Monday, December 3, 2012

Let's keep this quick

Got a Stream to watch so I'm keeping this shit quick.
Here's a blog called Egotistical Whining.
I could be watching a stream of Dragonborn right now. Remember that.
stuff I was expected to provide for jobs:

My own work ID - a job I had
My own SUV -  a job I got turned down for, for that reason.
My own 'reliable transportation' - every job ever
Holy shit. A job requests that you have a way to get to said job daily?
Look I'm not really for anyone's rights but my own but you have to admit that's a fairly reasonable request from an employer.
My own laptop - the same job that I was to provide my own work ID for.
My own cell phone - ditto.

I'm glad I'm not a poor person. 
Well I'm sure not taking this job without a way to entertain myself so I'm glad you admitted a cellphone and the internet are required for my job.
Speaking of: man I picked a shitty way to review my classes for the upcoming senior project presentation. I have them using my computer to present their Powerpoints. Now I can't browse vidya while they're talking about being a dental hygienist.
I've been unemployed for nearly a year.  Of course I know that it's harder to land a job when you've been out . Personally, I think this is a stupid system. Then again, I don't think you need years of experience to answer phones. Basically, our employment system is horribly inefficient, full of hoops to jump over and is a ridiculous parody of life. I've got nothing useful to say. Just saying. 
Why did I copy this?
I had something clever to say but I forget what it was.
In today's employment environment, there's a lot of what I call bullshit.  
Highly technical term you might not have heard of: it's called bullshit.
For example, computer applicant screening.  We'll have people who can be qualified to say "this is Staples. How may I help you?" or sort through boxes of stuff, but can't get hired because the computer says they live too far away or they can't figure out the right combination of answers- good but not too good, to fool the system. So people are frozen out. 
I got my shitty grocery store job by driving in every day for about a week before they hired me.
God that job sucked so hard. Why did I even take it? Being unemployed would make you more money and be less degrading.
On interns, fuck you, pay me. Why? Because if they can work someone 12 hours per day for free, they won't hire anyone on for a job. So the economy is stifled since you can't buy anything nice on $0/hr, so no jobs are created in other industries, so it's a horrible cycle.
At least you're not paying for the privilege like I did so shut up.
Holy shit it's the one thing in my life where I can really say I had it the worst.
I had to pay
for the privilege of working in one of the worst schools in the state.
What connects these two? Barriers for otherwise qualified people. It used to be that it wasn't considered 'entitled' to expect to be paid for working like a dog or at least something more to show for it than student loans and credit card bills.
Yeah but now I make the big bucks.
I'm going to have to require everyone to shut up about participation trophies. First, not everyone under the age of 30 was in a youth soccer league- possibly due to the parents not being able to afford to let their kids participate. And really, who is giving out the trophies? I know the 6 year olds aren't going "Man, I'd play soccer, but I won't get a participation trophy at the end". It's the grown ups not telling their children that they suck at soccer, are failures, and should not even go out on the pitch with such noncompetitive soccer skills.
As I've stated numerous times I'm teaching my children to be assassins.
In these unsure economic times the only skill I can guarantee will get them a job in the future is murder.
Or prostitution.
 I think the real  cause for their ire is the idea that young folks are enjoying themselves with no whiff of Calvinist dog eat dog. 
>dog eat dog
you really have no clue what the fuck you're writing, do you?
Yes, that well known social Darwinist and consequentialist, John Calvin.
Everyone gets to eat pizza and have a party- the worst player and the best player. There's an equality in that that people who feel that everything is a hierarchy can't understand as anything else but character destroying.
Infiltration, evasion, reconnaissance, CQC, hand to hand, extraction. These are the only skills worth knowing.
But the truth is that most of us won't be the best at anything. And those who can be the best- they love the thing enough to go through the hard parts without external reward. I think people do their best when work becomes real to them. 
Shit's going to be motherfucking real for my kids, man.
When they feel their efforts are of use. Without meaning to work, people flounder, and with young people, it's easy to say that we lack some essential verve because we're 'soft'. But, maybe people want to bring great customer service to people instead of annoying them with credit card offers. Maybe people want to help children blossom not teach state performance indicators or worry about a child's wellness reducing cash flow. 
They'll have meaningful and useful work and they'll make tons of money.
I have done everything a parent should do for their children.
I've taught them a craft, a skill--
it'll encourage their creativity and critical thinking because an assassin isn't just another hired goon--
I should write a parenting guide, really.
This is the best course of action for the future.
Maybe people want to be able to take pride in their work, and then only way to create pride is to create work that matters. I guess it's easier to complain about trophies. 
What greater pride can there be than in being the bane of kings?
I think if there's one thing recent events have taught us it's that the powerful have walked unchecked for far too long.
I think I've just landed on every single terrorist watch list ever with this entry.
This article about being an escort is interesting. Whenever a woman is seen trying to achieve something, there always seems to be an added question- is she fuckable?
A critical question and why I personally believe girl children would make prime candidates for assassins because if there's one group of people that underestimates women more than men it's other women.
People who say that if you have time to complain, you have time to change things are idiots. Why? It took me 20 seconds to type the first sentence of the post. Now, if I was to tackle a common problem- 'losing ten pounds' or 'being more organized', at least a week would be required.
Yeah but that sentence has achieved fuck all and in the same 20 seconds you could have been starting to prepare for losing weight or getting organized. 
Just because something doesn't take much time to do isn't really an excuse for why it's not done.
A lesson my classes are learning right now, unfortunately.
Losing ten pounds would require planning out exercise- "should I wake up at 5:30 to run three miles?", a meal plan (which includes figuring out what exactly is healthy),
Lady. The government spends tens of millions of dollars every year putting this shit on food packaging. It's not a fucking mystery about what's healthy.
Protip: don't eat at McDonald's.
Also by your own admission you're unemployed. You could be running dozens of miles every morning and no one would be the wiser.
If I just casually don't show up at my job--
well, who else would fill in for people who are running late?
and then actually doing the cooking and running. This is hours of effort. 
But eating nonstop is no effort--
have you ever considered just, you know, not eating?
And of course, this is not easy either- there will be times where I eat tons of delicious foods, and times in which I sleep in. So losing ten pounds may in fact take months, or even a year.
So then you won't lose weight.
I think this is kind of the major criticism of the participation trophy thing.
It kind of creates self entitled twats like you.
I get the feeling that people who say things like this just don't think about what they are saying, but they should. When people say things like that, they make light of change, which is brutally hard work. 
I don't think anyone is doubting the difficulty of change. I think they're just tired of whinging. 
No one is more acutely aware of the difficulty of losing weight than me, okay. My doctor told me if I lost weight I'd die.
So I know all about it.
A huge peeve I have is the idea that there's a minority of people who produce and the rest of us are useless parasites.
That mass of useless parasites is called politicians and lawyers.
They're like 60% of all Americans or something.
Many people use social services yet produce a lot of things, such as they stock our groceries, cook and serve our food, and clean our buildings. They pay sales tax, gas tax, and tons of other taxes. Without the workers, without the people who do the making, the shipping, the paperwork, the folks on top wouldn't have any profits to gamble with. 
See this is exactly why I'm training you kids in a trade.
So you won't be working 60 hours a week and still on welfare.
You'll make tons of cash.
You'll get to see tons of exotic places--
interesting work--
out of doors--
Man, I've found the parent plan to follow.
Is there any problem I can't solve?
People always say "I just make time!" as if somehow all time is equal. As if a sleepy afternoon hour when you can barely string together two sentences is the same as a peak energy morning hour! 
It's called willpower. Check into it.
There's a book I want you to read: it's called Meditations and it's by a guy named Marcus Aurelius.
I know you'll vehemently disagree with it at best and not even read it at worst but seriously check into it.
I try to put the most energy using tasks at the best times, but on some days, I have no good hours of energy. 
I call those "bookwork days".
Of course, the heart of this issue of who surmounts impossible odds to write and who doesn't, is that it doesn't really matter all that much. Sometimes people in fact are just talking. Everyone who says "Oh, I'd like to write a novel someday, when I have time" does not in fact need to be told about how if they just wrote a hundred words a day, they'd have a novel way before retirement or told about how they need to make time to write. 
If you think writing a book is just setting a side time to bang out 100 words then you'll never be published.
Most successful authors have the story brewing in their heads for years and the actual writing is almost an afterthought.
Yeah, just spoiled the deepest, darkest secret of writing right after "show, don't tell."
Now if you can bend all that to telling a story that has some sort of cultural truth in it then HOLY SHIT you're a good writer, too.
I can't even tell you how rare it is to find all three of these things in one person.
The thing is that the problem is not that people don't heed your advice. The problem is that you get twisted out of shape if people don't heed your advice.
The problem I have is all this brilliant advice falls on deaf ears.
This must be how the greatest sages of all time felt.
Ever heard the song Watching the Wheels?
It's basically like that is what I'm trying to say.
Now, I'm not a positive person. I don't tell others to smile or that their problems are unimportant because of the starving kids in Africa. But I think that some paths to problem solving are dead ends of despair. 
Basically what I'm trying to tell you kids is that there is always a source of misery and despair.
Just make sure you're that source and it's not the other way around and someone is making you miserable.
My first opinion is that not every child can be so easily dissuaded from sneaking out at night as the black snob. Some children are easier to parent than others, so a child who is easy to parent can be guided easily with a parent with just basic parenting skills. It's like getting a baby to sleep through the night. Some will sleep through the night no matter what a parent does almost
I'd be angrier at catching them than them sneaking out.
How many -years- have I spent teaching you how to evade and infiltrate and this is how you repay my kindness?
With this sloppy "I'm sneaking out of my bedroom window" waste of my fucking time?
Of course, many others may have issues with the narrative about the goals and dreams of teen moms- I get the vibe that some think that if teen girls had higher self esteem or more goals or something they wouldn't get pregnant, and while it's important for girls to have goals and dreams, a broken condom doesn't go "Well, she wanted to be an ob gyn,so I'll magically fix myself!",and contrary to stereotype, 'good girls' who have goals and study hard still have sexual relationships- some with well meaning boyfriends and some with 'men' who ought to be ashamed of themselves, and some will, even if they have access to birth control,will get pregnant, and some of them either won't have access to or do not desire to have an abortion or go through the trauma of adoption. 
Not my daughters.
Sex is another weapon in the arsenal. 
Children aren't a problem to be solved, but a solution to be envisioned. 
Or a weapon to be unchained.
Really it's all perspective.

The idea that everyone should fit into a narrow box of 'adulthood' does great harm. People go without help and support they need. And the places where we need support aren't visible to others. 
Thank you. Yes.
I've encouraged a unique solution to an extraordinary situation.
I'm sure some will flock to such shallow and nearsighted argument as "morals" and "ethics" to which I will respond that your duty as a parent is to ensure your child has a happy and productive life and I've clearly achieved this by granting them maximum freedom in their lives.
This is a service the world needs, too.
All tyrants have their day and so they must have their night as well.
While one person is on the ascendant one must invariably be on the descent.
My kids are the drawing night, the downward spiral into the eternal cold.
Now, with men, people tend to encourage their pretension that unattractive and broke 40 something men with no game can somehow have any woman he wants. When that ends up not being true- there's backlash.
It is?
If anything men are held to far higher dating standards, on average, than women.
Women are blamed for being materialistic, and amusingly, foreign women are tossed up as the answer to this issue.
Ahem. It is reassuring to see someone is at least paying attention.
"American women aren't family orientated like foreign women!" they say. 
Where are these other sages?
The fact is that American women who would love nothing more than to raise children and cook exist, but not just any man will do. 
Now I never once stated they didn't exist. They do.
Just in numbers small enough for me to recommend an alternate solution.
The whole mail order bride thing trades on desperation of poorer people to make a better life, but I am interested that no one suggests that black women start engaging in green card marriage. 
Well let's combine your solution with my solution.
Successful black women should marry successful white men.
That way no one can cry racism or whatever it is you're bitching about and you have Americans marrying Americans.
It really is like John Lennon said: there are no problems. Only solutions.
The upshot of this ramble is when women can't get the guy they want, they are expected to blame themselves[or others will blame them for them-therefore all those black women are awful for getting educations and stuff mess] and if men can't get the women they want, they are encouraged to blame women[in the original letter Cary Tennis tries to break the pattern in his own strange strange way]. So either way, women are blamed. Even if the problem is the guy smells like feet.
The problem is the expectation of a successful man is he must be attractive, attentive, educated, wealthy, urbane, a bad boy, adventurous, nurturing and any number of increasingly bizarre and sometimes contradictory traits while the only thing really expected from women is she be attractive and have an education, whether she has a personality or is actually intelligent or not.
And if this wondrous union goes tits up?
Well, guess who collects the lion's share of the assets?
If we are to look at marriage as a game (as all things in lifeshould be looked at as a great game) then there is little strategic value in a man getting married, but a woman has loads of reason to get married.
How can what is supposed to be a holy union survive under such tension?
Is college for everyone? As it is now, no. The amount of debt that is incurred is outrageous. I think there should be more vocational classes, but with a whole lot of caveats. I don't want voc-tech if it's just a warehouse for 'problem' children. 
Yeah I dunno where I'd send my kids. They can't go to the army and have all that creativity taken from them and turned into mindless foot sloggers but there isn't exactly a bachelor's in assassination--
I guess international affairs?
That seems reasonable.
After all, today's employers might be tomorrow's target.
Anyone can be taught to shoot a gun or pull a garrote but what can't be easily taught in a sitting is how to think.
The work of performing femininity is very obvious to me because I am so very bad at it. It requires a sort of detail orientation that I am not good at and also fine motor coordination and the remembering of rules that make no sense whatsoever. 
Detail oriented, fine motor coordination--
skills of an assassin.
Is there any way in which my plan doesn't work?
Who rules?
Anyway I've spent far too much time on this nonsense. I gotta watch this thing.

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