I do enjoy the "four words per line" business. Thinking of people browsing this on their cellphones, I see. I know I do that a lot. WONDER WHAT _bluexyellow IS UP TO? Bam, cellphone browser.
dear diary,
(my vagina is depressed.) [:
Oh hi
not really sure why i'm blogging. i think i had some random thought floating around in my brain for a minute here but.. it's gone.
I am enjoying this 10,000 (five real) line post.
Please, continue.
god i really want to do well in school this year. i.. have to. oh i just remembered what i was blogging about omg. it was about the fact that siblings of sophie make me nervous. not that we haven't already established this but uuh yeah. i'm not as afraid of emma as i was of alex,
Nope don't care.
three months is a long time.
>three months
>long time
>implying implications
and it's kind of like six months,
Three months is kind of like six months.
Six months is kind of like a year, and a year is kind of like two years, and two years is kind of like four years, and four years is like eight, and eight is like sixteen, and sixteen is like thirty-two, and thirty-two is like sixty-four, so really you're fucked for the rest of your life.
my bed feels so wrong without you in it, holding me.
i think i should give up masturbation for a while again.
but uh i dunno if i can.

alright! it is like twenty past eleven. i went to bed at uh.. ten something? i CAN'T SLEEP.
ALL RIGHT! It's 6:56, uhh... Might play some FFXI, I don't really know.
Went to class today
It was okay.
Uhhh... Had some dinner.
I liked it.
i'm just so.. awake. just a warning, this blog is probably gonna be rather sexual.
Let me shield my virgin eyes.
it's just so very nice. and oh my god it has been so long since you have fingered me, my god. i'm tempted to do it when i masturbate, and.. i never do that. but i don't cause i know it won't work.

today in media arts, megan and i spent most of the two classes sitting with hannah and mitch trollip. and then during second period there were some grade nines that came and sat with us and stuff. and well, they made me happy. cause they were really nice and stuff.
And stuff.
god this is really stupid but like.. it made my day. anyways i also thought about the fact that i want new friends.
Excuse me, logging into FFXI. Surely this doesn't require my undivided attention.
well excluding sophie, cause DUH i like her.
Like duh, guys.
I should probably pick another job and level it seriously. All this unfocused leveling has many of my jobs beyond Dunes levels but too low to be of any real use, hmm.
i hate the feeling i always get when i come with my dad/mom to take you home. it's like.. this horrible sinking, sad feeling. and it's really.. deep. like, it feels like it's coming from my heart.
I don't know, maybe samurai? Warrior? Dragoon? Post your suggestions. I am open to all (except red mage since it's already 75~)
i want to get high, and i can cause my mom is away. huh. i just forgot the point of this blog.
A recurring theme in this blog.
Well that was riveting and illuminating. I have other things to do now~
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