Wednesday, December 12, 2012


When meeting with a new client the first time, often the first question I hear is "how much life insurance do I need?" While that is a key question it usually can't be answered until certain information is known. A common guideline in the industry is 8 to 10 times your annual income. 
End of article.
No, I kid. It goes on for 3-4 more pages.
OK, let's say your annual income is $50,000, so your coverage should be $400,000 to $500,000. 
Yes that would be in the neighborhood of 8-10 times.
Thanks for breaking it down for me. I forgot how to multiply by 10 for a second.
OK that makes sense but what if you are a stay at home mom with no income? Does that mean mom doesn't need insurance?
That's why the dad remarries.
Sorry that was insensitive.
That's why--
No fuck it statement stands.
On the contrary, we know moms are the most under paid people out there because of everything she does for our family and we would be totally lost without her. Yes mom needs to be insured for sure, so forget the 8 to 10 times rule and read on. 
Insure her for 100000000 times her present income.
Wait, no--
that's still 0.
a trillion.
The only way I believe you can determine how much insurance you need is to share certain information with your insurance agent.
All that for "ask a professional."
If I make 500,000 a year (har har) then she's getting insured for that much as well because I'm not marrying someone less valuable than me.
Caesar's wife must be beyond reproach, etc etc.
If you don't know the name of an agent, ask your friends and business associates who they use and trust.
Just find the most Jewish sounding name on the list.
The five reasons you should learn to can your own food are:
1.) Save money 
2.) Ensure the quality of your food 
3.) Preserve family recipes 
4.) Become independent of grocery stores 
5.) Utilize excess produce from your garden
>excess produce from my garden
leaves and dog shit. 
This blog really sucks so I'm going to start linking some songs you should be listening to along with this entry to keep the intrigue up.
 The first reason you should learn to can is to save money. It's true that canning requires a modest investment to begin, but the equipment quickly pays for itself. 
Out of the Cellar is seriously one of the best albums ever. If you don't have it you're a FAGGOT.
Round and Round
Wanted Man
Are you discouraged about America today? Do you think that we have lost our way?
No more bands like Dire Straits or Ratt--
What happened to the world?
Do you despair that we will ever get government "by the people for the people," or do you think that it is slowly perishing from the earth in favor of power elites who can buy elections and then do whatever they want?
Honestly in my daily dealings with people I think we have the government we deserve.
We don't really deserve someone badass to lead us out of the dark ages until we can prove we're not complete twats.
The Declaration of Independence, signed on July 4th, 1776, has become one of the hinges of history, in America and all over the world. In these magnificent words, this nation began:
"We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they were endowed by Their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
Do you know that most people start to lose the experience of their Authentic Self shortly after they are born?
Authentic self?
Are you saying I front, bitch?
Wow there's a term no one has heard since 1995.
You're welcome, white middle America.
Do you know the Authentic Self slowly goes underground as it is replaced by a "false" self that attempts to survive and adapt to an often inhospitable social environment where true self expression is prohibited?
People couldn't handle what I really think. Let's be honest.
Do you know this means that most individuals wind up "living" false or inauthentic lives often associated with unexplained feelings of emptiness, purposelessness, depression, confusion, pessimism and despair? 
I don't know how you can listen to that song and not be in at least a slightly better mood.
Let me start by reminding you that the experience of the Authentic Self is one in which one feels confident, self assured, loving towards themselves, worthy and deserving, peaceful, empowered, free, in charge of one's mind/body and life, strong, self validating, emotionally independent and self sufficient, self directed, in full ownership and authority over themselves, centered, grounded, joyful, resilient, creative, spontaneous, alive, present, clear, discerning and much more.
Yeah if you have a job half that shit is right out the window. 
I think Dante had about the right of it: other people are hell.
Was that Dante?
I don't know if anyone reading this has noticed but if I like a quote I'll just attribute it to one of about a dozen people.
Half the quotes I quote aren't really said by these people at all.
Most people experience this "opening" in their Heart region. That is because what I refer to as one's Life Force Energy (LFE) which is the energy/wisdom from which the Authentic Self is sourced "enters" (or "re-enters") the mind/body at that point and then spreads like a wave throughout the rest of the being.
... What?
So how does LFE, and hence your Authentic Self, get depleted/separated from the mind/body in the first place?
Well, as mentioned, when one is born here they begin to experience events that prohibit, prevent, inhibit and undermine the LFE's right to remain in the mind/body and therefore in control of it. This is equivalent to losing one's freewill and becoming a pawn to external societal pressures.
Well thanks for that. I guess I'm all fixed now.
Oh, I know what time it is:
When isn't it Scorpions time, though?
A trip to Burma (also known as Myanmar) is a once in a lifetime travel opportunity, which means that vacationers want to make sure that they're able to experience everything the country has to offer.
>Going to Burma
Yeah, cool place to go if you like military dictatorships.
Located between Thailand, Laos, Bangladesh, India and China, the country is officially called the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. 
Anyone with children who can move around on their own has felt the sinking feeling that your child is lost. Most of the time the feeling only lasts a split second before you realize your child just moved to the other side of the shopping cart, or stopped to examine a toy just before you turned into the next aisle at the store.
But every so often (and I personally have a couple memories from my own childhood) a child actually does get lost and for the next heart pounding minutes everything in the world stops except your need to find your child again.
If my kid ever gets lost--
I feel sorry for anything in their way. 
Line of Sight - This one works best when the density of the crowd is minimal. 
Gotta break up that LoS.
Shopping centers, department stores and parks are good examples. Basically I just tell my kids that they can't go behind things or around corners from me. The key to this is establishing some kind of signal which means "come back now". If the signal is ignored by the child, instant revocation of independence occurs, usually accompanied by some other punishment like a time-out.
If you're spotted do everything to break LoS.
Plan enforcement comes in the form of restricted freedom should one of the kids break the rules. One minute per year of age seems to be enough time of forced proximity or hand-holding to convince our independent minded kids to stick to the rules. Usually we don't have to actually get angry or shout at the kids for them to stick to the rules, simply removing privileges is enough to reinforce them.
Hand holding?
If they break the rules?
Yeah if you want to raise pussies who will be murdered instantly in the coming apocalypse.
Man this blog is fucking boring.
You know, their other big hit.
I was going to go for something obscure but nah don't want to be hipster about it.
Besides, name 15 better songs than this one.
Hear that opening riff?
Finally, in each situation, I try to give my kids a plan for what to do should the worst happen. Depending on the situation, we lay it out -
Basics of CQC.
Anyway I'm up to the start of this shit so I'm going to get going now.

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