Friday, November 7, 2008


I knew this one would be a winner when the second entry was entitled "A Couple More Political Things". Great in the current explosive political climate I'm glad I could turn to your leadership, xomomentofzen.
That's some name you have there, by the way.
Immediately I get a taste of her(?) literary tastes, which, like all people on Livejournal, is refined.
English- Finished Troy and got the due date for our essays pushed back until Monday. Such a nice class.

I loved how they threw Aeneas in at the very end in a holding-the-door-open-for-a-possible-seq
uel sort of way. "Do you know how to use a sword?" xD

Lol xD
I haven't read Troy because if I honestly had the urge to read about the Trojan war and its resulting mythology I'd just read the original because I'm sure the modern rehash is unnecessary.
I'd like to see the Aeneid remake, though. Even the original Aeneid felt like Odyssey fanfiction so I can't imagine what a remake of a fanfiction would be like. I'm sure it'd create a black hole.
I've never had anyone call me a political junkie before. My feet were binding themselves in my shoes, I was so happy. :D

I would say that as an insult but sure whatever.
English- Continued to watch Troy. I love our class so hard because every time we watch a movie it's like I'm in an amateur MST3K episode.

I'm not really sure why I thought Troy was a book. I guess because it was an English class. Silly me.
I liked the Troy movie, though. It was a fun movie.
Also I'm sure it was like an MST3K episode. Since you're such a riot in the first place I'm sure you could pull that off.

"Turn off the lights! I feel like I'm at homecoming." LULZ.

Ha, ha... Guess you had to be there.



Holy shit that actually hurt my head for a second. I almost heard your annoying voice through the internet.

I don't know why I yelled at her so bad.

Cool Boston accent you have there. Seriously who qualifies "yell" with "bad"?
I'm relieved to see things are looking so good for Obama (AND HOW ABOUT THEM HOUSE AND SENATE RACES, AMIRITE?)

Why are you saying a-- fuck it.

Uhh... Amigos, allies, pals, buddies, BFFs, uhh-- fuck you get a thesaurus.
I am too young to vote this time around, so I have to sit at home and trust other people are being awsome and taking advantage of that opportunity.

I'm just taking advantage of knowing how to spell awesome.
- Watch V for Vendetta because midnight tonight is the fifth of November (HOW SWEET IS THAT?)

Ha, ha yeah just like in the movie.
Seriously what is it with people and celebrating Guy Fawkes day? He was a terrorist, basically. Americans really don't get it (saying that as an American even).
"I was hoping I'd see one of you this morning," he said. Yeah, that's right. Keep associating me with work ethic. ;)

Fuh yeah I'm sure he will.
English- DONUT PARTY. FUCK YES. Too bad it was way too early in morning for donuts and by the time I was done with mine I kind of wanted to throw up.

I guess nothing happens in this English class. No reading or learning the English language.

What an asshole. I mean, that's racist, isn't it?

No, assuming someone speaks a language isn't racist. If you said "ay caramba! Let us eat tacos!" because he looks Spanish then yeah. Otherwise you're being an oversensitive cunt.
I ended up not going trick-or-treating on Friday, not because I felt I was too old or anything, but because I couldn't think of a decent costume that was cheap and couldn't be considered cross-dressing.

You are a walking embarrassment. I would be ashamed to even admit I know you.
Abby brought candy to pass around, or really, throw around. My 100 Grand bar hit me in the back of the head.

Good. Too bad it wasn't fired from a high powered rifle.
I just want a couple of my friends to tell me it's a good issue (even if they lie, I don't care) and if they have criticisms or suggestions I'm open, but the glory fades fast and it's not five minutes before the first issue is crumpled and tossed on the floor by some little kid.
Talking about the school newspaper.

Which is fucking insane. Who gives two shits? When I worked on the school newspaper it was basically a mad scramble to finish my articles in a day so I could have the month off so I could cut out early.
Oh, and who gave me the names out-of-order for the caption on the front page? Nicole. Granted I should have known better and double-checked with someone else, but only because Nicole is such an unreliable source.

Ha, ha, ha awesome. It's Nicole's fault, but I should have known better but it's Nicole's fault I even had to check in the first place. Genius.
I remember the editor in chief (some asshole kid I don't know) tried to jump up my ass for having the name captions out of order. "Hey it's your paper chief I just write the articles," and walked off. You have to learn to take less shit from people.

The worst days in Psychology are the days Mr. Bailey tries to debunk evolution.

What fucking school is this where they try to debunk evolution in psychology and watch movies in English?
Oh wait it could have been mine, son of a bitch.
Spanish- Ok, so our workbooks are pretty outdated. It wouldn't be so bad, but whenever they incorporate celebritities' names no one knows who the fuck they're talking about.

That's the best part of a language class. Everyone knows the last time they made any language resource was 1987, meaning if you're still in high school the materials were made at least two years before you were born.
It didn't matter anyway, I guess, because we all had this assembly about underage drinking. A mother of a boy who had drowned after he passed out drunk talked to us for a solid half hour about how her son died.

I only went to those when they had accompanying pictures. I knew the kid who operated the slideshow so I could ask beforehand.
I know some kids need to hear that stuff, but I was so depressed by that point in the day that I just wanted to go home.

Why wouldn't you? It's not like they keep attendance.

The Iliad, or what we were supposed to read of it. I'm always so disappointed when kids die in stories, especially when they're at the end of a bloodline.
What kid? Hector? Patroclus? Forget it. I'm not having this conversation with myself.
I got a couple compliments today, and one freshman in my Spanish class even walked up to me and, after a pause, said, "I like your hair straight."
I thanked her, but I was really thinking Fuck off. DEAR EVERYONE, STRAIGHTENED OR CURLY, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?!

Fine don't take a compliment you ungrateful cunt.
This has to be the most boring thing I've ever read. I can't believe how goddamn boring her life is.

or will I be walking around saying, "WTF, my generation invented 1337 speak, betch"?

Your generation didn't invent it.
Holy shit, I just read someone's comment that in Will & Grace, Grace Adler's wedding music is the theme to Brideshead Revisited! IS THAT WHY IT SOUNDS SO FAMILIAR?

Oh man, did you know my initials are an anagram for HAG? xD

It's like I'm watching someone descend into madness. I can only imagine she's covered in the blood of her victims while she's writing this.
I just got through the first episode, "Et in Arcadia Ego"--And in... Something Something?--and I can't stop squeeing over Charles Ryder/Sebastian Flyte. Seriously. I keep making weird squeaky noises. xD

Oh gag. You are disgusting. Also "Et in Arcadia Ego" means "Even in Arcadia, I Am." Or it could be "I, too, was an Arcadian"goddamn I'm not here to teach you Latin. It's a painting, you uncultured twit. Maybe instead of making annoying noises and making everyone around you miserable you should read a book or do something constructive?
Well I guess that's it. This was a weird entry for me. Her constant hopping from one thought to another with no transitions made this difficult.

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