I don't think I could double major in psychology and applied mathematics.
Mostly because of the "applied mathematics" part. I could major in psychology with no problems. Maybe it's my own understanding of math (none) but anyone who has any mathematical knowledge I automatically consider smart. Maybe it's my mistake.
Ugh, I am a total failure in getting things done this weekend.
That summarizes my weekends always. Who gives a shit? I certainly don't and none of my school work does.
I had the most ridiculous math quiz of my life yesterday. I mean, I don't know. Not in terms of like... the stuff was impossible, but that it was impossible to expect us to get the problems done in half an hour.
What kind of math takes that long to solve?
I seriously don't know. That wasn't a rhetorical question.
So part of me is happy about that, but the other part is like... well, he's counting 10 quizzes and we can drop any quizzes past that, and this is our 12th, and right now the lowest quiz I'm dropping is an 18/20, so it seems pointless to me to really work hard on this quiz because I need to get at least a 19 and I'm not that confident that I'll get that.
... I'm not a math major like you, but if he's only counting 10 quizzes and the lowest one (the one you're dropping) is an 18/20, that means you have an A average.
Why are you worrying about this, exactly?
Also what kind of crazy school is this? At most I get my lowest quiz grade dropped, not the lowest three (at least).
Anyways, I was trying to figure out all this stuff before today because I thought I was supposed to register today, but as it turns out, I was looking at the wrong time. Oops?
You know all this shitting math and psychology but you don't know there's no 's' on "anyway"? Carriage before horse, etc.
Anyways, so yeah, today is ridiculously nice and relaxed.
I've tabulated the average number of sentences in her blog that start with "anyways" or "so yeah". 55%. 55% devoted to three words.
Second, President-Elect (!) Obama had his first press-conference since being elected and seriously, it ridiculous how excited and giddy that made me.
That is ridiculous. You're silly for being excited about this bullshit.
Anyways. Other things that made yesterday awesome: I turned in my major plan to the registrar! I'm officially a psych major!
I am certain that English 101 is a requirement for any major.
The term "ridiculous" appears 19 times on the front page alone. I'm sure if you did a search for "cunt" or "fuck" in my blog it'd appear something like 17 billion times but that's different because I use it as a punctuation mark, not as an adjective. Get a thesaurus, Jesus.
So apparently The Ex List has been canceled.
There is justice in the world.
I guess I haven't mentioned it at all, but I've been watching it, and I think it's really cute.
Somehow I'm not surprised.
If you've remained ignorant to this program, behold:
Holy shit this show is awful.
Anyways, I have two tests tomorrow, which totally sucks.
I'd mention right now that I'd like people to be more interesting, but that's not really their fault, come to think of it.
Try to make your language more interesting, I guess. Or, better yet, don't have blogs. Just don't do it.
You don't hear me updating today "hey blog I have a fucking biology test on Wednesday that I'm not going to study for and get 115% on because this class is bullshit" do you? Of course not.
I guess here's my confusion. To me, if you publish something on the internet for all to read you believe somewhere in the deep recesses of your brain that it's worth reading. If you didn't think it was, it'd just be a text document on your desktop or a notebook you keep near your bed, wouldn't it? Somewhere in this stupid cunt's brain she thinks "yes people give a shit that I have two tests tomorrow."
Either that or people are so married to their technology that they never considered not putting it on the internet, at which point we might as well just plug ourselves into the internet now because that's where this is headed.
What the hell, why is it snowing right now?! I don't even understand how this is possible. I mean, it's not sticking, but it's definitely snow. My dashboard says the temperature is 44 degrees! How can it snow at all at 44 degrees?
How can a psychology/applied mathematics major have so little understanding of basic science?
I'll keep this short because I know for a fact I, along with all other American children, learned this shit in the second grade.
You see in the atmosphere it's a lot colder that it is down here on the surface of the Earth, so when it rains up there in the sky and it's cold, it snows, and it doesn't melt (because the temperature on Earth is relatively close to the temperature up there) immediately. That's why it isn't sticking.
And, ok, my dashboard also says that it's party cloudy, but I checked on weather.com to see the wind chill and apparently with wind chill it's 29 degrees, except I went outside and there's no way in hell that it's 29 degrees.
Apparently you don't have a lot of experience with the elements and outdoors shit when someone who never ventures out yonder has to explain this to you.
Okay here's how it works. Wind chill is how cold it is when the wind blows, so if you get hit with a huge gust it's 29 degrees. The ambient (look it up) temperature isn't 29.
I like how she qualifies that stupid statement with "and okay" like she's going to blow the entire meteorology community apart with this brilliant insight.
I mean, I like the snow, but if it's not going to stick, there's just no point to it.
Well this would be cause and effect, wouldn't it? It's not like nature decided to make it snow. The chemical requirements for it to snow and not stick were met so that's what happened.
Anyways, the sucky part of the weekend was that I had to write a 5-page paper while I was there.
A FIVE PAGE PAPER JESUS CHRIST. You're in for a shock if you ever go for your doctorate.
And the write-up for my child observation project which isn't too bad because it's not a paper, it's just answering questions, and I have so much trouble actually starting papers but just answering questions is easy, so hopefully it won't take forever for me to finish that
One might wonder what she was thinking, majoring in psychology. In every psychology class I've taken (a few) the amount of research papers has given any English class I've taken a run for its money. Someone who clearly hates grammar and the English language, research papers and simple observation probably isn't cut out for an occupation that comprises in its entirety the observation of human interaction and discourse and writing the results or relaying them in a meaningful fashion to others.
It isn't necessarily a clear indicator but to me it speaks volumes that she can't even figure out the rather simple mechanisms of how snow works (well, the telling part was she didn't know how to go about finding this information) and yet she expects to analyze the behavior of people who are several degrees more complicated and irrational than natural weather patterns.
Tomorrow I'm going to walk over to this pre-school near campus and observe a class for my child observation project. I'm kind of nervous, I guess?
All right psych major, what does that tell you?
There's no reason to be nervous since I'm just supposed to sit there and, well, observe.
You acknowledge your fear is irrational and yet?
But I am a little nervous anyways.Son of a fuck.
Here's where as a psychology major you're supposed to say "maybe I have a bit of a social phobia" or "maybe new experiences can be a little scary maybe I should consider this in my interaction with children, where most likely all experiences are going to be new" but nope. No thought given to this.
I thought I was going to do way worse than that. This is why my study habits are becoming so terrible; even when I procrastinate like crazy and do a half-assed job, I still end up doing fine. It is positively reinforcing my terrible study habits!
No it--
forget it.
Just forget it.
If you want to solve this riddle, ask yourself this: is there anything to reinforce?
If you didn't study and still did fine, maybe studying isn't necessary in the first place, and therefore you aren't reinforcing an undesired behavior (the idea of good and bad are in the realm of philosophy, not psychology). If you didn't study and failed a test, you'd start studying because your environment necessitated a change in behavior.
But the paper isn't due until Friday, so at least I do have time. I just wanted to finish it today because my parents are coming up Thursday and I'd like to spend time with them rather than writing a paper.
Most people would just write the paper, but not this one.
Bottom line: I'm getting an A+ in procrastination this week! sigh.
This is starting to get tedious. At what point do you say "well I have an A average in multivariable statistics so I must be doing something right"?
Anyways, yesterday went pretty crappy.
Every word in this sentence is wrong.
I guess that's it, then, because I totally forgot about this post for about half an hour.
that youtube link loaded in a secondary tab while i was still reading, and the song i had playing at the time actually made it sound like a purposeful sample at the onset. having dialog from that show play over weird Israeli jazz-funk-metal fusion is prolly the best way I could have been exposed to that trash.
this is not one of your best. just throwing that out there.
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