I can do this, I can do this-- okay.
Right away I'm already making an angry face at this blog. What is that in the upper right corner I spy?
Despite it's difficulty, I'm glad I've got the thumbs up to perform it.
"It's" doesn't impl-- fuck it.
When the lesson was over, I took the bus back to the dorms and played for another hour (bringing the grand total to about four hours for those who are counting) before heading to the union for lunch, which I'm eating now. Yay food.
I bet the people that live around you fucking despise you for this. Fuck you shut that claptrap up.
I've got to go to Japanese in twenty minutes, and then I've got to study for the midterm, which I suppose won't be too hard, as it's just memorization.
No, stop! Learning a language involves memorization? Jesus Christ a regular phenom at this, you.
I should really practice my kanji, but who knows how the fuck I'll feel after all this is said and done...
I like how she(?) structures this like "ehh maybe I should practice that I don't know" it's only one of the most difficult parts of Japanese. No big deal shouldn't have to keep up with that.
I think the trick to staying on top of things is going to be forgetting any ideas I might have had about keeping a social life... which is fine, really.
Fuck you what are you doing right now? Cut this shit out and get back to practice and maybe you wouldn't be so goddamn busy. I bet most of your day is filled with frivolous nonsense. I bet if you broke down how many hours you actually spent on kanji it'd be less than, say, ten.
I'm not here too make friends, or play Final Fantasy XI, I'm here to play the shit out of my guitar, and I'm determined not to keep looking like a total fuck-up in front of the whole guitar department.
You could stop playing Final Fantasy XI all together. It's just a second job you have to pay for. That'd be many hours a day freed up.
Also nice use of "too" there. You may not be an embarrassment to the guitar department but you're the laughing stock of the English department.
This may not look like a HUGE classload,
Because it's not. End of thought.
but do keep in mind that I'm trying to practice guitar for 2-3 hours a day and learn piano and another language XD Okay, I'm done.
Oh it does keep going. Nice "XD" there, weeaboo.
Further, you don't have to justify your class choices to me. Sounds like you're trying to convince yourself you're that busy, because if you aren't you really don't have an excuse for being such a huge twat.
Here's what I'd say in my situation: "yeah what little work I do have is mitigated by my immense genius. It's pretty fucking great to be me, actually."
Her next entry is entitled:
some weabooisms are absolutely unforgivable.
Which is really funny because I was thinking of titling this entry that.
Piano fundimentals was fun.
Japanese was... well, a bit tough XD You know when your teacher makes you do that super awkward "Getting to know you" bullshit that nobody likes, and it really couldn't get any worse? Now try doing it in a language you don't know XD Frustration ensues. I do have an EXTREMELY amusing anicdote, however.
Anicdotes, huh? Is that any relation to anecdotes? This is what gets me at every language class I've ever taken (which has been a few). How can people who don't even speak English properly possibly learn another lanuage? In this case it's one that doesn't even use the Roman alphabet.
Well maybe that would be to her benefit, but my point stands.
Here's the thing, though. If this was Japanese she'd have exacted this shit. I wouldn't be pointing out "it's actually fundamental and anecdote" because she'd have nailed it.
Goddamn weeaboos.
College is so hard. Somebody, anyone, please come to Milwaukee and put a bullet or two inside of me right the fuck now. I'll pay.
Yeah being a music major must be real fucking difficult. I drive past your ilk on a daily basis to my bombed out English building that doesn't even have proper lighting. Right past the domed edifice of Collegic Gothic construction that is the music department, past all the bescarved bards, and I think "wow those are people who lead difficult lives." Fuck you, music majors. You're privileged, spoiled fuckwits.
I wouldn't bear a grudge if you people didn't get two new buildings last year. My department can't even claim lightbulbs and you get a concert hall and a practice hall? No, fuck you.
How am I supposed to know which of these circles is the lower note!? I'm not ms. fucking Cleo over here.
Okay I know this one. I've done this before, let me try and remember. What do I do when I don't know something for a class?
I seem to recall there was a series of pages arranged in a linear fashion and bound with a binding-- oh that's right. I READ THE FUCKING TEXTBOOK YOU IDIOT.
dumb post? pretty much.
No, not from you.
all of this semester's tuition is do immedietly.
I haven't been to the University of Milwaukee's webpage, but I have to assume they have 090-level English classes that could get you up to speed.
Crazy eighty page packet thing - about affirmative action. I swear, I'm going to finish reading more undecided than when I started...
Shit you actually do that shit? I just said I lost it the day it was due and no one said anything because I was a senior.
And so once again I'm torn between two polar opposites. What's a romantic such as myself to do? *sigh*
Join the Baroque movement because it's for tough internet space marines such as myself.
So I kinda feel like shit, and I figure, rather than talking directly to a real person, I'd BLOG all my troubles away.
Logic would dictate I should end the entry here to stop a headache, but I won't because I'm fucking stupid.
This morning I was feeling sick when I woke up, but I hate taking time off from school, so I decided to tough it out.
Oh yeah, you, the scholar who not... Five hours later was complaining that she actually had to do homework? Yeah you'd be remiss to actually take a day off.
The day went pretty okay, physically, except every time I eat, it feels like I get hungrier. It's weird, the food I'm eating never seems like the food I need, and ends up looking really disgusting to me, and I feel like I need more and more of something else... (I also spent like a half hour in the bathroom, but I'll spare the details...)
Well I'd say you're pregnant but that can't possibly be unless this is the second coming of Jesus Christ. (Virgin birth joke I think I was going for here sorry I'm annotating this after I finished writing the entry)
My acoustic guitar has broken strings, so I brought along my electric today.
Play Money For Nothing. If you can make it through the entire opening solo with no fuck ups you'd officially be off my shit list.
Let alone how to go about decoding the crazy theory jumble, write it down, and actually play it.
Shit who knew they'd actually expect you to know music in music class?
Besides people who are actually good at instruments don't bother with any of this shit, do they? They just crank out badass guitar riffs and make millions.
Of course then there's the classically trained who appreciate this kind of shit and eventually join symphonies, but I imagine they thrive on just what you're bitching about.
Face it kid, you're not cut out for either life.
I'm actually to the point where I'm sick of listening to music. What the SHIT. I flicked through my iTunes going "lame, lame, lame, lame, lame" like nine times today.
Maybe you should download quality music because I never seem to have this problem.
Margret Cho kicked ASS.Ha, ha really? That's surprising.
She called Anne Coulter "Kuntakinte" and I was laughing too hard to be offended.
Oh ha, ha. That's cute. No, really. That's... That's a cute joke.
So I've got a shitload of homework. Am I going to do it? Fuck no. Why? Because it's the last semester of my senior year and FUCK SCHOOL ANYWAY, that's why.
Yeah now you get it. Cutting out at noon to watch soap operas and go to the mall.
Well that's it. I'm tired of writing this.
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