Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Let's throw caution to the wind!

I have found two, yes TWO equally promising blogs today to review, so without a thought for my own safety I'm going to review both of them.
Hope you have your game face on, because this is about to get super serious. I'll be tackling them in the order in which I found them, so we're headed here first.
Beau has gone to go deer hunting with his father. I'm torn. On one hand, if he shoots a deer on the first day or so, he'll come home a week earlier. On the other, that would mean he would be bringing back a whole deer to fill up the freezer (that I can't eat).

Nothing manlier than two men alone in the woods aiming at defenseless animals through the scope of a high powered rifle.
I hear some people hunt bears with bows, so that's slightly tougher.
Really, though, the only way I'd be impressed is if you wrestled the bear and broke its neck with your bare hands. Then you can claim to be a real hunter.
School has recommenced. I'm taking French Lit. 341 (insanely hard), French 301 (moderately difficult) and English history (frightfully easy).
French majors are always real cunts. They think they're so cool, or something. I don't get it, mang.
In French lit, we're reading La Chanson de Roland, which is an epic poem written between 1100 and 1200. The vocabulary is... difficult.

Then she posts the opening lines from it that I'm not quoting here.
Yes. Like I can keep all those people straight. And that's just the good guys! The bad guys have a guy named Blancandrin, which is just about the most awesome name ever.

Broheim it's the register of names. You're not actually supposed to remember all them. They list like 53 people in the Iliad, too. Most of them you don't hear from again.
Only one paper to write for the term! And it's only 8-10 pages double spaced. And if you like your grade on the rough draft, she'll let you just keep that one and not turn in a final one!

And there are people complaining about her work load. *facepalm*

She face palms a lot, because she's so randum xD
So I go to the bookstore for my textbooks today. It looks like it's going to cost me about $385. I managed to luck out and get the PROGRESSIVE teachers who want all NEW EDITIONS.

Go me. *facepalm*

EDIT: I managed to get one of them used. :D

... $358.10.

so randum xD
I'm watching a "documentary" about the "Secret Bloodline of Jesus and Mary" and they're talking about this Super Secret room hidden in the church, and they go into the Super Secret Room that No One has Seen Inside Of in a century... and as they're panning around the Secret Room...

...and it has a WINDOW.


I swear, editing takes longer than writing the story. *facepalm*

Now she posts some Neopets fanfiction (oh God what) that I'm not even-- no this isn't happening.
So I'm in the library, doing homework. There is a girl at the table behind me with a couple guys, and she is talking about how vampires are "real" and they are "all around us, hiding." And clearly because she's A) an Asian exchange student, and B) Hot,

Stop. If ever there were two reasons to listen to the insane ramblings of a fucking mental patient, those would be they. Furthermore, I'm doing it right now and you're not either of those things so I GET A LOT OF PRACTICE, OKAY.
AND NOW SHE'S GOING ON ABOUT HOW HARRY POTTER IS REAL, and the books were published to protect magical people (and vampires) from Muggles.



Oh so says you, the (probably) affirmed furfag.
Now we're going to jump ship and move on to this bullshit.
The first thing you'll notice is the ad on the side of the screen (using "side" loosely here because it's more like the center but fine I'll roll with it) is almost the same length as the strip of white where her words fit. I, too, am reading this from an iPod.
I'm so sick of my roommates.

I love Leah. I have absolutely no problem with her, but Linsey is driving me crazy. I can't take it anymore.

They have more in common than I do with either of them, and that's fine. But to treat me like a complete outsider is unnecessary.

Face it, you're the third wheel. Instead of toughening up like a champ you turn into a "woe is me" pusscake. There's a reason you're the third wheel, and I'm reading it.
I'd like to think that maybe they're jealous of me.

Yeah that's totally it. They're jealous of Tammy Nofriends.
They're so quick to conform, they have no individuality. They dress the same and talk the same and listen to the same music.

Yeah it definitely sucks having people to identify with.
I dress in what I want and do my make up how I want and do whatever I want and say whatever I want. I date the guys I want and listen to the music I want and go where I want. I have no trouble acting the way I want.

For someone who purportedly "does what they want" you sure sound asspained about this.
Remember that picture I posted from my adventures in FFXI? That is doing what you want. No mercy, no fear, no respite!

I feel like an outsider. I hate it here. I want to go home.

Hang out in the library. That's where all the pros go, anyway. You get in all sorts of weird conversations in the library. Speaking both from experience and from the evidence in the previous blog (the whole vampire thing in case this is getting hard to follow).
I love him, I do. I'm just so damaged, and I don't know why.
I feel paralyzed.

I was supposed to go to my best friend John's show in the same town that you-know-who lives in. I can't... I can't get myself together long enough to go up there and support him in his first show in years. Even though all of my friends would be around me and I would be totally protected... I just froze.

I'm broken. I'm crushed. I'm horrified and I can't snap out of it.

I don't know what to do anymore.

Kill self.
So now there's like 50 entries that can be summarized in three words: "I'm a whore."
And... Wow this does go on. Okay, I guess here ends my TWO FOR ONE WEDNESDAY SPECTACULAR! Time to go play some FFXI, or something. All that reminiscing about glorious trolling has me wanting to try my hand at Argus or Eastern Shadow or something.
If you're on Shiva and are camping Argus: I'm stealing your Peacock Amulet.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Happy birthday Blogger, you smarmy cunt

Today is Blogger's birthday. So thanks, Blogger, for surviving yet another year so I can continue to post my vitriol.
Also I start today's entry in a good mood because Fortune has smiled on me and I found five entire dollars in a gutter today. No, I wasn't searching for goodies there, I just happened to find it. I should invest that lucky five dollars in the stock market or something. More likely it'll go towards parking but still, five bucks.
Anyway let's ruin my good mood.

turns out they were, like, locked in a room somewhere. oO I'm like "They weren't that important..." someone probably suspected me of being a home-grown terrorist. I wonder if my shit's gonna do this every time I order from Kai Mei. Probably, but I don't really care because I'm very happy with my order.

Yeah surprisingly when you order from other countries it takes a long time to receive them.
Need to buy more ibuprofen for the line of root canals I won't be treating until next july. Mouth hurrrtttsss.

Where is mah Jamie? ;_; She was supposed to come back for classes today, but we haven't heard from her.

I have so much work to do. And I can't even bring myself to care, how sad is that. @_@

Ugh already looking for something else to do.

Getting teeth surgery: KINDA AKWARD METHINKS.

Akward. Yeah that really is awkward. I'd ask you to qualify that with a reason but this is the fucking internet so I'll just cut to the punch now and call you stupid.
Yeah, it was the closest thing to an out-of-body experience ever. I refuse to have my eyes open for dental work because then I see what they are using in my mouth, and I do not like it much.

I make them show me every single tool but maybe that's just me. I like to think of it as training for if I wind up like the Running Man.
Okay, let me tell you something about dental stitches: they are fucking weird. Why? Because they are sewn through your gum tissue. That's right, folks, in one side and out the other, then loop it around and do it again.

Logically. Not many other places they could sew.

I-- what did you just read my mind?


Ha, ha you're all right, kid. I mean, you're still fucking awful, but so far I dislike you less.
Alright, look. Writing beach trash isn't easy because writing ANYTHING isn't easy. However, it is easy to despise a piece of work that is cheap and without character, made to pander to market of sissies who have never in their entire fucking LIVES been changed by what they've read.

Hard being subjective, of course. Hard for you, maybe. Meanwhile in Meland it's piss easy.
Ever popped a pus pocket in you gums?

No, but awesome.
I don't suggest it. It's hella gross. At least Noel wasn't in the room.

It's been..well, not an awful day, but not a fantastic one, either.

No, if I'm popping pus pockets in my gums that day is automatically out of the running for "good".
Midway through Writing for Children my mood plummeted in an eerily familiar manner and remained firmly on the downlow until Advanced Poetry.

Where it plummeted even further until you were just hoping to finish out the day without killing everyone and then yourself.
Oh wait sorry, that's me.
Well, me, at least you didn't have to pop a pus pocket in your gums in between classes.
See, the day can always get worse.

Thusfar, my moodiness has been called 'work mode'. I'm okay with the little white lie.

Not sure what that even means. If you're having reservations about lying, err, don't. Lie constantly. If you can get ahead by lying, lie.

Also, they found that poor girl who disappeared before her wedding day.

Yes, THAT poor girl.

She was in the wall of the lab building. Someone killed her and stuffed her into it.

Well that's a somber ending.

If I kill all the freshmen in the photo barn right now, not a jury in the world will convict me.

Until the prosecution finds this blog, of course, then you get to do a sit down dance for premeditation but whatever.
*has just spent the past half hour listening to sex jokes, tasteless gay humor, and a long rant about how the legal age of consent should be sixteen so that the eighteen year old gay assholecan get some with his underage boyfriend*

What? Sounds entertaining to me.Or are you suddenly above gay jokes? No one is above gay jokes, and if you're offended WELL YOU'RE JUST A HUGE FUCKING FAGGOT :C

Anyway, five bucks to my name and a world of trouble ahead of me. at least it's not boring.

YES FOUND FIVE BUCKS TODAY. No one can trump that story. It is the best thing to happen today TO ANYONE :C
Holy shit all the entries behind this are, get this, black text on a black background. Guess what I'm not reading? This.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Remember the basics of CQC

I think we might need them today.
This background, this "moon with some birds flying over water" background is a lot like the Nazi flag, when I think about it. When I see it, nothing good can possibly follow.
Except, at least the Nazis were snappy dressers, so no, no this is worse than Nazis.
If there is anything than can get me up off my intellectual couch (pic below), it is the discussion of religion.

So you're a bore. I get it.
I mean the growing, or shrinking number of religious alcoholics whose only taste of alcohol is the Jesus wine in mass. Er, I mean. The idiots out there who spout that creationism and Jesus, God's fuck buddy, spouts out how your sins are his lunch. Or maybe that was the bread in Mass? Or maybe we should just all sit down and chill and stop giving a shit about religion.

Okay I'm going to try to read and understand this.
So we have some religious sorts (specifically Christians, since as we all know, Christianity is the only religion in the world) and they're talking about something (I don't really get what she's saying here, but I don't really get whatever Christfags yammer on about in some of my classes so this wouldn't be new for me) and now we're going to have bread at mass, because as we all know all Christians are Catholic.
Now, don't give me that shit about METAPHOR. I'm an English major and could teach the fucking SUBJECT on symbolism and metaphor alone.

If you want me to give a lesson on the metaphor of the juicy vagina of Eve in Eden and her fruit being picked by a hungry Adam whose limbs were all afire, I suppose I could

Wow for a supposed "English" major you sure did bungle the symbolism of that story up pretty fucking hard.
No, stupid, the fruit symbolizes a choice. The choice between knowledge and ignorance.
Go slap yourself with a piece of lemon peel. According to the video below... our God-given rights are to be able to pray in school, receive Gideon Bibles in school (I was an unfortunate receiver of these in my college years), and the 10 Commandments. BUT the 61% of professors in universities are either agnostic are atheist....according to this thespian expert (wasn't he in that movie Left Behind?). Well, ho, ho, ho. Don't we have a stick up our ass about YOUR faith? Let me lay it for you. Ahem. America is not, nor was ever meant to BE a Christian nation. We say things like "God bless America" because we're stupid and we think God really blesses America.

Cool story.
Another profound piece of ignorant shit is the all-too-used examples of dead "Christians." Names like Einstein, Newton, Bacon, and others are presented to us as perfect reasons why God is real. They're profound thinkers, after all, so that MUST mean the deity we cannot see must be real. It's pretty fucking pathetic that Christians use the past and/or dead people to try to justify their beliefs.

But Bacon and Newton were Christians.
Okay enough of this, good grief.
Seriously, can't this chick stay away from Starbucks for one fucking week? I like Starbucks, too, but I think it's been over a month since I went in for overpriced coffee. There's one right where I work, yet I still say No, yanno?

This is in reference to Britney Spears, which if I had to summarize this post in one word, it would be this word: jealous.
These are pics of Brit before not long before a concert and if anyone is crazy enough to pay tickets for that, well.. sorry for the wasted evening.

I mean, fuck I agree with you actually but you're such a goddamn dork about everything I feel I have to disagree with you on principle.
She probably got the highest-calorie drink, too. And just theorizes that the concert will burn off the calories, and maybe the secks with her manager will, too.

>Britney Spears
>theorizing anything
Also this is totally why you're jealous: she gets to drink a delicious beverage, makes millions for doing practically nothing and then gets boned.
You know, exactly everything you want out of life.
Man.. these are too hot to trot. Didn't Forrest Gump say you could tell alot about someone by their shoes? I rest my case.

She's wearing some sort of boots, I don't really know.
Also yes, if a borderline retard says something it must be the fucking gospel. Dipshit.

Yeah, I'm posting celeb trash. Oh, well. Sue me. What the hell is Angelina Jolie's kid wearing?

Nope definitely don't care about this.
Does it seem to you like a lot of celebs and other famous people have died this year? Well, it sure has to me. I found a slideshow of all those who have died and thought it was interesting. Famous deaths include John Updike, Michael Jackson, and a host of others.

Well, at my work, I got an email (as did most employees) that the college is now Twittering and everyone should sign up to get quick updates about campus activities! Well, let me just get on that, Sir. I think I shall sit and ponder how society got this far without knowing RIGHT AWAY what James Bond thinks of his salad.. or rather, Angelina Jolie's salad tastes like. Ahem. Not that James Bond and my work are related, but maybe one day they could be.

Goddamn I was trying to write a parody of this and I literally could not disassociate myself long enough from sensible speech to do it.
After all, Mr. Bond might like my FaceBook, friend me on it, and decide Oklahoma is where all his dreams will come true. Never know. I think those who do the "Pix or it didn't happen" thing suck hairy monkey balls, too. Go get a life, motherfuckers. I ain't sharing my cool moments with your stay at home asses!

For someone who admits to roleplaying you sure have an uppity attitude about how awesome your life is.
Also, no, the gay, insanely wealthy British man will never fall in love with the fat girl. Sorry bro, real life isn't like Fraiser. (See because the gay guy married the frumpy British girl-- I don't know I didn't watch the show. Why am I making a Fraiser reference? Help me)
And stop fucking your mom. Like I give a shit about you and your "need for a quick fix" to everything. Maybe, one day, too, a shark will fly out of the water so damn hard it'll smack right into you, jaws first, and cause substantial damage to you electronics with mad tail flapping

Holy fuck, what?
Here's my official response: I'll stop fucking my mom when you start making some fucking sense, dipshit.
And we'd all rejoice about how Twitter and Google got us so far. After all, where else can you find sharks and naked tits together? Maybe time will tell. Have fun, masturbators. Don't forget batteries for your iPhone, iPod, XBox 360 hand controller, and TV remotes.

Xbox 360 hand controller. Versus the foot controlled model. Also that's very astute of you, knowing the Xbox 360 controller took batteries. Speaking from experience, are we?
Well, today was the last day I will be seeing my sister for the next 9 weeks. She'll be flying out to Fort Jackson in South Carolina for some basic training that she has been waiting for for about like.. 7 months?

Flying to Fort Jackson in South Carolina to get some CQC training so she can use it against you, I hope. Goddamn.
Anyway, I thought this little bit of info on electronics was funny.. and very true. Thanks to consoles, a new breed of fatties will be born:

"According to the always accurate "industry sources," the PS3 will receive a $100 drop sometime in the middle of August, just in time for the launch of Madden NFL 10. That would also coincide with back to school shopping, apparently a popular time for buying consoles by parents who want to give their kids every chance in the world to fail thanks to spending too much time robbing graves in Uncharted." Source:

YEAH TAKE THAT. Never mind that these same nerds will later land in college, graduate with honors then make tons of money on electronics and wind up emotionally dead inside VIDEO GAMES ARE BAD. :C
Also I've written a little joke for this exact paragraph:
Parents buy their kids PS3s so they'll focus on their studies.
How's that?
Because the PS3 has NO GAMES!
I'm not very good at Ultros jokes sorry
Wow, all right. Here's something I want you to look into: paragraphs.
Ha, ha, ready for the ultimate twist? This is a guy writing.
Oh my no I never would have seen this coming.
Now there's a picture of-- err.
There is a tiny bit of female-ness in the pics... mostly because they remind me of Andrei's female side... even if only in posturing or personality.

All right so I must have stumbled on a pseudo-lady or something. Let's not dwell too much on this because this entry is already too long.
It had some stuff I didn't like... but every game has something annoying about it. I'm not much of a gamer, but a few catch my attention span.

I take it you're not a triple fan.
Now there's a post implying she (he?) doesn't (didn't?) know who Joan Jett was. I don't really get this. Why are people asking you if you know who she is?

Indian one-horned rhino. (No, rhinos don't just live in Africa... dork).

Hence "Indian" one horned rhino, dipshit.
Well this can't possibly be any more boring. I'm going to do something else now, enjoy your weekend.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I'm busy

Whew sorry about missing Monday. New Pokemon games to play and such.
I'm back now, but I'm also playing some grinding games (samurai won't level itself) so I'm very busy. It's difficult being me :(
So what's today's blog about?
Yesterday, Renee and I celebrated the Autumn Equinox together. Admittedly, it could have gone a little better but we had both spaced on the date dealing with too much stress both from online and offline stuff, realizing only a few days in advance that the ritual date was actually here.

There was some brief talk about skipping it, but we decided that we couldn't pass this up for two reasons: one it was a festival of Hermes that happened to be falling on this day and there was something he had asked me to do that the energies of the day would be perfect for,

Wow Hermes tells me to do something and my response would have to be "broheim, you know I'm going to be turning into some kind of donkey or ox after this, so how about we skip it and cut to the horrific death?"
We honored our various gods, honored Dionysos as I've been feeling a need to spend some time with him lately,

You do know these gods don't really exist but are personifications of abstract principles, don't you?
I was going to end with a picture of a necklace I made for Dioysos yesterday, but the picture didn't come out too wonderful and so we're waiting for day light to try again. But pictures are forthcoming. :-)

Can wonderful act as an adverbial phrase? Well, whatever. After encountering the cunty followers of the Greek pantheon, I've decided they are so last Wednesday.
Mithraism is in now. Praise be to Mithras, etc.
It is apparently Invisible Illness Awareness week, and a lot of people on my friend's list have been posting about their own various struggles with such. I wasn't sure if I should participate or not, but I've been encouraged, and so here it is.

Let's analyze this. If you have an illness that's invisible is it really an illness?
By "invisible" I'm going to assume "without symptoms" because if we're just talking about illnesses that have no outward appearance then we could be talking about nearly any affliction and this entire week is silly.
Wow this is a long post. I'll quote some of it here, but you can probably skip it and cut to my summary:
The big reason why I was going to bow out was because I have no official diagnosis on any of my problems. There are of course good reasons for this. For those of you who haven't been around long enough to hear the story in detail, or have seen me hint about it but wasn't sure what I was talking about, I was abused by the mental health system and the department of social services when I was a teenager (on top of the abuse I already experienced from my parents and the school system, only ten thousand times worse). Mentally and physically abused - yes I mean physical violence and yes I mean from staff members not other patients (although that too, which always went ignored) as well as being forced to take drugs I didn't need for years (yes forced, I was threatened with violence every time I hinted I might not take it on my own).

Sure, I believe you.
So, what are my invisible illnesses? Severe anxiety, depression (not so much anymore, but not so long ago it isn't worth mentioning) and a sleep disorder, this one in particular I believe - yes I know a rare disorder I by rights should not have, and yet after ten years of it I know exactly what my symptoms are and this is the only one I have ever found that describes what is wrong with me.

Ok I've done a lot of research (on Wikipedia) and I think I found your problem. I will link it here for convenience. Now here's an entry entitled "Internet Drama" which is not only the dumbest kind of drama, but also the best kind.
Wow I am disappointed. It's dumb but also boring as fuck. OH NO THE PAGAN FORUM I BELONG TO IS MEAN TO ME! :( wow don't give a fuck and I'm not skimming 10000 posts to figure it out, either.
I am sick to fucking death of summer, of humidity, of having to keep a fucking air conditioner running at all times. Sick of having my energy drained by the heat. Sick of the dry air in the bedroom, I literally can't take that anymore.

Dry air, humidity, dry air, humidity-- okay.
If truly Hermes loves me as much as he claims, I will not have to do this again for several years. Gods I hate shopping for shoes so fucking much, I swear it just gets worse and worse each time.

I also try to avoid going to places that force me to interact with the sales people, having run into a couple of oh so helpful ones in the past. Not the last time I had to buy shoes but the one before that, I asked the moron for a nine and a half and she was just convinced my feet could not be that big. So she gets her little foot measure thing, and oh look, says here you're a seven, I'll just go and get you a seven then (I was sixteen so I guess she thought she could talk down at me like that). And does it fit? No, of course not, much to her empty headed bafflement.

Amazingly, this story continues. I've never seen such butthurt over menial chores.
So I say, you going to get me that nine and a half now? Well, she does, and those fit, and again she is bewildered, but that thing said you were a seven I just don't understand!!! Yeah, like I don't know how big my fucking feet are, like I've never had to shop for shoes before, like I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. (those were some good shoes I bought there, lasted me almost ten years they did)

THIS HAPPENED TEN YEARS AGO? I'm all for bearing a grudge but Jesus Christ, there's a point where it becomes ridiculous and you crossed it.
Unfortunately most of the shoe places I can think of in the immediate area cater only to women that want to pay way too much for something that will wreck their feet later in life but oh it looks so good (I guess, if you're blind) and that's all that really matters, right???

Yes. Yes it is. I feel like I'm quoting really long blocks of text in her blog but I almost have to. Her blog is like an asbestos fire. It just goes on and on forever until it (finally) reaches its point.
Oh my fucking Christ there's a Nine (NINE) paragraph ESSAY about her fucking neurotic cat and her mother visiting and how she was surprised the cat was actually okay HOLY FUCK ME.
Oh. My. Gods. *is dead*

No fuck you. Entry over. Holy shit.

Friday, September 18, 2009


Oh my no this has to be the most pretentious thing I've read in recent memory, and that's saying a lot, because I attend college. She's some kind of something. I don't know. I thought she might be a Christfag but now I'm leaning more towards some kind of Pagan shit or something.
We all have to live with the choices we make.

Ironically, losing my job at Ritz gave me enough money to pay Pitt my enrollment deposit today. They had to pay me for all my unused vacation hours

But my whole world has changed in the past 24 hours, my heart has been broken and I am beginning to regain clarity

One might wonder how you can "regain" clarity like it's some kind of finite resource but whatever I'm pretty much used to unquantifiable things presented in the form of numbers (oh hi RPGs)
He told me that my lease was automatically renewed for a month to month basis so whenever I need to move, I just need to let him know a month beforehand. This seemed like a sign. A reminder and a push to get moving.

THIS SEEMS LIKE A SIGN. I hate people who talk like this. Listen, unless you find yourself in some kind of Lord of the Rings setting it's not a fucking sign. YESTERDAY THREE CROWS FLEW OVER MY HEAD. WHAT DO YOU THINK IT MEANS? It must mean something-- that's an auspice if I've ever heard it!
No it doesn't fucking mean anything. The universe can't tell you anything because it's not a sentient being.
I had a very peaceful moment when we came across a little bridge over the lake in the middle of the forest. It was such a beautiful place and we were so surrounded by forest that we could not even hear civilization anymore. I sat down on the bridge and played my singing bowl and meditated for a few minutes.

Herp derp
Also I like how she tries to get away from civilization but winds up sitting on a bridge. Yeah that bridge got there through magic.
What I love about Jim is that he does not even question these things. He had no idea what I was doing or why but he respected me enough to sit down next to me and enjoy the sound and the moment of peace.

They break up a month later, incidentally.
Shortly after that, I saw a faerie mound in the middle of a sunlit glade and I pointed it out to him. He didn't understand what I meant so I explained what a faerie mound is and why it is important to the forest. He is Italian/Irish like I am and I think I brought some of his Irish blood to the surface yesterday.

All his Italian blood can do is join gangs, lose wars and make the most cholesterol-laden food imaginable (it's ok I have a really Italian last name I can make fun of Italy).
As I was walking away from the faerie mound, I was talking softly about the spirits of the forest and then I stopped short, feeling compelled to turn and look behind me. There, in a sunlit grove, was a fawn, watching us.
I took my camera away from my face and I stood there in stillness, gazing into the eyes of this elegant creature. In her eyes, I saw an old and ancient wisdom and understanding. I felt like she was trying to tell me something and for a few moments we just stood and looked into one another. The fawn and I, both young females, each of us red and white, graceful and beautiful, illuminated by the light that connected us.
Wow that was really douchey.
And it goes on, good Christ. Ten million pages later, a blurry picture of a fawn. Great, cool image broheim.

I'm hungry for knowledge.

Hungry for douchey knowledge, maybe. I always wondered who the fuck signed up for "humans and sexuality" and "music in society" and now I fucking know.
Oh boy poetry time.
The heart is the kingdom of the soul
the source of beauty
within us all
every moment
a network runs through
the electric impulse
of blood seeking
brain trusting

Holy fuck.

How often do you feel your brain working?

Well right now my brain is trying very hard to keep my throat from gagging at this pile of vomit you call poetry, so I guess too often.
I feel like I need them to judge me based more on my talent and less on my test scores and grades.

No but seriously it was smart to not include your "talent" CD of photography, because every picture I've seen of yours has been blurry as fuck.
At one point I discovered two lighters in my bra because that is the natural place for me to stick them when I am wearing a dress. One of them was Taylor's. I guiltily handed it over and he said "As a gay man, I'm not sure how I feel about that." and I told him, "its okay, it was only in the valley, it never touched the peaks." Everyone laughs and I take my bow and go back inside.

Lewd perhaps, but funny right? I crack myself up. Sometimes I am filled with outrageous self confidence and don't quite know where to put it.

You're not funny. You shouldn't be filled with confidence. Confidence without skill is conceit.
Also how the fuck do you "find" two lighters in your bra? Wouldn't you, I don't know, feel that at all times?
I haven't played this bowl in awhile, not in the city, it hums with a different voice depending on where it is played. In the forest I hear the elementals singing in the water and the wind and the root of the earth.

I have no idea what a singing bowl is.
More poetry I'm not reading.
Unlike many of my peers, I loved high school not for the friends or parties, but for what I learned there.

>high school
Holy shit I started doing something else and I just noticed I closed her blog. I guess entry over?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I only clicked on today's entry because she had Pokemon in her name. I am so fucking excited for the Gold and Silver remakes. The kids on the internet are expressing their general disappointment at the new ones, but they were 3 when the original Gold and Silver came out so what the fuck do they know?
I was there from day one, baby.
Wow I was right, the last post I made was totally lame and angsty/whiny/self-pitying/retarded. I'll try and make up for it by making this one more bad ass normal.

I didn't cross that shit out (this time). You can tell because I would have replaced "bad ass" with "lame" instead of normal.
Well today it was Hebe's birthday, and even though I don't like her because she was totally retarded to me, I still felt sorry for her.

This must be that emotion I understand is called "empathy".
This is kinda irrelevant but I just thought I'd give a bit of background on the birthday thing... Last year, when she was still my bestfriend I bought her a make-up bag, lip gloss, a helium balloon (which I forgot to inflate) and a card I spent ages on. She just complained about the non-inflated balloon. Two days later, on my birthday, she got me nothing. That is the type of person Hebe was; a complete user/taker.

I seriously did not care that she did not get me anything, but seriously, not even a card? Well she did, but she made it in front of me at lunch.

So glad my bros and I don't give a fuck.
ANYWHO, she came to school today and looked so sad because no one was even paying attention to her (and even though she is a bitch I did begin to melt), and I thought I may as well get some good karma so I excused myself from my buddies and went upstairs to make her an anonymous birthday card.

Karma doesn't work tha-- bleh fuck it.
But yeah. I wrote "pegasi" on the back left corner though, a small codeword from when we were bestfriends.

>signing it in a way that she'd know it's you
blah blah blah blah blah OH and I'm finally 16 on Friday. 2 days. In a way it's kinda scary, the years are going so fast, and I never want to reach 40. I only have 19 years left of happiness in 2 days time. LOL.

Okay people, simple arithmetic time:
16+19 = ?
16+19 = 35
40 - 35 = 5
You'd still have five, FIVE years left. Dope.
I'm confused by boys as well. Why do they always seem so interested but never approach me? It's not like I bite. Then they go out with complete twilight-obsessing weirdos, lol. The only people who actually do attempt to go out with me are...
a) 13 y.o boys
b) 30+ y.o men
Like, whyyyy?!??????!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls have cooties.

I should really try and stop thinking about boys.
I never used to, and now I am obsessed.
It is kinda retarded, but I just can't help it.
From now on, I'm going to try and stop being such a boy-obsessor/pervert.


Oh and my songs of the week are...

"Too Legit to quit" by MC Hammer. This song is old (duh) but it is legendary

>songs that came out in 1991
Ha, ha oh 15 year olds.
"Shots" by LMFAO. Whoops, I accidentally typed "shits" instead of "shots" when I first wrote this, lololol.

I picked up my GCSE results for maths and science and got A in both. What can I say? I must be a genious

>I must be a genious
>geniousI see.

I an amazing. I got A in my 2 WORST subjects.

Please, do continue.
Here's a post entitled "I could not be a model" and after looking at pictures of you, this is a correct appraisal.
Now there's a really long post about some sort of yacht club or something. Who cares?
Boys look at me like an alien creature; like how a dog would eye a tiger cub upon meeting one on the street.

... I'm sure that made sense in your head, but could you try to edit a little, please? What the fuck streets are you walking where dogs and tiger cubs cross each other?
Except for me. I'm tall, dark haired and a wild card; it's been 2 days since I skinny dipped from the pier and 2 weeks since the infamous (but awesome) boozy night at cadet week.

Read: she's a ladybro.

I'm loud, energetic and funny ;D (joking).

Ha, ha-- oh.
I taught myself to do backward flip dives and have been flipping into the water from various boats and pools all over Majorca.

Yeah well I taught myself a lot of things.
I join in at games such as water polo and whoop arse. In short, I am awesome. I do my best to attract attention from the opposite sex by being outgoing, but invariably fail.

Hmm yes must be very upsetting--
Man I should replay some Pokemon Emerald and get some 3rd generation action going in anticipation for DAT TRANSFER to Heart Gold. Yes, this is a good idea. Something I never quite got around to doing during Pearl/Diamond/Platinum.

I'm beggining to wonder if I am some kind of freak. (Insert music by Hyper Crush).

Hyper Crush.
I see. (Wish I had saved my "veni" picture for right here).
I have finally settled on the conclusion that I emmit strange pherenomes which make me repulsive to males.


This would also explain why I get hit on by lesbians instead. My most recent kiss was in year 3.

Secondary sex characteristics work this way. I know because I am a doctor.
What the hell do I have to do to get a NORMAL dude to like me?

Well you could stop being a cunt for one.
Now here's a huge post about an argument on the internet, which is about as pathetic as it sounds.
Listen to me: it's the fucking internet. No one gives a shit. It's not real life.
Now there's a really long (by previous standards) post about Christianity versus Atheism (only two choices. You have no other options in the realm of philosophy) entitled "seriously, who gives a fuck?" and based off how butthurt you are about this, I'm guessing you do.
Both parties tend to be filled with cunts and douchebags so I just say I follow Greek mythology (because any cunt or douchebag following that has been dead for almost 2000 years, putting some distance on it) but as I've learned a lot of douchebags and cunts still believe in that shit so I have to find a new angle.
That's like someone saying, "unless you die with a sword in your hand, you'll go to neiflam when you die, an icy abyss!!"

No you stupid twat if you die without a sword in your hand (that is, of old age or disease) you go to Hel (one l, what) where the Nidhogg or Jormungandr or some equally unpronounceable serpent will consume you.
So on that victorious note of Norse mythology I'm finished. TERMINATI
(incidentally it is Nidhogg that eats the dead at the base of the Planet Tree, I just didn't want to always come off as a know-it-all cunt-- oh wait)

Monday, September 14, 2009


Not really sure what I'm looking at here, but I keep hoping Poseidon curses her to wander the planet, unable to find her way back home for this bullshit. You know, sort of like what he did to Odysseus for what Odysseus did to Polyphemus? (increasingly obscure reference)
I'm not really sure what prompted me to think of Poseidon. Perhaps it's a later picture of some sort of girl statute. I think she's supposed to be a Nereid. I'm not really sure.
My throat hurt and I couldn't speak when I woke up today. Ever since it's been feeling like someone has been stabbing me in the chest repeatedly but my head is trying to explode from the inside, it could be worse. I'm imagining how it will be with the swineflu!

Worse than being stabbed in the chest while your head is exploding? That's difficult to imagine, actually.

But anyways, if I'm feeling better tomorrow I'll skip class to go to Denmark with my parents.

I feel a bit bad about skipping class though (lol, the guilt is killing me and the classes aren't even obligatory even though they keep track of us) I actually think I like my class though. Mia-san who switched from group 1 to group 2 says that our group is much nicer. I ended up talking to a bunch of people today, who were all nice. I completely forgot to be sulky and emo! ^^

^^ fuck.
Anyways, Träslövs Trädgård had a special 'Garden Day' (...they only sell gardenstuff and trees anyways) today which my mum managed to drag me to.

Two "anyways" in one sentence and ending in a preposition. Class act. Also I have no fucking idea what Träslövs Trädgård is but I'm sure glad English doesn't have any accent marks.
Besides the hiragana exam I have tomorrow, I also have a 57 new word test I didn't know about. I'm not even sure if I got the right ones. I haven't been worried about the exam since I've only had trouble with one or two hiragana.

Only one or two hiragana. No big deal. Definitely won't need to use them for writing or anyth-- oh wait.
Internet stopped working yesterday.. and ofcourse it didn't work when I left for school earlier today. Gah, I was in the middle of harrassing people to befriend me in (on? eh?) that Bleach friending meme. ...which is why I'm at my grampa's place and desperately checking my mail.

Ah yes the Bleach friending meme that everyone knows about. Oh what, you don't? Pfft.
Also "friending" isn't actually a word but whatever. Expecting these cretins to use words that actually exist is like expecting my cat to start dancing.
I have finally managed to learn Hiragana (I have an exam on Monday), it makes me happy everytime I realize I can read it. Now we're supposed to learn Katakana until Thursday next week. But I'll manage, right? I know ri, ka, a, e and n but that's pretty much it. Why world, why!

I also conjugated in the past tense because I'm totally pro and can do shit like that. Baby.
Today I've spent 800 kr (it's about €80?) on course lit, 500 kr on manga and then 30 kr on a new pair of stockings. I still have more books to buy, but I don't think I need them yet. I can't find my Japanese dictionary though.

Dollars, please. Pig American here, etc.
When we were preparing for a hiragana cardgame I failed to fold a paper accordingly. I'm supposed to be a package designer, yes.

So you failed before the game even started.
Why am I suddenly reminded of an old proverb?
"The victorious army first realizes the conditions for victory and then seeks to engage in battle. The vanquished army fights first, and then seeks victory."
I hate books, but I do love reading.

Now there's some animu drawing.
It's ok. I can't help but feel it lacks a certain... Je ne sais pas.
I guess what it really lacks is mastery of anything, which is important when you want to be a pro animu artist.
I've misplaced my tv. I hardly ever watch it because.. it's a tv lol, but I miss it. And I want to find it and plug my old-old-old Nintendo 16-bits into it.

Nintendo 16 bits into it. Mean ye SNES?
I've been purposefully skipping over her fear of the swine flu because frankly if you're afraid of the swine flu you should be afraid every single day of your miserable life because the swine flu is currently no worse than the regular flu.
I guess logically one could argue it could get worse but so could Ebola or AIDS so whatever.
I will say she has a certain sense of color that I don't really see anymore. That's probably because I have yet to see a drawing of hers in a non-pastel color, and most pastel tones go together so I see what your plan is.
I finished Gundam 00 s2 sometime last night/this morning. I didn't skip the boring parts where ugly old people were talking this season, so I thought I knew what was going on but I then realized have no idea.

American women will ruin all giant robot anime, mark my words. OHH THIS IS TOO MUCH WAR AND NOT KAWAII ENOUGH ^.^
Holy fuck you stupid cunt it's Gundam. It's a goddamn space opera, not another kawaii fan wank.
I've spent today being really confused and a bit sad, as well as being confused about if I should feel sad, I really don't know what was going on. Oh, but the nekkidness, I apprechiated it. Now I'm waiting for the movie.

Gundam isn't hard to understand. I can summarize how awesome that shit was in one image:
Sorry for the shitty image apparently the internet disagreed with me about how awesome this picture is so all I could find was some asshole who had a poster.
I've started to watch Gundam 00 season 2. Oh my, Tieria in episode 8, was it? Teehee! ♥ He became even more adorable, somehow XD!

Well that's it. I'm done here.
Goddamn, people.

Friday, September 11, 2009


I said I'd do this blog for a while now, but I seem to have forgotten about it for the past two weeks or so, and after looking at the fucking title I think I can see why.
I've noticed the biggest cunts in the world use Blogspot (me too hi I must be a cunt) so maybe I should start going there instead of Livejournal. Anyway I'd first like to draw attention to the title. Namely, WHAT. Living Proof God Has a Sense of Humor? About what? The story goes (because it was so great the first time I just had to reproduce it here) that she couldn't conceive her first child (God telling you something, I should think) so she instead prayed to Asclepius, god of medicine and also SCIENCE! (by which I mean she went to a fertility clinic. Asclepius has never been one to help those who can't help themselves) and had her first set of twins.
Ready for the sitcom twist? SHE CONCEIVED ANOTHER SET OF TWINS WITHOUT ANY AID OF SCIENCE OR MEDICINE! Har har, that'll show her! Err, wait.
How is a mom to deal with all this crazy stress? She has this to say:

"yes, better to have hands full than empty arms and a broken heart".

Ha, ha, ha! Be right back. Calling NBC.
I'm going to do something a little different this time and tackle her favorite entries list. Mighty proud of yourself, huh?
First one is 6 Major Discoveries I made in the Last 72 Hours.
Ready for this laugh riot?
1) My mind is constantly in the gutter. Take for instance, this innocent conversation between my two 4-yr olds:

Bella: Cole, give me one your balls.
Cole: No, I need them. I had them first. Go find your own balls to play with.

I can't really read the rest of this list because I seem to temporarily forget English whenever I look at it, so I think I might have a problem here.
Next up is Dear Supernanny,
Basically she (I guess humorously, but if you find this funny you are suffering from brain damage) goes on about her parenting techniques which include such gems as "make your hands cold and then touch their necks" and "always keep them guessing" which to me sounds cuttingly close to space marine training regimes. Why yes, you have to keep them guessing and expose them to extreme temperatures!
the other 3 had completely scattered about, totally ignoring me. My friend said, "I love how they just run off in different directions..." and I said, "that's okay...they know where their bread is buttered" and I started walking to the mini-van without the other 3 kids. When they realized I wasn't going to hunt them down and chase them all over God's creation, all 3 of them came running after me, screaming, "Mommy, mommy.....wait for us". My friend just looked at me, smiled and said, "Oh, you're've got it down pat". No further explanation needed on this one, obviously.

Manic Mother says:

You are too funny! lol!

Now we have what it would be like in her perfect world!
1) God would have both a pager and intercom system so in an emergency (like when the all the kids are pushing my buttons), I could page Him and suddenly my kids would hear a booming voice from the sky saying, "All of you pipe down NOW! I sent you into this world and I can take you stop making your mother cry".

Wow God needs to take a time out and focus on his diction and grammar a bit.
Which is yet another reason why the Greek pantheon is superior. BEAUTIFUL GRAMMAR.
5) All babies would be born able to talk....they'd come straight out of their mother's wombs and say, "Hey, wassup....thanks for birthing me and all...unfortunately, that will NOT be the last time I make you cry....just what does a baby gotta do around here to get a couple squirts of breastmilk?". In an even more perfect world, they'd also be born with a mute button.

Wait.Now there's an entry entitled "why didn't anyone tell me?" and she's being a regular George Carlin. Word humor is so easy to do anyone can do it!
I was filled with a plethora of emotions. Plethora? Plethora? Who came up with that word? It sounds like a disease that you'd find attacking your nether regions after a one-night stand with a guy who used the pick-up line "Wanna come see my HARD drive? Heh, heh...I promise it isn't 3.5 inches and it ain't floppy".

Oh dear. Plethora, from Greek plēthōra (English is often creative like that) meaning "fullness" from the verb Plēthein "to be full". Of course I guess it does kind of sound like a disease. If you're stupid.
1) "worlds worst mother" - Someone googles "worlds worst mother" and they land on my blog?! WTF? Thanks, now officially suck, in my book.

OWNED. I could go on but really there's about a sentence per entry that's even worth commenting on (which has to be some kind of new low, even for Blogspot) so I think I'm going to go do something else.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I opened today's blog and immediately had a seizure. I think I just bit my tongue off.
I do enjoy the "four words per line" business. Thinking of people browsing this on their cellphones, I see. I know I do that a lot. WONDER WHAT _bluexyellow IS UP TO? Bam, cellphone browser.
dear diary,
(my vagina is depressed.) [:

Oh hi
not really sure why i'm blogging. i think i had some random thought floating around in my brain for a minute here but.. it's gone.

I am enjoying this 10,000 (five real) line post.
Please, continue.
god i really want to do well in school this year. i.. have to. oh i just remembered what i was blogging about omg. it was about the fact that siblings of sophie make me nervous. not that we haven't already established this but uuh yeah. i'm not as afraid of emma as i was of alex,

Nope don't care.

three months is a long time.

>three months
>long time
>implying implications

and it's kind of like six months,

Three months is kind of like six months.
Six months is kind of like a year, and a year is kind of like two years, and two years is kind of like four years, and four years is like eight, and eight is like sixteen, and sixteen is like thirty-two, and thirty-two is like sixty-four, so really you're fucked for the rest of your life.
my bed feels so wrong without you in it, holding me.
i think i should give up masturbation for a while again.
but uh i dunno if i can.
alright! it is like twenty past eleven. i went to bed at uh.. ten something? i CAN'T SLEEP.

ALL RIGHT! It's 6:56, uhh... Might play some FFXI, I don't really know.
Went to class today
It was okay.
Uhhh... Had some dinner.
I liked it.

i'm just so.. awake. just a warning, this blog is probably gonna be rather sexual.

Let me shield my virgin eyes.
it's just so very nice. and oh my god it has been so long since you have fingered me, my god. i'm tempted to do it when i masturbate, and.. i never do that. but i don't cause i know it won't work.
Fat girl touching herself.
today in media arts, megan and i spent most of the two classes sitting with hannah and mitch trollip. and then during second period there were some grade nines that came and sat with us and stuff. and well, they made me happy. cause they were really nice and stuff.

And stuff.
god this is really stupid but like.. it made my day. anyways i also thought about the fact that i want new friends.

Excuse me, logging into FFXI. Surely this doesn't require my undivided attention.
well excluding sophie, cause DUH i like her.

Like duh, guys.
I should probably pick another job and level it seriously. All this unfocused leveling has many of my jobs beyond Dunes levels but too low to be of any real use, hmm.
i hate the feeling i always get when i come with my dad/mom to take you home. it's like.. this horrible sinking, sad feeling. and it's really.. deep. like, it feels like it's coming from my heart.

I don't know, maybe samurai? Warrior? Dragoon? Post your suggestions. I am open to all (except red mage since it's already 75~)
i want to get high, and i can cause my mom is away. huh. i just forgot the point of this blog.

A recurring theme in this blog.
Well that was riveting and illuminating. I have other things to do now~

Monday, September 7, 2009

Let's have a pleasant change of pace... Oh, what.

Today we have the blog of a stand up comedian. How should this go? I think it should be funny, personally. If he's a successful stand up, that is (and he isn't).
So oh, lucky me: more of the same today.

I'll be at open mic at the Westport Funnybone Tuesday at 8:00.

Wow the Westport Funnybone. How'd you manage that illustrious booking?
New bits are about...

1. People who are doing that ear-piercing thing where they make the giant holes in their ear lobes

Ear gauging. Sounds funny already, Rob!
2. Some marriage stuff

3. Neighborhood watch signs need to be updated

4. Cops/Detectives on TV always fight about who gets to solve the case

Well you've sold me, brosef! I'll be there at Westport Funnybone Tuesday (tomorrow!) at 8 PM. Oh wait, no, no I won't. I live a considerable distance away. But, moreover, even if I lived five minutes away and tickets were free I still wouldn't go. Maybe if you paid me?
So apparently our boy censors himself on the internet. Definitely the mark of a creative thinker, right there.
Also just what I wanted to read: your arguments over Facebook. Want to see how a real internet warrior conducts himself over the internet? BEHOLD:
Ha, ha you just spent like 40 combined hours hunting for an hour and I stole all of it from you through one half second action. I totally win the internet willy waving contest.
Also yes my character is a girl leave me alone I wish to be the pretty princesses ;_;
For those keeping a running tab: 1/1 on rdm Maat, 1/2 on bounding boots, 1/1 on empress hairpin.
Pretty much perfect, hit me with your best shot, etc.
My next goal: Peacock Amulet
Oh right, sorry. I know I'm the only one that cares about that shit but I try to be at least more entertaining than this putz. Which is impressive, I think, since he's trying to entertain for money.
I have to Intern for 100 hours. I have to observe in 2 other classes for 12 hours. Why can these not overlap? Or can they?

Oh I know all about this education major shit.
Listen: whichever involves more work on your part is what you have to do. Trust me on this, it'll save you a lot of effort.

Is it me or are some of these people less organized than my system? (And I'm a mess)

This guy's a total pud but I know what he means here. This semester is a mess for everyone involved.
It's methods so I'll actually learn how to teach. They haven't shown me yet. Is it showed or shown? Maybe I do need grammar class.

Shown. Transitive verb, etc.

And most entertaining of all...I'm sitting by kids who were BORN IN THE 90'S!

This seems to be a popular thing to do with people my age. I can't say I blame them, necessarily, because the 80s kicked ass and it has been pretty much shit ever since, but no one who is 21/22 actually remembers anything about the 80s, so whatever white people.
Also I was born in 1987 Bon Jovi still had hits in 87 I'm better than anyone born after 1990 fuck you.
My professors are already bombarding me with .pdf's and .doc's to download and read and be prepared for. I haven't beaten Final Fantasy II yet!

Oh that's okay, it came out in, what, 88? It'll wait.
For Tuesday I have to bring in 3 items that show who I am. So I'm bringing in a mic, a Modest Mouse ticket stub, and a Buckeye necklace.
Should have brought gay porn, some Summer's Eve and... and...
Kind of fizzled out on that one BUT I'M NO STAND UP LIKE YOU.
So now there's some butthurt shit. Sorry I kind of started doing something else (all that talk of my empress hairpin made me want to log in and look at it, but also fuck myself with it as I solemnly swore I'd do) so I did that.
Well I guess that's it~

Friday, September 4, 2009


Today we have some sort of wannabe internet troll I think idk~
Certainly has the lingo down, but how can you be so versed in the words of a troll but still write fanfiction?
idk bro-- let's find out.
First thing off I can't figure out how to get to the "recent posts" section which is a big problem. That means I have to click back to read each individual entry.
Oh, to answer a question someone asked me before, yes, I do play PERSONA 4 with my sister, no, I do not play it with voice acting and no, I do not watch cut scenes if they have questionable content.

>I do not watch cut scenes if they have questionable content.
>I did not pay attention to the story of Persona 4
Also I have no fucking idea what "play it with voice acting" means. I wasn't even aware you could turn voice acting off. Why would you want to? These aren't games that are exactly big on game play. It's pretty much a classic dungeon crawl setup with brilliant story elements (for once in an RPG) so if you're skipping the story you might as well be playing any other game.
Also correct me if I'm wrong but aren't Persona 3 and 4 rated M for something like language and that ever-nebulous "mature themes"? Why the dick would you buy a game that has on the box in two places bywords for "explicit content" if you were just going to be offended and skip it?
Man I don't get people.
In fact, no, I blame you and your kind for why the second part of Persona 2 never came out in America. Fuck you this is YOUR FAULT.
What I do, if a game is above an E rating, is either shut off voice acting or the audio if the option isn't available, and read the dialogue out loud to her in different voices to match the characters and edit out bad and/or offensive/suggestive language.

Gee thanks for editing out everything cool in the world. You will miss everything cool and die angry.

That's how we played FFVII too. ◔ヮ◔

>voice acting
>suggestive content/language
(it didn't have either of those things except for an extremely homoerotic cross dressing section that I frankly didn't understand when I was a kid)


What-fucking-ever. I'd like to point out at least... Two (three?) people were graphically shot on screen in Persona 3, one man commits suicide by holding onto primed grenade oh and there is that hilarious scene at the end where the entire world is almost destroyed by a giant demon.
Yeah, no, I think it's important to edit this game for language.
My P4 Normal 100% True BRO end is complete, now it's time for Expert 100% True PIMP end.

You know nothing of being a bro. YOUR KUNG FU IS WEAK.
Shit now she has pictures of Gundam models her friends gave her. You are not cool enough to have friends like that.

It is. Didn't you get the memo? Americans are way more important than British people. Sorry.
Now she's raging and I don't really get it because as big as a weeaboo as I am (Japanese 201 baby) I don't even get what she's blabbering about. Whatever, white people.
Commission prices are as follows:

Sketch: $5
Super-Deformed (Black & White OR Colored): $10
Pencils: $15
Black & White (Inked): $20
CG Color: $40
Traditional Color: $40

Comic (Black & White): $50/page
Comic (Colored): $75/page

Now there's a link to a news post that an Iowa man was sent to jail for possession of child pornography because he had animu that depicts underage girls in sexual or compromising poses.
Further proof anime is for pedophiles in training.
combo of having to deal with pissant CompUSA employees, having to redo my project, not having a job and other Real Life dramu doesn't bother me too much.

Wouldn't have to deal with pissant CompUSA employees if you knew how to fix your own fucking computer, now would you?

Why do people assume other people don't have filters?

Oh we're talking about filtering speech, aren't we? This should be some nice hypocrisy.
For example, and I don't know if anyone reading this journal can tell, I might not have the cleanest mouth when I'm talking in an informal setting or with people I feel comfortable talking to (like loljournal, with friends, et cetera), but if I hear anyone say anything bad around my little sister or any other younger kid, I will have a problem with them and they will know it.

Yeah get bent.
"Oh, yeah, I totally remember watching/reading this as a kid, it was totally cool amirite I mean check out this shirt I got of it so everyone can see how much I like it" NO YOU MADE FUN OF ME FOR LIKING NERDY THINGS AS A KID YOU SHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTH

>implying manga is cool
Also yeah times change. What you were made fun of for in high school (try being interested in it in elementary school when no one even knew what the fuck) is now acceptable discourse. Same way people are getting major chubbies over Batman shit. Imagine how angry those comic book nerds must be for being branded a nerd for 30 years and are still branded nerds despite the collective erection everyone has for the Joker now.
World's longest paragraph.
GUESS WHO GOT STRAIGHT A'S ON ALL HER FINAL EXAMS and would have gotten straight A's in her classes

Yeah well guess who aced everything that semester? Me.
Now here's her Japanese final (cool comic, broess, I just have to write papers :3) which I guess is fine grammatically but I can't fucking read it. Christ your handwriting is poor.
What is that a triangle? Atashi (wrong script, cunt) wa... Hontora? Oh a u! That's what that is! Okay. Atashi wa hontou ni shukudai o shitade... Ok whatever stopped caring.


Also Japanese language brotip: it's called "yonkoma" for a reason. "Four panel" comics shouldn't be twelve panels.


Seriously, die shittingly.
I can't take this shit anymore, goddamn. It just goes from one embarrassing reference to another. You can have an original thought without throwing out "EPIC" or "FOR THE LULZ xD!"
At first I thought you might be a wannabe troll but no, you're just a fagort.
Go away, you sicken me.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Usually I have to refresh for many minutes to find a decent mark, but today I am graced with two at the same time. WHAT TO DO IN SITUATIONS LIKE THIS!? In situations like this I leave my fate to Tyche, goddess of luck: LET'S ROLL DICE TO MAKE ARBITRARY LIFE DECISIONS!
Evens are "The Doom and the Gloom" and odds are "Zayda's Journal".
BEHOLD! "The Doom and the Gloom, is not to be found with KittyMadCow" (but comma splices are, apparently).
And glory to She who keeps me from having to think about my options.
First thing I'm debating with myself: is that a comma splice? Usually commas can only splice two independent clauses and "The Doom and the Gloom" has no predicate, but since the title of something is taken as a thought unto itself I think it should count. If it isn't a splice it's definitely not needed so she's WRONG in conclusion. Also fuck you.
Her first entry (that I observe) opens with "poetry dont read into it" which is coincidentally what I do with all poetry. Only instead of "don't read into it" I just omit "into" all together and it's more accurate.
Unless it's epic poetry, of course. Holy shit where else are you going to read about Orlando going crazy and cutting guys and horses in half with one swipe of his sword?
sat here i see my fingers bleeding holding onto the last scraps on happiness

You, too, know the agony that is the new Space Hulk box set. Seriously, whoever cut that sprue needs to be feeling ashamed of himself right now. Either that or fed to sharks. It's a cape, bro, it doesn't need to be attached in 15 places to the sprue.
Oh I'm sorry, getting off topic. Please, continue.
like the grains of sand i feel the rage and the suffering
burrowing deep into my skin
see the tears rolling down those faces
burning like the hateful words

If by "rage and suffering" you mean "MY CUNTING EXACTO KNIFE" and by "hateful words" you mean "SON OF A FUCK" then yeah, this is still Space Hulk.
Skipping a stanza:
forget that news, this world is suffering
people are dieing, we kill ourselves one by one
because we just cant stand
the terror and the suffering,
we just cant stop

I saw a title of a song that was something-or-other "dieing" needless to say I was raging. Then I saw it was by "Brokencyde" and I chuckled to myself. Either they are the biggest hacks ever or the world's greatest trolls.
Also this could totally be about Space Hulk if it were less emo and more about PURGING XENOS. It's all there on the box: "MAN VERSUS ALIEN IN A DESPERATE BATTLE"

I question who I am so you don't know me, I am a nobody because you are everything

So speaking of cunty things that remind me of totally awesome things: anyone remember that weird disembodied voice that would respond to a sorcerer's calls in Shadow Skill?
ok, quck list of things to write about....
going onto the forum to find out i had abusive vm left on my wall
not being able to find pet DOB for guyguy and loggy
talking to guyguy cheered me up again a bit ahaha....


wow i so am too tired to write about half of that, most of it is self explained anyways....

By the by: English has a set word order you kind of have to follow if you plan on making sense. Or no, excuse me: set word order English has must you follow sense if you plan to make it.
ok back to ranting about mum, for readers referance im only caling her mum her cuz of my name policy where i can help it...

Yes, her "name" policy wherein people she knows must be called something. Those words are crafty that way, they are.

anyways, all mum ever was is a source fo money,

Aww that's sweet.
so starting off... guy withdrawals... lol... i think anyone with half a brain cell can tell in this entry why im bummed out... not getting to talk today sucked :(

Anyone with half a brain cell would have lost it by now READING THIS SHIT :c
being my usual self I asked him why he puts up with me, and his answer was.... you're funny...

Bwaha 0_o

Funny looking, maybe.
Shit got her. Done.
I’m in one of those moods where I want to listen to the heaviest music I listen to, the answer, Rammstein…

Wait, hold up. Asked out?!?!? Ahaha and here I was thinking no one wanted to go out with me… hehe so yea,

Whenever someone tells me to HOLD UP or BACK UP I immediately start reading whatever they just wrote in the most extreme voice imaginable.
I’m sat listening to The Fray at the moment, have been for the last hour, listened to The Foo Fighters for most of the day, watched the tropical like rain come down…

Wow my brain almost grammatically exploded. "I am sat".
Just had the craziest conversation ever… why do I pick up people’s auras… well who knows, but yeah, it was interesting, not actually going to write about it at the moment, maybe later on in this entry or another day but yeah…

Here's how to properly interpret what she just wrote: "I have nothing to say so I'm going to waste more of your time by yammering on about nothing like a fucking mental patient."
All right listen to me, kittymadcow. I have never in my fucking life read someone who has written so much and yet said so little. That's a lie, actually (hi Lois Tyson, writer of my "critical theory" textbook) but it still applies to you: say what you mean and stop writing. I don't need to read through all your dipshit posturing and nonsense.