Well if he was butthurt the next three sure were when they got hit in the face with a flashbang.
Five kill streak in the first thirty seconds of the game. Awesome.
The rest of the game them proceeded to be pretty mediocre for me so let's just move on to today's blog.
I can't seem to access LJ to post unless I finagle my way through doing the writer's block thing without signing in.
Intuitive. I'd call you an idiot but Livejournal does seem to be scaling back its usability. THINGS ARE TOO EASY TO USE, QUICK MEN, QUICK!
There's not much excitement to post about, though. It seems that we are going to get a snowstorm tonight, and I am lining up for the lame switcher at 0400.
Oh yeah, let me navigate what is admittedly a frustrating and convoluted user interface to post about nothing. Good.
Otherwise, today was a completely wasted day. I felt pretty D&D (dead and drained, as I say, although it is really Business Nomenclature for Design and Development down at head office)
Also Dungeons and Dragons. Just putting it out there.
Here's a post about something. I have no clue what he's talking about. It's just a series of acronyms and buzzwords. I try to ignore these in my own field so this is an immediate skip for me.
Speaking of my field, I kept a list of the acronyms I heard in a thirty second stretch of speech:
I can translate some of these (to my own horror): EL is English Language, ELL is therefore an English Language Learner, I'm not too sure what ELC or EC is (someone told me but I forgot to pay attention) and an SC is a Sheltered Classroom but I'm not entirely sure what that is, though.
Here's a job interview. Or maybe it's just a regular interview because our boy is a celebrity.
Interviewer: So how would you describe yourself?
Me: That's a tough question. I was pondering it earlier today, in fact. If I were to write about myself, I would indulge my love of adverbs and describe myself as moderately offensive.
Offensive in the sense you're a douche, maybe.
Dickens, I think, would have described me thus: "he was a man with the habit of going about with his hands in his pockets, and who insisted on growing whiskers in spite of their lack of cooperation." Wordsworth may have called me one who murders by dissection, and Johnson, I feel, would has described me as Thomas Gray, that is, "a good design ill-directed."
Good ol' Ben Jonson.
Oh we're talking about Johnson with an h. Who is that?
Probably Samuel Johnson who isn't nearly as cool.
Interviewer: It seems that you think about yourself too much.
You are so right, interviewer. First person I feel I can agree with in a blog.
Me: You mean to say that I'm selfish?
Interviewer: Not exactly. Perhaps I mean that you are preoccupied with yourself, but not concerned with yourself to the exclusion of all others...
Here was the answer they were looking for: "I'm a hard worker and I never give the fuck up, even when surrender would be advisable or even preferable." If you're in the army or some sort of equally killy occupation you can also add: "to the last, kill them all."
Me: ...most of the time.
Interviewer: Go on.
Me: Do I love myself? Yes, I suppose I do, as much as anyone with a strong sense of self-preservation. Am I in love with myself? I think that that is much different. Most people with opinions form them on the basis of conformation to their standard, not the standard to which they aspire. I am not my own gold-standard.
Why is it someone who is comfortable with himself is automatically in love with himself? Can't I just be casually friendly with myself?
Interviewer: So you mean to say that arrogance forms opinion, but claim that self-deprecation in the basis of yours?
It's not arrogance if it's true. Also: it's like I'm reading a competition between two people trying to out-douche themselves. I retract what I said earlier about interviewer, here.
Me: To the first clause, I would say yes. Those with opinions need to believe that they are right. That kind of mentality is healthy.
Can an opinion be right? If it can, is it an opinion?
This is some Zen shit, motherfucker.
I have my own brand of arrogance: I tend to believe that I am right, but my passivity makes me think that I am doing a poor job of being right.
If you're right do you really need to explain yourself?
It is odd to me that the release of Call of Duty: Black Ops was so close to November 11.
... That a holiday or something?
Oh, oh right, Remembrance Day.
Day they signed that armistice to end WWI.
Then later they renamed it to Veterans Day.
I'm not one of those up-in-arms people, (or am I?) but it seems strange that, at this of all times, the marketing for a war game is as aggressive as it has been lately.
Well to be fair the game is pretty fucking rad and if I were a veteran I'd be honored that my occupation is depicted in such a way.
Except for the several graphic torture scenes.
Also the part where your character goes insane for about ten full minutes.
Also the part where you destroy a Vietnamese village.
But otherwise it's awesome, honest.
I saw a backgammon board yesterday and I almost bought it.
I don't know how to play, but I would like to learn.
It seems to me that there is something delightfully, if harmlessly, Imperial about it.
>developed in ancient Egypt
I had the misfortune of having to talk to a drunk woman the other night. A drunk stranger, that is, with whom I shared some acquaintances.
"So," she says, in a tone both overbearing and minorly hostile, "what's your story?"
Deciding immediately that I wanted absolutely nothing to do with her, I replied, "well, in terms of Canadiana, I suppose that you could describe me as a glacial erratic."
"You're gonna hafta use smaller words, honey."
You're lucky she let you off with just that. I know people who would have turned violent.
While sober, even.
I was also told once that I was looking "like a Modest Mouse fan."
Translation: you look like you just sucked a couple of dicks.
I received a compliment today.
> counterculture
"You are a counter-cultural guru."
> works for the shipping industry
nothing says "anti culture" than providing bulk goods.
Oh he makes model trains. Here's a picture of one.
Ehhhhhhhhhhhh, I'd expect more weathering on a train but fine I suppose. No real detailing or highlighting but not bad I guess.
Anyway I think that's it for the evening. I got shit I'd rather be doing than listen to this idiot dither on.
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