Thanks to this excellent community filled with fascinating people I managed to find this blog.
I'm in for it now.
For those of you who don't:|watch unholy amounts of animespeak Japanese, my entry title means "I'm saved!" and I really am.
I just found out that I owe my school $2300. I don't have that money. At all.
Yeah amazing how prompt and clear schools are when it comes to money but how secretive and unclear they are when it comes to "can I take these classes at the same time?" STILL WAITING TO HEAR BACK, SPEAKING OF. How utterly arbitrary this entire thing is. CAN'T TAKE THESE TWO CLASSES AT ONCE, HURRR.
Why not? BECAUSE PREREQUISITES. But why is one a prerequisite to the other? They're the same class, practically.
Fuuuuuuck me for asking.
Yesterday, I had math class in the morning. I've had this class for the last 3-4 weeks and my teacher was unexpectedly caucasian when I expected someone asian.Because Asians are good at math I guess. White people never are good at math except a lot of the theories are named after the white guys that discovered them.
Anyways, I want to watch episodes 2 and 3, which I hear are out, but YouTube is CRIMPING MAH STYLE!

Usually, the fact the the future is a big fat question mark, that I, and the world as a whole, can go any of 20 directions I can think of and another 40 million I -can't- think of, scares me. Well, to be more accurate, it scares the shit out of me so badly that it frequently leaves me cowering in a metaphorical corner, tearing my hair out with terror.Yeah I know what you mean.
(man who has been quoted saying "the future is trivia" and "the future is immaterial")
But this isn't about that.
Hey, yeah, speaking of something irrelevant.
This is about that one-in-a-million time when that big question mark delights me to the point of bouncing in place and squealing.
Wow you're really annoying. Oh, dare I click on the link that says "squealing" so I can read more of this wonderful post? A lesser man might recoil in horror but I am trained for this kind of situation. I'm going to do some editing here because quite frankly who gives a shit:
Today, my school did one of its many cheesy little events, but since I'm here and they offer free food, I decided to stop by. It's a diversity fair, but not about what you'd think it'd be about. Because this was about AGE diversity--how awesome is that?!
Not really.
Anyway, people were divided by when they were born, from as far back as WWI, WWII and the Depression, all the way up to 2000 and they fell into four overall groups: Veterans, Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y.
So cool people, assholes who ruined the world, faggots and pussies respectively.
Wait let me visually represent this. So in order from veteran to "Gen-Y" (my generation is so uncreative we can't even come up with our own name):
They had little sheet thingers detailing general personality traits for each generation

Peter Noone guide us.
How exciting is that? Our future is wide open.
Dark age up and coming, calling it now.
In the next 20 years, the whole world is going to learn how this generation of globally-conscious, hyper-connected, instantly-gratified people make decisions, how we lead, how we inspire the people who follow us.The age of Twatter, Livejournal and DeviantArt. Glad to be here.
I thought about it, then realized that I first met a computer when I was 10, in 1999, and I first got to know one when I was 12, in 2001, so I believe that factlet.
First memory of a computer: playing Wishbone's "The Odyssey" on my Acer. Fuck yeah I just played that game recently, even.
Beat it in like 15 minutes because I've practically memorized The Odyssey in the interim 11 years, too.
It is possible to find God without finding a church.
Let me tell you about a really cool god, kids: his name is Zeus, and he doesn't require money from you like the Christian God does.
I plan on teaching at a Christian school. How long do you think I'll last before I'm fired (from the job or literally)?
I like pissing people off. Not people I like, obviously, but everyone else in the world, I kinda wanna piss them off. I ENJOY defying normality and taboo.
Considering this post is called her "Rant O Doom" (so randum xD) I'd now like to mention a recent phenomenon I've discovered. Everyone claims to be so randum xD and unique but they all do it in exactly the same way with the same vocabulary and everything, so their uniqueness and randum xD-ness is now a pattern you can track.
... Am I going crazy here or does anyone else spot the contradiction?
Anything I am told not to do, I want to do.
Wow so cool-- college-going white girl. You sure are zany and unique!
Of course, this defiant streak means I DO NOT want to do anything I'm told to do, either explicitly or implicitly. Do your homework? DNW. Lose weight? NOPE! Hate your squishy bits? FUCK YOU! See where this is going? Yeah.
So you're another fuck up asshole who's overweight and burdening our laboring health care system, and yet somehow you're proud of this, err, achievement.
Wow you sure are a unique snowflake.
Anyway, I can take direction when I need to. I finish my homework just in time to turn it in.
So-- you're special and unique because you don't do what you're told (including homework) and yet you do your homework and turn it in on time-- am I going crazy?
Now, I'm not gonna harass people about their opinions, even when it's WRONG, so long as they can explain WHY they think it.
It's like my brain is collapsing in on itself!
So, I haven't been complaining to you guys about my computer, because I probably deserve most of my computer woes. I watch free porn and hentai, download yaoi from semi-suspicious sources and visit mangafox.
>download porn from suspicious sources
>has computer troubles
You're just trying to get up on my tits, aren't you?
AVG is not only free, the newest version is so awesome it won't even let you open stuff that could kill you system, which it quickly proved, because I am an idiot. =.=
Wow the only AVG warnings I ever get are "you need to restart your computer to finish your updates" but then again I am smart enough to not open "childporn.jpg.pdf.exe.jar" so whatever.
I'm fat. This isn't a surprise. I want to be known as being pretty. I want someone to think I'm beautiful.
Even if you lose weight it still will not fix the unfortunate arrangement of your facial features~
So....I've started the summer semester. It's pretty much what I expected: a weird combination of too much work and too much free time.
I also finished watching Twelve Kingdoms. If you have never seen this anime, you DESPERATELY need to watch it.
No that's okay, really.
Ok, I'm taking IS 220. It's an international studies class focusing on Japanese history. My teacher is a 70 year-old white woman. Already makes you wanna go HUNH?
It does?
You can know stuff about cultures not your own, you know.
Anyway the rest of this blog is the same shit and zzzzzzzz so I'm going to go do something with my life.
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