Naturally, an obnoxious blog is in order to compound my already mounting migraine. I took pills (grabbed some peelz for those of you familiar with drug culture like myself) but I can feel it edging through them.
雪の失楽園 is our blog today. Or no, my mistake, 雪の楽園。 Sorry, subtle but distinct difference.
"yuki no rakuen" which is, quite literally, "pleasure garden's snow". "Snow of a pleasure garden" is how I'd translate it probably, but both make about as much sense as each other. Whereas what I wrote first is "yuki no shitsurakuen" which is "snow of paradise" which makes (slightly) more sense in my opinion.
Ah. Life is life. What are we to do?
Profound wisdom from snow of the pleasure garden (sounds like a sexual euphemism every time I see it).
People are mad because they're being stupid and I was standing up for a friend today. Why would make a comment like that to me?!
I think you're missing a critical pronoun, brosef.
You know we've been best friends since grade 6. I have no idea why. It isn't even what she said, it was HOW she said that bothered me. No, there's nothing wrong, your additude just needs a slight adjustment! :D
So, I'm on a total Shugo Chara surge right now and it's lovely! SOOOO ADORABLE! I WANT PHOTOSHOP BACK SO I CAN MAKE ICONS FOR MYSELF!! >////<>
What?I WANT A NEW LAYOUT! >( Gr. Jin come back! T^T Or stupid Lj could let me put up the one from Joe. . . . but no that would be way too easy now wouldn't it?! *huff*
What? Hi!So I think I'm getting paid Thursday/Friday so I can pay my dad back and freakin' order my CD's that I FLIPPING ASKED FOR MY BIRTHDAY!!! Why don't parents listen? WHY?! Just those 4 CD's that's all I wanted. *sighs*
I hear there's this thing called the "internet" where you can "torrent" "CDs" but I don't know because I'm typing this through a BBS on a 286 and listening to my tapes right now, so I don't know.Over the summer I will buy myself a small TV to put in my room so I can put the Wii and PS2 in here. I WILL! I WILL! I WILL! I'm going to do my Wii fit and finish those games one way or another! >:3
WII FIT YO HARDCORE GAMER AHOY!So Dissida and 358/2 come out on the same day it looks like so I'll need to put some money away for those when they come out unless Mom will pay since she pre-ordered them for me. . . hmmm. . .
Wow Final Fantasy Dissidia AND a Kingdom Heart's game. You are hardcore.AND YOU! Follower! Go to
Okay I lied. I did click on it :3c
Is that not awesome?!
I guess but my PS2 has a fliptop case so I can play imported games, so I'm probably way more fucking cool than you are.
Oh that's right, you can't actually read Japanese so that would be of no real use to you, but for those of us with actual talent in the realm of languages it's fucking great.
And Edward off of FFIV sucks for dying so much in my game. Offically.
His only ability is "hide" (and sing but that's equally faggoty). I think that should be an indication of his fighting prowess.
And she links a video about Final Fantasy XIII. This was old news even when she posted it.Okay so thankfully only 11 days of school left and 12 days of Hell. Chem can die. Honestly, it can die for all I care now. STUPID STUPID STUPID CLASS! >:( AWFUL! HATE HATE HATE
*takes a deep breath* HATE!
Okay. I'm good for the moment. Moment being the keyword there.
Wii Fit, Kingdom Hearts AND The Sims? Fuck, so hardcore! I bet you're equally excited for the new Wii blood pressure cuff or whatever the fuck, right?(Its not really that slow I just put all my graphic setting really high so it doesn't look like crap when playing it. I HATE crappy settings! )
So you'd rather play on settings your computer can't handle (and get less than 10 frames per second I bet) than deal with worse graphics?
Great trade off. Just look at screenshots at that point, Christ.To top it off, I'm a full time worker over the summer break. No fun for Amber, just WORK WORK WORK!
Amber. Hi, Amber.So I when I went in to get this in I was in the meeting thing and they were telling me what they were going to do and what was going to happen.
I-- what?
One of her tags for this entry is "disgusting" but I think that summarizes this entire blog nicely instead of just one entry.
So you know? I am beginning to realize how useless people are becoming.
Becoming?They are back stabbers and idiots and use people to further themselves a head and don't even bother thinking about the people they're hurting in the process.
There's that brilliant descriptive power at work again!TODAY IS KAGGIE-CHAN'S BIRTHDAY!
Glad my favorite song has an awesome reaction image in it so now I can listen to that song when I look back over this entry and then say "HEY I'M LISTENING TO THAT SONG RIGHT NOW!" when I do it.
My life is all kinds of fascinating.
Here's most of KAT-TUN's QoP Cd and Koki's solo!
Hey look, more words I know.
Akward sex scene *shudders* ek.
ACKward sex scene. That's how I read that.Words are man's greatest weapons. They can cut deeper than any knife and linger longer and more painfully than any physical scar can.
I'm sure the Hiroshima survivors would agree.Yesterday I apparently over stepped my bounds as a 'friend' and accidentally hurt some one very dear to me when I all I meant to do was find out what people were talking about.
Ha, ha girls are dumb.
My fandoms, my life, my problems, things I enjoy...I can't share that with RL anymore.
No one wants you to share your fandoms with them. No one really gives a shit how cute Cloud and Sephiroth would be together. Most people played that game (12 years ago, I might add, but you were probably an infant then and don't remember it so whatever) enjoyed it and moved on with their lives.
MEANWHILE WITH CAPTAIN ANNOYING CUNT, FINAL FANTASY VII GAY FANFICTION!So I will not bother you with my excitement over the KH game coming out in August, I won't bother with movie excitement anymore.
NO ONE GIVES A FUCK, CHRIST. Or find friends who are equally excited. THIS ISN'T HARD.I'm back into final fantasy in a big nasty way. I thought I could try and finish X but I'm so screwed.
Ha, ha, stuck in Final Fantasy X. Casualfag.
Sorry I should be nicer to you, Amber. I've probably been playing RPGs longer than you've been alive.
No, I'm just kidding. You suck. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
All right this has dragged on long enough.
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