took my own advice.
I can't even be angry at you anymore.
I feel like I'm a fifteen year old boy.

I crush way too easily.

I need to come up with some kind of list of attributes that I'm looking for in a potential relationship.

Barometer for a relationship:
"favorite Billy Idol song?"
"Who's that?"

I can't just decide to like every girl or guy I see. Mostly, it's girls though. I don't know if it's because UWF has so many pretty girls on campus. I've been noticing that, lately.
Just going through the commons, every girl I happened to spot while kind of being on the lookout for cute girls was either really pretty or really, really cute.

Last time I went to "the commons" on my campus my only thought was "wow look at all these hipster bitches" followed very shortly by "I am so beyond this bullshit now."
And that's a bit depressing, as a girl, too.

Also followed on the heels by "if these girls didn't dress like they fell into a donation bin in front of Goodwill some of them might actually be kind of cute, even if they are bitchy white girls."

I don't feel like I'm stylish or peppy or beautiful or proud enough to even be noticed by them.

We should all be so lucky to evade their auspices. Every time I've had to speak to one of these poor, misguided creatures it was an unpleasant experience in the extreme.
I wish I could work on this, and I felt like Ryan was helping this, but now I've lost Ryan (which is good because he was really oppressive), and so I almost feel like I'm losing some confidence, too.
But I'm not gorging or anything. I'm exercising and watching what I eat, so I won't feel even more resentful of myself.

Resent is a powerful emotion.
Suddenly I feel like a fucking Sith Lord giving advice.
If not a girlfriend, I'd like to just have some more girl friends. I wonder if I would come across as flirtatious to them, too, eventually. I know that I sometimes do with Casey.
Maybe that is why I push away straight female friends.

Is there anyone more annoying than a bisexual?
Not to be rude but I've met a lot of straight people who were cool, I've met a lot of gay people who were cool but every bisexual I've met has been a flaming asshole or a raging lunatic.
I'm just speculating. But I need to jump to action about a couple of things.

1) I really need to work on my confidence and anxiety problems.
2) I really need to figure out what I want in a guy or girl.

I'd give you the advice I usually give people but to be honest I can't really tell what your gender is because the very next post is entitled "Manchild" and I'm not sure if this is self-applied or not.
ESPECIALLY SINCE THE ONLY TEXT IN THIS POST IS "BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER" which is a disorder that affects mostly women, I think.
I am supposed to be denying myself today.
That's what I learned last night at the BCM worship meeting.
I don't know if finally livejournaling my feelings is focusing too much on myself and "feeding my old self".
Hopefully I can get away with one entry. I mostly want to talk about what happened at the meeting last night.

Oh good, just what I needed from this blog: religious melodrama.

I'm not going to make up any bullshit about feeling "saved" or "feeling the Holy Spirit entering me" or anything, because I know that I already am saved, and the Holy Spirit is already in me.

Too bad it's not the staff of Zeus on your fucking face.
And then I felt myself completely let go and it was almost kind of scary because I really couldn't control it.
I started to cry, but kept a straight face because there was also this intense calm feeling in me.
Before the song ended, I was able to wipe my eyes and gain control, though, but when it was happening, it was a really strange feeling.
I don't remember having felt something like that ever before. Maybe in a really sad movie. That was kind of the feeling.

Oh God.
Ha, literally: "Oh God!"

Despite my confusion, I want to believe and grow in my beliefs.

This is why it's pointless and dumb to argue with the religious.

I am curious as to what they might tell me about homosexuality, abstinence and such. I've been trying to do my own research but when I look at the other side of the argument (as in the Biblical one) I just find myself getting disgusted and frustrated and confused...

Blargh I just burped and tasted acid. That is completely what this blog does to you.
In fact that is the best review I can ever give of this blog: stomach acid burp.
Oh man it's even the beginning of this blog. It is truly the Holy Ghost entering me and telling me what to write.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Fist Rockgroin

I've been playing X-COM lately and all my characters have ridiculous names.
Captain Fist Rockgroin and his intrepid crew, including the, err, "lovely" Reef Blastbody.
My personal favorite is Law Bonecrusher, though.
Token ethnic friend of the crew. (He's Chinese because there's no way you could tell from the name).
Anyway, blogs.

I am loving this font, lady.

Awwww, yeah micky-fickies! Season five and six of OTH has arrived at the library. I can't wait to go home and clean up my room, call Jeff and let him know I'm safe and sound, find something to eat, play with Elizabyth ...then --and only then-- will I be able to watch muh shows!

Between a "to do" list and Twitter there is Livejournal.
We're looking into our own place, yeah, and I'm not sure if we are moving too fast. Well no, it's what I want, without a doubt I'm in love with him and sure it sucks that things aren't what we thought they'd be two years ago but we feel it's a step in the right direction. Starting our lives together. I looked at him last night, and after thinking long and hard about things --about what he said, asking me to marry him to be the mother of his child... After reflecting on the missacrraige (we were certain it'd be a girl: Andrea Peyton S) I whispered to him that I wanted to marry him, to have a child, to have a family with him.

How many ways can I say "no, this is a bad idea"?
You know that voice that said "I'm not sure if we are moving too fast"? You are.
When you can't tell the answer is yes.
Okay you inconsiderate cunt I had to turn my game off so I can focus more on your bullshit because my eyes literally could not focus from screen to screen because of your tiny ass microfont.

What is your favorite cult film, and why?

Today's writer's block, because I'm sure you were curious.

Are you kidding me... Rocky Horror Picture Show hands down!

Considering 90% of all responses were "Rocky Horror Picture Show" I'm not sure that counts as a cult movie.
Some of the other more perplexing answers included "The Godfather" (what) and "The Matrix". Maybe I don't know what a cult film is but I'm pretty sure what is widely regarded as one of the greatest movies ever made and one of the highest grossing movies ever made respectively don't count.

I thought the best thing for us was to take things slow. I was wrong and that changes evrything. I'm sorry, I truly am, for not caring enough --soon enough.

Even if you're wrong never admit it because the only way most people will know is if you tell them.

If you woke up surrounded by doctors who told you that you'd been in a medical experiment since birth and that your entire life had been a dream, how do you think you'd react?

I'd have to ask them who came up with this ridiculous question.
What's your favorite music video of all time?


I can't make up my mind but it's a toss between...

Linkin Park - From The Inside


A Perfect Circle - Three Libras

And that's just off the top off my head.

Linkin Park is cool, though.
If you could give one friend a superpower, which friend would you choose, and what power would you give him or her?

I'd give myself Beta level psychic powers.
I am my own best friend.

What song reminds you of the happiest times in your life, and why?

I don't remember this question or what I said.
I'm going to go with "Numb" by Linkin Park because-- no I'm just fucking with you.

Holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

What name would you give to your car or bicycle, and why?

Oh look, it's this shit again.

Nike ---no, not the shoe company. Although even they got the name from Greek Mythology. She is the goddess of strength, speed, and victory.

Because your car gives you strength-- what?
What's the worst thing you ever did to a partner during the course of a relationship? Did you ever move beyond it?

Murdered her and buried her in my backyard.
Yeah I just started dating her sister. The whole "searching for the missing person" quest made us really close.

I unfortunately cheated. No it wasn't something to get back at him for something else and I'm certainly not the type of woman who tends to be on the loose side.

I like how she says "I unfortunately cheated" like "whoops, couldn't have avoided that outcome".
No, it was a foolish mistake because I had not let go of my ex ---the same guy you told me I could trust him, the guy who said he couldn't give me what I needed at the time he broke up with me ...wrapped around his finger. I gave up friends, family, a good credit score, and almost an education because of him. I had not seen him in over a year; he said that he pretty much wanted me out of his life but when I feel content anough to apologize for things I had done in the past... He accepts I tried to be cordial, civil --hell, I thought we were friends and that we could put it all behind us and still be friends-- but then he shows up at my house, randomly... Things didn't go as far as the would have had Jeff not been in the picture (in a way he saved me from yearning for this guys attention and love when he never cared baout me in the first place).

Wait-- what's happening?

In fact, when he kissed me... I'll admit, something snapped inside of me I longed for the day when I'd be in his arms again. I wanted to know what took so long and why now and if he still cared about ---if he still loved me. I never thought once that he felt nothing at all. I never once imagined him having other motives or thinking of me merely as an object. I loved and trusted him too much to. But then... I had a sort of epiphany. You left me, I thought to myself. You left for a month without telling me ---even though you worked ten minutes from my house. You broke up with me to leave for North Carolina because there's nothing in Ohio for you.

I haven't cut anything out of this story, in case you were wondering. I have no idea what I'm reading.
Uh. Sooo yeah. along with getting my things in the house together, talking things over with Jeff, and figuring out short term goals for the next few weeks... I messaged her. You know, The lady I was so very rude to about the whole... well, nevermind. If you know you know, if you don't I'm going to keep it that way.

"No reason to start making sense now."

From time to time it would cross my mind and hit hard... I felt in my heart that trying to speak to her would be the right thing to do. To apologize. To say I'm not really such a bitch. I felt as nervous as Peyton every time she'd run into Lindsay. Wanting to do what felt right in the beginning only to have it blow up in her face and then so awkwardly try and make things right because the person she was when the met isn't and actually realy wasn't who she was as a person. Does that make any sense? I feel like I'm rambling.

I know I've asked this question before (probably quite a few times) but what's the point of posting this on the internet? Why can't you just keep this shit to yourself?
Is it because your friends are reading? I'm here to tell you: they aren't. Most blogs have 0 comments. Most blogs have fewer comments than mine.
Fuck me I'm going blind.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


This blog is taking the INTERNET BY STORM with its nonsense so I've decided now is as good a time as any (namely while I still remember it) to review it so let's rumble.
I actually did some research before to figure this out because we're wading straight into a well of nonsense so I figured I should at least kind of know what's going on.
The blogger in question is a radical feminist. For a long time I reckoned this was a self-created title but this is actually a thing.
Wikipedia even has a page.

I wouldn't read the article because it's really long and pretty much says what you'd expect an article about something entitled "radical feminism" to say.
Anyway enough waffle, let's begin with an article entitled "Life, the Universe, and Everything" which will be good because at last, answers to life's burning questions.
No more answers. I’ve gotten enough attempts to send me nasty viruses and figure out my IP address over the past few days, that I’m not answering any more questions. Everything in the posts that have people upset should be relatively self-evident, especially if you read the comments below the posts. If you haven’t figured it out, you aren’t trying hard enough, or you don’t want to figure it out.

Maybe I'm just really stupid but I still don't get what everyone's butthurt about. It's a crazy woman ranting. What's there to be upset about?
Remember a really long time ago when I reviewed that blog where the woman thought aliens were talking to her? It's like being angry at her. These people need pills, not long, ranting counter-rants.

I don’t think that radical feminism is terribly complex at all. It’s quite simple, and here it is:

I have long learned that when someone asks "oh well what's racism?" or "what's feminism?" to keep my yap shut because I always offer a perfectly rational definition ("racism is hatred or perceived inferiority direct towards a specific ethnic group or race." "feminism is the belief that women are the equals of men.") and I always get shit on.
So no, it probably isn't simple.
I'd also like to pause and say that the word "complex" contains a link to another blog that's supposed to explain it to us mush-heads but that blog itself contained three links to other blogs which themselves contained more links so no, no it isn't simple. There are (as far as I was willing to follow) three stages of reading.

“Man and wife”

Now, stop thinking. Seriously.

Because those of you who didn’t get the “a man is a rape supporter if” post are probably not going to get this, either.

Oh I got the "a man is a rape supporter" post.
We'll be getting to that.
Do you speak another language – one that has a fundamentally different place of reference than English?

I am passable in German and Japanese as well as Latin.

You need to access the part of your brain that lets you do that, that way of listening.

Oh that's a good idea. I wouldn't understand a word of this, then.
You need to stop trying to translate into the language you’re most comfortable speaking. Just put whatever you’re carrying in your mind right down, drop it, listen.


I am not circling anything.

This is a lot better.

Man is the “I”, the eye and the center through which everything else is seen.

What the fuck am I reading? I'm seriously having flashbacks to American Romanticism where we were discussing Ralph Waldo Emerson with the "I and eye" bullshit.
That makes an anthropologist write, “The men pushed their boats into the river and left, living the women and children behind in the empty village.”

You do know the word "man" comes from Old Sanskrit "manu", right? It means "human" which itself is an abstract concept rooted in either the earth itself or a being capable of creating knowledge?
There is actually a very serious linguistic reason to choose the word "man" over "human". "Man" typically evokes an image of a discreet group of people versus just generic people.
It's why politicians use "folks" instead of "HEY YOU ASSHOLES."
A man, and the man’s wife. The man is in two places.

Hey have you guys ever seen that movie, Lost Highway?
I don't know why I was suddenly reminded of it.

To be a man, is to be. To be anything else, is to be naught.

We've met before, haven't we?
No, I don't think so.

Anything not-man, we call woman. Anything not-man is empty, and has to be filled.

Where is it you think we've met?
At your house, don't you remember?
As a matter of fact, I'm there right now.
You're where, right now?
At your house.
That's fucking crazy, man.
Call me.

Dandelion fluff, or clouds, or dark craziness from being empty. It has no fixed point, no place, no clear observation, because the eye is a man’s “I”.

Oddly enough me just typing shit from memory with no clear indication of who or what is speaking is somehow way more comprehensible than this.
So women have two eyes. Their own eye is clouded, covered over, because to walk through a man’s world you need to borrow man’s eye.

All I know is the guys in my college classes were the must pussified wusses you've ever met in your entire life.
Simple, right? Fractal it.

Race, class, heterosexism, the concept of nation-states, military hierarchies, television, map-making, the reasonable person standard, and airplane seats.

Holy shit, men made nation-states, the military, televisions, maps and airplanes?
We kick fucking ass, holy shit. Maybe everything should listen to us because we clearly have it going on.

A person from the Cherokee nation tries to talk cosmology to an Anglo Christian, and hears, “Oh, yes, I see how that’s similar to my own beliefs on God”; he can dress in a suit and run a plantation and go to Washington, D.C., and it’s still not enough to avoid Cherokee Nation v. Georgia, because a “fair” fight is on their terms, their rules, their boundaries, their booby-and-booty traps, and that’s losing before the game started.

I see.
No I don't.
I am seriously flashing back to half my college classes right now. How on earth am I graduating with honors if this is the drivel I've had to navigate?
Not to be too prideful or an egomaniac or whatever but if this is seriously what I had to do to graduate with honors I'd like an additional recognition, please.

There you go. I’ve explained patriarchal society. You’re welcome.

Learned a lot.
This is a handy guide for women who involve themselves with men. I’ve recently received a bunch of comments from men who say that they aren’t rape supporters because they (1) have never “raped” a woman and/or (2) are gay.

I have never raped a woman nor do I believe any woman should be raped.
I'm very interested to hear how I endorse rape.
This is like the time in pussy sensitivity class #37 where I was asked if I was racist and I said "no" and he asked "well how do you know?" and I didn't really have a response to that because I knew no matter what I said I'm already a racist so just lay it on me, sister.
He discusses the “types” of women he finds sexually appealing and/or attempts to demean women by telling them he does not find them sexually appealing.

Guess I'm a rapist, then.
I'm still interested to hear how my preference for DBGs somehow makes me a rapist.
So, let’s see how many women reading this know at least one male over the age of 18 who does not fit this list. Anybody?

No human can avoid this list because it also includes, somehow, "men who have viewed pornography". And I'm guessing something like 98% of all humanity has viewed some form of pornography at this point in time.
I’ve posited in other contexts that the idea of ownership over female reproduction probably originated in the domestication of “livestock.” Historically, there has been very little difference in how we’ve been treated in most patriarchal societies and how society conceived of non-human female mammals.

Are you seriously implying you're being treated like breeding stock?
You're typing this bullshit on the WORLD'S GREATEST INVENTION (invented almost exclusively by men, incidentally) and you can seriously believe this?
If you were being treated like cattle there's no way you'd be allowed access to the internet let alone know how to read or write.

(Spartan and Western Puebloan societies come to mind as societies which downplay females as sex objects, though I’m not an anthropologist and my reading in this area is pretty limited).

The Spartans were pretty badass but they did a lot of things I'm sure you'd find objectionable.
They kept slaves, they killed babies that had birth defects, they fought numerous, numerous wars for little to no reason other than they could-- man the Spartans were hardcore.
In a sense, if you believe that humans can direct other animals’ reproduction for our convenience, then it’s not a far leap of logic to suggest human female reproduction can also be “managed.”

Before you engage in another rant I'm just going to link you to a Wikipedia article.
Reproduction, managed? TRULY THIS IS INSANITY.
I had a dream the other night, which made me remember something I think I had almost forgotten.

There's an epic poem that starts out kind of like this.
I dreamt that I was working in a house with many people (female and male). At one point I went down into the basement, and heard two co-workers having an argument. One was a middle-aged woman who I knew to have many children, and the other was a man who was dismissing each point that she had brought up; she told him that he would never completely understand what it is to feel because he has never known a woman’s grief. She pointed at me and said, “You know, right? We all cry. It’s okay. Just cry.”

Except while that poem had grand adventure and battles and the gods meddling in the affairs of mortals this is-- bleh.

And I started bawling. Not about anything in particular. I just dropped to the floor and sobbed.

On command.

When I was done, she rubbed my back, and looked at him and said, “Every woman contains in her an ocean of grief.” He left then, and I turned to her in surprise and said, “That’s similar to something Germaine Greer said. You’ve read The Whole Woman?”

Did this dream really happen? I'm having a time believing this really happened.
“Who’s that?” she asked, and left the room.

We began walking together through the house, with her making comments about women’s experiences and me asking if she’d read the author who had written something similar. She had never heard of them. “Dis-memberment, yes! You’ve read Daly!” “Who? No, what I’m saying is….”

Dis-memberment. That's when someone cuts your arm off.
Finally I asked her, “So you’re a feminist?”

And she said, “What’s that?”

Radical feminism is by and for women. Because it arises out of our experiences, to a large extent it is self-evident. It is simple. It is easily understood. QED.
This is a great dream.

We need consciousness raising groups again. I wonder if one of the worst things that ever happened to feminism was that it became rooted in academia; that is not where it belongs, and this is not an academic discipline.

Not an academic discipline, you heard it here first, folks.
I guess my main problem with things like this is you are, by your own admission a disenfranchised group and yet you do everything in your power to make yourself nebulous and a hard sell to the supposedly empowered group. If men are the ones with all the power then they don't really need you, do they? So instead of trying to work with the supposedly powerful group you've done literally everything you can to make yourself unlikeable (accusing the other group of ridiculous things, falling back on strawman rhetoric, preaching to the choir, etc) and yet you somehow expect gains for this?
Actually, no, let me simplify this: what is your goal in all this?
Usually you have a point you try to make when you post shit.
I think.
Maybe you don't, I dunno.
Anyway before I go LOOK AT THIS.

Monday, May 23, 2011


Oh man.
So after engaging in such manly activities as breaking up stumps I think it's time for a spot of cunty blogs.
Today's W.B.:
In three words, how would you describe Lady Gaga?

I'm surprised no one else came up with the same three words I got:

"What", "the", and "fuck".
Instead it was mostly LOL SO ZANY ORIGINUL xD but that's Livejournal for you.
I think today's blogger was closer to a good idea but still managed to fuck it up:
Self-absorbed narcissistic Madonna/Cher/Ziggy wannabe

So that's four words at best (discounting the fact that hyphenated words count as two words and only taking one of the Madonna/Cher/Ziggy options) but it is accurate.
Have you heard her new song, incidentally?
The fuck is that shit?
I didn't mind her so much when she had that song called, uhhh, Telephone. That was kind of catchy and I could bop my head along while on my trip to some bullshit pussy sensitivity class but flash forward six months and on my way to my shitty high school I'm having way less fun listening to BORN THIS WAY.
Holy shit that song was bullshit. BORN THIS WAAAAAAAY DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU'RE GAY OR STRAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIGHT wow, Lady Gaga. Pander harder.
This is going to sound really bizarre (maybe not), but I'm reading a book right now where the main character is a Feng Shui consultant.

Oh really? The book I'm reading right now the main character is from a planet caught in the early gunpowder age only to be discovered by a more advanced race of space-faring men who take him with them to become a genetically engineered fighting machine.
He then goes on to fight people who are blessed by dark powers which gives them superior reaction times and immunity to pain.
I'm not saying my book is really bizarre but it definitely is compared to yours.
When she meets the love interest, the first thing she tells him is that all the clutter in his office is blocking all the happiness from his life.

There is no love in my book (EXCEPT LOVE OF HONOR PERHAPS, HAAAAA)
Which isn't to say there's never been a Warhammer book about love and marriage.
There was one.
Of course the marriage was an arranged one to prevent a political assassination but you know, still.

This post is a lot like the Seinfield show - it's gonna suck.

Burned the fuck out of Seinfeld.
Why? I don't really have anything to make fun of or get upset about or add to the collective intelligence of the universe.

>Collective intelligence
>on Livejournal

Why am I posting then?

Oh, same reason I assume Livejournal itself is still around.
To spite me.

Because if I don't I'll get out of the habit of looking for things to make fun of, get upset about, or add to the collective intelligence of the universe.

See? Exactly.

I mowed a friend's yard last night and now I can barely move.

I broke up a stump today with a pickaxe.
I read a book yesterday from Ellora's Cave that had no sex whatsoever in it. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

What is Ellora's Cave? Is that what you call the cavernous stink hole known as your vagina?
I despise and detest my Motorola Flipside phone. I have named it Darth Cell. It doesn't hold a charge, connects to the internet whenever it feels like it, and likes to download things I have no interest in.

Sounds like you don't know how your phone works and so you're blaming it for your troubles.
Farmville doesn't realize that we all listened to Madonna in the 80s so we don't need a cheap, less coherent clone now. (I am more and more convinced that Lady Gaga is actually a Madonna clone. Think about it. Madonna lives in England now and that's where they first cloned those sheep, remember?) I don't see the connection between Farmville and Lady Gaga.

I'm just really amused you think the average Farmville user is old enough to have been alive in the 80s, let alone remember them.
I mean I realize they wanted the cross advertising, but those of us who could care less could have been allowed to opt out.

I dunno my mom plays Farmville and some of that shit she can grow because of Lady Gaga month or whatever seems pretty psychedelic.
I know the easiest way to opt out is not to play the stupid game. Shut up. You don't know how bored I get.

And the only video game ever made is Farmville.
If my Netbook, which is literally only built for browsing the web can emulate the SNES perfectly then surely whatever shitbox you call a computer can run one too.
Actually no, let me back that up: I have a legacy computer that's literally a 486 and is stuck on a DOS command line and it can run an SNES emulator with no troubles.
Unless your computer was literally made in 1990 you can run an SNES emulator.
And I really am bored lately. I can't get back into writing. I keep thinking I will, but I know to write the story I want to write, I have to go back and edit what I've already written. All the OOC PWP has to be exorcised before I can write in character PWP.

I'm in the middle of writing the greatest story of the last 20 years and I literally have no clue what PWP is. Maybe I'm not such a good writer after all?
I have to assume "OOC" is the same acronym it has always been: "Out Of Character" but the fucking fanfiction community seems to apply terms incorrectly.
Then there's the other story I started that needs the OOC PWP cut out so I can write in character PWP. I'm sensing a pattern in my writing.

Well, let's Google.
According to Google it can stand for "Parents Without Partners" or perhaps "Packaged With Perfection" if it refers to a company or hey, here's one: Pers' Wastaiset Produktiot if we're feeling Finnish.
Ohhh, okay. According to Wikipedia it stands for "Plot? What Plot?" which is really telling that not having a plot is so common in fanfiction there's an acronym for it.
Maybe this is my own inexperience showing again but I pretty much just have a couple of characters in mind and then a vague plot ready to go and everything pretty much writes itself once you can answer a few (deceptively) simple questions:
1. Who are my characters?
2. Why does my audience care about my characters?
3. What are my characters doing?
4. Why are they doing it?
5. Why does this matter?
If you can answer these five questions you pretty much have all your bases covered.
I know what I need. I need a schedule. I need to go to bed early and get up early. I need to write before work then come home, make dinner, and write some more. I also need willpower and a good work ethic.

You know what I do? I wait until I can barely keep my eyes open to start writing. But first I talk to idiots on the internet to get angry.
Sometimes I fall asleep while writing and have horrific nightmares and then I work that in.
Name one good author who didn't have visions while writing. I defy you.

I made another post over at Dreamwidth. I'm not going to cross post it here. Why? Well... it's a book review of something that some of you might not expect me to be reading due to its content.

So you're going to talk about something you wrote without cross-referencing it.
That sounds like an entry I made recently where I accidentally linked the FFXIV forums instead of the blog I was reviewing.
I've found the easiest way to ignore things about people I love is not to know when they're doing something I don't want to know about. Needless to say, posts over there are going to be mostly NSFW and NSF the "Aunt Cookie, wonder mom" image some of you may have of me. While it's always easier to ask forgiveness than permission,

It really is easier to ask forgiveness than permission.
In fact I used this nugget of wisdom when I disbanded my linkshell in FFXIV without clearing it with the other bros in hopes that we could reform it.
We have more active members than ever now, thanks in large part due to clever timing and clever marketing tactics on my part (inflame people then post porn to attract interest).
Four days and we have 35 members.
See, punks? I know what I'm doing.
That's why my character has a gold star next to her name and you have nothing or a silver one. I'm the admiral of this sinking ship.
I met Mike's English teacher too. He was afraid, very afraid. Evidently Jake told Mike's last English teacher about my threat to correct her spelling and grammar and send her email back to her *snicker*.

If you find an error in my emails I send to parents you are mistaken.
Oh the power, it grows on me. He was cute too, but he's an English teacher and scurried away as soon as possible. I don't find scurrying attractive.

I will fight you.

The first step for some authors needs to be buy a dictionary. I understand getting caught up in putting the story down, but seriously re-read before you hand it to an editor.

If you're using a dictionary to write a story you are a twat.
If you're just using words you know that happen to be large you may still be a twat.
In conclusion: watch out, you're probably a twat.

"His body shuttered involuntarily as he closed his eyes."

But then again you're clearly reading gay pornography so I don't exactly expect a masterful production.
Don't get me started on people using "lathe" when they mean "lave". Okay, I'm started. Really? You spun her nipple and used a carving tool on it?

Sorry I'm still recovering a bit from "spun her nipple".
There's a poll pitting Nathan Fillion against that guy from Lost who ended up a vampire asking which of them is more of an alpha male.

I'd have to opt out of this poll because I have literally no idea what's going on. Almost none of these words even make sense to me.
Neither is not an option. I didn't see a single match up on that poll that contained an alpha male - according to my definition that is.

According to the commonly accepted definition, then. I'm sure the poll didn't take into account your highly specific definition.
My alpha male is strong and dangerous and takes charge whether you want him to or not. He makes your panties melt with a look.

... So according to the commonly accepted definition you also share, what?
Are you fucking with me?
Then there's the rock hard body and the magical wonder schlong of lurve. That's alpha. An example of alpha: Seeley Booth.

Oh take it down a notch, lady. I'm going to get a hose.

Which is better? In the jungle, the alpha. In the living room, the beta. Alpha's tend to take themselves too seriously. Beta's have more fun in my opinion.

You know what I would love to read (maybe write)? An alpha losing the girl to a beta then finding his own alpha girl to go be dangerous with. How awesome would that series of books be?

I'd rather--
I don't know what I'd rather, actually.
This idea is so monstrously stupid and antithesis to everything I hold cool that I don't even know how to adequately deal with this sudden onslaught of douchebaggery.
I looked and I've been writing my "practice" novel for four years. Four. Years. It has six Word files now because - and not many are aware of this - Word documents have a maximum character count. Yeah.

So usually when you have an idea for a story it has this thing called an end and when you reach it you stop writing.
It can be hard to get from the beginning to the end, though, so a lot of stories strategically employ what we in the business call "the middle" which is kind of all the shit that gets you from the beginning to the end. The middle part is usually the interesting bit.

It takes me months to read it from the beginning to see how far I've come in my writing.

Another good idea you might want to use (and it takes a brave heart to do this) is to write something, let it sit for about 24 hours then come back and reread it and, and this is the important part, with a critical eye seriously assess how good it is.
You might be surprised how bad it is.
I have an excellent story idea I'm afraid to write. I have my Nano which could be pretty good if I cut out all the OOC pron that I put in to get my word count up fast (again, why does sex write faster?)

I-- what?

Someone I don't know gave my book 2 stars on Goodreads. I'm actually happy about that because it means someone read it. I'm sorry they didn't like it and I wonder why, but at least someone besides my family members (and Ralph) read it. I'm terrible at promotion.

What's your book called?
Even if it's shit I can get you at least 30 readers by tonight.
In fact, the worse it is the better. I can have an entire legion reading it "ironically".
You might want to give me the files, though, because I'm going to strategically leak it.
Not that kind of help - well I do, but that's not what I'm here for today. I need ethical help. I need someone to help me understand.


Just Cookies in Indianapolis City Market may be evicted from its stall because the owner refused to make cookies for National Coming Out Day because he had a religious objection.

The grounds for his objection are irrelevant. Guy didn't want to do something that is his business.
Literally, he owns the business. If he didn't want to give free cookies to kids in a cancer hospital that's his right. Then it's your right to call him an asshole and not buy cookies from there and implore your friends to not buy cookies there and before you know it he either has to change his way or go out of business.

He discriminated against a group of people/customers because of their sexual orientation and that is Wrong. Capital W.

Irrelevant. Maybe I don't understand the specifics but does he have to donate the cookies?
Maybe the loss of capital to his business made this unacceptable and he's using religious grounds to strum up sales?

He has the right to his religious beliefs. His religious beliefs may have cost him his business. Is that discrimination too?

No, no it isn't.
Not everything that happens to you is discrimination.

I think if someone walked up to this business and said I need 1000 sugar cookies with rainbow sprinkles period, the guy would have sold them and added another notch to his profit rolling pin. This customer didn't walk up and say "I want 1000 sugar cookies that look like a pirate flag, but where the skull is put labia and instead of swords I want two penises crossing."

Oh, they're buying the cookies?
The toolbag turns down perfectly good business then fuck him. He'll be out of business soon enough if that's his prerogative.
They wanted rainbow cookies. How many million Rainbow Bright themed birthday parties have there been since 1982?

Excuse me for answering a question with a question but how many Rainbow Bright themed birthday parties have there been since 1987?
If they hadn't said what it was for, this wouldn't be making national news and this guy wouldn't be about to get his ass protested on.

Better think twice before turning down business, I say.
Or at least wait until you're me in FFXIV where you literally have any given market you want cornered and you can name your price.
In fact I've taken up the habit of buying undercut items and selling them at market value.
Dodore vests are great because people will sell at 2.5 million instead of 3 just to sell quicker.
Incidentally I still don't own a Dodore Vest despite wanting one specifically because they're too expensive.
Something I've helped create.

Not that I condone his actions. I don't. I think he's an asshole. I think I'm going to go order labia/penis cookies for the baby shower I'm planning.

Two mustaches wrestling over a penis.
Let's all think back to the bakery in New Jersey that refused to make a Nazi themed birthday cake for some whack jobs who named their poor kid Adolph. It was wrong for them to name their kid that. It was wrong for them to ask a bakery to make something so completely and totally offensive.

Adolph is a perfectly acceptable name.
Except Adolph Hitler ruined it for everyone.

Rainbow cookies aren't offensive. Being gay isn't offensive to me, to you, to that person over there, but it was to this moron running Just Cookies.

I actually consider such unrestrained use of color offensive.
Is it my place, the governments place, your place to force this backward Bible thumper to make cookies for National Coming Out Day?

I mean if you can I don't see a problem.
The ends justify the means, et cetera. I just consider my solution far easier, more sensible and everyone ends up looking like less of a twat to boot.

If this guy had said I don't have time to make rainbow cookies, there wouldn't be an issue at all. The group would have done what they did - had another bakery make the cookies.

Also a good point.
Now I'm just being offensive for no reason.

No news story. Some other bakery got to notch their rolling pin. No, he had to make it about religion. Did he do it on purpose or am I being paranoid?

No, creating controversy definitely isn't a marketing tactic.
See what I mean when I say it is really fun and profitable to manipulate people?
They even know they're being manipulated and yet they're too stupid to do anything about it.

This opens up a whole 'nother can of worms. Homosexuality isn't contagious. It isn't something you can become against your will. It's not a deviant lifestyle that needs to be squashed out before the world is overrun. It's love. Isn't that what Jesus was all about, religious wing nut?

Isaiah 66: 16: "For the LORD will execute judgment by fire And by His sword on all flesh, And those slain by the LORD will be many."
Oh I'm sorry, I was just reading this BIBLE book. Very interesting, sometimes.
One of my favorite Bible quotes too, that.
Doesn't it make God just seem fucking crazy?
Now imagine you replace "the LORD" with "Hitler".
"For Hitler will execute judgment by fire and by his sword on all flesh, and those slain by Hitler will be many."
He even said love those you don't agree with because that's the true test of faith in Him.

Not down with Jesus? Okay, the wise philosophers Lennon and McCartney spoke "all you need is love" over and over again actually.

And Lennon was shot to death. Apparently we need a little more than love.
Also Bacharach in his wisdom spake "what the world needs now is love, sweet love." Tell me they're wrong, Mr. Cookie man?

I don't even agree with the cookie guy but you're wrong. We can't all just sit in hippy-dippy circles and love. That's not how the world works.
I mean it's a nice thought and all but it's really akin to being Mrs. America and saying she'd give everyone a million dollars and a basket of puppies.
Nice sentiments don't really fix problems.
Intellectually, I know it's wrong to make Nazi cakes and it's wrong to not make rainbow cookies. They're totally different things. Nazis did horrid, horrible, inhuman things to other human beings and the people who still spout their rhetoric need serious mental help. Homosexuality isn't hurting anyone. It's not going to hurt anyone. No one's going to say put this rainbow badge on or we'll kill you.

One could argue forcing this guy out of business simply because he disagrees with you is exactly what the Nazis did but whatever.

I don't think this guy should be forced to make cookies he doesn't want to make.
5000 rainbow cookies would get tiring.
I'd need a cake or something in between to break up the monotony.
Although maybe not because I can sit for 5 hours and make nothing but toadskin vamps in FFXIV, propelled purely by the amount of money and skill points I'll make.

On the other side, I don't want other people holding up this guy and saying "he didn't have to make cookies so I don't have to change this gay couple's oil on their car because it's against my religion." Which would obviously be bullshit, but the precedent has been set.

Slippery slope argument, I dunno.

Who among you has wisdom for me? I grew up in the most sheltered of sheltered environments.

Yes I have simple wisdom for you:
Exitus Acta Probat.
The end justifies the act.
If he didn't want the money then that is his fucking problem.
Anyway speaking of Machiavellian business tactics I suddenly feel like playing some FFXIV.
I have a great idea for a new venture.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Apocalypse Nigh

Did you guys hear the world is ending? Yeah, if you add up a seemingly arbitrary series of numbers and dates you end up with a sum that vaguely resembles tomorrow's date!
And I thought the Mayan calendar was a specious connection to the end times.
One question I ask people who believe in the 2012 bullshit again and again and I can never get a reasonable answer: HOW IS IT PEOPLE THAT HAD ENOUGH INSIGHT TO ACCURATELY PREDICT THE END OF THE WORLD COULD NOT FORESEE THEIR OWN DESTRUCTION?
Makes you think-- no it doesn't.
This blog is locked with this message:

My drawings and creative writing are usually public, as are most memes. It's the personal/therapeutic stuff that is locked. If you want to read that too, please comment to be added.

Which I find especially humorous because nothing is locked.
At least, stuff that would definitely fall into the "personal" category is flapping free in the breeze so go fucking figure.

I'm really pretty happy with how this turned out. It's so functional and clean-looking! My first wedding site design was much frillier, but I realized that people will be visiting it to get information, above all else. In this version, you know immediately what you're looking at: it's a site about Jim/Angie's wedding, which will be on 6-30-12 on Orcas Island.

That is next year.
I'm pretty sure the royal fucking wedding had less plan time.

I'm kind of shocked that I pulled this off - I'm usually so bad with deadlines. I got behind on Wednesday, when Eric & co were so intent on having a drinking night. I told him about my self-imposed projects, and he thought it was pretty silly. As you can tell from the ridiculous f-locked post below, I succumbed to peer pressure... and was incredibly sick the next day.

Well I can't tell but I assume someone can.

Anyway, I persevered and finished everything pretty much to my satisfaction. My approach to projects feels very different now. Less stress/anxiety/I-just-want-to-be-sleeping, more focus. Another benefit of therapy?

ANOTHER BENEFIT OF THERAPY? Go fuck yourself, Jesus.
Getting stressed about making a website for your own wedding has to be one of the most banal, self-indulgent, ridiculous things I've ever heard on Livejournal.
If you had to eat the same breakfast everyday for a year (and it would be prepared and served to you), what would you choose?

Just giving you some background for the douchiest response in the world:
Hahaha, I already eat the same thing for breakfast every day. Jim is always teasing me about how simple it is, and meanwhile, I feel incredibly lucky that we can afford to eat this way, not just once in a while but all the time. It's wondrous!

My breakfast: a slice of the rosemary bread from TJ's, a piece of tasty cheese (this changes, but it's often smoked gouda or cheddar), and sliced strawberries. (Okay, sometimes the strawberries do not look good and then I have blueberries or blackberries instead. But you get the idea.) Also, a glass of milk.

I have no idea what smoked gouda is but it gets worse:
I would not change it even if someone else offered to cook for me (though I do enjoy Saturdays, when Jim often lets me sleep in and engages in some cooking alchemy. He usually wakes me up with an egg/potato/cheese concoction which is delicious and sinful, but would not be nearly as good every day of the week).

Something about the phrase "delicious and sinful" seriously sent shivers down my spine.
Good grief.

Now here's a post entitled "Hedonism" and my body is ready for a douche seizure.
I sometimes get the sense from my more urban friends that they think people like me - people who want to live on the edges of mountains away from everything - are ascetics of a sort. We are missing out, they say. Maybe for some higher purpose (they are kind and don't evaluate the reward) but certainly at cost.

O ye lives bereft of content to think such thoughts.

And I think, but do not say, that I am the better hedonist. Who cares if you can get a skillfully mixed martini in a stylish bar? Who cares if you can rub your skin against another lonely human? The air smells bad in there. It smells like smoke and sweat. You are neglecting one of your senses, and that is shameful for a hedonist.

I wish there was Warhammer wisdom here but, alas, the writers of Warhammer never considered a steel for such douchebaggery.
Let's check the records, in fact.
"Happiness is a delusion of the weak."
I think that's about as fitting as it gets.

I have to admit, I'm a little embarrassed about this one.

Favorite Cover

It had to be a Glee song. What other choice did I have?

What other choice did you have?
I dunno, any other cover ever?
Or no, let's simplify this:

I am beginning to feel many things again. It's like - after you recover a head cold, when the woolly layer of sickness is removed from your tongue, and you take your meals with this sense of wonder. You remember what bitterness is, discover how a seared fish can go down in savory glory, and learn again to love the sweetness of ripe strawberries.

This just really underscores how awesome I am as a writer and how DELUUUUSIONAL everyone else is in my mind.
But what's funny is that I am tasting very little this week, because many of the things I'm feeling are so difficult.

Because when things taste bad you can just opt not to taste at all.
This is where you should check your analogy before it becomes increasingly difficult to follow.
Well anyway that's the first entry so job well done, me.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Get my gun.


Do you collect anything? If so, what do you collect, and what made you start your collection?

Thinking about it, I ahve more collections that I though! ^^;

My main collection is Pokedolls (ultra-adorable Pokemon plush) - I've been collecting them for around 3 years now and have quite a lot - I love them so much!~

My other collections are Nintendo consoles/games (JUst got my virtual boy, which was a big want for many years),

>Virtua Boy
"Yes, I'd like a migraine headache in goggle form with 13 games"
Eeee - Global Link! :D
... so excited - taking Whimsicott in with me! :D Need to add friends though!~ Anyone want to swap details? <3

So Global Link is where you can trade Pokemon with idiot 13 year olds. Also go on cute walks in parks if you're stupid. Or a girl.
Coincidentally the part you'd care about, the battling, is handled through friend codes and the Pokemon Center, making the Global Link entirely superfluous.
Waking up to news of new Pokedolls = best way to start the weekend! I just ordered a set from the lovely Sunyshore - I need to cuddle Whimsicott right now.,. xD XD

So excited!!

Whimsicott makes a great lead.
Fastest subseeder in the game because it gets priority on non-attack moves~
Mini rant time....It's awesome that the Black and White anime has started in the west, but seriously - how can you mess up an opening that badly;___;Grrrrrr

*mini upset over*

You know what bullshit?
How did Ash beat Brock with a Pikachu?
Geodude is immune to electric attacks. There's no way Pikachu could win.
I'm so excited!! I can't decide how to do my collection post of all my dolls when she arrives- do I photograph them in types, generations, or the they were made? :S

In order, idiot.
Bulbasaur to Genosect.
Or Victini to Genosect because there's a #000 Pokemon now. Thank you for this, Nintendo.
I went to Pokecen on the last day of our honeymoon, where I'd saved my last 3300 yen to buy the new year bag -


A quick report from Japan! (We're on our honeymoon after our better-than-perfect wedding last weekend ^_^)

We just got back from Gin's (we had such an awesome time - thank you so much denkimouse *hugs lots* - I really wish we could see her more <3) - Cookies and movies and fun! :D

Denkimouse, get it? Because denki means electricity?
Oh man.

When she said that friends online were asking after us and wishing us congratuations it made us really happy - so I wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who has thought of us recently!

Oh much do you think she weighs?
I'll be back with my guess.

Yesterday, I got married! :)People say that your wedding is the happiest day of your life - and certainly of mine so far - I couldn't agree more!

Is this like a pretend wedding in a play house or are you serious?
Oh here's her thoughts on Pokemon Black and White.
This should be good.

So far I'm loving it! With my limited kana knowledge I'm managing to understand plenty, and making progress :) I'm on my way to the second gym now and building up my team ^_^

C-link is amazing! We have it running all the time, so Andy and I can send messages and trade monsters on the fly - it's an amazing new feature :)

All right that's fair I guess.
That was pretty much my first reaction.
Sans the "limited knowledge of kana"
also sans the smilies.
So pretty much nothing like my first reaction, huh.

Today we managed to get hold of a shiny Raikou Pokedoll!

Isn't shiny Raikou slightly more orange than yellow?
He's like the second lamest shiny ever.
The lamest being Garchomp which is literally indistinguishable from the regular version to a human eye.
If you're really dedicated and bothered to look up the sprite colors they are actually different according to a hex editor but there's no way you could tell.
The best shiny ever is Gardevoir. She turns a cool turquoise color.
See I did the hipster thing and didn't pick the popular black Charizard.
Not so good - worrying seems to be worse than ever, and I've caught my old OCDs creeping back too :(

Hahahaha oh wow.
Looks like Celebi wasn't the only reissue dolls today - Pachirisu and Eevee also got a reissue and a cute blue tag!

Holy shit, people think about Pachirisu?
I guess we really do ride with different Pokemans groups.
I guess he's like top stuffed animal but I don't even think I've heard of someone using him in game even as a joke.
On Tuesday, after work, I felt really I'll - the worst headache I've ever had together with feeling really sick :( By the end of the evening I was feeling better.

I guess it is hard to use a gay squirrel when you're battling bugs made out of steel and the most popular offensive move is earthquake.
At least I think it's earthquake.
I dunno in 4th gen earthquake, stone edge and close combat seemed to get about equal usage.
Although my favorite was shadow ball.
I feel so stupid - I broke down in tears in a shop changing room today :( I've put on so much weight, and I'm so unhappy with it that I can;t even look in the mirror in the changing room any more ;__; I've been working so hard to lose weight, but it's not working - the implant probably doesn't help - but I just feel so crappy about it :(

Oh I was totally going to guess she weighed 800 pounds.

I'm feeling kinda detached from Pokemon Collectors recently, which makes me sad. It sounds silly, but I used to feel a lot more included and feel like I've done something wrong.

Oh God.

I love the community - I've got very few friends irl, and felt lime I'd made some good friends on te comm - however I feel like I've been a bad feeling and haven't had enough time for people due to work and Andy's depression being a big worry.

Sorry I'm suddenly very distracted by a comment someone else made and their avatar appears to be a picture of Kefka from Final Fantasy 6 with a heart above it.
Yes, because the man so corrupted by evil magic experiments he turns into the Final Fantasy equivalent of the Joker and poisons an entire city and then proceeds to DESTROY THE ENTIRE PLANET is really capable of giving and receiving love.
What the fuck.
AnywayS I'm rapidly losing interest in this so I'm going to go do something else now.

Monday, May 16, 2011


Oh God the influx of new idiots in my LS in FFXIV is staggering. Can you people please stop asking questions that can easily be answered by thinking for five seconds?
Yes, fishing requires bait.
No, your equipment doesn't work as well when it's broken.
Anyway here we go.
Also my Wednesday entry inexplicably returned. After some careful analysis I found Blogger (or Blogspot as I still call it) to be having problems.

So, in Walking Dead, the female lead has long hair. Because I guess hairties are in short supply in zombie-infested Georgia, she sometimes has the top layer tied up in a little knot to keep it out of her eyes.

Now, I'm aware she has people doing her hair off-camera with, like, pins and hairspray and stuff but I thought, maybe you can actually do that - tie some hair in a knot with no ponytail holder.

Like so many things, this would be useful for both the Zombie Apocalypse and motherhood.

You know you're off to a good start when the first entry is about "hair you saw in a TV show".
And yet another reason I don't watch TV: a show about the zombie apocalypse becomes drama between a woman and her man.
Here's a picture of her in high school going to the prom (why am I looking at this?)--
holy shit what year did you go to high school? '92?

So, years ago (no I won't say how long ago-- it's been over a decade), I went to Junior Prom.


(That dress got a lot of wear, I wore it to my best friend's Junior Prom the next year, and my sister wore it to a dance or two, and I think it got worn to wedding and I also wore it to Greek Formal where I met my future husband. But this isn't about that).

Greek formal?

I always end my Japanese class feeling really discouraged. This sucks. I can brain today, I have the dumb. I even said that Japanese (well, I said, 頭が回らない*).

You said what?
You said--
I'm thinking the phrase you were looking for is 「頭が上がらない」
回 is a counter for occurrences (first time, second time, etc) and also game scores and baseball innings (I think I was barely paying attention during the sports unit).
I think it's a typo, though, so I'm not sure why I'm going on about this.
Although maybe not because I can't get my IME to recognize "agaranai" as what you typed.
I don't know why this is so interesting to me but it is.

*anyone know how to do Japanese quotation marks in LJ?)

quotes on a Japanese keyboard replace [ and ], dipshit.

I'm so tired from getting up at 5am and babysitting Theo all day for the past two days - but that's not even why I can't talk in Japanese. It's just like, a mental block or something. I'm forgetting the littlest damn things, like whether or not a particle comes after time

it doesn't.

(it doesn't)

Oh. So what's the fucking problem?
Also looking up the phrase for "o'clock" in a dictionary confirms it's a suffix and therefore wouldn't need a particle so maybe you should look into this shit a little more.
I'm feeling so dumb and sorry for myself right now. Let's play encourage Debby in the comments.

Let's not.
Seriously, though. Time moves different now or something. Starting in about 2005 it's like we hit a time-warp and now time shoots by so quickly and my 20s are almost over. Anyone else feel this way?

The last five months fucking crawled, what are you talking about?

Would you live in the perfect house or apartment rent-free if you found out a brutal murder had taken place there and it was rumored to be haunted? Why or why not?

Yes because 1. there's no such thing as ghosts and 2.
Actually that's the only reason.
And even if there are ghosts you think I give a fuck about some dead pussy? I would fucking murder that ghost again.
Everyone knows ghosts only gain power when you're afraid of them so if you are utterly fearless and threaten to choke a bitch they'll just leave.
That's why I never understood why movies like The Grudge and The Ring (and other shitty American remakes of shitty Japanese horror movies) are supposed to be scary. You could walk faster than the "horror" of The Grudge. It's a little blue boy who crawls very slowly down the steps.
It'd probably take me 6 months to even realize he was trying to bite my ankles.
And then I do realize he's there and I think "oh I can overpower a 6 year old" and there you go.
Then there's The Ring, holy shit. Dead psychic girl scares you to death, really? If I had her twitching in my face I'd just, I don't know, move away from her? What can she do?
Due to various giftcards, Josh has, like, $50 in iTunes credits. And he never buys iTunes (he buys CDs).
I've been reading this blog for about 15 minutes now and I don't even know what to say about half this shit. I'm reading about Borders closings and Winnie the Pooh DVDs. My life has officially hit rock bottom.
Hi flist,

I need advice regarding my belly. It's not my weight - I'm happy where I am and content with my body and my life choices.

But my belly is poochy. It has been since I had William.

2. Today he had his first real meltdown in a public place, and I had to turn around and leave the post office before our turn in line. I carried him out, kicking and screaming. He cried the entire way home. Signs of things to come, I guess.

One thing I do have to say is at least she seems involved with her spawn.
Can't say many nice things about Livejournal users so better bring them up as they come--
Nobody really spoke about jobs (unless I asked outright what they do, and most of the time I didn't) because conversation was about where we lived, our SOs, how big the margaritas at this place were (seriously they are like bowls) and children. Lol.

I'm 28. Not that big of a deal except while I was rocking William to sleep I realized I was 18 ten years ago. Woah.

I was playing PSO on my Dreamcast 10 years ago.
And those were great times.
Oh but have no fear, PSO2 is coming out next year.
I'm sure that'll be a great video game.
Fuck you, Sega.
I mean look at this. You couldn't find a more cynical attempt at digging up interest in PSO if you tried.
Also you know it'll be bullshit because the new "features" of this game aren't even adequately explained. It's just a ton of words that explain exactly nothing. Cut-in Event? What's that?
Dynamic Combo Customization, what?
Not that any of this matters because none of this shit will make it into the final product and it'll just be Phantasy Star Universe again, or as I call it the second worst thing to happen in my lifetime.
Anyway I have shit to do I guess. This blog kind of turned into rants about video games but it usually does that anyway so goodbye~

Friday, May 13, 2011

I-- What?

Didn't I update Wednesday?
I'm pretty sure I wrote an update for Wednesday.
Well apparently I didn't because there is no draft of one and there isn't one posted so-- whoops.
I have to get my fucking act together.
Hmmmm. Very mysterious.
No email notification-- maybe I'm the only one who can't see it due to an outdated cache?
No fuck it, not worth dwelling on.
Anyway, here we are I guess--
This is really going to bother me now.

I am so, so, so sleepy right now I think my head is going to pop, lol. Will write some later I am so tired I know I can not think clearly.

I never understand this kind of post. "Just posting to tell you that I'm too tired to post."
WHY NOT WAIT, THEN? Like what, I'm just sitting at your blog's front page refreshing hoping to see an update?

Here is a saying for today regarding ignorance, which is sadly sometimes a willful state, for it is easier to remain ignorant, than to challenge, and change our beliefs.

Oh yes please, enlighten me.

In darkness dwells the ignorant heart
Shunning knowledge others would impart
And finds thus in ignorance it's bliss
Deprived of truth's enlightening kiss
~ Janice Kimball 2011~

Thank you, Janice Kimball for bringing us this original thought.

What movie would you like to see remade, and why? How would you change it?

Well they already remade True Grit so let's remake the entire Man with No Name trilogy. Why the fuck not? Let's totally ruin a classic. Another one, that is. Another three, actually.

The Dungeons and Dragons movie with a script written by my husband and our friend DJ two of the best GM storyline creators I have ever met.

They really fucked up when they decided Dungeons and Dragons needed to be a romantic comedy (not joking).
I think the most perplexing part of the Dungeons and Dragons movie is at one point the main character has to navigate this thing they called "the maze" and he gets lost in it numerous times but based on what the audience can see it's literally a straight line with one left turn so one is left wondering if there isn't maybe some shitty editing to blame or perhaps the writers confused a gauntlet for a maze.
But he gets lost in it, so I'm not sure.
The character is half an idiot, though. I think he was supposed to be a warrior despite not having any armor and pretty much sucked the entire time.

That type of genre has unlimited potential to have a really great story, and yet it fell far short of the mark instead an engrossing, adventurous, sometimes funny story sparkling brightly like a firework in the night sky, all it managed to do was fizzle out and ultimately die.

The problem with making a Dungeons and Dragons movie is Dungeons and Dragons isn't really a coherent narrative it's just a series of tools to play a game and there are in fact various campaign settings within the umbrella of Dungeons and Dragons so when you say "let's make a Dungeons and Dragons movie" what you're really saying is "let's make a fantasy movie and call it Dungeons and Dragons".

What's your favorite music video of all time?

Billy Squier's Rock Me Tonite.
It is the most uncomfortable 4 minutes ever.

I know this is going to sound corny, but Michael Jackson's Thriller video


I thought that would be a good time to add in tips that have helped me, and some others I know to keep our relationships with our significant other on the right track.

I know when people typically say "I thought it would be a good time to ______________" they're usually just saying that as an excuse to say whatever the fuck they're going to say but I'm genuinely interested in why MAY 9th, 2011 is a good time specifically for relationship advice.

These do not guarantee that your relationship will work out, no one can do that, but it might help with a bit of guidance from experience.

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight contains literally all the information you need to have a successful relationship.
And it has a graphic decapitation scene.

“Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you'll understand what little chance you have in trying to change others.”
I am not sure who made this quote, but Kudos to them, they are right.

I disagree. You can definitely nag someone into changing.
They'll resent you for it but if your goal in life is to be a life-sucking succubus then why not?
I've met women like that.
Of course their insidious psychic talent is met with the sheer horror of my negative Warp presence.
All psychic blades perish that pierce this shadow.
2) Do you like the other person? I can not stress how important this is, to have a relationship last you really, really need to like the person

What are you fucking nuts?
Do people really do this?
I don't know why I'm acting shocked because people are fucking that dumb but I dunno.
Holy shit this entry goes on for 15 items.
Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will
ever regret. -Ambrose Bierce

Speak when you are angry and it will be the only time you are really honest. - me

Words hurt more than swords.

Fuck if they do. I dropped my X-acto knife on my foot recently and that hurt like a motherfucker. I can only imagine what an actual sword would feel like.
I suspect when people say shit like "herp derp the pen is mightier than the sword" or "HURRR WORDS HURT MORE THAN SWORDS" they've never actually been stabbed before.
I know personally I'd much rather have someone try to say something mean to me than maim me with a Klingon war knife.

It's so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and
say the opposite. -Sam Levenson

Implying people are capable of that level of abstract thought.
You might as well say "to be wise all you have to do is think wise thoughts."

Solon : For often evil men are rich, and good men poor; But we will not exchange with them Our virtue for their wealth since one abides always, While riches change their owners every day

Except for families that have been wealthy for generations.
Fuck you, Solon.
Also: really? Of all the ancient Greek thinkers you pulled a Solon quote? Really?

The problem with money is, unfortunately we all need it to function in our society.

This is so abstract I don't even know where to begin to call you stupid.

We need to pay our bills, rent/mortage, groceries, etc. The problem is when it turns into greed.

I thought the problem was we all need it?

Greed is when you consistantly want more than you need.

What is this, a 6th grader writing a book report? COMPLEX SENTENCES.
Also not to bust out the philosophy of Dante but according to Dante there are two forms of greed: the avaricious, who hoarded possessions, and the prodigal, who squandered them.
There is nothing wrong with money in and of itself, but there are a few things you should remember about money.


The saying that money does not buy happiness is true.

Oh God you just did that.
That just happened.
Yeah, well: I've never met a happy homeless man.
Look at people like Lindsey Lohan, Brittany Spears, Nicholas Cage to mention a few for example. All very talented people,

... Excuse me?

and certainly they have lots of money, but are they happy really.

You need a question mark.

It certainly does not seem so. Having money, fame, and beauty seems to have not made them happier in their lives at all.

But fame and beauty don't make you rich.
Usually they do but how does this prove there is a problem with money?
Money in excess really does not make people any happier, in fact often it creates more problems in their lives.

Oh please, give me the problems that come with having excess money as opposed to not enough.
Those who have little appreciate much, those who have much appreciate little.

Could we possibly talk in any more cliches?
You do not need 15 cars to be happy, you do not need a closet full of 10,000 dollar dresses, you do not need multiple homes, but what you do need to make you happy is love, friendship, and joie de vive.

... What I need to be happy is to be happy with life.
Thank you.
Where do you get these things from? From being a good, and loving friend to others, from opening your heart and helping others, from learning to appreciate the simple things in life, and to find beauty in the tinniest of things, whether it be a sunset, or in a child's laughter.

I'm getting a ton of joy right now imagining my fist connecting with your mouth.
These are the things that will lighten your heart, and your spirit, and help you to find happiness.

The way to overcome greed is to learn to think of others first instead of yourself all the time, and to realize that just because you want something does not mean you need it.

You know I thought I was enjoying being exceedingly wealthy in FFXIV but thanks to this essay I've decided to give all my money to my linkshell.
No fuck those assholes I'm keeping it all.
Pax, my friends.

Senatus Populusque Romanus.
What the fuck is happening?
Barring hive mind syndrome (which does not exist in the human species)

Holy shit.
Well I'm off to investigate what the fuck happened to my Wednesday entry.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My Armor is Contempt

Just a friendly reminder from Square Enix: if you tell people your username and password they might steal your account.
Also from Square Enix: APOCALYPSE NIGH!
I might say, SE, when you're trying to set up a world event with real people as actors (which they've done) it might behoove you to keep the friendly reminders and shit under your hat until afterwards. I get news report whiplash going from "don't tell people your password or they'll steal your delicious brown character ^.^" to "THERE ARE FUCKING MONSTERS IN THOSE DUNGEONS AND THEY'RE GOING TO GET OUT AND SUMMON THE ELEMENTAL GOD OF LIGHTNING AND MURDER YOU."
I dunno. Anyway we have some shit to contend with today-- let's enjoy this merriment.
I made a very interesting discovery today.

Since we've been watching Tenipuri Festa 2009 and 100 Song Marathon, it made me want to go watch the backstage for Maria Magdelena 2. Why you ask. Because of Hiro-kun that's why.
Took me forever to find that image, incidentally, because I had inexplicably saved it as "bluejayleno.exe.jpg"
Yup. Lexxie's neko was one of the support cast I suppose you could say for Maria Magdelena 2.
Well while watching the backstage I made a very very interesting discovery. Also note that while I was watching the backstage with Hiro-kun in it, I thought to myself "watch there be more than just Hiro-kun of the seiyuu in this".

What the fuck is happening?
I even know all these words (both the English and Japanese words) and rest assured: this shit doesn't make sense.
Well there was one other seiyuu. And it makes me laugh just thinking about it. After I made this discovery, I was flipping back through my Tenipuri Festa caps and now all I think about when I see him is him in a dress with a blonde wig on. To be honest I used to not like Grace. Now I find her immensely funny.

Why did I pick this blog? I can't make this funny because I have no clue what I'm reading. I guess I can just call you a cunt and move on?

I know you are wondering who the heck I'm talking about so I shall tell you.

Yes, please. Christ.

It was Kenjiro. Yup Perky your Inui is one of the now funniest characters in the musicals where a bunch of tenimyu guys dress like girls

Great so that's cleared that one right up.
Oh it's just a bunch of Japanese faggots singing.
Got it.
Although quite why you'd describe a singer as a "seiyuu" which is, as I understand it, a voice actor I don't know but let us not dwell on details.
Japan, how did you go from this:

to this:

Actually I know how. Same way the US went from this:

to this:
Most awesome era for technology and discoveries ever wasted on the shittiest group of people imaginable.
Also notice how in both sets of images (selected completely at random and are not comparing two disparate things, honest) the before image is a guy smoking and not giving a single fuck while after it's some prancing ninny?


That's not how you spell that.


I just said "that's not how you spell that."
It's "ni", idiot. As in it's a particle, as in "not part of the word and is just there to demonstrate a relationship between two concepts"
本当に is how you spell it.
As in 本当 + に
Like it can function without the ni?
The way you're applying it creates a meaning of "oh really?" but in reality "hontou" by itself just means "the truth" or "reality".
For instance:
"The bad news is only too true"?
Suddenly I'm reminded of my silent rage in Japanese 101 at the very start as WEEABOOS ABOUND.
Then I felt quite vindicated when they dropped like flies because they realized Japanese is a real language and not "kawaii moe" all day. Also "words in a language totally unrelated to English might not function as you expect."
That's a lesson I tried to explain to my idiot compatriots over and over and only like 5% understood it.

Just wanted to share some ex-tenimyu boy cuteness

I'm talking about my brother. He's just not getting it. He needs a good Sanada slap of doom is what he needs.

I knew my happy, bouncy attitude that I've had all day was too good to last. And it definitely hasn't.

Fuck your bouncy attitude.

I was in the kitchen washing the dishes when my mom called for me to come here (she had just gotten home) and when I went to where I thought she was and saw that she was outside. Therefore I figured she needed me to help carry something in from the car.

Hopefully it's your casket.

That she did. However, it wasn't her car that I was bringing stuff in from. It was my brother's soon to be ex-wife's parent's car. What we were bringing in was all of his clothes and crap.

Mom said this wasn't what brought it on but apparently he was making out with his ex, Hannah, that he has been spending way too much time with lately, where Heather(his wife) could see it. From what I understood from what mom told me, Heather called into Barnes and Noble(where my brother works and was supposed to be at the time) and then his boss called him and told him to get into work and he told Heather "thank's Heather you probably just cost me my job".

So know I don't know if he's still got a job or what the hell is going on.

Wow this whole family sounds like it's filled with winners.

All I know is he came home today long enough to grab some clothes for work and leave. While he was here he made the comment about "Its nice coming home to get clothes and leave again. This sucks. I had a final all morning yesterday morning" I told him that he wasn't only at school or work, he was at Hannah's.

Which reminds me of something else. He told my mom and Heather that he had been staying at either one of his friends' house or the other. Apparently Heather called them both and they both said that my brother hadn't been there at all.

Your brother sounds like an adult. I'm sure he doesn't need his annoying little sister to tell him he's a fuck up.
There's lots more to the story but I'm so annoyed I can't even think of how to put the crap into words. I don't even think I'll be able to think clearly to work on the new fic I started barely an hour ago.

Especially one who writes fanfiction.
Or fails to grasp elementary concepts in the language she supposedly adores.
I mean I always enjoyed Japanese because its relatively simple grammatical structure belies an amazingly subtle system of relationships but then again you'd actually have to know something about it to understand that.
Then again I've enjoyed every language (except French) that I've studied for one reason or another. I liked German because it was basically bizarro English.
Aside from sleeping and being awake, what is the longest consecutive amount of time you've spent doing one thing? What was it?

Last time you asked this question, Livejournal, the answer was probably "FFXI" but unfortunately now the answer is probably "teaching at a shitty school."
Maybe I'll have to play FFXIV for 13 straight hours or something this summer.

That would be playing Sims. I used to sit at the computer from the time my mom left for work until she got home playing the Sims2 the entire time. It was a nine hour day too. I would usually go make lunch at some point but other than that I just sat in front of the computer screen.

8 until 7 teaching asshole kids and then when I wasn't teaching asshole kids I was making lesson plans and moving furniture and rearranging it and FUCK.
Also there was a meeting. I think.
I don't know let's not talk about that.

Wee! I'm so very happy now. I officially have the internet back on the laptop. As I type this, I am sitting on my bed watching tv, something that I haven't been able to do since last Nov. when I screwed up my wireless card.

Screwed up how?
There is a reset switch somewhere on it, I promise.
Ready for the smut?

I was about to say yes but you probably have all kinds of creepy fetishes I don't want to know about.
Actually yes.
Oh God it's fanfiction.
It's fanfiction and porn.
This is like the Liber Chaotica that causes MADNESS if you even look at it.
Let's read!
Pairings: too many for me to want to name them
Rating:Obviously since I already told you it was smut, NC-17 yet I consider it rather tame NC-17

Tame NC-17.
Oh lots of gay sex ensues.
Well, can't say I'm surprised.
Anyway this entry has dragged on far too long so I think it's time to find something more constructive to do with my time.
Like anything.