So get this. I have this assignment, right, and I'm supposed to make a blog because as an educator in the 21st century I have to be "with it" and "hip" and so all the kids are blogging (lol wtf acronyms) and so I, too, must blog. "Just use blogger, it's really easy!" Well fuck, now I need to create a dummy email account because if I use this one I can be tied back to another blog where I'm mean to high schoolers on a habitual basis. Not to mention "fuck" is something like the fifth most non-common word I use on this blog.Another thing I have to do is come up with a quote that describes me. Unfortunately "and not a single fuck was given that day" isn't school appropriate, so I'm basically having to create a second identity for the sake of this business. Man, life is needlessly complicated at times.
I also consulted The Good Book (The Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, that is) and while it is filled to the brim with wisdom again I don't think it's exactly what a school system would want to hear from a prospective teacher. By "we are judged in life by the evil we destroy" I mean illiteracy, LOL! (see how hip I am?) Oh right you come here for some other purpose than listen to me prattle. Or maybe you do, but prattle about something specific, namely other blogs. Well here you go, you needy cunt.
I got this blog via the writer's block of the day that asks "What subject you like to become more knowledgeable about, and why?" and our boy is getting a 0/10 for not following instructions.
I have to disagree with this old saying of "knowledge is power"
I think Knowledge is not power, but it is in fact potential power.
Shut up and answer the question, holy God.
Also they forgot the second half of that quote: "guard it well."
How good is it to have so much knowledge if you don't give it use?
Define "use".
If I know something aren't I, by definition, using it somehow?
sad to say; but I've known people that have knowledge about some very important things...yet they don't decide not to do anything.
Now, to have the drive for more will usually take you to knowledge. The drive that takes you to know where to look for answers or who to talk to; the drive that could move mountains...only the brave ones have this drive.
You're totally losing me. Let's move on before I get fucking pissed. I had 1 impossible thing happen,and one I was not counting on.
If it's impossible and it happens-- err, isn't it, by definition, possible?
ha, well the 1 impossible thing I can't talk about since 'tis a tad embarrassing.
So what if its an old car? heck I was about to buy a car for 5000, but now at the very most I'll waste anything between 400 to 1000 on the rebuilt transmission. This is awesome news!! that was I can deff keep saving my momo for the future trips.
Did you just call "money" "momo"? Also I'm not sure why I thought this was a guy. I'm guessing it's a girl now.
OOOHHh and in other news, my akai mpd finally got here! actually,
Akai MPD. Anyone? Anyone know what that is?
I know "akai" means "red" if this is Japanese we're talking about (and I'm honestly not sure if we are) but that doesn't really--
Perhaps she means "acai" that berry shit. I know the "c" has a tail but my keyboard is English and we don't need all sorts of crazy shit on our letters to express ourselves (master language here).
Just what I needed!
I got some fresh air :) and I mean that literally too lol
As opposed to figuratively where you listened to a pretentious public access radio show, what?
I have some good news! I finally got my AKAI MPD32
All right I'm just going to Google this since this is apparently going to be a consistent issue.
Google image search.
No idea what I'm looking at here.
MIDI-over-USB performance pad for DJs. Ah yes, USB is well known for its sound quality. That's why good quality headphones plug directly into the USB port.
Wait, no--
I'm not feeling so good...not feeling like myself today. Don't really know what's causing this,but I still have that feeling of something "blocking" my thoughts.
Which one word would you use to describe yourself, and why?
Not the most original of questions, but a good one never the less!
Well I don't know if one self can be asked this question without sounding ether too modest or too egocentric.But I think I'd use 2 worlds (that come to mind just now ) and that would be "frustrated passion" since I love to do lot of things, but I don't have some of the qualities to do them.
>One word
>post is 90 words long
why do you test me?
I shouldn't really ask "why" because in my head I hear "why not" right after I ask that question.
I'm starting to believe that strange forces are in play.
Heresy creeps into your words.
Have you ever had one strange day where so many things remind you of someone?
This could all very well be in our imagination; something that we just want it to be so bad, that we push our subconscious to remember. Or, just simply something that is sent. karma?
Karma isn't instant. One day idiot Livejournal users will understand this very simple religious principle. That's my dream.
If there is a God (let's pretend) do you really think he has so little to do he's meddling in the coincidental stupid shit in your dumb life? Really?
Destiny or perhaps God is trying to tell us something? (you dumb goof, ponte las pilas!) j/k
So what is the point to this blog? aaamm.... when have I really had one? lol I mean, do I really have to share a blog/vlog and have a purpose? :P that's no fun.

Sometimes you have to lose yourself to find yourself...
Sometimes you kill yourself to live. Sometimes you run over a Korean family with your car to save a Korean family with your car.
Hmm...everybody has had the thought "what if" going through their head at one point or another.
But at this moment I'm not thinking "what if I had" but "what if I hadn't"
"What if I had bought that Remington 12 gauge?"
"I'd probably be in jail." that I think about it, one of my bad habits is trying to please everyone at everything. Chotto 怖い desu ne?
Good morning/evening/night to all of you out there in that total chaos of the world! how's it been?
Hello, I must be going.
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