Friday, November 26, 2010

Writer's Block, Writer's Block

Playing some Pokemon Online. I am currently ranked 33rd in the world on this fuck for 4th gen overused.
Awww my opponent forfeited. You still had four entire Pokemon, man! You could have pulled a stunning victory!
I mean you did let me set up two layers of toxic spikes and a DD up on my Gyarados but otherwise you weren't doing too bad.
Also I saw your discharge on your Lanturn coming from like 5 turns away but whatever.
Good show, good show.
That's always such a bullshit move to even try. "Gee that thing that's 4x weak to electricity, I'm going to try to hit it with electricity!" like I'm not already anticipating that possibility.
If I were smart I'd probably substitute something in my team for a ground type-- or an Electivire, hrm.
Oh right, this shit.

Actually come to think of it he probably raged when I switched into Blissey and he realized I had a stall team.
Best way to defeat an opponent is mentally~

Do you find holiday gift-giving more pleasurable or onerous?

Pleasurable because the stores have trained me to equate love with buying stuff.

I love giving gifts, especially when I see how happy that person is because of the gift I give them. That being said, I find gift giving more onerous than pleasurable.

I am terrible at thinking what my family wants for the holidays. They are horrible to shop for and when I ask for hints I get little to no response from them.

Now here's an entry called Thanksgiving Prep. Mood: pessimistic. Music: Kesha.
I have a good feeling.

So once again I don't think I can properly respond to the writer's block question. Simply because my family doesn't have any traditions associated with Thanksgiving.

Let me respond to the writer's block without responding directly to the writer's block about how I don't have a response for the writer's block.
Have I ever seen an entry this pointless?

How many brothers and sisters would you choose to have, and why?

Mood: thoughtful
Music: Katy Perry
You sure do have great musical taste.
This is definitely an odd question, in fact it's so odd that I had to read it twice before I got what it was asking for.

Yeah that one line complex sentence sure is, well, complex. It's barely even a complex sentence, really. "And why" barely qualifies as another clause.
Although hold on, let's break this down--
on second thought let's not.

If you could conjure an animal spirit protector, which animal would you choose, and why?

Oh God fuck this question. No one seemed to understand this question and got hung up on the logistics of it. "How can I even summon a spirit protector?" "Can I pick a mythological creature?"
Here, let me solve this fuck for you idiots:

This is like that "if you could be an animal" question. Now I could go two ways with this question, one if you don't exclude the mythical animals I would like a dragon spirit protector.

See? No one can just give a straight goddamn answer.
I like how she qualifies it. "Now I could go two ways--" yeah, you certainly could. You could go any way you wanted.
Cause Dragons are awesome and I've adored them since I was little. I'm going with the European version of a dragon rather than an Asian version. Because they seem bigger and breathe FIRE!!!!

... So do the Asian ones, what?
Also not all European dragons breathe fire. What about that one from Beowulf?
He didn't-- did he?

Do you believe that violence in media promotes violence in real life? Does media reflect cultural values or can it actively reshape them?

No, yes and no.
A lot of people like to get this backwards and say "no, yes and yes" or if you're really stupid "yes, yes and yes".

I think that it is a mix of both. I think it's entirely possible to become desensitized to violent acts by being overly exposed to something. You see people getting harmed on TV for entertainment's sake and soon it doesn't register with you and soon your shrugging of news reports of violence.
I would love to meet the person that is actively horrified by news reports.

"Oh no, a person I've never met and indeed will never know has been killed! THE HUMANITY!" Most people just don't give that much of a shit about people not themselves. Most people would gladly lie, though, to seem more humane than they actually are.

It can help to reshape them as well, by introducing new concepts to millions of viewers. Slowly but surely people's opinions can be changed by what they see on TV.

But that entire statement is so redundant it's stupid. The media is just the way people communicate with each other so you might as well be saying "do you think people can influence other people?" the actual media, that is, the machinery used to create it can't do anything without people working it.
Why do people treat the media like it's some alien entity not of this planet? It's just other jackasses like you running the cameras and writing the newspapers and shit.
What's your favorite thing to do on long car rides?

Mood: calm
Music: Only Girl in the World
I'm ashamed to know that song is by Rihanna.
I'm so glad she's updating me on her mood and what music she's listening to. Maybe I'll start doing it too.
Mood: frustrated at bullshit
Nothing beats a good book. I can just lose myself in the story and completely forget where I am and what's going on around me. This is especially good when I go for long car rides with my family.

So how about that FFXIV patch, eh?

Things can get tense some times so it's good to have something to distract me from all the drama. It's even better if I bring along my CD player as well.

I actually can't believe it turned out as well as it did. I mean I know SE promised all this shit but frankly who even believed you could accomplish that much in two months? All the lag is gone, the UI isn't a nested menu nightmare anymore, you can actually level in a timely manner-- no complaints at all, really.
Well there is one thing: they removed the "number of people playing currently" counter (presumably for spin control reasons) and that actually makes it impossible to tell how many people are currently in your area, which makes it hard to discern whether or not you can get a party in any given area.

Which phrase would you choose to replace the ubiquitous "Have a nice day" phrase?

I forget what I even suggested as an alternate. I can't even think of a time where I wished someone to have a nice day. HAVE A NICE DAY AND GOD BLESS HURRRR.

The geek in me is breaking free.... Live long and prosper!" That phrase is so positive and sweet if you truly look at it. Wanting someone to live a long life, hopefully free of sickness and diseases. Also wanting that person to have a relatively comfortable live with out struggle to make ends meet all the time. Your essentially wishing for their good health and monetary comfort.

... It doesn't say any of that shit. Literally all it says is "live a long time and do well." "Prosper" doesn't inherently mean living comfortably. It also doesn't mention struggling. In fact to prosper, especially amongst the stars, I imagine struggling would be a great part of it.
Yeah fuck you stop injecting your pussy bullshit into stuff.

Which songs have been covered better by artists who didn't originally sing them?

Don't You Forget About Me by Billy Idol, motherfucker.

This question is purely conjecture as everyone has different tastes.

As opposed to all of these others which have been purely objective. Putz.
Also "conjecture" implies a guess made at something with (presumably) an objective truth so you're still wrong. The word you were looking for is "subjective".
But I can think of one song that I know of that has been remade that's way better then what I think is the original. I can't help falling in love with you by UB40 is just the best, I truly enjoy listening to that song over and over again.

Oh great that's one of my favorite Elvis songs.

I think it was originally sung by Elvis, I'm not one hundred percent positive. I've heard that version and two others but UB40's is definitely the better one to me.

I think it's sung by Elvis. Whatever. What'd he do for music anyway? Not as much as UB40 for sure.
Who the fuck is UB40? I'm getting angry now.
Here we go.
Wow this is bad.
Dear Livejournal,
Mood: frustrated

Who would you appoint as Earth's ambassador to alien races, and why?
Barack Obama. He's been doing such a bang-up job here on Earth I think he could really understand alien psychology.

This took some thinking and in the end I could not name a specific person.

Actually wait: the obvious answer is Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Did you people see Predator?
Well the Predator was invisible for most of the movie (presumably for monetary reasons) but you get what I mean.
Here's a post where she states she responds to the writer's block so often because her life is really boring (no shit).
I miss being able to browse Livejournal normally because now I just have to choose from people who just do the writer's blocks. Not that their answers aren't hilariously misinformed but whatever.

I'm all giddy cause Obama is finally taking office! I love the fact that someone I voted for finally won. I know he's not some miracle worker but hopefully things will start improving under his leadership. Other still bitches about him but they are die hard republican. I still think Other should give him a year or two to prove himself before they start bitching about how bad he is.

So everyone officially has your approval to bitch now?
Am I really back almost a year now? Good grief.
So let's boot up FFXIV, shall we?
Oh no my mind just went totally blank. Cassiopeia Hollow is near-- Bloodshore?
Guess I'll solo here because I'm far too high level to party with these plebs.
46 SP at a time is pretty shitty but they die in 10 seconds so I'm not really sure--
Wow that one was really evasive.
Oh right, this.
Uh-- beat it.

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