So Aaron, then. Aaron has a journal entitled "Aaron" which is just one step above naming your blog "Man" on the creativity spectrum but all right I won't focus too much on it because at least it's not THE MIDNIGHT SCROLLS or some similar emo, pseudo-intellectual bullshit.
Ever since I got off the bus and set foot on campus, blood drive solicitors have practically been sucking the blood out of my neck.
So wear a gorget. You could also wear a bevor but personally I think a gorget looks manlier, and knowing men with blogs you'll need that leg up.
I haven't accepted any "asucd blood drive" slips and merely state "I'm gay" and continue to walk.
I didn't know gay people couldn't donate blood.
After beginning to feel that I should just get a sign, the latest solicitor stopped to talk to me after I said that I was gay.
Here's an easier way to get them to leave you alone: "no thanks."
Works all the time, even on campus.
"Want to join the Campus Crusade for Christ?"
"Only crusades I join involve Jerusalem, sorry."
There you go. Not everyone needs to know about your preference for men over women, fuck.
I guess it just sort made solicitors more human to me.
Soliciting for a blood drive, Christ. It's not like she was trying to sell you something. She probably volunteered thinking it was a nice thing to do (or look good on her transcript/resume, whatever) and here you are giving her shit about it. You're an asshole, sir.
I probably forget how fortunate I am, I should probably be a little more grateful. Sometimes I feel like I'm becoming mean.
Mean, no. You do seem somewhat of a putz, though.
I find that I more and more frequently imagine myself yelling at someone else, or even beating them up.
Oh no, bad thoughts! Seriously no one can read your mind. As long as you don't repeat this aloud or act on it no one will know.
Or at least not abnormal. I don't even know if I want to be normal. We all need to be our "unique snowflakes", right?
... Not even sure what you're on about now, but no, not everyone "needs" to think they're unique.
Weather I will love (and hate, I'm sure), classes, teaching, piano, quartet, job, and hopefully a shit load of racket ball. It's so much fun!!!
also sounds... Bleh. Enjoy your shitty life.
Now here's a post entitled "If I were a character on the oregon trail, I'd be the one suffering form exhaustion" which further proves you're a pussy. There are only two types of people in the world: the guy with 12 grandfather clocks in his wagon and a hat (and nothing else) who fords every river regardless of the currents or danger therein (or waits until the water thaws so he can ford it properly, none of that pussy walking across frozen ice. The Lord Jesus didn't die on a cross for us to just walk across) and people who die of dysentery.
I basically did the bitch work.
Maybe if you came across as "12 grandfather clocks" kind of guy instead of a pusscake (why is that a word according to Firefox and Blogspot?) frostbite victim you'd be doing some manly work.
For those of you who don't know, I have a cyber bully. His name is anonymous.
... Anonymous isn't an actual person.
We mostly talk through LiveJournal because he has thing...I hear it's going around actually... I think people are calling it "coward" or something?
Hey he may be a coward but you are, by your own admission, a bitch so shut up. Pussy.
His hobbies include saying 'fuck' and 'gay jew', he has this anti-semitic-but-still-in-the-closet thing happening.
Wow high five to this brother-in-arms. He got this guy butthurt by calling him a gay Jew. That's it. Two words. Also it's not offensive if it's the truth. You admit to being gay and apparently you're a Jew, so nothing wrong there. No reason to get BUTTHURT by it like you did, anyway.
It's like...learning something that he never did. Character...attitude...manners...the ability to insult someone without racial slurs...
Oh wow, are we still on this? Brotip: he has already won by getting a five paragraph butthurt speech out of you regarding this. He said two words. You said five paragraphs.
Here I have a new historical figure you should aspire to: Götz von Berlichingen. He was a German knight and a mercenary, and after his arm got blown off by a cannon (awesome) he invented one of the world's first prosthetic limbs. He also coined the term "kiss my ass" in his downtime between wars. He's the first person who has ever had to be toned down for other media because no one would believe someone this awesome actually existed. I got this idea when I was thinking of you wearing a gorget (something the historical Götz von Berlichingen would do, not because he's afraid of getting his neck cut, but because he was watching out for any vampire fuckers). You can bet no one ever butthurt him. Even the guy that blew his arm off with a cannon. He probably high fived the guy with his remaining hand.
I had been having some boy...issues? There were issues and boys were around at the time. Idk.
Me neither, bro.
Anyways, I think this is something I may want to work on for a long time, maybe into the summer.
I watched a TED conference online (which you should all check out: that was talking about how to listen to music.
They'll have a conference about anything, won't they? Here's how I listen to music: with headphones.
ANYWAYS GUYS I'm going to do something that isn't this so ANYWAYS I'll see you later guys ANYWAYS.
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