Monday, November 29, 2010


Hells Bells is a great song.
Speaking of hell: what the fuck.

Gotta be 14+ to read goddess_julie's (ugh) journal. Good.
Goddess indeed.
Here's today's writer's (FUCKING APOSTROPHE S) block:
If you could make a cameo appearance on a TV show, which show would you choose, and what type of character would you play?

I dunno I can't even muster up enough of a fuck to answer this question. I'd rather write a good TV show than be a good character on a hack TV show (which all modern shows are).

Oh man. What would I choose.

Numb3rs. I'd so want to be some mathematician or physics doctorate that Charlie and Amita confer with when working on a big case, and have Colby, Liz and David have NO CLUE what I'm

Not to interrupt you but that show got canceled.
Today was absolutely amazing!!! I went to the gym last night for the first time (at this gym) and all in all it was great! Did the bike and the treadmill!! Tried the elliptical machine but I'm not ready for that! I'm going to come up with some kind of schedule for when I'm going to go, but I'm excited!!!

I can't believe I do this for fun. I'm reading about some cunt's first journey to the gym. I could be doing anything (literally anything) and it would be more productive and probably interesting than this.

Today was shopping and seeing HP 7.1 again! I caught things I missed the first time and just fell more in love with all of them!

I can't believe we can officially abbreviate "Harry Potter" to "HP" and everyone understands it.
Christ even I knew what she was talking about.
Man I'm depressed now.
All in all, a successful day! Tomorrow I'm going to go to the gym and make a lasagna!

Hit rank 16 in leatherworker today. I suspect my character smells like a tannery what with all the leather she carries around and wears but I guess when you spend half your life looking like a twisted bondage freak and then the other half making leather and metal materials that's the price you pay.
Wow. I've been coming to this campus for the past 12 weeks. Every Thursday I've passed by this library and never once did I think 'wow, maybe i'll come inside and see what's going on'. If I had have, I would have realized that I could have been spending time online between classes instead of ...

The internet? At a library?
What an age to be alive!

I'm being honest it's not like I didn't have other things to do. I was either finishing up homework or reading or knitting... and it wasn't like I was completely bored out of my mind, but still. I'm currently typing on a Mac computer, in a lab that I just walked into the library, found a sign that says open access computers and tada....

Did you know you can rent books at a library?
Also I'm waiting for the point to this story because if this is it this is really kinda boring even for a Livejournal post.
The best part? And I know you're waiting for it.. was that I needed a username and password and I'm all ummm I don't have either of those... and I'm so not going to ask anyone for help because I'm that loser who just doesn't, so I sat down and thought 'maybe it's my student number'.

I'm already going into withdrawals... From Ron to Harry and Hermione... And then the... Then they... And it was all... And we were like....

It. Was. Brilliant!

Utterly brilliant!!!

Well I had a reaction image all ready to go but Blogger decided there'd be none of that today.
Just imagine a face between this:
and this:

I think it's physically impossible for me to have more than one fandom at any given time.


Not only have I written one scene for my novel today (which I might hand in as my assignment this week - I haven't decided which I'm going to go with), I'm in the middle of a second scene.


PLUS, I went back and reworked the beginning of the novel (which has been tripping me up because I didn't want to have to disect it, rework it and put it all back together in a way that makes sense,

Did I just read "I don't want to have to make my novel make sense"?

You know you're old when...

Back in the BSB/NSYNC fic days, I would stay up until 2... 3am to finish a fic. You know those fics, where it just pulls you in and grips you so you can't let go and have to read until you've finished it, despite nodding off because you're so tired and it's so late!!

Oh yeah I remember many a long night reading Backstreet Boys fanfiction (you know you're at a low point when you're reading Backstreet Boys fanfiction).
What the fuck?
So I'm caught up in one of those types of fic now, but it's J2 AU. At the end of every chapter I think 'I'm going to go to bed now and finish tomorrow...' but then I always click the link to the next chapter.

Oh dang, really? That's funny.
I think I can say categorically fanfiction people are the most annoying people I deal with on a frequent basis on Livejournal.

My attention was immediately caught. When I left the accounting firm I worked for 7 years ago, I had intended on buckling down and writing my first book.

How old are you?
Old enough to know better than to write fanfiction, certainly.
*whines and grabby hands at the yarn*

Anyway I think I'm done here.
Getting a bit of a headache, actually.
Be seeing you, fags.

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