But I'm getting off topic. Today we have THE MIDNIGHT SCROLLS which sounds like something you might have to steal in an Elder Scrolls game if you're part of the thieves guild.
I can't sleep.
I've been thinking about a nightmare I had that made me wake up shaking in terror. And I'm almost having a panic attack now just thinking about it.
Huh. This is already registering high on my "who gives a shit?" meter.
I don't remember what most of the dream was about but it ended in a plane crash, spiraling down to earth. I was screaming, closing my eyes thinking this is the end of my life. I look at dad and david who were next to me in tears and they seemed to be perfectly calm about it. Then I started saying this prayer:
She then goes on to write the entire prayer. It's the Lord's Prayer, I think. You know, "Our Father who art in heaven..." shit.
I was cut off on that very sentence and my entire world went black and dead silent. Then I woke up. The reason why I'm scared out of my mind is because it felt like a vision of my own death and I suddenly have a very bad feeling about the florida trip in July... almost as if something is telling me to stay home.
Something... OR SOMEONE!
But it's too late. my plane tickets had been already purchased, sealing my fate.
No, if your fate was sealed you'd be on the plane already. Also it would be crashing as you type this. You could just as easily not get on the plane even though you have tickets, or most probably get on the plane and have nothing happen, because contrary to what many ancient people believed, your dreams aren't actually a window into the future or past.
Although shit maybe you are predestined to die on this plane and that's why you can't fathom not getting on it because it's ordained to happen.
That seems exceedingly unlikely and contrary to reason but hey, I'm just leaving it open to be philosophically correct.
And the chilling thing is, Lincoln and Kennedy both dreamed about their fates as well. And...you know what happened after.
I've dreamed about a lot of stupid shit. Recently I had a dream that a wolf ate me. And yet, here I am. Typing this about you. But if I do see a wolf go for the nuts I'll be ready because I'm looking out for it. I'm going to punch that wolf right in the spine. No dire wolf motherfucker is going to chomp down on my lower extremities.
It makes me want to live instead of dying. but... i just don't want to continue living like the way I am now and missing out on so much due to lack of opportunity and money... *sigh*
Well that came out of left field. IT NEVER REALLY DAWNED ON ME UNTIL I HAD A PLANE CRASH DREAM (one of the most common schemes in modern dreaming, I might add) BUT I PREFER BEING ALIVE TO BEING DEAD.
Hey, that's the living peoples' bias. You just say that because you're alive. Being dead might kick way more ass than being alive, but you don't know because you're living. I say it's impossible to know. Even if it is nothing when you die (likely) you certainly won't be around to notice, so don't think about it.
I feel much better today compared to yesterday... thank god...
What scares me the most is that one day i'm going to snap from emotional buildup trapped inside of me...
Wow then you might be even more obnoxious than you are now. You, even more melodramatic? I don't even want to think about that.
I'm not okay anymore.
I feel so emotionally burned out from everything that I feel as if I want to fall asleep and never wake up again.
>emotionally burned out
>emotional buildup
pick one, please.
I've been lacking motivation, strength, and the desire to do anything. I'm even having trouble finding the energy and desire to get into tech school, even though I know that it's something I've been wanting to do badly and create a better future for myself.
I wasn't aware tech school was something you had to be accepted for. I thought you just paid and showed up. Graduating from there is another issue, but I thought acceptance was pretty much guaranteed.
It's also been four months and I still can't draw a halfway decent picture. I got about a month subscription before i go back to a basic deviantART account. Four months wasted without a single update, which makes me feel terrible.
Where the fuck is that Deviant Art account? I have to see this behemoth.
Ha, ha, ha somehow I'm both surprised and not surprised that it's made up entirely of furry art.
>Favourite style of art: Freehand
>everything she does is computer generated
Ha, ha oh wow.
Here is the opening of her self description in case there was any doubt she was a cunt:
How is one to live a moral and compassionate existence when one is fully aware of the blood, the horror inherent in life, when one finds darkness not only in one's culture but within oneself?
Easy there, boss. You're clearly living a middle class existence, okay.
I woke up feeling achy today, especially with a sharp pain in my elbow. My knee cap also felt like it was made of liquid about to give away at any second.
I know how I would explain these bizarre and unexplained pains. Well I just woke up and I ache, so I must have slept funny. Her perfectly rational explanation: the weather. All right.
Then again, there was a huge thunderstorm last night. and there's supposed to be more tonight. I wonder if that could be it. It's weird how people could feel such things moments before a storm... Does that ever happen to you?
No it sure does not but then again I'm not mentally ill so maybe it would. If I had a mental illness, that is.
Quite honestly there was several reasons why I was in special ed.
I was born with fetal alcohol syndrome which gave me all these battles with mood disorders. I had a learning disability in math which made it really difficult and painful for me to learn and understand the subject.
I really wish that people would learn to look at my situations as a whole before they start judging me.
Nope not gonna happen.
Unless if they lived my life, they will never understand how hard it is to deal with things and I have to work on things rather slowly in order to have problems ride out smoothly. And they should also read about social anxiety and social phobia as well, which is another big problem I have with meeting new people.
Oh well boo-fucking-hoo. Also no, I don't have to have lived your life to judge you for it. No one else besides Hitler has ever been Hitler and no one (including you) has any trouble calling him a tyrant, now do they? So no, I can sit here and call you a cunt from my computer without even knowing your first name.
Also you might think having "fetal alcohol syndrome" (which you might not even have. I know your kind. You'll try anything to get pity on the internet) would get you off the hook with me, but I continue to be unimpressed.
my biggest problem with that is breaking the ice and coming up with things to talk about.
Just let other people do the talking about just mirror their sentiment. I know nothing at all about any sport and I've had protracted conversations with jocks about football just because I listen to what they say and repeat their thoughts with slightly different wording.
You'd be fucking amazed how often that works. Most people aren't looking for intelligent conversation, they're looking for parrots to repeat their feelings back at them so they can feel accepted by others.
Oh but what you'd have to pay attention to someone other than yourself for five minutes to know this, so oh sorry. YOU HAVE PHOBIAS, I FORGOT.
I hated that dark, moody side of me.
Oh what's this new side of you called, then? Cheery McSunshine?
I used to be pro choice...but now I'm not so sure anymore. While the concept of killing an unborn child is very wrong, I am not going to shove my opinions on others and force them to believe in pro life. It's really their decision to make and whatever choices they make they will have to live
Stop. I-- what the fuck was that? I'M NOT REALLY PRO-CHOICE, I'M JUST
In this day and age, we may have to with out of control hormones among young people and lack of proper education from the majority of parents everywhere.
What the-- oh I see. That's probably the most awkward sentence I've read in recent memory.
I'm not a true emo- just really sensitive and touchy. I sometimes want a boyfriend yet I don't.
I think I'm a complete mystery and a series of contradictions...
Yeah you're just impossible to figure out.
And she's right. It can't rain all the time right?
Move to Maryland and ask that again. The answer is that yes, in fact, it can rain forever.
If it's not raining it's overcast, hi welcome to Maryland~
Well all in all this was a boring entry and you should probably feel bad for being so dull despite constant bitching and moaning.
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