Anyway today's blog comes to us from WoWLadies (heh) and, being a player of World of Warcraft, she is a furry. No surprise there. Enjoy your shitty Cataclysm expansion, fags. Meanwhile I'll be over here playing superior games~
Speaking of there's some news coming for FFXIV. I'm not about to leak it here because after losing my mind for two days just to get into the beta I'm not about to compromise it but needless to say it's pretty interesting.Anyway this is one of them journals where you have to agree you're fourteen years of age OR OLDER to every entry not to mention you have to agree before you even enter the blog. I'm pretty sure if I was fourteen when I first entered I'll be fourteen when I view each entry, won't I? What, am I suddenly going to get scared and turn around? Fuck that.
First thing I notice about the first post (after agreeing I'm old enough, naturally) is that her tags include "love life" and "sex queen" which a quick reminder where I found this blog will ensure I'm about to be grossed out.
Hey! Guess what!
I know that there are people who are new to my journal (and me).
I hate it when people do "evil laughter" ironically (xD). UR SO BAD, E_MILY!
Welcome, folks.
So, here's the deal.
Oh, here's the deal. Man, I feel so plugged in lately. It's like I'm getting the inside view of everything important lately!
I (mostly) keep a public journal.
Rest assured, ye unwashed masses: if it is posted somewhere where more than one person can read it, it is fully public. Therefore, the only safe place to keep a secret is locked away within your own mind.
Oh so that's how that works. I thought all people were open books all the time. My mistake I guess. Seriously though I have not met one person who has said "I don't want to talk about it" who didn't immediately start talking about it upon using certain real life cheat codes. I call it the "conversational clip mode". Walking through the walls of this conversation, excuse me.
Certain things are locked to f-groups because some people don't want to know about some stuff and some (but not most of my life) stuff I only want to talk about with certain people.
The biggest way this impacts those of you who are new?
This is important because this is going to affect my enjoyment (I can't put enough sarcasm quotes around the word "enjoyment" so I won't even try) of this blog so I better pay attention.
Goddamn I've been at this for two years now and I've never seen rules that come with a blog before. This is really unreasonable.
(srsly, if I put you on a "private-type" filter, that's up to me. Although if any of you are on a filter that lets you read posts that you'd rather not, feel free to let me know.)
What, like I care that much? Assuming I live in a parallel dimension where I did, you really don't think I'd know? I could be through your cute little filters in about fifteen seconds. You are not so good with computers to keep me out.
I keep my sex-and-body-TMI stuff behind a filter, because I know there are some people who'd rather not know.
I'd like to point out I had to agree three times to even read this (another warning, oddly enough). I think you've eliminated all but the most dedicated.
And I know that there are those of you who either don't care about knowing, or DO want to know.
So let's cover what we know so far:she may (or may not) tell people what they did (or didn't) want to know through a complex series of filters I'm not sure I fully understand, but if you think you've been set under the wrong filter group (tailoring my reading experience to me, this is really emergent game play) I can apply for a new filter group.
I've never seen a blog with an application process. You really are self-important, aren't you?
Incidentally this post was from 2025 so we have a few years before this'll occur I guess.
Hokay. Pretty sure I figured out the vows, rewritten. (We forgot to keep a copy.)
Oh we're taking written vows, this is pretty serious.
Honor is all, remember that.
I, (name) take you, (name), to be my partner. Loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know. We will share all of life's experiences, and support each others' goals and dreams. I give you my hand, my heart, and my devotion, from this day forward.That's a dumb vow. There's not even a provision it where you agree to not take future vows that will, in so doing, violate previous vows. I see all sorts of loopholes in this.
A vow should, first and foremost, demonstrate that your word is your bond, otherwise what's the point in even vowing something?
I give you this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness.
AND MY AXE. Wait, no, no that's Lord of the Rings.
Oh there's you and your husband. He looks impotent. He also looks like half an idiot. Actually you both do.Congratulations I guess. Enjoy your life of mediocrity.
Will just picked up his tux, and the tie and vest are green.
We ordered purple.
Depending on the shade those contrast. What, you wanted your exact-fucking-order, princess? Close enough, whatever.
ETA: hahahaha so the clerk jotted down green (Will was being a butt and joking "So I'm getting a green one?" the whole time we were there ordering them and I was firmly insisting "No, purple.") and now they're scrambling to fix it.
So you said green and purple and you were amazed when you got the wrong thing. I'm about to drag out my color wheel here to conclusively prove you cannot have "green-purple" because they sit on the opposite side of the color wheel and therefore create brown.
The first TEN people to comment in this post get to request
Fuck too bad I wasn't there to post. "Fucking kill yourself" would be my request.
ONE shiny (probably) cute little drawing of something.
Oh. What-the-fuck-ever.
Is it August 16th yet?
God I miss work.
Oh what's up EDUCATIONAL ENGINEER (fancy term I just invented for "someone who works at a school").
Once again, Mystery Vegetable Pasta proves its versatility and deliciousness!
This post is rated T for Teen I can't believe I have to click on each individual entry to read about delicious pasta.
You know what's really, really cool, Eljay?

Quick, name that game!
Our wedding bands came today!
The perfect tungsten carbide traditional domed plain bands, courtesy of a good deal on SparkleCartel.
Oh yeah, I'll take that 8.5-9.0 Mohs rating over gold any day.
Personally I think wedding bands MADE OF IRON would be a lot cooler.
Tungsten. What a pussy metal.
Tier list of metals:
god tier: iron
high tier: copper, bronze, steel, gold
shit tier: all else
Eljaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy I need help from somebody who knows shit about flowers.
Get violets and forget-me-nots you dumbshit. Jesus Christ, do I have to tell you idiots everything? Now I'm telling people how to get married. It's almost like they need more people with the answers and less people asking dumb ass questions on the internet or something.
Jesus Christ I hate everything.
Check my fandoms, my favorite characters, the pairings I like the most, my kinks, my fictional crushes, anything. Now, in a friendly and possibly teasing way, point out the obvious and not so obvious trends or fetishes you see in my tastes.
I won't be doing this, but please, continue to waste my time.
Actually just kidding I have games to beta test and shit to do. Enjoy your shitty life and World of Warcraft, I guess. Meanwhile I'll be punching the fuck out of these Puks and beetles. ALSO MINING.
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