So oh, lucky me: more of the same today.
I'll be at open mic at the Westport Funnybone Tuesday at 8:00.
Wow the Westport Funnybone. How'd you manage that illustrious booking?
New bits are about...
1. People who are doing that ear-piercing thing where they make the giant holes in their ear lobes
Ear gauging. Sounds funny already, Rob!
2. Some marriage stuff
3. Neighborhood watch signs need to be updated
4. Cops/Detectives on TV always fight about who gets to solve the case
Well you've sold me, brosef! I'll be there at Westport Funnybone Tuesday (tomorrow!) at 8 PM. Oh wait, no, no I won't. I live a considerable distance away. But, moreover, even if I lived five minutes away and tickets were free I still wouldn't go. Maybe if you paid me?
So apparently our boy censors himself on the internet. Definitely the mark of a creative thinker, right there.
Also just what I wanted to read: your arguments over Facebook. Want to see how a real internet warrior conducts himself over the internet? BEHOLD:

Also yes my character is a girl leave me alone I wish to be the pretty princesses ;_;
For those keeping a running tab: 1/1 on rdm Maat, 1/2 on bounding boots, 1/1 on empress hairpin.
Pretty much perfect, hit me with your best shot, etc.
My next goal: Peacock Amulet
Oh right, sorry. I know I'm the only one that cares about that shit but I try to be at least more entertaining than this putz. Which is impressive, I think, since he's trying to entertain for money.
I have to Intern for 100 hours. I have to observe in 2 other classes for 12 hours. Why can these not overlap? Or can they?
Oh I know all about this education major shit.
Listen: whichever involves more work on your part is what you have to do. Trust me on this, it'll save you a lot of effort.
Is it me or are some of these people less organized than my system? (And I'm a mess)
This guy's a total pud but I know what he means here. This semester is a mess for everyone involved.
It's methods so I'll actually learn how to teach. They haven't shown me yet. Is it showed or shown? Maybe I do need grammar class.
Shown. Transitive verb, etc.
And most entertaining of all...I'm sitting by kids who were BORN IN THE 90'S!
This seems to be a popular thing to do with people my age. I can't say I blame them, necessarily, because the 80s kicked ass and it has been pretty much shit ever since, but no one who is 21/22 actually remembers anything about the 80s, so whatever white people.
Also I was born in 1987 Bon Jovi still had hits in 87 I'm better than anyone born after 1990 fuck you.
My professors are already bombarding me with .pdf's and .doc's to download and read and be prepared for. I haven't beaten Final Fantasy II yet!
Oh that's okay, it came out in, what, 88? It'll wait.
For Tuesday I have to bring in 3 items that show who I am. So I'm bringing in a mic, a Modest Mouse ticket stub, and a Buckeye necklace.
Should have brought gay porn, some Summer's Eve and... and...
Kind of fizzled out on that one BUT I'M NO STAND UP LIKE YOU.
So now there's some butthurt shit. Sorry I kind of started doing something else (all that talk of my empress hairpin made me want to log in and look at it, but also fuck myself with it as I solemnly swore I'd do) so I did that.
Well I guess that's it~
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