Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I Get It.

Obama won. Yay for Obama. Can we please, please, get past it?
That was a rhetorical question, of course, because of course we can't.
Thankfully there are people like Lilyaquarius, though. Too busy swimming in lake me to even pause for a moment of introspection.
Her first post confirms my worst fears: she can't log in to Myspace. My God.
Also she seems to have a bizarre ban on cussing, but like any reasoned adult she doesn't simply avoid cussing because she finds it unsavory, instead she uses the words but censors them. Yes, the word "damn" is a lot less offensive when you reverse the 'n' and the 'm'.
Then she has a long (like two times longer than one of my posts long) post about how Marvel comics (I know) is going downhill and is shit. Since I'll be goddamned if I'm going to refute her ignorant opinions one by one I'm going to give my blanket response to it:
comic books are for children and therefore contain infantile stories. That is why the stories are shit, because they are for children.
I never understood this logic before. WHY DOES THIS CARTOON I'M WATCHING AVOID THE DEEP PHILOSOPHICAL ISSUES? Because it's a fucking cartoon. Jesus.
But one thing went through my mind - "anime fest. Anime fest. ANIME FEST!"

Ha, ha cool kids in Texas watch the fuck out.

It was two thirty when I finnaly got out of line.

Second time you've done this, captain phonics.

Now as anyone who knows me knows that my favorite VO is Scott McNeil.

I couldn't even name one voice actor.
I'm not saying that like "oh look how cool I am" because I know every single character in the Shin Megami Tensei series (first and last name) so this is like ultra-nerd right here.
Next weekend my big sis and I along with (maybe) some of our friends are going up to Dallas to see Scott McNeil!!! IN person!!! :falls over and dies of squealing:

I have to feel bad for these anime voice actors. They probably got into this thinking it'd be steady work. Little did they know they'd have to deal with the most annoying fanbase ever.
All right I looked this guy up and I've actually seen practically everything he's ever done (I'm a big Gundam fan fuck it) and I didn't even know.

Who here likes DB/DBZ? Raise your hand if you do.

In a nostalgic sense sure because I was 12 when I was into it but I can't honestly say I've given it serious attention in this decade.
Also before this turns into a serious thesis on the DBZ mythos I'd like to point out the entire plot is basically an excuse to have a 15 episode fight scene so please don't overanalyze this.
Well, lets talk about my favorite character from that franchise, none other then the green alien himself: Piccolo.

Imagine that. You talking about yourself.
Now as any fan would know Piccolo is a namek, who is from a race a green aliens, who can create the Dragonballs, and who are all asexual.

Yes as any fan would know. Pfft.
Wait! What was that last part again? Oh yeah... asexual. Meaning he doesn't have it or anything else. Now I'll admit I didn't know that Piccolo was without that at the start.

Who gives a shit?

All right. I'm out of time but I will continue this little rant-a-thon as it were much later.

lilyaquarius tackling the tough issues of our time. God bless you, lilyaquarius.
That's it. That's her last post. Well, besides the introduction post which continues the trend of being boring as fuck.
Ha, ha, ha I clicked on "friends" and she has none. Livejournal just destroyed you.

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