Readability? What's that?
Seriously click on that blog and look at what I have to put up with for this update. This update will not proceed until you do.
If you were in solitary confinement for the rest of your life, and you discovered a cockroach in your room, would you kill it or make it your friend?
Who thinks of this shit?
Why are those the only two choices?
Yeah that's a good point, actually. Why are there only two choices? Imagine if in life those were the only two options with people.
Can't I just not kill it? I don't kill bugs, not often at least. I guess it's the hippie in me, but I think that they are a little life with a little soul and I should respect that unless they are really interfering with my life. I had my house sprayed for roaches last month,
Oh well if they're interfering it's okay to compromise your morals.
Isn't that the argument Hitler used when exterminating millions of Jews?
but I never killed the one or two I saw. My cat killed them eventually or Zack, so it's not like I let my house get infested.
Oh so it's okay as long as you aren't directly doing the killing.
You know you could just say "I don't have a moral issue with killing roaches" and this exercise in tedium could be avoided.
I kill ants if there is a large amount of them in my house or car, but if a spider, or one ant is just wondering through, I leave it alone.
So it has to be a big kill.
I can accept this.
Seventeen percent of divorces in the united states are caused by infidelity and those are just the ones who get caught or aren't forgiven. Maybe I'm crazy, but I don't believe that cheating is just about sex.
Gearing up for a Biblical "well if you think about it's sort of the same as actually doing it--" no not really but whatever.
Couples may not have sex as much as someone else, but I am pretty sure if you were so desperate to have sex that you were willing to cheat, you could just talk to your spouse about it. One night of sex is never worth losing someone that you truly love.
Have my wife nag at me some more instead. Good tip.
Then, there's the nagging. I am a firm believer that no relationship problem short of abuse and cheating can't be solved by talking it out.
Most people are borderline illiterate. You honestly expect them to approach a problem with any sort of rational mind?
.I admit that's not good, but its the times that I let everything out that I know I'm really looking for a break up. The toilet seat was left up, he can never find the remote, she shops too much, they never walk the dog.
Christ, could you come up with fucking more cliched examples?
All right I got it: she's addicted to internet gambling and he's a registered sex offender.
Now there's some dramatic tension.
It would be rude to leave a relationship with a few walls still standing, I guess. It's much better to break it down to it's foundation. The truth is, that foundation will never go away though. As much as we want to break all connections to the person we were in a relationship with, we will always have the same foundation, us, to build our next relationship on.
I find it quite annoying that I spend hours practicing for a show. Then I spend every weekend for several weeks putting on a show. I post about it on my facebook, I text friends about it, I offer several people my free tickets, and yet no one ever fucking comes. The last show my mom came,Zack came, and Kandi came that was it.
Who wants to watch you work?
I know you're a magician and it's a lot of fun but I don't invite my friends to come see me bumble through a remedial English lesson, do I?
Also anyone paying close attention to your bullshit will see right through the illusion. Don't let the smoke and explosions confuse you.
So fucking annoying! I always support my friends with their shit.
You know when you use your support as a form of blackmail later most of your friends would rather do without support?
It really insults me when I'm like "hey we are having 15 different shows over 4 weeks, and I have 2 free tickets, do you want to go" and I get "oh, no I am busy" (for the next 4 weeks? I think no) or "I don't want to go alone" or "I will probably go next Friday" (which results in them never coming). Do you know how many Rocky Horrors I have seen because Adam is in it?
Plays are boring and I got iron chain to make.
Oh, what, like these assholes are going to suit themselves up?
No, so I'll do it. For a price.
I lot, probably over 50 since he joined the cast. I am trying to save up to afford a fucking $40 ticket to the spirit of Norfolk so I can see Julanne and Jr preform? yes, I have been trying to go for a while now. If I had never gone to anyone'e show I would probably have a couple extra thousand dollars and at least a few months extra time left over.
So stop fucking going, what? The benefits of not going are clearly outweighing going now.
Oh there's you. Hambeast, can't say I'm surprised.
I don't get it. I mean, I know the job market is hard now, but I'm a nanny. It's not exactly a common job. Even if there are a billion stupid girls out there trying to be a nanny, I am a real nanny.
>not a common job
>billions of girls
Oh but it's okay because you're a real nanny.
OMGmy friend invited me to this military wives/girlfriends group on facebook. I considered joining because I have made a few friends who are military wives lately and I thought maybe I'd make some more. Then I saw this list of things that military guys should know about their spouse. It was a lot of tupid shit like she needs two sets of dog tags oen for her rear view mirror and one to wear all the time. That she's super strong and how he's her hero, and shes his princess.
I'm just sitting here with my mouth open and my eyes unfocused. Am I reading words?
One said he he got a higher rank, he would get laid. She'd stop talking to her civilian friends, and make a bunch of friends online because no one else understands. Really
Bitches be crazy? Seriously edit your posts, Christ.
they were all crazy like that there were only like 3 things that weren't crazy. I don't fucking get it. Why do these women obsess about their husband's job? Yeah, it's a little different than being with a guy who works at McDonalds, but you will never catch me with dog tags on my rear view mirror.
Yeah getting shot at by desert people is a little different than making burgers.
They act like their life is so different and that only other people who live that life can undestand and are worthy of their time.
So they're like everyone else, actually.
Know what the hardest job in the world is? Whatever job you're doing at that second, apparently.
People work out of town all the time!
Working out of town, your APC hammered by a mine-- same thing, really.
Not to mention, I don't see why I need friends who 'understand' to me that means that I'm expected to bitch about it all the time.
Weren't you just bitching that none of your friends understand you and never come see your shows?
Warning: this is not safe for work
Oh don't worry no one can read it anyway. Not that they'd want to.
It had been six months long months since I had gotten to touch a woman's flesh. six long months without feeling any release except for the kind of relief the palm of my hand provided. It wasn't the same. Prostitutes wouldn't have been the same either, nothing was the same as her. She was the most amazing lover I'd ever had, if I couldn't have her, I didn't want anyone.
Somehow I suspect this is some sort of story she's writing and not something based in fact.
Anyway fuck this nonsense.
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