I was there from day one, baby.
Wow I was right, the last post I made was totally lame and angsty/whiny/self-pitying/retarded. I'll try and make up for it by making this one morebad assnormal.
I didn't cross that shit out (this time). You can tell because I would have replaced "bad ass" with "lame" instead of normal.
Well today it was Hebe's birthday, and even though I don't like her because she was totally retarded to me, I still felt sorry for her.
This must be that emotion I understand is called "empathy".
This is kinda irrelevant but I just thought I'd give a bit of background on the birthday thing... Last year, when she was still my bestfriend I bought her a make-up bag, lip gloss, a helium balloon (which I forgot to inflate) and a card I spent ages on. She just complained about the non-inflated balloon. Two days later, on my birthday, she got me nothing. That is the type of person Hebe was; a complete user/taker.
I seriously did not care that she did not get me anything, but seriously, not even a card? Well she did, but she made it in front of me at lunch.
So glad my bros and I don't give a fuck.
ANYWHO, she came to school today and looked so sad because no one was even paying attention to her (and even though she is a bitch I did begin to melt), and I thought I may as well get some good karma so I excused myself from my buddies and went upstairs to make her an anonymous birthday card.
Karma doesn't work tha-- bleh fuck it.
But yeah. I wrote "pegasi" on the back left corner though, a small codeword from when we were bestfriends.
>signing it in a way that she'd know it's you
blah blah blah blah blah OH and I'm finally 16 on Friday. 2 days. In a way it's kinda scary, the years are going so fast, and I never want to reach 40. I only have 19 years left of happiness in 2 days time. LOL.
Okay people, simple arithmetic time:
16+19 = ?
16+19 = 35
40 - 35 = 5
You'd still have five, FIVE years left. Dope.
I'm confused by boys as well. Why do they always seem so interested but never approach me? It's not like I bite. Then they go out with complete twilight-obsessing weirdos, lol. The only people who actually do attempt to go out with me are...
a) 13 y.o boys
b) 30+ y.o men
Like, whyyyy?!??????!!!!!!!!!!!
Girls have cooties.
I should really try and stop thinking about boys.
I never used to, and now I am obsessed.
It is kinda retarded, but I just can't help it.
From now on, I'm going to try and stop being such a boy-obsessor/pervert.
Oh and my songs of the week are...
"Too Legit to quit" by MC Hammer. This song is old (duh) but it is legendary
>songs that came out in 1991
Ha, ha oh 15 year olds.
"Shots" by LMFAO. Whoops, I accidentally typed "shits" instead of "shots" when I first wrote this, lololol.
I picked up my GCSE results for maths and science and got A in both. What can I say? I must be a genious
>I must be a genious

I an amazing. I got A in my 2 WORST subjects.
Please, do continue.
Here's a post entitled "I could not be a model" and after looking at pictures of you, this is a correct appraisal.
Now there's a really long post about some sort of yacht club or something. Who cares?
Boys look at me like an alien creature; like how a dog would eye a tiger cub upon meeting one on the street.
... I'm sure that made sense in your head, but could you try to edit a little, please? What the fuck streets are you walking where dogs and tiger cubs cross each other?
Except for me. I'm tall, dark haired and a wild card; it's been 2 days since I skinny dipped from the pier and 2 weeks since the infamous (but awesome) boozy night at cadet week.
Read: she's a ladybro.
I'm loud, energetic and funny ;D (joking).
Ha, ha-- oh.
I taught myself to do backward flip dives and have been flipping into the water from various boats and pools all over Majorca.
Yeah well I taught myself a lot of things.
I join in at games such as water polo and whoop arse. In short, I am awesome. I do my best to attract attention from the opposite sex by being outgoing, but invariably fail.
Hmm yes must be very upsetting--
Man I should replay some Pokemon Emerald and get some 3rd generation action going in anticipation for DAT TRANSFER to Heart Gold. Yes, this is a good idea. Something I never quite got around to doing during Pearl/Diamond/Platinum.
I'm beggining to wonder if I am some kind of freak. (Insert music by Hyper Crush).
Hyper Crush.
I see. (Wish I had saved my "veni" picture for right here).
I have finally settled on the conclusion that I emmit strange pherenomes which make me repulsive to males.
This would also explain why I get hit on by lesbians instead. My most recent kiss was in year 3.
Secondary sex characteristics work this way. I know because I am a doctor.
What the hell do I have to do to get a NORMAL dude to like me?
Well you could stop being a cunt for one.
Now here's a huge post about an argument on the internet, which is about as pathetic as it sounds.
Listen to me: it's the fucking internet. No one gives a shit. It's not real life.
Now there's a really long (by previous standards) post about Christianity versus Atheism (only two choices. You have no other options in the realm of philosophy) entitled "seriously, who gives a fuck?" and based off how butthurt you are about this, I'm guessing you do.
Both parties tend to be filled with cunts and douchebags so I just say I follow Greek mythology (because any cunt or douchebag following that has been dead for almost 2000 years, putting some distance on it) but as I've learned a lot of douchebags and cunts still believe in that shit so I have to find a new angle.
That's like someone saying, "unless you die with a sword in your hand, you'll go to neiflam when you die, an icy abyss!!"
No you stupid twat if you die without a sword in your hand (that is, of old age or disease) you go to Hel (one l, what) where the Nidhogg or Jormungandr or some equally unpronounceable serpent will consume you.
So on that victorious note of Norse mythology I'm finished. TERMINATI
(incidentally it is Nidhogg that eats the dead at the base of the Planet Tree, I just didn't want to always come off as a know-it-all cunt-- oh wait)
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