Glad to see the internet can be just as stupid and boring on Monday as it can on Friday.
So today we have Defne Gencler. Is that a name? She says she's Turkish, so maybe!
We're all used to the same tedious and monotonous routine we follow each week, consisting of five work/school days, and two measley days left over to do what we'd actually like to do.
So says you. My life, however, is a continuous day off for the next month and a half or something like that.
Friday is barely considered anything, since half of it is made up of school, going home, and having only a few hours left over to do whatever it is you're planning on doing.
Well that's interesting logic. Friday doesn't count as a day because you can barely acknowledge the hours in it.
People don't even go out on Friday nights which usually ends up in you watching TV over the couch.
Uhhh I used to go out on Friday sometimes with my friends, and there we'd quite frequently encounter large crowds and have trouble parking because of people doing the same.
I guess they don't count because you personally don't go out Friday, huh?
Saturday seems like the only true day to have fun, because you don't have to wake up early, and on top of that, you dont have to go to sleep early either!
Oh you. Such a slave to the calendar.
In addition, we all know that Sunday is the global "I Guess I'll Start Doing my Homework Day."
Ha, ha such a high school kid. (protip: in college every day is homework day).
Also going based off the etymology of the days, Thursday is the superior day because it's named after either Thor or Zeus based off where you are.
Fridays will stay as Fridays because we can't have Thursdays be the new Fridays, which gives Mondays the perfect opportunity!
Monday under the Old English/Germanic system we are under in English speaking countries is the day of the moon, but in Romantic-speaking countries it's named after Mars (Ares) god of slaughter, so I think this is a bad idea.
Mondays will have a whole new meaning to them. From sluggish Monday morning traffic illand the smell of that "off to work" coffee, it'll become the day we've all been searching for: the day to relax, yet finish running last minute errands and homework.
Island* it hasn't been spelled "iland (eyland)" in like 2000 years, time to get with the program.
So we're now working 4 days a week. No, this is great. I see people. They think they're busy but in reality they're just busy with nonsense. If people knuckled down and did what they were supposed to do at work I bet we could have a one day work week. Most people just are not that fucking busy.
Who even came up with the idea that weekdays need to be five days and weekends need to be two days? Was it a workaholic man, was it the government, or maybe just a body of people who had nothing better to do?
I think it might have something to do with that damnable planting schedule. You remember farmers, right? Those people that grow your food?
Now there's a really long cryptic post about choices and making the right one and (maybe a quick dodge around) personal responsibility that suddenly makes me feel like I'm playing Persona 3 again.
WATCH OUT, DAPHNE (I'm changing your name to something I can remember, is that okay?) YOU'RE THE VESSEL OF NYX!
12:37 AM. The night is young. But here I am in bed trying to figure out what I need to do.
Actually the night is over. It's now morning as of 37 minutes ago, according to your posting.
Clocks, Daphne, come on. You seem to be fixed on them. Ever heard the saying "time flies"? No time to waste.
Timor mortis contrubat me, Daphne.
After having spent a night in watching a depressing French movie, I'm depressed.
People want so much from life at the same time. Ultimate fame. Success. Power. Money. All eyes on you. Looks that kill. Flashy cars. Complete control of surroundings. A voice that brings others to tears. Confidence. Friends. Admirers. High speed internet. Energy. And last, but, somehow most, "Somebody to love."
You fags need a lesson in Zen, good grief.
When we go to bed at night, we sleep alone.
Except a lot of married people. They tend to, you know, sleep with the other person. Unless you're speaking of the actual act of being asleep, in which case you are quite alone.
And remembering that sleep (Hypnos) is twin brother to death (Thanatos) that's kind of an (inadvertent, I'm sure) awesome cryptic nod to DYING ALONE AND UNREMEMBERED AH HA HA HA HA.
Lately I've learned that people are mostly just looking out for themselves. Everybody talks. You have to watch what you say, what you do, who you're with. If you want something, get it yourself.You're almost there, Daphne. People are only looking out for themselves, but they're also only paying attention to themselves, so barring something really obvious you can pretty much say or do anything you please and no one will notice.
So now it's as if all my dreams of going to some prestigious university on the East coast have been ruined because I seem to fall just under the category of what's being looked for.
You're in California and you want to come here? No, no you've made it! You don't need to move anywhere!
But then I think about all those kids in America... They've all got private tutors visiting their houses every week; junior year is a major training for the SAT for them; the culture is aware of it and supports it.
Yes, those kids. I knew a lot of them.
Oh wait, no I didn't.
Daphne, are you sure you're talking about real people and not just imagined people?
So, today in English we were having a discussion about the lack of use of emotion in "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich."
To be honest, I did not enjoy reading the book AT ALL. I found that it was plain, boring, dry, and most of all emotionless. What has life ever been without emotion?
Uh-oh. I think you missed the point.
And now I wonder, is that really the best way to do it?
I don't know for sure, and I'm not some sage brooder who has experienced everything in life, but I'm starting to see how emotions may get in the way of logical thinking.
Your "deep" philosophical quandry is actually answered by a pretty much shit action movie starring Christian Bale: Equilibrium. Go ahead and watch it.
I could describe what it's about but I think "action movie starring Christian Bale" probably says more about it than any description I could give.
Will Shukhov have gone insane agonizing about the loss of his wife, or sobbing hisself to sleep because he's piningfor the day of his release?
... That'll never come. It's an empty hope and he knows it, but it's all that he has, so that's why he's melting down.
Christ, do you really never think about anything you read?
Also "hisself" but I'll cut you some slack because I suspect you don't speak English as a first language.
I wonder what I'd do if I was in a prison for ages. Would I drive myself crazy crying? Or would I be forced to let go as well and think about everything I'm doing right at that moment? Hopefully it'll never have to happen.
Good Christ you people really don't know what to think, do you?
I mean, we're in our teenage years. The years were the most perceptive to our environment, how people interact, tensions surrounding us, and what's happening. These are also the years we're aware of that perceptiveness, so in return, we know that we're in the spotlight.
No, no, Daphne, thinking is not knowing.
High school is the time you find yourself, they always say. These are the best years of your life, they say. But are they really?
No. High school is only really good for the jocks and the guy that deals weed, remember that.
When I was on the phone with my friend, we made a list of all the pressures we have on us:
I bet all of these pressures are social constructs and you could just as easily not give a shit as you would worrying.
1. Get good grades, but dont be a nerd. (??????????????)
If getting good grades makes you a nerd I'd rather be a successful nerd than a loser cool guy (conflict of terms if you ask me).
2. Still look nice, but don't look like you're trying too hard. (???????????)
Must be a girl thing.
Oh my this list has 9 things in it that can easily be summarized by this:
Now there's a long rambly post where she concludes that how people perceive you is how they will (get ready for a shock) treat you.
This goes on and on forever. Uh oh I started doing other things, time to end this entry~
1 comment:
this is hilarious. - defne gencler
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