Her first post is a story which quite frankly I'm not reading.
Then she posts about "guerrilla knitting" which is evidently knitting crap and then leaving it for other people to throw away. Err, I mean find and enjoy. She left some for "extra karma" which is extra silly because as we all know we are judged in life by the evil we destroy.
Yesterday I went for (another) checkup with my neurosurgeon. First off I got a call the day before and the time they gave me was later than the one I had listed. So I showed up at the earlier time. Sense I had to fill out a whole bunch of paperwork AGAIN I guess it's fine I showed up early.
Get used to this, incidentally. "Since" is always "sense" and there are quite a few other homophones (heh, homo) I'm forgetting.
You'd think by now they'd know WHY I was there and my medical history.
You'd think by the time you're an adult you'd know the difference between "since" and "sense" (hint: there's a pretty huge difference). Evidently there's a lot of shit people should know but don't for whatever reason.
She was much more forthcoming on extra info than Dr. Cohen was. She actually said the words "Degenerative Disc Decease",
Disease. This is what we call a "malapropism" because "decease" and "disease" sound similar but aren't actually pronounced the same and again have wildly different meanings. Although one often leads to the other, hmm.
Interesting info sense I have NO idea your bones could swell.
Of course slightly better means, still worse than it was when we were thinking about doing disk replacement. I could list all the issues.... but it's just depressing and not worth the noting.
As opposed to the rest of this which is worth noting.
I even left out a guerrilla knit... but I figured I should post about this.
As some of you know I had surgery again Monday. Basically I'd managed to blow out the next two discs in my back.
For those of you who might not know, post mortem photography was a relatively common practice as photography slowly got more common and portable.
Even if I didn't know what this was (and I do) I'd be able to figure it out by the, I don't know, words in the title? post- (after) -mortem (death) photography (pictures)?
People who lost a loved one (very often children) would find or send for the nearest photographer to take pictures. This might seem a tad morbid now
Everyone is pretty fucking pussified now.
Let me look at this fucking picture, motherfucker.
... Yeah those are some dead kids, all right. You can tell by the fish eyes.
A couple months ago or so I left a little hippo outside one of my favorite antique stores. He was the exact same color as the store.
Let me guess, someone from the store found the hippo and decided to turn around and sell it? You're not allowed to be butthurt about this. You left something for anyone to find and do anything they want with it.
Then about a week ago Kenton and I went into that same store. We wondered around for about 2 hours,
Wandered*. Goddamn you suck.
I don't always head down that way sense most of the toys aren't so much antiques as a few years old.
You're just doing it to piss me off now.
nestled inside was something very familiar. My hippo. Still with his tag, although now on the back was written a number code and price.
Oh ho ho ho can I call it or what?
Then the more I started thinking about it the more I started to get annoyed. The point of this was not for someone else to sell my animals. At least not so soon after leaving them. I had many different reactions from the friends I told and I came up with many different plans. I thought about stealing him, sense I knew the seller didn't pay for it in anyway.
This just in: it's okay to steal as long as who you are stealing from did not pay money to get the item in question.
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
"You see, fear had an effect on him."
Most interesting thing to come out of your blog, I think.
Warning... this is an awful post.... don't read it if you are sensitive.
Well I am delicate like a snowflake but I think I'll brave it anyway.
Oh it's a really long story about a road kill moose. Anyway.
Oh there's you. Maybe if you lost some weight you wouldn't have so many back problems, good grief.
As most of you know by now I collect skulls.
Collecting the skulls of your foes is a pretty awesome hobby I must admit.
Today Kenton and I went to the firing range so he could use dad's rifles before the hunting trip.
Need a rifle to down a defenseless deer. What cowardice is this?
Anyway this is so boring I forgot to pay attention for about an hour so I guess it's go time, motherfucker.
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