So I figure why the fuck not. Let's shake this up and review a lone entry and its comments.
New book details the struggle of a blonde white thin girl to find love in reverse racism worldOhhhhh--
so edgy?
"Save the Pearls” is a vanity published YA novel trying to bill itself as the next “The Hunger Games.” The publisher says that “‘Save the Pearls turns the tables on racism.’”Vanity press--
so who cares?
Wow, some shit story was so shit the woman had to publish her jungle love fantasy on her own dime.
There's a shocker.
It uses blackface as a plot device.So did The Jazz Singer.
In author Victoria Foyt’s futuristic world, no one wants to mate with white people—or “pearls”—considered to be the ugliest humans oppressed by people of color. In order to survive, they must put on blackface make up to be attractive to the ruling class of “coals.” Hoyt explains: “their stunningly dark skin that carries the greatest amount of melanin…makes them the strongest, most powerful race alive.”[citation needed]
See when you shoehorn bullshit plot elements into a story like this you should at least attempt to explain why people act like this--
like I dunno, the Ozone layer exploded so black people would survive better?
Why are there white people at all then?
The protagonist is a white girl who must smear her face with “midnight luster” make up in order to protect herself from radiation and in order to look beautiful to the oppressive “coals” in hopes that they will mate with her.Oh so there's the radiation angle.
I guess that is it?
Wow, I was just scatter gunning it and I hit the target.
The rule in Eden’s post-apocalyptic world is: the darker the skin, the higher the mate-rate. Other factors calculated into one’s mate-rate include wealth or employment status. For example, Ronson Bramford, a handsome Coal titan of industry, is at the top of the heap with a mate rate of 98%. At age twenty-two, he only has two years left in which to mate—or else he’d probably have a 100% mate-rate. Tiger’s-Eyes, or Latinos, usually rate above Ambers, or Asians, in the future race wars.I dunno guys I'm not feeling this one. You have fun reading about jungle fever, though. I think I'm going to reread Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Instead.
The claim: “TURNS THE TABLES ON RACISM”Or, you know, coal is the only rock that has a practical application outside of being pretty.
The reality: No it doesn’t.
If you’ll notice:
|*| White ppl? Pearls - A pretty precious/semi-precious gem
|*| Asian ppl? Ambers - Another pretty semi-precious gem
|*| Latin@s? Tiger-eyes - Another pretty semi-precious gem. One striped w/ dark and light.
|*| Black folk? Coals - Something to be used; something which pollutes, something that rubs off on you, something not precious.
Also wouldn't this be a good reason for this kind of thinking?
People with dark skin literally survive better than people who don't in this world.
This wouldn't even require a eugenics program. In 100 years anyone who found themselves unable to survive in the new climate would be dead.
And yes, I did this list in this order on purpose. It’s the author’s chosen names, I only organized it according to current valuing of the materials.Turns the tables on racism my left tit. All this story does is expose the writer’s racism in stark, honking, stinking relief and their belief that anyone in the minority SHOULD be doing everything possible to appeal to the majority and fit in with them.It's just some white bitch's fantasy. Who gives a fuck?
I’m not even touching a world full of PoC who’re obsessed with mating at an early/young age. Someone else can deal with that. My blood pressure says no.
Also there’s this, from Huffingtonpost (always trust Huffingtonpost to bring the RaceFail)>if such a category still exists
“Conceivably, if the book had not reached the African-American community of readers, if such a category still exists, perhaps there might be some backlash.
Burned the fuck out of black people, I guess, Huffingtonpost.
Oh, for God's sake!
Soap-mouth-washing words that were forbidden in my youth now populate rap songs so often I wonder if, happily, they have lost their vile connotations.
Yes, because black rappers use the n-word in their songs, it means that it doesn't mean anything bad when white people say it now! ~*RACISM IS OVER THROW THE CONFETTI YAY*~
This sounds like a gross book, and yeah, I really, really hope it doesn't end up with a huge following. Ick.
Wow she is really angry.
She must be really not racist!
I like how, even in this world the author has created, that she gives white people a “derogatory” name like “pearls” (a beautiful gemstone), and PoC are “coals” (a plain rock).A plain rock that fueled the entire industrial revolution.
Why are people talking shit about coal?
Also can I say I am so glad PoC is a common term now?
Like holy fuck, an entire group of people that is "everyone except white people" is now an acronym. It's like Livejournal had a contest: "how useless an acronym can you create?" and that one won.
Are Asian people PoCs?
The answer, unsurprisingly, is no.
Because Asian people give approximately 0 fucks.
Just like white people.
I have two categories of people:
people who treat the acronym "PoC" seriously and another group of people I have dubbed "tax payers".
Because if you use the term PoC you are either:
in college, currently majoring in women's studies
or on welfare
or a trust fund baby.
Either way, you aren't paying taxes.
I'm adding "Black people who read" to my list of reasons I Don't Exist!Good idea.
this is unbelievably gross & i'm sorry it exists :(Shut the fuck up. Stop apologizing for shit you're not in control of. If some white cunt wants to write a book about how much she wants to be filled with black dick let her.
Why is this anyone's concern?
If the book sucks no one will buy it and it'll soon be forgotten about. The worst thing you can do is give this attention.
That is, if that's really what you think.
And this whole "I'M SORRY I'M WHITE ;_;" shit isn't a cover for the exact same sentiment the writer of this book has.
I'm on to all of you.
Nah, don't get all feely-bad. I've collected my list as a testimony of how much people are stupid.There you go, white people. An authentic black person (POC SORRY) said you don't have to feel bad.
At this rate of nonexistence I soon won't have to pay taxes~
Let's call it a day and read real scifi.
When Eden unwittingly compromises her father's secret biological experiment, perhaps mankind's only hope, she is cast out -- into the last patch of rainforest and the arms of a powerful beast-man she believes is her enemy, despite her overwhelming attraction to him. To survive, Eden must change -- but only if she can redefine her ideas of beauty -- and of love.>black dude
>call him a man beast
Yeah ok.
If this becomes the next Hunger help me...Yes, the incredible literary standard that is Hunger Games.
If it does I'll see it in theaters, incidentally.
And I'm not going alone, either, so I HOPE YOU'RE READING THIS, FRIENDS.
All we need is a book series with magical negros who are the "most powerful" race and the sweet, precious white pearls who are vulnerable and trying so hard not to fall victim to the coals.Sounds like the plot to Daggerfall, wait a second--
Fuck this...
in addition to everything that's already gross & awful about this, i get the impression from the author's 'resources' and how most of her reviews are from people who received free copies, that this is all a huge marketing scheme to get famous?...
Authors usually send free copies to people who review books professionally out of kindness!
Oh, so books DO get worse than "50 Shades of Gray". Good to know. *returns to Westeros*Worse than 50 Shades of Grey?
Ok first, 50 Shades of Grey is basically softcore bondage porno for housewives who haven't had a good dicking in 25 years. Let's not get crazy with "WORST BOOK EVER" and shit because it isn't.
It maybe tasteless and fucking stupid that it's as famous as it is, but it's not that bad, all things considered.
Second, Westeros? What the fuck are you on about?
Wow, um, okay. Note to self: never try to post something in jest ever again.After a bunch of whining.
And yes, lesson learned.
ONTD_Feminism is somehow less humorous than ONTD_Political.
You know, it's okay to like something that is problematic as long as you acknowledge that it's problematic and can have discussions about it. I say this simply because if I, as a POC, were to shun everything that is problematic, I'd have very little to entertain myself with.I think you might want to fuck off with your reasoning and sensibility because you clearly don't belong here.
and i as a poc have the right to point out that being disdainful of one problamatic series yet so enthralled and engaged in another as if it's better is laughable at best, hypocritcal at worstHave you guys read Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, incidentally?
but thank you for teaching me that it's okay to like things with bad elements to it, i had no idea and am ever so grateful for your brilliant insight and wisdom. i'm not sure what i'd do without it or where i'd be
There's absolutely 0 fucking misogyny or racism because all of the characters are white men or robots!
Genius, huh?
and you know what, no fuck all that about oh but grrm portrays these things as baaaad and has great female characters!!! is it really too much to ask out of a fantasy series to oh idk take advantage of it being a fantasy and chill the fuck out with the misogyny? dragons, white walkers, magic, years long seasons, that's all acceptable but by god not using rape and misogyny as a tool and entertainment? that would be too unrealistic.When I write fantasy stories (which isn't often) I usually say "well it's a medieval kinda setting anyway so I'm guessing they're not too progressive with their social issues".
I mean I can accept people shooting lightning out of their hands but a woman not whining?
Come on, this blog is living proof that's totally unrealistic.
yes the rape and misogyny is shown as bad. it is also reveled in and used as a hamfisted shortcut to emphasize just how horrible the villains are. it's used as a constant reminder that the women in the series don't really have power, it's used in situations to make the hero of the situation so noble and of valor for rescuing the damsel from her attack, and then there's sexy roleplay rape of one of the strong female character because...because well why not?I haven't even read this but it sounds awful.
If you kids want some real fantasy might I recommend Conan the Barbarian?
and that's just some of the misogyny ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"Oh well that woman that isn't real got raped-- at least a real woman didn't get raped" is usually how I treat rape in books.
go ahead and like it all you want, i even actually enjoy the series somewhat, but acting like it's not nauseating and just as shitty is bullshit
This is so sick, I'm totally lost for words.Ok I know this is a ton of bullshit whining about nonsense but put this on in the background.
Plain disgusting. What is the message? Watch out white ppl because the "Coals" are going to gain the power one day and don't expect them to be as gracious as we are to give us equal rights?
I'm not even reading this shit now.
Hear that guitar riff?
Holy fuck.
And here's my attempt at being liberal and tolerant today: based off that introduction these guys are clearly gay.
But who even cares with a riff like that?
And what's all the bullshit about mating? I wasn't aware that my biological clock stopped at 18...WOW A PERVASIVE GOVERNMENT PROGRAM TO CONTROL YOUR REPRODUCTION?
I visited the book's website and left a comment on how sick this is, I wonder whether they'll let it pass or whether they delete it....
You might even call it a trope of dystopian fiction!
I mean Jesus Christ how dumb are you?
I ate chocolate mousse cake with doublewhipped cream to make myself feel better. It was no hardship! <3Yeah I'll bet. But you waste all those calories chewing, chewing, chewing--
If only someone could liquefy all your food and put it into a caulking gun--
When I first read this post, all I could think of is the concept of "throwing pearls at swine", which may or may not be intentional on the "author"'s part. (I don't necessarily want to give credit for that level of allagory, to be honest.)WATCH ME OVERREACT
Also, mating? Really? There's no racist history surrounding defining the worth of men of color by their verility and ability to "mate" like livestock.
Rasist fuckwittery is racist.
How the Author even got this idea and acted on it is beyond meSomeone didn't read the article. She's doing this through a vanity press, dipshit, meaning she's publishing it herself.
But not only that, she wrote an entire book about it and got it published.
It must have passed through a lot of people during the process -- did no one give her a fucking reality check?
Ew. Just ew.
I hope she sells this fucking thing like crazy, too.
I hope she sells it
specifically to piss ONTD_Feminism off.
Fuck ONTD and fuck ONTD_Feminism especially.
1 comment:
There's been a few really good entries lately, but none have made me want to reach out and slap someone via the internet more than this one. A shitty, shitty idea for a book if there ever was one. "Turns the tables on racism." Jesus.
Good post!
-A Fan
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