I'm not really sure what prompted me to think of Poseidon. Perhaps it's a later picture of some sort of girl statute. I think she's supposed to be a Nereid. I'm not really sure.
My throat hurt and I couldn't speak when I woke up today. Ever since it's been feeling like someone has been stabbing me in the chest repeatedly but my head is trying to explode from the inside, it could be worse. I'm imagining how it will be with the swineflu!
Worse than being stabbed in the chest while your head is exploding? That's difficult to imagine, actually.
But anyways, if I'm feeling better tomorrow I'll skip class to go to Denmark with my parents.
I feel a bit bad about skipping class though (lol, the guilt is killing me and the classes aren't even obligatory even though they keep track of us) I actually think I like my class though. Mia-san who switched from group 1 to group 2 says that our group is much nicer. I ended up talking to a bunch of people today, who were all nice. I completely forgot to be sulky and emo! ^^
^^ fuck.
Anyways, Träslövs Trädgård had a special 'Garden Day' (...they only sell gardenstuff and trees anyways) today which my mum managed to drag me to.
Two "anyways" in one sentence and ending in a preposition. Class act. Also I have no fucking idea what Träslövs Trädgård is but I'm sure glad English doesn't have any accent marks.
Besides the hiragana exam I have tomorrow, I also have a 57 new word test I didn't know about. I'm not even sure if I got the right ones. I haven't been worried about the exam since I've only had trouble with one or two hiragana.
Only one or two hiragana. No big deal. Definitely won't need to use them for writing or anyth-- oh wait.
Internet stopped working yesterday.. and ofcourse it didn't work when I left for school earlier today. Gah, I was in the middle of harrassing people to befriend me in (on? eh?) that Bleach friending meme. ...which is why I'm at my grampa's place and desperately checking my mail.
Ah yes the Bleach friending meme that everyone knows about. Oh what, you don't? Pfft.
Also "friending" isn't actually a word but whatever. Expecting these cretins to use words that actually exist is like expecting my cat to start dancing.
I have finally managed to learn Hiragana (I have an exam on Monday), it makes me happy everytime I realize I can read it. Now we're supposed to learn Katakana until Thursday next week. But I'll manage, right? I know ri, ka, a, e and n but that's pretty much it. Why world, why!
I also conjugated in the past tense because I'm totally pro and can do shit like that. Baby.
Today I've spent 800 kr (it's about €80?) on course lit, 500 kr on manga and then 30 kr on a new pair of stockings. I still have more books to buy, but I don't think I need them yet. I can't find my Japanese dictionary though.
Dollars, please. Pig American here, etc.
When we were preparing for a hiragana cardgame I failed to fold a paper accordingly. I'm supposed to be a package designer but..um, yes.
So you failed before the game even started.
Why am I suddenly reminded of an old proverb?
"The victorious army first realizes the conditions for victory and then seeks to engage in battle. The vanquished army fights first, and then seeks victory."
I hate books, but I do love reading.
Now there's some animu drawing.
It's ok. I can't help but feel it lacks a certain... Je ne sais pas.
I guess what it really lacks is mastery of anything, which is important when you want to be a pro animu artist.
I've misplaced my tv. I hardly ever watch it because.. it's a tv lol, but I miss it. And I want to find it and plug my old-old-old Nintendo 16-bits into it.
Nintendo 16 bits into it. Mean ye SNES?
I've been purposefully skipping over her fear of the swine flu because frankly if you're afraid of the swine flu you should be afraid every single day of your miserable life because the swine flu is currently no worse than the regular flu.
I guess logically one could argue it could get worse but so could Ebola or AIDS so whatever.
I will say she has a certain sense of color that I don't really see anymore. That's probably because I have yet to see a drawing of hers in a non-pastel color, and most pastel tones go together so I see what your plan is.
I finished Gundam 00 s2 sometime last night/this morning. I didn't skip the boring parts where ugly old people were talking this season, so I thought I knew what was going on but I then realized have no idea.
American women will ruin all giant robot anime, mark my words. OHH THIS IS TOO MUCH WAR AND NOT KAWAII ENOUGH ^.^
Holy fuck you stupid cunt it's Gundam. It's a goddamn space opera, not another kawaii fan wank.
I've spent today being really confused and a bit sad, as well as being confused about if I should feel sad, I really don't know what was going on. Oh, but the nekkidness, I apprechiated it. Now I'm waiting for the movie.
Gundam isn't hard to understand. I can summarize how awesome that shit was in one image:
I've started to watch Gundam 00 season 2. Oh my, Tieria in episode 8, was it? Teehee! ♥ He became even more adorable, somehow XD!
Well that's it. I'm done here.
Goddamn, people.
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