Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Check yourself before you wreck yourself

Women and politics all right lets do this shit.
My migraine is all better, incidentally. Thanks for the 0 well wishes, plebeians.
What do you think, is it time to talk about gun control yet? Can we, huh, can we?
Had to tell 3 people to check themselves before they wreck themselves today.
Not going to have a gun control debate from 16 year olds who can't even legally own a gun yet.
Yeah and I'm an adult now so clam it up.
We're reading Paradise Lost, goddamn. I don't have time for your bullshit one way or another.
Dear Mr Genachowski,

Media consolidation is dangerous to our democracy, and I urge you to back off on this subject. Please do not betray the American People by allowing Murdoch and his like to buy up all the TV and newspapers in America. 
Like you have freedom of the press now.
What a fucking joke.
That's what I tell these kids. English class is important because it'll teach you skills you need later in life to figure out how much the TV and the crap you read online is lying to you.
Also if I'm teaching the class it's also the last time in your life the written word won't be a lie.
Rather, we need the Fairness Doctrine reinstated. It would better serve American democracy to break up the already too consolidated media empires that exist to propagandize on American soil.
plz go
Case in point: the american people want 500 million jobs NOW. What do we get? We get all the bobble heads talking 24/7 about THE DEFICIT - we get Austerity in the form of "entitlement reform" by which we mean stripping the social services we have already bought and paid for down to nothing, and giving rich people tax breaks.
We get states playing a zero sum game of musical chairs, trying to entice corporations to move minimum wage jobs from one state to another. This is crazy.
"I don't understand macro economics" is what I'm reading right now. 
One town in CT just paid over $100,000.00 per year each for a few tens of jobs, when they could have directly hired more than twice the number of teachers, firefighters, police and janitors to do real work for the townspeople, at a good remuneration rate. 
I spent a great deal of time considering my current economic and infrastructure policies in my empire.
I feel I've been-- perhaps-- remiss about my strong arm tactics before.
I don't think death should be the first step for corrupt bureaucrats. In many cases they serve a necessary task.
So, in cases like this, we should find the offending party and cut off the pinkie finger.
Then if they do it again the only answer is death.
In many cases these people have a great deal of education and training and it would be a shame to waste it if the pawn cannot perhaps be repurposed to serve in Caesar's great game.
Caesar is both kind and just.
Dear Mr President,
We hired YOU to fight for US in Washington.
A president is weak and can only maintain the status quo.
If you want real change you need a true ruler.
First You negotiate away all of our most important ideas - Medicare for all, adequate stimulus, tax the rich... then you "put on the table" our most cherished programs - Social Security, Medicare, support for the destitute...
I believe Caesar (the actual Caesar) taught us that it is better to die than to negotiate.
Negotiation is just another form of suicide, really.
Now you want US to fight the republicans for YOU? have you not been listening and learning these last three years?
God the government has you plebeians trained.
Fight the Republicans?
As if they're some sort of alien invading entity?
They're fucking Americans like you, for Christ's sake.
There isn't a Republican party to fight--
it's just a different group of idiots who disagree with your particular notion of macro level economics.
The republicans do what their corporate overlords want as expressed through their oracle the tea party.
Yeah buddy. If EVE Online has taught me anything it's that corpos are big assholes.
I thought that fighting for Democratic values was YOUR job. YOU have the bully pulpit. 
You elected a president expecting him to do something besides serve his own self-interest?
How fucking stupid are you?
I've joined the ranks of the unemployed. I've spent the last three weeks (when I wasn't calling on jobs) wandering around wondering what to do with myself. I always thought that if I didn't have to get in the car every morning and race to work, I'd jump on all those projects that I've been putting off for years - like writing, and blogging, and art projects and getting some exercise...

It turns out that self discipline is a whole lot harder than you'd think.
This blog has no back button. I have to click on each month which then opens in a new tab.
I guarantee I'm the first person to even look for a back button on this cunt's blog but come on.
Obama invited Bush to Ground Zero for tomorrow's appearance... Bush said no.
If Obama called me and told me to come out and do something I'd tell him no too.
Listen, Obama, I'm sure it's important or whatever but I got battlecruiser orders to fill.
Here's a post about how full of shit the petroleum industry is-- amazingly, this post was entirely reasonable and I agree 100%.
Of course none of these thoughts were hers and it's just a copied image from another blog but whatever.
Dear Mr President,

I listened to your energy speech and I was amazed that we still cannot have an adult conversation about our energy problems here in the United States.
Stockpile all the petroleum in the world then blockade the Middle East.
I'll sell you gas, China, for ten thousand dollars a barrel.
Seriously, why am I not hired as an idea man?
Disband all government think tanks. I've solved 100% of our problems as a nation.
I mean, you all but said we should "drill baby drill". Your administration is giving out deepwater permits like they're candy, before the oil corps have even cleaned up the last mess they made. 
No don't worry about those permits. I'm then turning over 50% of those profits to researching alternate fuel.
0 dollars of tax money goes into this--
I've successfully cockblocked the growing threat of China
and I've balanced our budget
with a single war.
I guess fuck the last 5 presidents, huh?
I'm ace pro.
 Create an artificial shortage you dipshits.
I mean goddamn, it's like none of you play EVE Online.
What was that fuel source that Goonswarm blocked?
liquid ozone or some shit?
Why aren't cars powered by liquid ozone?
Everyday I'm not driving a car fueled by liquid ozone is another day of my life fucking wasted.
They still have not shown that they know what they're doing or how they can prevent another disaster in the Gulf. 
I'm waiting for that phone call.
When you people are tired of shit not going your way give me a call.
You just need a guy with an idea and the balls to execute the idea.
Take this cocksucker in EVE Online. He was mining my kernite.
So I asked him, kindly, if he could leave some for me.
We can share. I'm not greedy.
When he said the entire system was his I decided to show him how mistaken he was.
In this situation I'm the Taliban. His characters were better trained, had better equipment and everything.
And yet I can lose everything I use to mine thousands of times over before I go broke.
Every single one of his losses is prohibitively more expensive.
Fighting me at all costs him way more than it'll ever cost me.
So he packed up and went home.
This is how terrorists win.
You think there's emotion in this?
If you're fucking stupid you do.
It all comes down to his presence cost me money.
Being a thorn in his side cost him more money than it cost me so he went.
Even if I lost I won.
If anyone tells you the war on terror can be won he's either a fool or a liar.
We need a CLEAN GREEN JOBS INITIATIVE the size and the urgency of The Marshall Plan, and we need it NOW NOW NOW! 
As I said.
I've solved this issue already.
You think the Chinese are ready for a green energy initiative?
They will be in 60 years.
As it is they're stuck in the 60s when it comes to emissions. 
I don't know how many people are smart enough to comprehend what will happen when 1.5 billion people are free of other countries for their energy source but all I can say is good luck keeping up, other countries.
If you want to attack China without invading (another no win situation) this is the only way to do it. Do it now while they still have an Achilles heel.
You've already bamboozled the American people into a bullshit war in the Middle East. At least get something to show for it.
People have already bled and died over a lie. Make it count for something.
Imagine if we took the 3.5 billion that we give as a gift to GE(one of the most profitable corps in the history of the world) and instead fund a solar panel plant in every county in the US - JOBS! 
I'd have a use for GE as Caesar. They can stay.
Take the billions we give away to Big Oil, and build a windmill plant in every big city in the US - JOBS!
Because as we all know a single windmill plant will generate enough electricity to power an entire city.
The windmill is a far older invention than the power plant so if that were the case it sort of makes you wonder why they bothered with coal in the first place.
 Tax Wall Street, break up "too big to fail".

Tax Big Oil, fund clean energy.

Tax the rich, fund Medicare for all.

Stop the WARS, Tax the War Profiteers!
Well if you stop the wars the war profiteers don't have as much money to tax, do they?
Come on, think about this shit for a second.
SAN ANTONIO — Oxytocin, a hormone with a rosy reputation for getting people to love, trust and generally make nice with one another, can get down and dirty, according to evidence presented on January 28 at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology.
Bring me the man who discovered this.
I will give you a billion dollars to weaponize this.
This brain-altering substance apparently amplifies whatever social proclivities a person already possesses, whether positive or negative, says psychologist Jennifer Bartz of Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City.
Five billion.
Previous work has shown that a nasal blast of the hormone encourages a usually trusting person to become more trusting (SN Online: 5/21/08), but now Bartz and her colleagues find that it also makes a highly suspicious person more uncooperative and hostile than ever.
I won't go higher than seven.
You might be a Progressive....

If you think that every patriotic American(including the mega-rich and the corporations) should pay their fair share of taxes, in order that We the People can invest in infrastructure that would benefit us all.
I'm progressive, guys!
Conservatives have accused me of being a socialist but liberals have accused me of Facism.
I'm positively zany!
So instead of giving tax breaks to companies for buying more machines to replace their workers, make big profitable companies pay severance to any worker they lay off, equal to a month’s salary times the number of years worked. And require that any corporations receiving government contracts and subsidies (including defense contractors) use the money to create jobs in the United States.
I don't understand this notion of "creating jobs" as if jobs are some sort of commodity you can trade in.
I know in an abstract way you can trade in jobs but that's not what I'm talking about.
I'm talking about the way people talk jobs are something you can box up and ship.
If you've had a job of making socks and your company severs what exactly are you qualified to do?
You can't fix the machines that now make the socks without going back to school which admittedly a lot of people do and succeed at doing but what about the rest?
If I'm a weapons merchant (excuse me, defense contractor) and the US government gives me money to create make work jobs in my corporation I'm seriously going to be looking at my bottom line and wonder if China couldn't offer me something sweeter.
If this sounds needlessly cold and calculating: this is how corporations think.
This is why they fire you and you don't fire them.
Take the $159 billion dollars that Obama is asking for yet another "supplemental" to fund the wars in the middle east... and make income tax go away for the first $35,000 for every American taxpayer. Then, take the $16,000,000,000 that's left and pay down the deficit.

I think that 550 BILLION dollars is more than enough to run the pentagon and run the wars too, and I don't want another red cent of my tax money going to kill poor people on the other side of the world.

The Catholic Pedophile scandal just seems to grow wider and deeper every day. The river of sickening accusations and the pricetag that goes along with it makes me wonder whether there will be a Catholic Church when this is done with.
Ha, ha wow.
Wondering if the Catholic church will go broke.
The answer is no.
They still have basements full of gold coins from the Crusades.
They have basically infinite money.
I'd seize it in my crusade to unite humanity but that's just me.
Consider it payback for Theodosius' indiscretions, okay. 
I'm righting thousand year wrongs, here.
Post about why China is fucking the US economy--
Anyway time for bed.

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