Read this shit.
So, for the past 3 days or so, I've been like the people in depression ads. Not moving from the couch, not getting dressed, barely eating.... I don't really feel like I'm depressed, though.
Fuck it.
I'm so in love with my tattoo, I want another one.
Wonder what it is? I bet it's either a heart, a butterfly above the ankle (white trash tattoo) or some Chinese character on the arm in horrible pidgin Chinese.
I like the lower back/"tramp stamp" area... but people say that can cause problems when you have babies and want an epidural.
Ha, ha... Jesus.
Plus, I'm not a tramp.
That's like saying "I let legions of men fuck me on a nightly basis." Flat refutation of something like that is more than likely confirmation.
I don't want it somewhere like on my wrists/arms or legs because I want to be able to cover it up if I ever need to.
Why get one, then? Just pretend you have one and forget the whole thing.
God damn, I had a $200 mobile phone bill this month. It wouldn't be so bad.... except I am practically unemployed.
Americans coming to terms with the harsh reality that they can't throw money around like crazy. It's really funny because they treat the fact that they can't spent 200 dollars on a monthly cellphone bill like it's a serious decrease in their quality of life.
Hopefully someone or something will get me out of this mess... :(
Ha, ha baby needs her bottle? Find a job you parasite.
I've just had an epiphany.
I'm engaged to a fucking BAD ASS.
Yeah anyone who would marry you has to be a regular Dirty Harry, huh?
Maybe I am ignorant?
Yeah maybe.
How is killing an innocent animal any different from an abortion?
Ooph. Hear that? That was me getting hit with the proverbial right hook of a debating heavy weight champion.
If you can't see the difference between this:

Both are living things.
An embryo is alive in the loosest sense of the term. If you "killed" that embro you'd be killing hundreds of thousands times fewer cells than you would by scratching your arm once.
This entire post is very odd to me because she seems to be arguing for abortion using strictly anti-abortion terminology.
Dustin turns 20 on Monday. He is an old man. I'm gonna be in my teens engaged to a guy in his twenties. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. I love him. I met him when he was 15. Isn't that cute? :)
No. :D
I don't enjoy feeling like a fucking loser living off my parents.
Shit's so cash don't feel bad.
Of course if you aren't doing anything then get a job, sheeet.
Nothing will ever, EVER compare to The Beatles. The four men who made up The Beatles are the closest things to any kind of living God the world has come across.
Yep. 1970 was the end of music because The Beatles broke up. Everyone had to pack it up after that.
The Beatles were overrated, let's face it. I mean, I like The Beatles, but once the term "living God" comes up you're overrated.
The Beatles would never be considered "pop" by today's standards.
Fucking yeah they would get out of here.
They had some rock hits but their fame was won on pop music.
Also I'd call their "rock" hits pop hits anyway because in comparison to their contemporaries they were still poppy. Cream was around at this point, for Christ's sake.
Now here's a list of shit she doesn't want to hear from people. I'd like to preface this by saying people are basically one step removed from animals and give literally no thought to whatever they say, so all this shit that could be interpreted as negative is probably meant to comfort you, somehow.
But let's face it you are a woman (oh ho destroyed) after all, so you'll treat this is as illogically as possible.
"Aren't you afraid that he'll be killed?"
Hell no.
I like how she constantly refers to this guy as "her" marine. Something about that really grinds my shit. I don't know why because I bet I wouldn't have noticed if she said "my boyfriend".
"My boyfriend had to go to Europe for business once for three weeks. I totally know what you're going through."
Establishing, of course, a camaraderie with the other person in the dialog is a smart way to form a bond with someone. Someone like me, who expects such ignorant comments from people on a constant basis would interpret this as an attempt to share in the loneliness with being away from someone's spouse, but not Mrs. Logic:
This one is similar to the one above. Do not equate your boyfriend's three week with a 7-10 month deployment to a war zone. Aside from the obvious trip length difference, nobody shot at your boyfriend or tried to blow him up with an I.E.D., your boyfriend could call home pretty much any time he wanted to, he flew comfortably on a commercial plane, slept between crisp white sheets and ate well, paying for everything with an expense account.
Yeah we're nothing alike. Welp, not sure why I'm speaking with you, then. Get bent. Seriously just roll with the fucking conversation, please? This is why you're unemployed. Anything anyone says that you disagree with in the slightest suddenly becomes a goddamn Mexican standoff. I know people are insensitive and you think they can't relate to the deep emotions that only you can possibly feel or whatever it is you think but they tried their goddamn best, didn't they? They probably didn't mean to offend you (I mean I would have just to see what havoc I could cause, but I'm a jackass anyway).
He even asked me what I've been up to, like that matters when he's in Iraq.
You know a lot of guys in Iraq attempt to establish shit like that so they know life is still nor-- fuck it you're a mutant who can't possibly relate to any human action, can you?
Jesus Christ it's like an entire ocean separates you from the rest of civilization. Are the actions of others really that goddamn mysterious to you?
Fall is in the air. You can smell it, feel it. I'm so excited.
Yes the time of decline and eventual death is filled with such vibrancy that I can't help but be excited.
Really connected with nature, are you now?
So, for all you women (and men, for that matter) who are complaining because you haven't seen your boyfriend for a week or whatever... be thankful he's not deploying.
Ha, ha, ha look at this. "Well whatever you think you have to deal with pales in comparison to the suffering I feel." Fuck you, lady.
The thing is I agree with her. I have no clue what that must feel like, but she's such a bint about it that I can't help but hate her.
Lol, I'm not really that upset, but still.. it's fucking Harry Potter.
Maybe it's because I hang around with a bunch of college educated nerds, but the only time people say "it's fucking..." it's usually something like "the fucking Odyssey" or "the fucking Crusades" or something actually awesome.
Uhh... Third world countries. Like, what was it... Iraq.
:( x infinity
You can't actually multiply something by infinity because it's not a numb--
I had my first ever psychic reading last night.
Herp durp durp
What a weird experience.
She was oddly accurate, and yet
everything was extremely vague.
Wow you even saw the trick and it was still lost on you.
This is why the fool and his money are quickly parted, people.
I'm not into that whole tarot cards,
crystal ball, zodiac sign kind of stuff.
Yeah I bet fucking not because the actual meaning behind these things requires introspection and thought as well as a working knowledge of how people behave, something you're clearly uncomfortable with.
I love how people make me feel like shit because I want to do something about being 900 miles away from my boyfriend (or fiancee, lol).
It's one 'e' you uncultured bore. "Fiancee" is the girl version. "Fiance" is the male version.
There's also a rising diacritic on the last 'e' in each but I don't know how to make that because I'm English and my language conforms to the characters it was given.
I don't know how many times I have to repeat myself, but I am not planning to get married this year.
Well the later entries make a liar out of you, don't they?
But, at least he's not deploying. =]
I'm from the future. I have bad news.
I'm pretty impressed with how awesome I am.
Hey that's what I say after I reread each entry I write too!
John Denver was such an amazing musician.
I don't care what kind of music you listen to.
You are musically challenged if you don't know or like John Denver.
And that's seriously a fact, not an opinion.
The internet: where opinions are facts, facts are opinions and everyone is retarded.
Why would they let someone like her go when I've only been there 8 months?
Probably because your work is unskilled and she made way more than you do?
After this she just starts repeating how much she misses her boyfriend. He's probably glad to be away from her, goddamn.
oh god i found out last week that a good friend of mine has the character for 'oni' tattooed on his shoulder. I stopped walking, told him I lost all respect for him, and started back towards the car. He still defends his decision.
I hope he dies in a fire.
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