A double hamburger with 9 pieces of bacon, no fries, is NOT the same as a double quarter pounder with no cheese, extra bacon, and a medium fry... especially when your superior brings them side by side for comparison.
So you went to McDonald's, ordered a ridiculously specific sandwich (seriously, a specified amount of bacon? Can you be more OCD?) and then complained to the manager when you didn't get eight (UND PRECISELY EIGHT!) pieces of bacon? Now you can't eat there anymore because "Mr. Clerk" whom you've known "for three years" (close, first name-based relationship) will spit in your food because you deserve it.
Ageis J. Hyena, signing off, over and out.
Ageis J. Hyena. Really. I have to assume by uh-gee-is you mean "aegis" which is something entirely different than what you spelled. Aegis was a breastplate associated with Zeus or Athena and later came to mean a sponsorship. Ageis is... You made that the fuck up.
So yeah. I have asthma, and my medication ran out. My normal "supplier" has left the country, literally.
Ha, ha shit sucks.
My father won't help me, he thinks asthma doesn't exist.
According to all my medical books it sure doesn't. What does exist, however, is DEMONIC POSSESSION. You're against God is the problem.
Ha, ha I fucking love the internet. She had a stupid poll that two people took and split the answers 50/50. Awesome. WHICH ISP SHOULD I USE? Use this one. No use the other. All she needed was a third "use neither of those shitty ISPs" and I would have voted for it, completing the dickery that is the internet.
Well shit, my brother is planning something and says I'll make trouble if I knew what it was.
Shit, destroyed.
Well shit. I donate $115 topawpet, then I call a furry radio show to do a reading and talk for 15 minutes or so.
Pawpet. Also I like how you say you literally can't afford asthma medication and you're arguing with clerks at McDonald's about the price of a hamburger but still somehow find 115 dollars to donate to Pawpet. This reminds me of that one girl who was complaining about affording rent but managed to donate 8% of her paycheck to her church. This makes even less sense because you didn't have the threat of eternal damnation hanging over your stupid head.
for those of you under a rock, and I don't have the link handy, a couple in the UK is divorcing because one got caught with another person as an affair... in Second Life.
Yes, not following news in Second Life is really living under a rock.
So I recently did a reading for one of my repeat customers. It was a rather good one...
A what?
Nate, the roomie who is finally on his way out, let slip that my brother popped the question to his girlfriend. And apparently she accepted. Roughly 3 weeks ago.
I don't think Nate meant to let that slip, but he did.
Why do I have an overwhelming urge of dread over this?
I know your kind. You would have gotten an overwhelming sense of dread if he hadn't asked, had but she rejected him, etc. You just wanted to seem all cryptic and psychic then. Fuck you.
Though I did update my tarot site's profiles. They are reviewing profiles under new rules starting monday, and I tried my best to write them to go according with the new rules.
Maybe you have a different understanding of Tarot than I do, but I don't think there are "new rules". Unless you're playing a card game with them (which is their intended purpose) even then that's like saying "new rules for poker".
Had I of known. If only I had known. x.x The people down there are making fortunes as well as reading them.
If only I had've known. Also that's really archaic. "If only I had known" works just as well in 2008.
But forgive me I don't read fortunes like you, so please don't smite me with your furry precognition powers.
Ah well. I'ma websmurf a bit, then go back down and mingle s'more with a railroading lion, a cheetah-lioness, a kirin, and a tiger.
Lions and cheetahs can't reproduce, I don't think. A kirin, to you non-faggots, is either a chimerical mythical creature in Eastern Asian mythos, or a giraffe. You'd probably be better off saying "a HUGE WEEABOO FAGGOT" because that's the subtext.
Ok. Time to take a shower, finish quick-packing my tarot cards and my laptop full of fail, grab my tickets, my anti-asthma medicine, and walk the two miles to the train station.
Laptop full of furry porn more like. Don't lie, swami.
For one, every claim now needs to be verified. How the hell can I verify that I have 14 or so years as a tarot reader besides my own brain? Some fancy schmancy diploma? How does one measure an 85% accuracy rate?
If you only have an 85% with Tarot you're doing something way wrong. It should be 99% at minimum. It's so goddamn vague it can't help but be true. Ever wonder why the symbols are so generalized and vague as to relate to the human condition regardless of the human?
I'm bringing Emerald (my laptop) but I'm going to see if I can't do a format c: from DOS on that thing first.
You named your laptop and call it by its first name. Great. Also you could do a full format from boot by getting your operating system disc and sticking the bitch in there and following the onscreen instructions BUT THIS IS FURRIES WE'RE TALKING ABOUT. MUST DO EVERYTHING DIFFERENT.
Ok, this is getting really out of hand. I simply don't sleep these days. At best I can get in a 3 hour nap, but barely, and it doesn't do anything for me. Either I close my eyes and my mind won't STFU, I can't even close my eyes, or I simply can't relax enough to get to sleep.
Maybe you're finally turning into a cheetah or whatever the fuck!
And now it's having a big effect on me. I can barely do readings at the moment, AND I completely forgot all contact information for the job interview I have tomorrow.
It goes without saying that "readings" are basically idiot proof and for you to fuck it up this hard really says something about you.
It's 100% psychological. I'm sure of it. I wonder what my subconscious is so afraid of that it won't let me sleep so I can solidify my memories and get my thoughts straight.
I know what my subconscious would be afraid of. "Holy shit I'm a furry who reads Tarot for a living what the shit am I doing with my life?" It'd be one thing if you were Miss Cleo and turned this into a swindling empire but apparently you really suck at it.
I don't want to have to drop another 20 on a haircut. But. My hair is down past my shoulders now and if I had breasts and minus a mustache I would definately look like a girl (not like I wouldn't mind, being gender dysphoric and all...)
It's little wonder no place on Earth wants to hire you. Furry, Tarot card reader, "gender dysphoric" (future tranny).
Payment received from the tarot site via paypal, transfer request to my bank account in progress. I give them until Monday of next week.
I was expecting 1200, got 1100.
Shit maybe I should try my hand at this. It'd be easy money.
Can anyone tell me what "IRQL_IS_LESS_THAN_0" means?
Bad RAM. Get a new laptop.
I just had a BAD crash. Bluescreened after logging off Second Life.
Hurr durr.
Guess who started a game of Spore and who went halfway through the game before forgetting to save through the entire last level he played?
Casual fag.
That's it. I can't take any more of this bullshit. This guy's entire life reads like a parody written about furries.
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